Forecast: Surf City El Salvador Pro
Surf City El Salvador Pro
June 6th - 15th
(All dates refer to local time)
Teahupoo - Punta Roca
Left-hand reefbreak - Right-hand pointbreak
Southern hemisphere - Northern hemisphere
There are many differences between stop numbers seven and eight on the Championship Tour, however one thing linking the two is swell. The swell that pulsed on the last day of the Tahiti Pro will hit El Salvador on the first day of the Surf City Pro.
That's right, competitors will be surfing the same swell that pushed them to the limits on Finals Day in Teahupoo, with it continuing onwards, now set to strike Central America six days later on the first day of the waiting period.
It’ll be much smaller and less consistent but we’re expecting to see infrequent sets building to 4-6ft during the opening day of the waiting period with morning offshores ahead of afternoon sea breezes.
The swell should start easing into day two with the outlook for the rest of the waiting period being a bit smaller and slower.
Fortunately, Punta Roca has a wide open swell window, so even if there isn't a significant storm crossing its path, background swell energy is usually enough to tick things over. As a trend, that energy looks to ebb and flow between 3-4ft through the waiting period - though a touch smaller through the middle of next week.
On smaller days, Punta Roca simply breaks closer to the rocks (WSL/Ryder)
What’s of most interest is deepening instability along the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) just south of El Salvador, with an infeed of strengthening south-southwest winds over the weekend and into next week likely to add some localised mid-period S/SW swell to the mix.
This will create a mix of swells, which, if it were a beachbreak, might make for great wedges and peaks, however Punta Roca wants clean, uniform lines. Therefore, surfers can expect a bit of surface wobble if/when those south-southwest winds kick up over the weekend.
The ITCZ might also start to influence local winds and conditions through the waiting period depending on how the instability evolves and how close it gets to the mainland. We'll watch that development closely.
Being a long pointbreak, Punta Roca prefers clean lines of swell (WSL)
With this in mind it looks likely that they’ll get surfing under way tonight (opening day), less likely into day two thanks to freshening easterly winds (read: devil winds).
The weekend will be cleaner with more variable wind, but smaller and slower, long-range swells.
The next notable long-range groundswell is due next Thursday with it likely reaching 3-5 feet, mixed in with the more local mid-period south-southwest swell energy.
The 2023 contest had windows of good conditions (WSL/Diz)
It’s worth noting that the day after the end of the waiting period, we’re looking at a large, building south-southwest groundswell thanks to the formation of a significant storm to the south-east of New Zealand later this week. Strong 6 foot surf is expected, but unfortunately it'll arrive too late for competition.
So in short, despite the swell connection with Tahiti, the Surf City Pro doesn't share the same forecast. There’ll be no shortage of swell - in fact sometimes there'll be a mix of swells - but it's the local winds that organisers will be paying most attention to.
thanks mate
Cheers Craig
Ok. Local wind issues....
Freaky that they're surfing the same swell as Chopes.
Possibly the same system that hit Indo and South Africa?
Nah, can't really happen.
You’re the expert, I thought the same system that pushed waves up to the Hobart points , pushed waves up to Cloudbreak a few months ago?
Indeed but swells hitting South Africa and Indo are heading in the wrong direction for the Pacific. You can get a swell from the Indian Ocean from extremely strong W/NW-NW winds but it won't impact Indo/South Africa.
Ok thanks.
Be in Costa Rica on the 16th will swell be on the up?
Indeed! That strong long-period groundswell due from the 16th onwards.
Yew!!! cheers Craig
Probably wrong but wouldn’t Easterly winds be offshore?
Nah they blow across the bay and up the face adding lots of tricky chops and ridges making it hard to get a rail in.
Yes couldn’t tell on the map, same as a westerly at Snapper, not too bad for a long board , if its not too strong, lines the swell out , and gives the crowd lots of other options
Air guys/girls for the win
Maybe but its a long point break style wave so hopeful we get a whole bunch of variety.
Thanks - had been wondering about conditions and possible starts. Unfortunately 11pm not really appealing for view this side of the earth. Bring on Fiji and just a two hour time difference.
Starts tomorrow lost
Stay up and watch a few waves.
We got that swell here on the SE coast North Island NZ about ten days ago. In fact the first pulse was almost two weeks ago. It really gives an idea of how big the Pacific Ocean is. I guess eventually it'll end up in Alaska. I wish those buggers would send us some NE swell back!
Yeah spud it's crazy isn't it .
The swell train ends in the America's
North and South.
Licks lips , snorts like a pig ....send it
It's a B-grade wave that tends to get blown out by lunch-time.
Lets hope they drop it from Tour soon, or put it on the CS.
Yeah, I feel very lukewarm about it too.
As an average surfer who loves right points it should be right up there, but it just looks soft and uninspiring.
I really hope I get to swallow my words, though.
…sounds like a wave i’d like to surf ha ha. Match talent (or lack off) to waves and all that
According to the latest Swellian episode, Trestles is going to be replaced with Cloudbreak as the finals location starting from next year
Wow. That would be trucking epic. Just love the idea of seeing both barrels and turns on a single long wave.
I don't know, it feels to me like things have to balance out.
The Woz has received far too many compliments this year. I'm really thrown by it. But with El Sal and Brazil back to back it feels like the universe is gonna even things out.
Get ready Ryno, the critics are coming.
I dig the woz,
No Diggs I think they are doing a great job !
Pencils sharpened as we speak.
Quite different from the Surfline forecast which predicts 6ft plus for the first 2 days of competition..
Haven't looked at it, but scale: Are they using face feet for that?
Not sure, that’s what the article on Stab read
Haha, I'm cracking my typing fingers, ready to roll.
When are they going to trot this bloke out for a meet and greet?
I want to see what the cut of his jib looks like.
Thanks for your super succinct swell forecasts Craig.....
this wave reminds me of Noosa ....., without the crowds.
has to be a free easy feeling, after dropping into some of those Tahitian tube monsters.
Surf the same swell, genius
Did that come from the head office?
Based off that video.
Italo for another podium finish. He makes everyone else look slow [Apart from EE]
I'm not too sure why El Salvador is on the calendar either Freeride.
Yes, include it if it truly offers a world class wave or vice versa if it's a market from a business point of view that the WSL wishes to capitalise on.
But it seems to be neither.
Surely this is the time to head to Indonesia, followed by Jeffrey's Bay, or maybe vice versa.
There must be financial machinations going on behind the scenes that the external critic is not privy too
Rumour has it that Sunset gone and replaced by Snapper, Jeffrey’s Bay back but Abu Dhabi wave pool in there somewhere too I but haven’t heard if it’s to replace another event or an extra event.
Then the finals at Cloudbreak ?
Simple reason El Sal is included: It doesn't cost the Woz a cent.
It's a vehicle for tourism, pure and simple.
Watching it now @4:25 am ! Looks like a really FUN wave & Jon Jon just destroyed it! High performance wave @ this size & conditions looking GR8 too! I'd def like to have a surf here but I'd be watching from the boat @ Teahupoo!
This year really has flown by ... event 6 .....oops I mean 7... went too fast
Reminds me of the Monaco gp without the tradition. The best Surfers superseded this type of wave half a century ago