Bloggers Waves

My first ever photo uploaded.
Local spot up the road, about head high. Taken on my mobile post sesh yesterday arvo.
Snowboarded all day Saturday and surfed for four hours yesterday. Love it.

Epic! What an incredible lineup. Doesn't look like Japan at all.

Hang on a tick, I'll try and find a shot of it really pumping at 6ft.


About 200 k's north of Tokyo in Ibaraki, close to the border of Fukushima. Cold water. At the moment still in 5 mm suit, boots and gloves but did manage to pull my hood down for awhile yesterday. Snow on the beach in winter, boardies for about 6 weeks if we're lucky in summer. Only two foreign surfers in my area.
If he reads this he'll probably kill me- ha ha.

All of the above.

Sheepdog, calling for 'no photoshopping' is a bit of misguided nostalgia. Your eye and brain is 'photoshopping' everything you see...

Since we're in the land of the rising sun... Shoulda seen the wave just outta the pic, just missed it. But you can mind surf the wall...
Tourism ads spring to mind and I wouldn't wanna see this become a wall for all the Clark Little wannabes out there. The misguided nostalgia I refer to is people setting 'back in their day' as the benchmark for untouched purity in life. Sooooooo, I agree with you now.
On a slight tangent, sometimes when the homepage is loading slowly, I catch a cropped version of the wave of the day. It looks much better because it's easier for your eye to be drawn along the lines of the wave

zenagain wrote:All of the above.
you tha man!!

Yeah? Nah.
Show us the next one, as on when you got guillotined by the lip and pile driven into the lobster's lair.
That's the one that makes us happy.
Fucking straight hander. Bewdiful.

I'd tell you what happened next gimp, but sidwe wouldn't understand.

Well credit where credit is due.
That is a serious wave Uppity.

Is that you Uplift? I'm almost certain I've got a photo of Margo in a very similar position (body position) at the same wave.

Ha, run it Ben . Sitting in the channel taking pics, doesn't count Uppo. Now you're desperate as well as deluded.

Could be a coincidence, but my recollection is eerily similar. I'll try to dig it up (I have a feeling it was shot on film!).

That's not uplift enough said about it. Next.

Nice wave some more pics.........must of been hundreds taken that day ???
I really hope its you on that wave ?
Tony Harrington may have been filming that day.

@Winkie, are you embarrassed by your Elliston buddy ?

Just found the photo.. it's the same picture! Definitely Margo. And not taken by Uplift either.
So as for "I'd tell you what happened next gimp, but sidwe wouldn't understand" - I'm not sure Uplift could actually tell us either!

Indulge us TB, where is it, etc?

Nah, I'm not going to reveal anything Mitch.

Good policy TB

yeah uplift...that's Margo......not you and still no response to SIARGO??

And just like, that in one foul swoop, any possible credibility from any story told is now destroyed....................what goes around comes around, ay uplift..

I've got a photo of me winning last years pipe masters if anyone wants to see it.

Yes you fucking idiots, its Margo.
I never once said it was me, but you dim wits, in your fervour to be the one that got lifty, half wrecked the trap. I had already hooked and landed the idiot gimp, who heartedly, boldly payed out margo as a useless geek, a wanker, and total kook, and no doubt would have had sid, if fuck'n benny could have controlled himself and his excitement at 'getting' me, and shut the fuck up. Everyone here know its Margo, the trip was in the mags, the photos and ensuing drama did all the rounds here. Any 'local' has seen the shot a million times, and marvelled at margo, as he himself did, making that drop. His description of what happened next is common knowledge, except to... the straygimp. With all his local breeding, savvy, skill, surf smarts, connections, the stray gimp has no fucking idea, and was easily hooked, as would have been sidwe, if benny just coulda shut up.
You fucking idiots! But, its still worth picturing Bruteless's slobbering and quivering excitement at the demise of 'Lifty'.
You wonder how a screeching nut like Hitler could have rounded up so many followers, but then you realise the stray 'gimp' has managed to round up surfees from all parts of the globe.
Again, very lucky sidwe, and again, you fucking idiots! But, well done gimp (and frothing followers).

oh Uppo, what for art thou done .?
A tragedy of Shakespearian proportion .
... with a Stratford-Uppon- Avon explanation coming our way, no doubt.

I happen to agree with you Sheepy.
Pretty fucked all round if you ask me. I just wanted to see shots from other contributors and not see this go the way of other threads.

The gimps got plenty of side kicks. All sprung, one after the other. The evidence is all there. Not one claim by me, but, frothers, losers united!

Forever in writing, kooks united, deluxe! Too easy.

Fair enough, thought there might've been more of a story behind it.
Back on track, nothing too amazing or exotic about this photo, but it's probably the one wave I'd love to go back to and score the most. Probably been like this recently, not sure if I'm up to the challenge though.

It's cool Sheepy, he's got some interesting stuff from time to time but unfortunately the good stuff is overshadowed when he posts late at night drunk.
I miss Burleigh, surfed it many many many times through the late 80' and 90's.
And Mitch, classic pic- don't forget your ear-plugs and Tetanus shots.
PS Mitch, I'm guessing that's not the Maldives?
Wellymon posted an awesome lineup shot of a windswept break somewhere east of Kiwiland a while back. That got me thinking..... Now please excuse and forgive me if somewhere deep in the bowels of swellnets forums there is a similar thread, but perhaps bloggers here could post in their old (and new) lineup photos, or shots from memorable sessions.
And please don't "photoshop" them...... Personally, I despise photoshop. It's not real..... I love the rustic charm of real photography, even it's imperfections. I like the older photo's in picture magazine too, if ya get my drift..... nothing like a rough tattooed home girl, but that's another story ;)
I'll kick it off with Coolum bays, as good as it gets, circa late 90s, and a slightly more secret break , 2012, down here in apple land, which I wont name.......
Look closely, first photo of coolum, has guy on outer wave, second photo has 3rd bay kegging off it's nut, and tassie photo also has guy sweeping bottom turm on outside bomb...