Travel Photos

Different coast, YS.

Some South Africa...and some other joint.

I did a late winter spur of the moment surf trip into the South Oz desert a few years back.
With cold fronts moving through the bight and a few days to kill before a favourable weather window developed, we turned onto the red dirt west of Port Augusta and headed up towards Lake Gairdner. First thing of interest we came across was a submarine!
We headed further west and I was surprised at how much wildlife and vegetation there was in places around the Gawler Ranges. There were also reminders of the early settlers whose attempts to tame this harsh land had ended in broken dreams.
We pushed on and spent the night at Pildappa Rock a cool rock formation with a decent little campground. It’s worth spending the night just to see the early morning light on the rock.
We returned to sealed roads and headed on to meet where the coastline pushed north west forming the eastern edge of the Great Australian Bight before setting up at the beach. Some Tassie dudes were already there with a teepee.
The following morning we awoke to another spectacular South Australian sunrise!
The waves were good! Late winter can be hit or miss but come spring time a lot more surfers start turning up so it wasn’t too crowded either.
When the state borders open up again and with overseas holidays off the agenda for the foreseeable future I wonder if the great Aussie road trip will become in vogue again? Mind your manners out there if you go.......

Did you jump off that bridge Pup?

The Gawler ranges are rad went through coming back from Darwin popped out at Wirrilla and on to the coast..

Fun looking tour , YS.

Yep, Andy. Funniest thing was ol' Newy mate did it too...and he was scared of heights. We didn't realise till it took him forever to even make his way out there. Gutsy. Did Newcastle proud.

Would very happily read more stories of that period of your life Stu!

Yeah, Stu I'd like to hear more.

We had a layover in Qatar a few years ago and walking out the door was like being punched in the face it was so hot. Flying over Iran was spectacular, such a beautiful country from the air. Good skiing too I'm lead to believe.
Is there surf in the Persian gulf?

Shore dump are you a pilot?

Some sweet pics there shorey. I gotta admit, the UAE is the last place I'd want to visit. That beach pick with the board, is that the Burj Al Arab in the background? Unreal.

Nah Simba, a professional tea pourer, and a fine one at that haha
Well, I was...
I do have a recreational pilot licence and also a skydiving licence, for fun.
Yeah Zen + Westof, that’s it. It gets like that about 2 days a week in season.
I’ve seen photos of it head high and onshore.
This photo sums up what really sux about the place, taken at a beach where swimming is banned

Shoredump....isn’t that 2nd photo in Indonesia ?

Nah Blowin it’s the Maldives. Fun session that one. You know when you’re on a surf trip near the end and you’ve got everything dialled and feel like you can do no wrong, for once, well that was that session. It followed the session on the left after a generous lunch. Same day, same location

Sounds like good times.
Uncanny resemblance to XXXXXX ....
Water colour is the same too when the sun is up .

Oh wow sure is

"I took this photo in 1961 or 1962 before I started writing for Surfing World mag. On Friday nights we would all meet at Fairy Meadow drive-in theatre in the back row as we all had boards on our racks. After the movies finished we would take off for Red Head in a rally drive, the aim being to collect signs on the way in from the highway."
-Dave Milnes

4 days at Craigieburn in the Southern Alps right after a solid snowfall. Such an incredible place.

Island Bay wrote:4 days at Craigieburn in the Southern Alps right after a solid snowfall. Such an incredible place.
It’s a great place. Looking beautiful

Oh my!!

And a little video summary:

Double thumbs up.
That's livin'.

Double doggie bonus :-)

Oh nice. Those rope tows are deadly for novices, even worse on a snowboard.
Absolutely magic stuff, IB.
Snow looks ok up high, a bit crusty on the sun facing slopes. I love riding trails like these, it’s just fun cruising down / across on them.
Living the dream!
With all this extra time on my hands thanks to Covid-19 isolation I've been sifting through some surf photos I've taken over the past 10 years of travel. Im not that great behind the camera, I'm a lot better at the journey which got me to the place where the photo's were taken. I thought these were worth sharing and then encouraging others to share theirs. Surf and travel/adventure are intrinsically linked, and no doubt theres a good pics and stories out there out there so feel free to share.