The United States(!) of A

Just read that the 2 Main French Farmer Unions will stop throwing shit on their government .
Have agreed to Stop Blockades , disruptions and spraying shit on government buildings citing "tangible progress " .
Farmers in France and the Netherlands , have had enough of the shit being thrown at THEM !
They know how to fight !
The Dutch Farmers have settled down with a new government .

Lot of water to still go under the bridge but still.....

Can’t see him running , poor bugger can’t even string a sentence together, it’s a cruel disease .

its a cruel cabal that keeps wheeling him out...
seriously, wtf is going on?

sypkan wrote:its a cruel cabal that keeps wheeling him out...
seriously, wtf is going on?
Yes and he hasn’t just suddenly declined, the signs were there years ago .

Trump just made a speech and told a story of what he said to NATO on his first meeting .
IF U don't start paying your share (2%) , don't expect the US 2 protect U .
Someone responded OK , I get it , BUT if Russia attacks us , U will come 2 our aide .
Trumps said No fn way and I will tell Putin 2 give U and extra clip from me for being cheap skates .
He said Pay your bills and don't be a delinquent lol .
Not very diplomatic !!!
I love it ( the French and Germans wouldn't ) .
In 2014 , 3 of NATO's countries met the 2% and 7 in 2023 of the 31 Countries in NATO did . The BIG Countries listened to Trump , reluctantly .
They were lucky that they did .

Supafreak wrote:sypkan wrote:its a cruel cabal that keeps wheeling him out...
seriously, wtf is going on?
Yes and he hasn’t just suddenly declined, the signs were there years ago .
And Kamala is coming out saying that she is ready to step in. So a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala? Honestly, these last 2 weeks were a PR disaster of epic proportions for the Biden administration. What a failure. Their PR team needs to be sacked.
Stupid Democrats will bring Trump to power. Which is a disaster in its own way.

It's remarkable to see the Guardian write an article like this.

We are watching slow dreadful demise of a US President playing out before our eyes .
Truely remarkable news that even the Guardian can't ignore .
Biden is somehow hanging on 2 a thread that is decaying so quickly .
Very sad for anyone to go through what he is experiencing .
Ridiculous to see it happening on TV , to the so called , Leader of the Free World .
Put him out of his misery now , and give his deputy the reins until the election at least ffs !
The MSM are now after his blood , so his days are numbered !

"...Biden was officially and devastatingly painted as too old and forgetful to know if he was committing a crime..."
but still all good to be boss of the free world...
this is one hell of a movie
(in real time)

looking forward to the trump v kamala debates...
blood bath!

I honestly cannot understand why the dems are being so stubborn about biden
the dude is cooked!
in so many ways...
someone, please please tell me why the dems are on this suicide mission?
none of it makes any sense
all these brainiacs and political 'experts' at their disposal, and it's a multi junction, slow motion train wreck...
day after day
someone please make it make sense

That is what is worrying me .
It makes sense , atm , for the people who put Biden in power , 2 have him in power .
He is like Col. Blake and willing to sign anything Radar puts in front of him , which is helpful !!!
The Whitehouse could have sent out the last months works schedule and the issues Biden had been briefed on ( beef it right up ) , 2 show he is on top of things .
They sent out an old bloke who has forgotten how to defend himself , so cruel .
We NOW know they are not trying to protect Joe's Legacy .
They are happy to feed him 2 the Lions .
Trump in a Landslide is locked IN !!!
NO 1 can out Trump , Trump imho !
Is it time for a Kennedy , again ?
The Democrat Leadership is more scared of Kennedy than Trump imho !!!
Trump can't sack them , Kennedy will .

yeh, I have a couple of theories...
and your suggestion touches on one of em
but 'they' must know he's done now?
surely keeping the house trumps everything?
(though it seems they are pretty confident in their contingency plans...
me not so much... this time...
they'll be watched by millions of hawk eyes)

"The Whitehouse could have sent out the last months works schedule and the issues Biden had been briefed on ( beef it right up ) , 2 show he is on top of things .
They sent out an old bloke who has forgotten how to defend himself , so cruel ."
yep, some suggesting it was all a calculated move...

Stubborn old fool doesn't want to step down though, it seems. He's been scheming his entire life to get the job. And I don't think Jill and Hunter are in any hurry to tell the old bugger to let the presidency go either.
Also, his handlers have convinced him he's doing a great job. I truly think he believes it too.
The liberal media over there have started to really turn on him the last few days.

It can’t be stressed enough that the MSM is propaganda. Literally propaganda. Think Lord Haw-Haw, Tokyo Rose or more succinctly, Pravda as it’s the Western world being propagandised by their “own” media.
When Joe Biden is portrayed as recently failing, despite being so obviously stupified for at least a couple of years prior to assuming the Presidency, you must realise that you are being prepared for his exit. He will be replaced and it’ll probably be Gavin Newsom .
A more evil cnt the likes of which does not walk the Earth too many times each millennia.
Biden will be blamed for every problem facing the USA for which they cannot blame the Trump ORANGE SATAN.
Question: After years and years of “Trump is Putin’s stooge and he’s compromised by a pee tape / corruption/ Russian Agent” ….why have the Democrats and MSM studiously avoided any return to their previous Russia Russia Russia collusion headlines? Surely if Trump was a Russian agent then, he must still be a Russian agent? Yet the whole topic has been dropped like a meat pie full of cockroaches.
Answer: Because it was, from start to finish, a fucken lie.
Crazy how the modern propaganda process works that the Russia Russia Russia rubbish which drowned all conversation and was so unavoidable for years is now just….POOFFF!…….memory holed as though it never happened.
How people can witness this obvious presentation of fraudulent information from the MSM and then continue to comply with the very next bullshit propaganda messaging?
Blows my mind.
But anyway….We are past Global Warming and now we are at Global Boiling, Trump is an existential threat to democracy and Ukraine is the last holdout for Western Freedom.

… stwength and p… p …powa ;)

I wish the media would go easy on Biden, we dont want him pulling out, we need him to run against Trump so Trump can have the best chance possible.

Meanwhile, in California


Any pro Trumpeters care to explain how the Republicans lost to the Dems in the election for Republican Representative George Santos old seat?
Being that you all think Trump is a sure bet?
The only thing Trump is, is a fucking turd.

U could have done a 5 minute check and put a reason up yourself .
A bit slack mate .
I checked and the guy that won is quite cool and the voters like him , as he is more like a Kennedy , and distanced himself from the Democratic Party .
The voters of Long Island , also loved his much harder stance on 1 issue especially .
Immigration !!!
Seems like he thinks like Trump , on this issue .

Roadkill wrote:Any pro Trumpeters care to explain how the Republicans lost to the Dems in the election for Republican Representative George Santos old seat?
Being that you all think Trump is a sure bet?The only thing Trump is, is a fucking turd.
Aah Roady, knew I liked you for something.
Not a Trump booster. Good one. Big points for that.
The answer to your question, how the GOP lost, is pretty obvious.
It was rigged of course.

SNL probably Super .
It is funny , as the guy does NOT know how close 2 the truth his joke is , so the joke is on him .
With the size of the last Postal vote in the US , the latest truth is showing there were terrible irregularities lol .
Trump probably DID win , and not Biden by 1% .
The People DO want to change their current course THIS time and Trump will win in a Landslide .
Then he WILL go after , with rightful vengeance , the elite of BOTH sides and they know it .
They are not laughing hahaha !
I can't wait :)
The only guy the Democrats fear more , is Kennedy , as he will sack them from politics .


JFK Jr also just Blew Up Fauci and has also put the Covid Cover Up story on the Front Pages of the US MSM .
It's worse than I thought !!!
The White House , CDC and the FBI are trying to suppress his report ffs !
No wonder !
Another money laundering scheme but this time , Big Pharma .
The Lobby groups have got the US Govt by the short and curlies .
Trump wants to go after them , and the Republicans HAVE to choose him .
Kennedy wants to go after the lobby groups 2 .
The Democrats won't choose him , as they like the existing cosy relationship .
Just ask Pelosi !!!
I would love Trump V JFK Jr .
I might barrack for the underdog , again .

JFK jr. putting it all out there
it's exactly as I thought...
(but hoped was not that bad)
I want a trump / JFK jr. ticket
only way to sort out the stench riddled cesspit...
left versus right is officially dead
purely a distraction
the real fight is the establishment versus the people...

Trump has smashed a Clinton and would smash Biden .
Obama is mentioned today and he will smash Michelle 2 , any Obama doesn't scare him one bit .
A Kennedy is different , it is a name that evokes the Camelot and holds a special meaning in the USA ,
Trump will know he can't smash a Kennedy .
Anyone else he can say U will NOT do what the People wants .
To Kennedy he will have to say , I know U want 2 , but not even a Kennedy can clean the swamp .
Only a Trump can Close the Boarder and Let ME do Sackings , I am good at that !
Then U can then RUN the country and have a chance at SUCCESS .

Trump gets fined $US 355 m 4 what ?
Goldman Sachs gets fined $US 550m for the Great Recession .
The US Justice system has gone Feral , such a travesty of justice !!!
Trumps legal bill is about ONE million $US per fn week !
Can't use that as a tax deduction ffs !

Fined that much for pumping up his business value….gee whiz no business person does that….especially in New York eh.
I wasn’t sure about it all but now I’m positive trump is being stitched up by the Biden military complex. The U.S. is no longer the land of the free.

Biden will pull out post formal nomination - or some health or other event will occur letting him appear a fallen hero giving his all for the country.
Michelle Obama will step in as the popular, cleanskin, diverse candidate.
MSM will collectively enter a sustained multiple orgasm at the historic possibility of her becoming POTUS.
Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to Michelle after her first speech as a candidate.

U are so right frogy lol
If Trump is smart , he will give her ALL the Limelight for a few weeks .
A lovely honeymoon in Washington again lol haha .
The Return of the Queen and King , but she is wearing the pants , apparently haha .
Guessing Barack has already been practicing his waving style and is taking lessons on how to NOT steal her Limelight !!!
Whoopoi Goldberg would be on their advisor team , for sure , Opra 2 !
Say that he is LETTING her have Centre Stage as We ALL know how Barrack thinks and we want to hear what Michelle thinks .
Make her talk to the People and not 2 HIM .
He would say he hopes SHE has DIFFERENT views , OR it will be FOUR Barack Terms of Office .
He has 12 years of Baracks VIEWS to question her on .
She will have to be the BEST briefed Democrat Candidate EVER .
Then Trump will go for her and run over her like a Train , the Trump Train !

Elites hoovering up the pharma / war / social justice billions and happily letting many US cities become mini failed states are not so invulnerable as they think.
Pissed off truckers could bring NYC to its knees in a week:

more silliness

Hey VJ
Here is the Clay Marzo of US intelligence / civil society intersection. For everyone who’s ever said “ Oh yeah ? Then who is THEY?” When casting doubt on the embedded class circumventing global democracy, this guy, as an on spectrum head of US cyber intelligence, has the answers and names names.
The most essential view for 2024. Seriously mate dig in.
I tried to link to his stuff a few weeks ago but this is more succinct. His factual recall is wild. No hiding from the truth bombs here.
If you’ve been smart enough to intuit that modern democracy is a sham, then here it is all laid bare.


So the Palestinian Israeli thread has disappeared??

Hey Slacky
I will check out your link in a while , but reflecting on Government and bureaucracy atm .
Was lucky to be recommended to watch Yes Minister , early on , and then watched Yes Prime Minister .
Even Thatcher Loved it and thought the show captured the Game of Power in the UK , perfectly .
Gosh , the show taught ME so much about Politics ( full of shit , mostly ) .
The US , is like Yes Minister on STERIODS , with a Hollywood Scrip !
Nothing the US now does , can really , SURPRISE me .
FFS , it really needs to change , for all our sakes .
The Trucker's , like their Canadian mates , have HAD ENOUGH .
The Truck Train is headed for NYC .
NYC has declared itself AGAIN , the Judge has effectively told ALL US Companies , this is the BAR we CAN set , if we don't like U .
No BIG Money will ever look at NYC again and the FLOW out will hasten .
US smart States are trying to attract the NEW Growth DATA Centres .
Up 2 $US 4b to make a good Data Centre .
It needs a Stable State that is Willing to give it Power ie Electricity .
None will go near NYC , EVER .
The Judge signed their death warrant , all because of SPITE 4 Trump !
Why would any person Under Value their Properties to a fn Bank ?
How can anyone guess the EXACT value ?????
U DON'T , I would over value it , of course ffs !
Ok NYC , lets see how U fare with the Trucks Blockading YOUR City that's already crumbling .
Bon Chance .

I highly recommend using subtitles on that video as I find it much easier to take in the information as Benz speaks so fluidly and without hesitation. Which is a good thing and makes the monologues far more interesting but the clarity of what he’s saying is easier to read whilst also listening

Mike Benz looks like someone who would drop in on you...

I forgot how entertaining Trump is 2024 is going to be a fun ride.

"...When reached for comment about Benz and his connections to Frame Game, Shellenberger said in an email: “Mike Benz has done some of the best research of anyone exposing the Censorship Industrial Complex, and I was glad to draw from it for our own reporting about the ways in which the US government and its proxies coerce and inspire censorship by social media companies of disfavored views and voices. I have no knowledge of Benz’s other views and am skeptical they would change my view of his research into the Censorship Industrial Complex.”..."
I'll take a drop in fom that guy over the clowns going after Taibbi, Shellenberger, Rogan, etc. anyday...
and... nbc news...

Never letting 2 let an opportunity 2 go begging , Trump went to Sneaker Con the day after getting fined $US355m , and launched a Personalised Sneaker .
The Limited Edition "Never Surrender High-Tops " retailed for $399 and sold out in minutes .
Apparently , collecting COOL Sneakers , is a Pass Time , of the Younger Generation .
All were surprised Trump even knew about Sneaker Con , let alone was bringing out a Sneaker .
The Sneaker is just like Trump and totally OTT , it's bloody Gold lol haha .
There is a Black Market for this Sneaker Market ( really ! ) and the price is now thousands .
They are now valued more that real Gold !!!
He doesn't make any money , this time , but it's a Political Masterstroke .
He is going after ALL Demographics and seem really prepared THIS time !
U can't keep Trump down !

US is great, there are endless ways of making money. Some people made a killing on this shoe

That Biden wants to run again and the Democrats support him still in his diminished state says "they don't care about competence anymore". What do they care about?
Five minutes of Biden at the "top" of his game...
Sad and sort of insulting to the US population.

Big Bother has no bias or agenda. .
Black vikings and 17th century physicists, Strong white male images just not permitted going forward.
Time to pulp all those history books and let AI do the thinking.

frog wrote:Big Bother has no bias or agenda. .
Black vikings and 17th century physicists, Strong white male images just not permitted going forward.
Time to pulp all those history books and let AI do the thinking.
Did Paul Joseph Watson just try and sell me starscape bedroom projector halfway through his unhinged rant?
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank