Some small clean days ahead before E swell rebuilds again this weekend
South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Steve Shearer (issued Tues 26th Apr)
Forecast Summary (tl;dr)
- Easing E’ly swells Tues/Wed with lighter winds
- Pulses of longer period S swell on the menu this week, Mon/Tues and Thurs
- E'ly tradewind swell rebuilds into the weekend, with stronger E’ly swells next week
Plenty of surf over the weekend although fresh SE to ESE winds confined surfable options to the Points. Size was mostly in the 3-4ft range. Long period S swell filled in across the region yesterday, more notable in NENSW. Size is in the 4ft range in NENSW today, with smaller 3ft surf in SEQLD. Lighter winds have finally become established after the relentless SE winds over the weekend.
Full house sign up, feeling lucky?
This week (Apr 25-29)
The dominant high which has been slow moving is inching into the Tasman Sea, with winds set to take a N’ly turn as it drifts eastwards and we get the flow off the western flank of the high. This slow moving high will essentially block the Southern swell window but we have one more pulse of long period S swell due tomorrow with some 3ft sets on offer, 2ft in SEQLD.
In addition the last of the E swell will see some small 2-3ft sets across the region with light offshore winds in the morning offering up the best conditions for quite a while.
Light winds continue for the rest of the week, with land and sea breezes expected to see great conditions develop.
We’re only looking at small waves. 2-3ft Thurs with a S facing beaches in NENSW seeing the biggest waves.
A slight boost in tradewind swell should see surf build a notch into Fri with some nice peaky 2-3ft beachies on offer through the morning before the wind kicks in.
This weekend (Apr 30 - May1)
Nice looking weekend ahead with light winds both days, with a N’ly bias on Sunday.
Saturday starts off smallish with surf in the 2ft range with tradewind swell building through the day.
By Sunday that size should be up into the 3ft and 3-4ft range by close of play, although winds will tend N’ly through the a’noon as a trough approaches from the south.
Should be fun waves both day.
Next week (May 2 onwards)
Plenty of E swell ahead next week as Tradewinds and a sub-tropical low drifts south through the South Pacific slot.
Tradewinds and sub-tropical lows generate more E swell next week
A S’ly change Mon puts the focus back on the Points and we should see surf build into the 4ft range, becoming bigger 3-5ft through Tues and into Wed.
Longer term and a slow easing through the end of next week is expected with more tradewind swell expected in the medium term.
Check back tomorrow for a full update and analysis.
Someone definitely left the swell tap in the open position and it seems to be stuck there all year so far.
Yep, i've been choosing training over waves the last few days. It's been non stop.
Any insight on the Mbah wave buoy? Been down for a while now.
Been a genuine flush of semi-clean water today, at least compared to yesterday.
Heaps nice.