What's what?
I’ve had enough of “ careful”.
Careful has seen the biggest financial windfall in Australian history squandered , every piece of infrastructure and national industry privatised or dismantled, our culture, lifestyle and our standard of living set on a non- mandated and irreversible trajectory .
Not to mention the fact that the environment has been allowed to be treated with contempt and sold wholesale and retail to people and corporations who have zero regard for the best interests of the country.
Australians have been kicked pillar to post by the duopoly majors as they stampede each other out of the way to inflict their self interest upon us.
We’ve seen wages plummet , the utter unaffordablility of the basic tenet of housing, loss of freedom and security as weve been led by the nose under the guise of being “ careful “ with our votes.
Fuck that. Those days are gone.
your post almost had me ...again...
Then I remembered the grandmothers. Think of the grandmothers....aussie ones of all colours and creeds....waiting...and waiting...
for a doctor, for a specialist, for a cleaner, for an RDNS nurse, for a shitty place in a shit stained nursing home...waiting....
In ten years time it'll be 2 million chinese grandmas holding us back. Way back. Delaying, defunding, dividing.
You found a positive to that policy yet facto?
Facto ....you’re everything that’s wrong with politics.
Snide and snaping the opposition without the skill or the confidence to sell your own position.
Made harder by the fact that your position is unsellable.
It’s patently clear that you’re on the ALP payroll in some regard , so let’s here your defence of the parental visas policy that you’ve avoided like the shitty nappy of an idea that it is.
Aaaah happy hour on Swellnet, rampant chigraphobia, delusions, misrepresentations, outright lies, every variety of bullshit ......... bees in bonnets, twisted knickers, vanity, hostility Stu waiting to pounce if things get too heated ha ha ha
"Facto ....you’re everything that’s wrong with politics.
Snide and snaping the opposition without the skill or the confidence to sell your own position.
Made harder by the fact that your position is unsellable.
It’s patently clear that you’re on the ALP payroll in some regard , so let’s here your defence of the parental visas policy that you’ve avoided like the diseased contagion of an idea that it is."
Yep. And the worst thing is, he's got the gall to call out and blame murdoch for absolutely everything for exactly that which he is a part of...
What’s chigraphobia ?
"The disgrace of a thousand desperate people sitting on Manus and Nauru after six years with no hope in sight is holding Australia back."
Almost all of which were put there after labors complete fuck up.
Credit where credit is due under liberals we have gone from thousands in offshore detention centres to 915 remaining.
Gone from labors jail like centres to refugees living freely in the community or at the very least on Manus open doored centres where they often dont return home for days.(assume hook up with local girls, as i know even now on Nauru many men have Nauru partners women refugees less so apparently )
Lets also not forget all those remaining have also turned their noses up at resettlement in PNG and Cambodia and a large number rejected by USA as being a security risk or found to be non genuine.
It's actually going to be interesting how labor handle this?
I expect labor will want to be seen to do things differently and will take up NZ offer so any women/couples on Nauru will go to NZ, NZ dont want the single men on Manus, not sure of the figure but only 359 people left on Nauru assume some are women and couples but i know a large amount are men, id expect they will get that 150 together though. (IMHO liberals should have made this happen, now they are going to gift it too labor)
It's also going to be interesting to see how they handle the whole issue.
Are they going to report boat arrivals again?
One thing for certain in the next few weeks the people smugglers are going to be trying to get bums back on boats.
So if they really are honest and open, we will know.
IMHO this issue is likely to get big again, very unlikely labor are going to have the success Liberals have had and changing what works just for the sake of appearing to have a different approach is going to be a very high risk exercise.
Chances of Labor fucking this all up again...IMHO pretty high this is one of Labors real weakness and one of Liberals real strengths, so much intact that its almost a forgotten issue.
"Facto ....you’re everything that’s wrong with politics.
Snide and snaping the opposition without the skill or the confidence to sell your own position.
Made harder by the fact that your position is unsellable.
It’s patently clear that you’re on the ALP payroll in some regard , so let’s here your defence of the parental visas policy that you’ve avoided like the diseased contagion of an idea that it is."
Yep. And the worst thing is, he's got the gall to call out and blame murdoch for absolutely everything for exactly that which he is a part of..."
Aint that the truth.
Doctors on the NSW north coast are concerned about an emerging threat to mental health. In a disturbing trend a number of middle aged men of European ancestry have developed Chigraphobia, an irrational fear of Chinese grandmothers. In its most extreme form sufferers believe that millions of Chinese grandmothers are plotting to take over Australia and destroy its culture.
Attempts to treat the problem with cognitive behavioural therapy have so far been unsuccessful and doctors treating the condition are now experimenting with a variety of approved psychiatric drugs. One doctor who wished to remain anonymous stated that he was not optimistic about the long term prospects of sufferers particularly those suffering comorbidity with Islamophobia and believe the most likely outcome is early onset dementia.
"Many sufferers already show signs of a lack of contact with reality in other areas and show an inability to comprehend simple written communications. They are also prone to outbursts of anger and the use of obscene and offensive language if their delusions are challenged."
"If sustainable australia weaken gun laws...I'll shoot myself!"
Is that like this?
In regards to the Vic state election, Sustainable Australia were in a paid-for 'vote harvesting' alliance, designed by Druery the infamous 'preference whisperer', with the Shooters Party. They both got people in. Just sayin'.
Oh , we know what you’re saying, Facto.
You’re saying that Sustainable Australia are a credible party and the only way you could undermine them is by smear. You’re saying that their policies are strong .
It’s what you’re not saying that’s telling us the most though mate . When you don’t say how the Labor party’s parental visa policy benefits Australia you’re actually telling us that the reality of it is so bad that even a paid ALP mouthpiece can’t prove otherwise.
Policies? Nah, a wish list is all I could find on their web site. This is what we want, but not the vaguest hint of how to do it and with such a pathetic record of support the only way they will get anywhere is by exchanging preferences with whoever will have them.
cue sirens....whoop whoop whoop...
...attention minions. New Labor talking point is in....
sustainable australia have been linked to the shooters party - by an extremely long bow ...pardon the pun, or not, nah no pun, leave the pun bit out, put long bow bit in, ....crossbows, long bows, short bows, AK 47s, rocket launchers, tanks and russia...all connected to sustainable australia party - by some dodgy, long dead, preference deal, from years ago, nah leave that bit out, some current preference whisperer deal that no one is actually sure about, because we can't hear the whispers..leave that bit out.... there's something there ..we're sure ...almost certainly sure ...we just haven't found it yet, but we will though...we've still got 48 hours...
put the word out...priority one ...official talking point ...disperse amongst the troops as a matter of urgency...
You two are fucking hilarious!!!
Did you corroborate your stories? Or did the overlords give timelined orders. Very clever...
Yeeha! My CV is sick. On here. Bottlo worker in Penrith...barista in Cottlesloe...union hack...and now paid (I assume) ALP apparatchik!
Re: your, what shall we call it, Foreign Grandparent tax? Well, the hysterical hyperbole just keeps ramping up and up and up. Millions! In 2 years! A burden on everything YET also driving wages down 'cos they work too for cash. 'Aussies' a white minority in a decade. Or is that 2 years now too? Lord have mercy!
Calming ya farm, this 'policy' is a corrective measure. An evening up. You do know the history of these so-called parental visas, yes?
Hahaha. Who am I talking to?! Of course not! You've just recently got off the Blowipedia and subscribed (sucker!) to Macro Bollocks.
Some history covered here.
Later changes.
With the blowing out of waiting times (30 years?) and the cost, who was gaining here? Not the working-class.
And guess what, Blowie and gang, this does impact the real working-class. Maybe not your preferred hue, but..?
Now, here's a ponderable...when the myriad of Temporary Work Visas are re-regulated in a myriad of ways, and VET and Tertiary education is re-funded, what do you think will happen to the 'immigration' numbers on the whole? When the Fair Work Commission is re-calibrated, when penalty rates are restored, when worker representation and participation is celebrated not denigrated, what will happen to wages for working peoples?
Cutting wealthfare, freeing up the money for hospitals, education, infrastructure isn't good governance?
I never voted for his governments (My 1st vote was after he got in), I had the luxury that his party never needed my vote, but that is a big loss.
BB ...would you prefer they acted like the ALP/LNP and literally just let spontaneously conceptualised policies free pour from their mouths as they front the press ?
And before you start patting Bll Shorten on the back , just remember he guaranteed the same policy with EVEN LESS consideration.
Such admirable professionalism.
R.I.P Bob the last decent Labor prime minister.
Sorry i did vote for Rudd, that was a mistake.
Very sad, but a hell of a life! A pity he didn't last a week or so longer. RIP Hawkie
RIP Hawkey. Legend.
Then Bob Hawke strode to the microphone, exuding all the confidence of a politician on the rise.
He began by saying he had read the morning's newspapers and noticed that India's prime minister, Indira Gandhi, "was up to her old bad habits, banning strikes in India".
He went on in a fake Indian accent: "Things were getting so bad in India that she gathered her advisers together and asked them whether anybody could do anything about our ill fortunes.
"Some smart Harvard educated fellow said, 'I am a student of modern political history and it is my very firm conclusion that we should try and avert attention from the mess that we have created.
"I think we should have a monster Indian national lottery, with three mystery prizes. People would become so excited.
"And they were. Tens of millions of people bought tickets.
"When the day came to draw the monster Indian national lottery, the host, Mr Mukagee, was surrounded by tens of thousands of people in the stadium and millions more in the surrounding mountains.
"And when he called out the winner of the 'turd prize', way out into the distance this little man came rushing up, thrusting his hand into his dirty little dhoti to pull out the winning ticket.
"He won a first class ticket around the world on glorious Air India, with the free food and the free drink and the unlimited spending money.
"Then the winner of the second prize came running up. He won a fruit cake.
"The man shouted at Mr Mukagee. 'But the third prize was an around the world ticket on glorious Air India, with the free food and the free drink and the unlimited spending money. And second prize is a fruit cake?'
"'But', Mr Mukagee said, 'it's not just any fruit cake. It's a fruit cake baked by our glorious Prime Minister, Mrs Gandhi.'
"And the little man said 'eff Mrs Gandhi'.
"And Mr Mukagee said, 'oh, no no no no, you'll be wanting the first prize!"
Just 15 months later, Bob Hawke was leader of the Labor Party, and 16 months later, prime minister of the country.
He made a few mistakes in his time as we all do, but at least he was honest and would never sell out his country, he was the last of the good Labor guys, I liked him as we all did.
The Only politician i had some respect for.....RIP ..... bloody legend.
Macro-business does it again no bollocks or BS... Finally MSM ABC’s The Business picked up on the story.
THIS is why east coast electricity prices have gone mad.
A selection of Bob's best from The New Daily
After Australia II’s landmark America’s Cup victory in 1983: “Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum.”
On former Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe: “He’s one of the worst human beings I’ve ever met. He treated black and white with equal contempt. He was a horrible human being.”
On former prime minister Malcom Fraser: “[Malcolm Fraser] went straight from Melbourne Grammar to Oxford. And he would have been a very lonely person, and I think he probably met a lot of black students there who were also probably lonely. I think he formed friendships with them, which established his judgement about the question of colour. That’s my theory. I don’t know whether it’s right or not, but that’s what I always respected about Malcolm. He was absolutely, totally impeccable on the question of race and colour.”
On recommending Advance Australia Fair as the new national anthem in 1984: “The previous Olympics, for instance, you have the Brits getting up, they win a medal — they do win one occasionally — and up goes God Save the Queen, and then Australia gets up and it’s the same anthem — now, that’s crazy.”
On floating the Australian dollar in 1983: “We had this crazy business of the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of the prime minister’s department and the Governor of the Reserve Bank sitting down deciding what the exchange rate would be. Now, this is crazy.
On Tony Abbott: “I like him personally but I think he’s as mad as a cut snake. What’s the bugger going to say next?”
On Scott Morrison: “It is a blatant denial of history for Scott Morrison to allege that the Labor Party cannot manage the economy when he knows the design and structure of the modern Australian economy was put in place exclusively by the Labor Party.”
On that last comment about Scott Morrison. I listened to an interview of John Hewsons a few years back where he said that after hearing Paul Keatings outline of reforms, he and John Howard agreed with each other that there some very good ideas. In Hewsons words though “ of course we came out and disagreed with everything he (Keating) said.”
R.I.P ...make Hawkey's vote count.
Sydney pre-poller 'Don' confessed voting 8x in one day on behalf of his dead kin.
Don reckons none asked for his 1,000 point all level access 'Video Rental Card'.
2019 Pre polling is rising fast to 5m x "8 votes" = '40 million' votes more or less..?
AEC Commissioner: pre-polls are loosely policed & require extra staff-count time.
Pre polling is therefore inviting voter fraud opportunity with each election.
Electoral research shows pre-poll voters continue to vote same way.
AEC say flashing I.D is boring & a pain...also discourages compulsory voting.
AEC already are pulling up stumps in rural School towns telling folk to leg it!
Political experts talk of shortening pre-poll period but also lengthening campaigns.
This no doubt favours the more wealthy Jet set media tarts.
Independent candidates in large electorates will need to afford extra rapid resource.
AEC will weed out independents with high end value polling hours...Win! Win!
AEC uprising of compulsory Zombie voters ticking off a horde of dead candidates.
Could be that Hawkey can still win the election for Labor.
tbb tip! Fold ballot papers less for faster election result.
RIP Bob. I was just a little kid so I remember the Cup in '83 (the 'Australia jacket') and "Every boss who doesn't give his workers a day off is a bum." Classic. Dad had stayed up to watch the yachts, maybe got the day off after this? Hawke started the reform policy that has led us to where we are, also stopped Franklin Dam as soon as he got in if I recall correctly. Everyone else has just continued this path in his wake.
"tbb tip! Fold ballot papers less for faster election result."
Onya tbb, had a chuckle
Not my comment but I share the sentiment, from pp's link above.
"It is not so much who wins tomorrow but by how much they win. If we get more of the same, with prime ministers and governments focused on surviving, then we’ll get a government that wont make any big decisions, like enforcing a quota on gas production for domestic use. I get the feeling that the LNP have next to no chance of winning decisively but Labor does seem to have an outside chance, so my money is on Labor and hope they hit the ground like the early years of the Hawke government."
In the spirit of gambling responsibly sportsbet have Labor at $1.15, LNP $5 .50.
Time for a change.
I think this is a joke?
That is pretty funny Facto had a good laugh.............its possible :)
Haha what would be funny (sorta) is if he turnned up dead,
On Sunday.
That's ProMo's job. Historically, it's all he's been good at.
Labor vs corporate news.
Westofthelake ...(Clever! You caught tbb out!) Wish it was A sick Joke! It's actually about award wages!
Full credit to AEC for jovial request...
"You might laugh but,with millions of ballot papers, the difference between 1&4 folds is hours of work!"
Westofthelake/Facto/Sportsbet/Hawkey run the race & Labor punters were paid out. (here's the replay)
Chaser boys Chris + Craig - (Democracy Sausage Part 2) "Raising Hell"
tbb salutes whole swellnet election panel for dogged 3 cornered key battle lineup bravado.
tbb seconds Factotum nomination to head up Swellnet's deep probe Ant Chamber webcast
Standing by to give the clogged up Ant Farm a good whack to shake up the L- R balance.
May require a healthy dose of swellnet stompin' time to get Oz going again...still good...just say when!
Big day for people smugglers in Indonesia today, i suspect bintangs are going to be cracking left right and centre tonight.
They heard you're coming over to live permanently, V.I? Yew! Booze busting out everywhere! Everyone's a winner.
Australia! Love it or leav......................
Who stopped the boats? Oh yeh, it was Labor! Ha ha still trotting out COALition propaganda Indo!
Like tbb said sportsbet have already paid out....but ScoMo and the death star squad are still confident....
"Although we’ve paid out, the Federal Election market is still very much open for those looking to double dip, and Sportsbet’s markets currently suggest Labor will win 82 seats and the Coalition 63."
OMG are you serious Blindboy?
Do we really have to go through all this again?
Your bias for labors shit not stinking is ridiculous
Labor created a huge mess under Rudd trialed an open borders policy had about 30,000 people arrive by boat in less than two years, then did at 360 on policy, reopening Manus and Nauru.
Yes they stopped the flood of boats arriving, but the mess was done, the mess created costing billions, a mess created by labor.
Like it or not since then the problem has been kept under control and slowly by surely the mess labor created has been cleaned up.
Chances of labor fucking up again on this issue?
Well even though it's a joke that people smugglers will be cracking bintangs tonight, the reality is the really could be, because thats what they are waiting for a Labor government, going to be some very happy people smugglers this weekend.
Interesting times ahead...especially if they change policy and report turn backs etc, might be smarter not too though..
Did you actually read the link?
I just read it, and it is nothing new, just confirms what i said.
"The ABC fact checked this claim by Scott Morrison. The ABC reported as follows.
“The Prime Minister has claimed previously that he is responsible for “fixing” the problem of asylum seekers arriving in Australia by boat.
But when Fact Check examined a claim made by Mr Morrison back in 2014 that Operation Sovereign Borders had resulted in an 80 per cent reduction of boat arrivals in Australia, we found there was “more to the story”.
The big drop off in boat arrivals occurred when former prime minister Kevin Rudd announced a regional resettlement arrangement with PNG that prevented those asylum seekers arriving by boat from settling in Australia.” (See graph below’)"
"(By the time OSB commenced the surge in asylum seekers coming by boat had largely ended. With boat arrivals largely stopped people smugglers have found another way of getting asylum seekers into Australia…by air. With inadequate border checks by Peter Dutton’s department many people are being issued with visitor and student visas. On arrival in Australia they then make an application for refugees status. This is happening right now in record numbers. In 2014/15 ,8,587 asylum seekers came by air. By 2017/18 it had increased to 27,931 far more than the peak years for boat arrivals under Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard. This year the numbers will be even higher. Our borders have never been so insecure."
What the graph doesn't show but does indicate is the huge increase.
I guess what Blindboy is possibly trying to say, is because the boats were decreased under Labor that a change of government won't make any difference.
However we know thats not true, we know first hand from those waiting in Indonesia to get on boats and first hand from people smugglers that they have been waiting for a change of government because they know Labor are softer on this issue and know there chances of success to get here increases.
The question is can they keep up with turning back boats once they start to increase again, remembering there only has to be a few successful boats arrivals (not seen as safe to turn back) and bang more people back on Nauru and Manus and the problems start again and with success the results is more boats trying.
And bang it's all an issue again and then your going to have to listen to me whinging again.
Indo my point is that Labor stopped the boats and there is absolutely no reason to think that they will allow them to start again under a Labor government. Your post claimed they would........ COALition propaganda without (as usual) the slightest reference to reality. Sad and pathetic, but what we have come to expect from the greatest collection of liars, thieves and parasites ever to be elected to government in this country.
ID boat turn backs are now accepted to be the actual reason smugglers no longer have any success, nothing to do with flogging those marooned on various islands or how they are treated.
Labor have said they will continue the boat turn backs.
I doubt Labor will rush to change that much but at least head in a better direction that represents what Australia stands for, not the punishment of those that seek a better life.
"ID boat turn backs are now accepted to be the actual reason smugglers no longer have any success,"
Actually it's the only reason because getting provided temporary protection with everything provided free of charge with a guarantee of resettlement has zero deterrent factor, especially when the alternative is living off your own funds back in Indonesia with no working rights and pretty much zero chance of resettlement
Problem is when you get more boats you get more chance of not being able to turn all back or not safe to do so, when that happens you need to provide temporary protection for people on Manus or Nauru and instead of reducing numbers like has been done, numbers increase.
"nothing to do with flogging those marooned on various islands or how they are treated."
Wow you clearly show you have NFI with that statement.
You do know 80% of refugees on Nauru live in the community some even run business some have jobs, many are in relationships locals (as high as 75% for previously single males according to locals) they can even apply to travel within the south pacific region.
All on Manus have the option of living in the community only a handful have taken up the offer, but all others live in centres where they can come and go freely.
"I doubt Labor will rush to change that much but at least head in a better direction that represents what Australia stands for, not the punishment of those that seek a better life."
Well yeah it would make sense to stick with what works and hope they can turn back the influx, but labor have a record of not doing this, and problem is they are the greens bitch and most greens and many labor voters have clueless views like you thinking being provided temporary protection leading to resettlement is some type of punishment or thinking they are bing tortured or some other BS, so Labor are most likely going to want to look like they are different to liberals on the issue, which is dangerous and risk reigniting the issue.
Oh, excuse me!
Scott Morrison is asked if he will stay on as Liberal leader if the Coalition loses government tonight. He does not answer.
"As I have said when this question has been put to me before. This election is not about my future. It is about your future. It is about the people of Australia’s future. It is about their aspirations, their ambitions. It is not about my aspirations or Bill Shorten’s ambition, it is about the Australian people’s aspiration and that is what I have focused on."
Whaddya reckon? I bet he stays on.
Faaaaaark. Praying to be wrong.
Actually, probably better in the long run if he stays on?
I can tolerate wearing out the mute button on my remote.
Indo if things are so great on Manus and Nauru, why are there so many mental health problems and suicide attempts? The reality is these people are in a form of prison without any release date. They have not committed any crime. If you think the situation in detention is better than life on the streets in Indonesia all the research shows the exact opposite. Fear of indefinite detention is a significant factor in discouraging people from attempting to reach Ausyralia, which is not surprising because that was its purpose. I suppose it all comes down to how comfortable you are with abusing people because indefinite detention is a form of psychological torture.
What a load of bollocks after all this time you really have no excuse for you ignorance on this topic.
If you honestly believe that being on the streets of Indonesia is better than being on Nauru or Manus and you are not just saying this, then you are completely clueless.