Bloggers Waves

smokin Mr M,
That last shot, you would running so hard down that hill, I'm sure you tripped....

stunet wrote:Fuck, what a great thread. Tonne of warm, sepia-toned images from sessions long ago. Good memories, no doubt.
Shatner, a Welsh mate of mine often goes to the 'jewel of the Atlantic', before the concrete disaster and after. Here's a few photos from a trip that we ran on Swellnet:
Southey, the 'secret-y Victoria' spot had a full spread run with historical breakdown in a Vic-based magazine recently.
Bullshit Stu .... mag Schmag .... no reason to say where ( ie what state ) .....
as for it making some obscure local mag , doesn't make it right .... I can guarantee if someone was seen to take photo's and then share them wherever with names that people would be upset ....
Just like a shot i recognised from a WA location that made WOTD , and you or whoever deleted the thread i started to out you guys for showing a PHOTO that was definiteley not Kosha . ie its image gives its location away ....
anyway shatner love your work , just try to be a little discreet for everyones sake .

This is discreet.
My tomatoe plant was 110kg and lovely on the lips, can't wait for the cumcumbers....!

Mr Welly - 4wd access, and you don't want to take a wrong turn. Dicey goat tracks with cliffs.
Is that fertiliser just shit with a pretty label?

Champion wellymon champion!

power to the right foot forwards

southey wrote:Just like a shot i recognised from a WA location that made WOTD , and you or whoever deleted the thread i started to out you guys for showing a PHOTO that was definiteley not Kosha . ie its image gives its location away ....
Firstly, we didn't delete that thread. In fact Fitzroy even commented on it y'day.
Secondly, that WOTD wasn't from West Oz. So how does the image 'give away the location'?

Not very sizey, but some long tunnels were had this day.

Awesome Banksia, just full tilt. Yee Hah!!

zenagain wrote:Awesome Banksia, just full tilt. Yee Hah!!
Perfect example of waves not always needing size/heaviness to be epic.

wellymon wrote:This is discreet.
My tomatoe plant was 110kg and lovely on the lips, can't wait for the cumcumbers....!
Fulvic (vulvic) Acid and Wetting Agent, bahahahaha.

South Oz's Mr liquid shit

My brother has some really good pics. Here's a slightly different one that is definitely worth sharing. We make a pretty good team actually, he dares me to do something stupid, then he captures it perfectly. This pic is probably my favourite portrait. I love the rawness of it. Stunning pic. The wanky / arty words below are just something I tried to work in with it, trying to do it justice.
The Edge
This unique and exceptional image cleverly portrays the duality of the human experience.
Strikingly beautiful, the subject stands firm with zen like calmness within the heart of the surrounding chaos. Seemingly, he protests against the violent forces of nature that bare over him, and it paints a turbulent, quite frightening, and uncertain future.
He somehow possesses, in the same moment, both incredible strength, and a raw, fragile weakness.
This photograph also expresses the solitude of existence, while also displaying the connectedness and oneness of our human experience within the ether.
With the ebbs and flows of life's many varied currents, the trials and the victories, ceaselessly and inevitably draining back into the mighty ocean, the force and the being that spawned his rich, yet futile existence in the beginning.
It is a life that is forever lived awake, and on the edge.

shaun wrote:southey wrote:no comment ...
So was that you southy in photobucket with the black helmet on the super shallow left?
Billy it wasn't Southy was Charlie Pierce at Perfect Wave. I think Southy loves that wave though. I still have scars from that island

Piss off postcards..

Postcards by Joel Colemon

hey, Southey, I fixed up that sensitive Vic pic. Also looked at it a bit closer and a bit's spitting! And still shit?! Shit! That's my kind of shit!

Beautiful swellnuts lineup.
‘Benny, for God sake you just sprayed your coco pops all over us, now what’s wrong?’
‘Look honey its a picture of Slater at pipeline. Fuuuuuuck, finally I got him, I, I, I... I’ll be the one that got big ‘lifty’!’
‘But it’s not big lifty, where does it say its him?’
‘I gotta make calls, I gotta call the boiz. Hey, that photo of Slater at pipe, is that slater? Thought so!!! Brutuseless, we finally got big ‘lifty’, quick check that shot of Slater at pipe, is that ‘lifty’?’
‘Aaaaahhhhhhh, its not ‘lifty, we got him!!!!!! Now I can finally say I shredded blacks!’ And that I can go left!’
‘Honey for fuck sake, get off the phone, the phone bill... oh my God, now its your fuckin swellnut mate gimp gatesy on tv, he’s talking about that photo of Slater.’
‘Have a look ay, shit surfin ay, the guy is a fucking kook ay, fuck’n joke ay, and what a fuckin’ fat hander ay... this shot is shit ay, show us the next frame when ya get smashed by the fathander ya fuck’n kook ay! Us fuck’n swellnuts know shit surfin’ and surf when we see it ay!’
‘Faaarkkk, shut up gimpo its fuck’n slatsey, not ‘lifty! For fuck sake, get off the tube... oi, sidwe, we finally got ‘lifty’, there’s a shot of Slater, and its not lifty!
‘Does it say its ‘lifty?’
Wow man, we got ‘im!!!’
‘We better call everyone sidwe, fizzler reckons we can really get ‘im in the car park. Fizzler’s down there now hidin’ in the fuck’n sandhills, waiting for us all so we can get him!’
‘Ok, lets go... is we comin?’
‘As the head of the fuck’n swellnuts I hereby call this swellnut, we can take big lifty meeting, open.’
Aaaaaahhhhh, hang on benner, I’m the elder statesman ‘ere, I wanna open it.’
‘Naah, fuck orf, its my fuck’n club, and I dun time over west, you got washed away, plus Pete T said hello to me once... what da ya reckon ambles?’
‘Well dunno... I’m a bit of a charger meself!Shit what the fucks that, there’s a coupla gimps humpin’ over behind them bins!’
‘Aaaaaahhhhhhh, its our vice president gatesy and senior member groger, and don’t call em gimps ambles, yar derogagating the cunts. I told the farkin’ council wankers not ta put farkin’ bins there... ‘ere I’ll make a farkin’ petition!’
‘Yeah, bewdy brutuseless, faaaaaaarrrrrrkkkkkk, now dawgs over there getting humped by the both of em... jeez!’
‘Get ooorf em yar fuck’n mangy arsed gimpdawg!’
‘Cooooooeeeee, ya can come down outa the hills now fizzler!’
‘Cooooooeeeee, how many of yas are there, are ya’s sure its safe?’
‘Oi everyone, look its farkin sidwe, faaarkk, what’s wrong sidwe yar sweatin’ like a fuck’n pig?’
‘Biiiiigggg lllliiiiiiiiiiffffffftttteeeess comin!!!!!!!!!, he’s farkin’ nearly here!’
‘Fizzzzzler, come back ya cunt!’
‘Grogesless, gimper, gimpdawg, get outa the fuckin bins, remember, your swellnutters, take ‘im! Fuck’n gimps!’
‘Oi, you can run it, stitch ‘im Brutuseless, I gotta pick up the kids... be back later...’
‘Shit benno, ya wouldn’t believe it, I got the wrong fark’n hat on, gotta go ‘ome and get me fark’n fightin’ hat, plus me beard needs trimming... get ‘im sidwe... jeez, where the fucks sidwe, go, do ‘im sweller, I’m outa here!’
Faaarrrkkk, I gotta do some real intense shit and wrassle some farkin’ yeti and aliens and wild pigs an’ shit... see ya, take ‘im ambles!!!
‘Sweller, nutters, come back, FFFAAARRRKKK ‘eeees farkin’ ‘ere!’
‘Goooood moooornnnninnng Mrrrrr Uuuuplift’. Shift me car, yeh, sure Mr Uplift right away. Over there in the mud, no worries Mr Uplift. What, ya wanna have a shit, an wanna use me shirt to wipe yer arse? Jeez Mr Uplift, its me new billy’s bad boy cut, wiv the summer mysto’prints! Fanno designed it... hey, no probs though, here. Faaarkk, Mr Uplift its covered in shit, thanks heaps though... have a good surf! Sure, I’ll fuck off right away Mr Uplift sir!’
‘Jeez benny, thanks, I had to pick up the kids, where the fuck have you been all day? I’m going to bed, you can sleep on the couch.’
‘But honey... hey why have ya got that picture of big lifty?’ Well fuck it I’ll just ring the gimp then!’
‘Brutuseless, ya were supposed to do the dishes and vacuumin’, where the fuck have ya been all fuck’n day!’
‘I had to trim me beard honey and I lost me hat...’
‘Try timmin’ ya guts, and lose that ridiculous hat permanently, you can sleep on the couch, I’m going to bed.’
‘But honey... oi, whatya doin’ with that picture of lifty? Stuff it, I’ll just ring the gimp then... aaaaahhhhhhhh!’
‘Fizzler, I don’t wanna hear it, you and who’s army, now shut the fuck up and do your homework, you little dimwit!’
Yeh, well, well, well just wait, I’ll run away from home and join the gimp’s club then!’
‘Unswelling, you’re late, now fuck off and go fight some yeti... go hump an alien you nutter, I’m going to bed, sleep on the guinea pig skins. ‘
‘Faaarkkk, high intensity man, hey, why have ya got that picture of big’lifty’?’ Hello, gimpy, answer ya phone, its swelling, yar there maaayyteee?’
Sidwe, what are you doing here, I told ya, ya miles too fuck’n small, sleep in the porch.’
‘ Hey gimpy, ya there maaayyteeee can I come over again? WWWWWWWOOOOOWWWWW man!’
‘Get and chop the wood ya lazy mutt, and when ya finish, mow the fuck’n lawn.
‘But honey, the mower’s too heavy an...’
I told ya, get of yar lazy butt, and join the gym, like that big ‘lifty’ bloke. Now download me another picture of him, and sleep outside... and don’t run off humpin’ gimps all night!
‘Yes, I’m sure uturns was really heavy ambles, and I’m sure you charged all day... jeez what’s that smell, you’re covered in shit, did you shit yourself again? I’m going to bed, and yes, its a picture of lifty.’
‘Hello gimp, ya there, wait for me, I’m comin’ over, I smeared me self in shit for ya too!!!!’

Wow, this fuckheads really lost the plot tonight.. Lock ya doors Elliston

Lock up alright, you could be in for a right 8==0~ {()}

Was that written in summer swellnuts? Or was it a norwester at sunset. Its completely different at sunrise, and could be a rocky range if the fences are up over by the blue sky in Ellens high school... nuff said nutters.

fucklift ,
shut up ..... I'm trying to watch the footy ... we're winning ... those 'roids ya sent in the mail worked ;-)
screw WADA . now all we have to do is base the rest of the AUS. WCT out at Tullamarine . great facilities

Its not the footy, its baseball in a souwester in spring, plus, when the moon's down its soccer, and the devil's secret is on the tully to the left, if you go by the weeds by the trough, but don't play netball if the wind is comin off the marine parks in autumn at sunset, driving yas nutters... nuff said.

actually like many things you've done , the roids' failed to go the distance ....

And bennysless didn't fuckn say it!!!!!!! Not in spring anyway, when the tide was low by the reeds, posing as seeds, as the crows fly to the east, except when its raining and its west, if you see lids on the jam, in the byway with butter, if its cold and early, and not a highway drivin yas nutters in summer... nuff said.

For fuck's sake uplift, give it up!! Talk about ruining a good thread.
To quote any young dipshit on the street today....."keep it real"

More than just Seaweed.


Organic ..... Growth boosting 5in1 ....
so much fluid ...

Or the aliens will ring the yeti and find yas, but only if it looks like a left that went right at sunrise, but does transformers in a sw, if the norwester blows over by the lids on the bins, and no body knows where you are, because its by the blue sky with a tree near it, and the tree is ripe with nutters... nuff said.

Fuck mate, hope your mates have taken your car keys off ya, you get caught driving like that and your rooted.

Ok, you win, I'll fix it:
Only the yeti will find yas, but only if it looks like a left that went right at sunrise, but does transformers in a sw, if the norwester blows over by the lids on the bins, and no body knows where you are, because its by the blue sky with a tree near it, and the tree is ripe with wise nutters... nuff said.

Now THAT'S a great yarn! Thanks, Sheepster.

why does everyone always try and make out upsydaisy is on the roids?? Ok, he does have a small set of nuts, but people on roids are toned and have muscle definition. Obviously upsydaisy isn't on them.

Keep the old pictures coming! I am loving this.

Couple from 6 or 7 years ago
The last two are the same wave/session

Rouby that first pic is an absolute beauty.. Wow!

I had sweaty palms just watching!
There were no takers though - the ski was just peeking into the void.

So epic

Fraser-Gorden, Bramfield training Classic stuff, that takes the cake for sure.
Grog-an , yes you are spot on there champ, looking at old Uppity Squat Fuck photo.Ol My God.
Baha Naaaaaaaaaaaa..
Rouby-Douby that first photo fuch ,,,,,,,,,:)
The thing I find with WA photos, is that they are so deep with colour and scarey looking GW (Grey Suit) stuff for some reason....:)
That first photo looks fucking amasing.

I took this pic of a nearby reef on slide film about 20 years ago. The wave you surf here is actually a left off the same peak but it gets these perfect rights occasionally.
Wellymon posted an awesome lineup shot of a windswept break somewhere east of Kiwiland a while back. That got me thinking..... Now please excuse and forgive me if somewhere deep in the bowels of swellnets forums there is a similar thread, but perhaps bloggers here could post in their old (and new) lineup photos, or shots from memorable sessions.
And please don't "photoshop" them...... Personally, I despise photoshop. It's not real..... I love the rustic charm of real photography, even it's imperfections. I like the older photo's in picture magazine too, if ya get my drift..... nothing like a rough tattooed home girl, but that's another story ;)
I'll kick it off with Coolum bays, as good as it gets, circa late 90s, and a slightly more secret break , 2012, down here in apple land, which I wont name.......
Look closely, first photo of coolum, has guy on outer wave, second photo has 3rd bay kegging off it's nut, and tassie photo also has guy sweeping bottom turm on outside bomb...