Bloggers Waves

The mighty fighting Gordon! Hilarious. When did your nuts drop, last time we spoke, you were quiet as a carpark mouse.
How'd you go surfing that amasing, secret place in WA unswelling? In between fight'n yetis and trackin' aliens?

"How'd you go surfing that amasing, secret place in WA unswelling? In between fight'n yetis and trackin' aliens?"
Yeah finding it hard at the moment 'Concentrate' , I've still been fighting "Yowies" at the moment .
My cucumbers are growing tho :)

Amasing, anything can happen online!

Cheers for the yarn sheepdog. Quite the story mate. Very nasty. Must have been a hell of a whack. Especially at Teas, usually such a mellow jump/walk that inside one! Although I have seen a couple of guys cop it there over the years.
My embarrassing story from that day, I nearly broke my finger coming in across the rocks down towards johnsons cos I couldn't stand up straight. Slipped on a mossy one and jammed my middle finger in between two rocks as I reached out to steady myself. Right up to a ring I used to wear. Couldn't get it out and then got washed over by some white water. Felt everything tighten up and thought here it goes, gonna snap a bone and then the ring popped and I managed to pull my finger out.
um....make sure you don't read that last sentence on its own.

Lol Benski.
Shhepy any guidelines on central pressure vs speed the low moves away I.e have you ever seen a single chart that looks impressive but didn't produce because it sped off? Maybe discussion for another thread...

Hey Fraser Gordon, you've actually met Uplift?? Or is he confused? Too many Gordons out's a big clan! Maybe he's getting mixed up with Marg's very own big, bad, bustling ILLBOY? I hear there's a wrestlin' death-match comin' up between him and THE MASKED DUTTZ at some event called FOAM-DUST this week. Pagey'll be there. Chockin' in the foam dust! Let's get ready to ruuuuuuuuuumble...

Yeh shattered babsoon, I know both the infamous 'Fighting Gordons', and have bumped into fraz. Duttsie no doubt has been training under gaul's conniving, underhanded, devil may care fightin' skills and has that up his massive, stretched sleeve. The real deal is on in Lincoln on Saturday night when under the guise of a charity event the line up of ford fiesta and the hulking jervis are plotting to thump the shit out of unsuspecting townies. Jervis is cunning, and disguises himself as a ring post before leaping out and splattering his hapless victims.

hmm,uplift OK no answer on SIARGO,how bout VISAYAN SOUVENIR.......??

Heres an awesome memory of a great wave in NZ, Myself and a great friend had it to ourselves all day, started of at 6-8ft then when we left after 3 surfs, this photo was 5ft, looks fat from this angle but is very deceiving....? The place rocks especially on the right swell out on the take off, on the point down the line....:)
Hey Sheepio no trick photo shit, pure old hard copy, scanned and thats what we want to see, with the old Kodak.

Thought you might appreciate that one Sheepio
The other shot that got you going with this thread
Is 300 m north of this spot and I reckon breaks better than
Angourie on its day, 3 times longer but is so fickle needs NE
Swells. Like fr76 said if NZ was SE - NW facing this place
Would absolutely crank
My favourite set up in NZ with out a doubt
Good times there for sure ;)

Welly, that pic above has got me thinking , there is not much to give way its location , but at a guess it is on the east coast of the South island near ocean seafood I reckon.

Not giving anything away ENZER....?
Scott Rowley (Peak Surfbrds) old THC boy used to come down when he knew it was pumping....!
He was on to it and a charger, lives in Oregon USA now....? I think.
Surfed with that guy a few times at this place, pretty switched on cat, always knew when this was on...!
A couple of times with him at Munga......................hume highway????? 8ft +, not sure if I spelt it right or left :)
Geez that place above 6-8 is an awesome reef.....:)THC for sure.
Near a lot of ocean seafood:)

ENZER, its been pumping there lately as well, you need a key to get thru the gate tho, otherwise a long walk and you can't camp with your car and supplies....

This is 15ft plus Ethel's on Easter Saturday. I went down the beach and stood on the boiler to check it out and got swamped! One of the dumber things I've done lately!

Classic YS.
R U sure thats not your old jet ski from years back ;)

Yorkie what spots were surfed that day ?

There was very little wind so I think most of the reefs were surfable udo. Being Easter I just walked down to the reef near my house and had an early one. It was only 3 to 4ft but it takes a huge swell to get in there so it was a novelty surf. No-one surfed Chinamans that I know of. It was a raw and wild swell so the Chi Bowl was very evil looking;)

Here's an old pic of a wave that breaks good in big swells like last weekend. I saw some pics yesterday of some mates towing it at 10 foot on Easter Saturday. Another mate of mine tried to paddle out there but he reckons his 7ft board was too small so the ski's gave him a lift in. It breaks a long way out to sea and its hard to paddle out and in when it's over 8 foot!

Keep them coming

Anyone who has been to Ethel's knows its mostly a closeout. But very rarely it gets like this.....
Me and the booger checking it were the only ones to surf it this day.

Sure do Sheepy

The guy in this pic has a holiday shack down here. I got him a large blown up print to hang on his wall. He was stoked!

That coast can pump sheepo but its fickle. Every dog has its day as they say;)

BD's was good on Easter Sat at 4-6ft with the odd bomb.

Here's me getting a huge tube Sheepy! Can't tell you where it is or everyone would be turning up trying to get a slab like this.......

Here's a few more images from the vault Sheepy. No landmarks, no people out, just mind surf yourself on these waves;)

Love the old shots YS, as you know, especially that ledge shot, such a trippy but perfect photo!

A reliable and consistent ledge over my back fence and down the sand hill when living in WA.

Thats a real ledge TGF, slotted nicely :)

wellymon wrote:Thats a real ledge TGF, slotted nicely :)
Slotted on a Hot Buttered Eve 6'0 single (RIP)

Same ledge on the hide tide.

Is that Slingy's TGF ?

southey wrote:Is that Slingy's TGF ?
Slingy's? no, this joint is kinda nameless, the ledge or the right is all it really goes by. Tucked away on the back side this long point break.

nice stacked not saying left set up .

Found this old photo at the bottom of the drawer of a river mouth in,NZ east coast 6ft and pumping.
Memories, not to many people around..:)

Hey old dog, loved those photos especially chinas taken by jock. Great memories. I will have to go through
some old photos and put some up. Seeya!

Hi winks, yeah we had some great times as grommets in the early 70's. You must have some epic shots from all those years living at Blacks, be good to see a few of you going through the motions. I seem to recall some good ones of you at Cunz too. Cheers.

Found some pics from a Bluff trip back in 2000.
Morning of the September coral spawn... the fish were suffocating and the sharks were feeding all round us.
One of my favourite shots, the framing of the Bluff with the full moon and a cracking set taken about 6am.
Some pics from that mornings session that I took after my session ended. These 10 shots were the last 10 on the last film left of the 2 week surf trip.
And here is ol mate the elephant seal who was keeping us company in the lineup at Graveyards (Exmouth). All good if he spent the tide on the beach when surfing, but if the tide turned while your were out, or he wasn't on the beach when paddling out guaranteed he was gonna pay a visit... not much fun when ya a km out to sea.
He was fairly aggressive in the water cause he had two females he was keeping us from, cause you know how lonely it get out in the desert for a young single fella, haha.
That's me squatting behind him.

Waitpinga last Friday arvo glassoff, had that right all to myself, yew.
One wave sequence.
Wellymon posted an awesome lineup shot of a windswept break somewhere east of Kiwiland a while back. That got me thinking..... Now please excuse and forgive me if somewhere deep in the bowels of swellnets forums there is a similar thread, but perhaps bloggers here could post in their old (and new) lineup photos, or shots from memorable sessions.
And please don't "photoshop" them...... Personally, I despise photoshop. It's not real..... I love the rustic charm of real photography, even it's imperfections. I like the older photo's in picture magazine too, if ya get my drift..... nothing like a rough tattooed home girl, but that's another story ;)
I'll kick it off with Coolum bays, as good as it gets, circa late 90s, and a slightly more secret break , 2012, down here in apple land, which I wont name.......
Look closely, first photo of coolum, has guy on outer wave, second photo has 3rd bay kegging off it's nut, and tassie photo also has guy sweeping bottom turm on outside bomb...