Shoulder claims

Ha ha ha...reminds me of the story when Matt Hoy hooted someone at Caves back in the day.
"We don't hoot around here," said the local enforcer. "It's distracting."

Yep. Whatever you do whilst in the surf, don't celebrate surfing (or life in general for that matter) in any way shape or form that can be noticed by your fellow surfers. Stay cool & do as your told by society.........

How many times has a standard or even slightly tense surf been totally transformed by a smile/friendly word/positive gesture from someone?
I loathe all these too-cool-for-school scowlers.

Pretty sure he's just stoked his mate is about to slotted

vascectomy-blottmouth wrote:shoulder claims are the most contrived bit of look-at-me bullshit. It's a pose for the camera not for his mate.
Ha ha ha...what an angry koala!
I'm guilty of shoulder claims while hooting a mate, and I've done them when there hasn't even been a cameraman around.

I got hooted ( or shoulder claimed) on a sucky waist high screamer at the pass the other day. Felt good.

Try not to overthink it.


Is it a tiny grom dropping in or is the guy on the shoulder "One big bastard"?

Claiming, hooting, arms on the roof, soul arch, look back, look down, look up, etc, etc: cameras or not:
all GOOD!

Hoots on the shoulder.i can only imagine the hoot feeling on the inside making the shoulder hoot....

Ha...yep, shoulder claims taken literally.

haha Im hearing ya VB - its all part of the Americanisation of Australia and giving prizes to everyone who competes, not just the winner BS. Fair enough a cheer for something spectacular but for a good daily ride, yeah, keep ya hat on mate. But we can't stop the hype mate with so many dimwit Aussie journalists calling musicians/sports people heroes etc. No, you dimwits, ordinance disposal experts are heroes, nurses taking personal health risks to save others are heroes.
Am I the only one who thinks the morons with their arms raised in the foreground of just about every wide shot of a fella in the tube should get over it and stop ruining the shot by trying to draw attention to themselves?
Today's swellnet cover is a nice example and the knob on the shoulder even found a new way to get himself in the picture when he wasn't man enough to swing around for the late takeoff on the short sharp right. It's not about you, dickhead, it's about the fella getting pitted. Stop trying to remind us you're there when we're just interested in the bloke with the cojones to take off behind the peak, you attention seeking twat.