Regional NSW - 7 day lockdown, August 15

" None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free "

" Under the guise of a pandemic we will create a prison state "
( Operation Lockstep )

" Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God "
Benjamin Franklin

" The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants "
Albert Camus

" The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face to rule it "
H.L. Mencken

" The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress "
Frederick Douglas

I expect nothing else from governments and their propaganda arm the MSM ,they are the personification of evil.But watching the people submit to this bullshit brings a tear to the eye.The CDC in the States has admitted the PCR tests are a fraud.The numbers have been doctored from the start.
Oh no ,someone in their 90 's died.Really ? The latest ,a person in palliative care died ,ok let's stop the world .Death is outlawed.Death is natural,it's the price you pay for living.Whats going on in Australia is criminal ,fucking CRIMINAL but the truly sad part is people bending over and asking for it harder.
I used to have a go at the French ,but at least there on the streets telling Schwab and his mates to get FUCKED
FMD ,what a time to be alive.

Time to wake up people
Take the blinkers off
Open the eyes and

What is it with not using spaces after punctuation...

The space is before though.
I think it’s also known as finger mashing.

I’m sure there’s a medical condition that causes it.

Anyone clear on the understanding of "Stay within your local government area or within 10km of your home (5km from Monday, 16 August 2021)" in terms of exercise?
I can travel anywhere within my LGA to exercise, or only travel within 5km of home within my LGA?

My understanding is draw a dot where you are and measure 5km in any direction and stay within that boundary. If it happens that you live within 5km of another LGA you are allowed to go into it, but obviously not further than 5km from your home.

I think if you live close to the border of your lga then the km restriction applies if you cross it to go to say your local park.

Correct on the first part, you can still travel anywhere within your LGA, but if you travel into another LGA it can't be more than 5km from your home.
I assume that's in place for people who live very close to LGA boundaries.
As explained by our local member just last night:

"But watching the people submit to this bullshit brings a tear to the eye."
Lucky you've only got one then Horas.
Chin up buddy we'll get through this.


A restaurant in Texas has had some pretty funny signs.
Best - "In 20 years this country will be run by people home-schooled by day drinkers"
"Me: This show is so boring. My Boss: Again, this is a Zoom meeting."
"My house cleaning style best described as "there appears to have been a struggle"
"I don't need the "previously on" I have been watching this show for 10 hours"

Distracted wrote:Gladys’s gold standard is looking pretty brown coloured now. Can’t see the lockdown stopping soon, if they want minimum 50% vaccinated.
more like 80%+

thermalben wrote:Up here on the Tweed, we've been sandwiched between SE Qld and Byron Bay lockdowns over the last month or so.
Aside from old mate from Sydney and his sons who brought about the Byron lockdown (and who are now in Lismore hospital), my understanding is that there have been no other community cases of Covid in the Northern Rivers.
As such the nearest Covid cases are in Newcastle (650km away). There are case locations for Tamworth (500km away) but no confirmed cases.
IMO the Northern Rivers should probably be tied in with SE Qld (ie we should have been in lockdown during their recent episode), but I understand how it's difficult to reimagine (let alone enforce) geographical boundaries during pandemics.
Ben it’s thoughts like this that have gotten NSW into the mess they are in. Without a total state lockdown people were looking outside their LGA and going well I’m gonna go there because their free to roam around. It has to be state wide and state based not LGA based given they clearly aren’t controlling it. I’m expecting some serious long term lockdown for NSW too. WA announced no NSW people can enter their state until Xmas now. QLD about to announce harder border closures on NSW too. NSW are the only ones who can get themselves out of this shit now.
BTW I heard Nth NSW surf beach car parks were packed with lockdown legends who have dusted off that old dunger and taken up surfing again this morning.

Westofthelake wrote:Just an fyi re NSW lockdown as of now:
EXERCISE AND SHOPPING: From Monday, you can exercise or do essential shopping anywhere within your LGA or within 5km of your home if you have to enter another LGA (such as Newcastle). This is down from the previous 10km.
WORK AND VISITOR PERMITS: From August 21, anyone travelling to regional areas from Greater Sydney for work must have a permit. These permits will be available through Service NSW soon. At this stage it is not a requirement for people who travel into the Greater Sydney or Central Coast areas for work.
REAL ESTATE INSPECTIONS: As above for all people leaving the Greater Sydney area - permit required. Only one person and that person must genuinely need a home to live in (no investment property purchasing etc).
HOLIDAY HOMES: As above for all people leaving Greater Sydney area - permit required. Travelling to a second home is now only allowed if you are using the home for work accommodation or if the home requires urgent maintenance or repairs.
SINGLES BUBBLES: Singles who live alone in hotspot LGAs will now have to apply for and nominate a registered 'buddy'. Please note that the rules around providing care to a vulnerable person, such as an elderly parent, have not changed.
- $5000 on the spot for breaching self-isolation rules
- $5000 on the spot for lying on a permit (criminal offence)
- $5000 on the spot for lying to a contract tracer (criminal offence)
- $3000 on the spot for breaching the two-person outdoor exercise rule
- $3000 on the spot for breaching rules around travelling to regional areas from the Greater Sydney area.INCREASED POLICING AND DEFENCE PERSONNEL: More police will now monitor compliance with the above rules, in particular the travel rules. The Police Minister and Police COmmissioner have today also announced that compliance efforts will be boosted by 500 Defence Force personnel, and they will be targeting main link roads such as the M1.
LATE TEST PAYMENTS: The Government has announced that it will pay $320 to casual workers who lose work while waiting for Covid test results, but only in the hotspot areas of Sydney. This is ridiculous given the wait so many in the local community are facing.
Theres way too many exemptions in this list. Why the Fck do people need to be looking at real estate or travelling to a holiday home for any reason during a lockdown. Until they ACTUALLY make it a proper lockdown they’re just delaying the inevitable here.

Another lockdown funny.
"Remember when you wished the weekend would last forever? Happy now!!!"

freeride76 wrote:5 cases now in Lismore from the Sydney real estate speculator.
Ben this is why the total lockdown is required. Delta spreads like wildfire. There will be more over the coming days.

Horas wrote:I used to have a go at the French ,but at least there on the streets telling Schwab and his mates to get FUCKED
FMD ,what a time to be alive.
Actually the ONLY French people on the streets are the fully vaccinated. French have outlawed non vaccinated to go out to any places. Vaccinated must show digital vaccination certificate proof and any business caught not asking for this from their patrons is fined.
Still think France is the golden country?

Yep. Don is talking pure dung. I’ve just been talking to crew in the surf amd they are pretty distraught. One bloke lost $50K worth of orders overnight, another has lost all custom completely basically until the lockdown ends.
And for what? There’s not a single case for at least 300km in either direction and the towns with cases were already locked down. If something happens then deal with it , not pre emptivly place everyone under house arrest for no literally reason. It’s authoritarian overreach, nothing but. The directives were not proposed by any scientific or medical expert, they were imposed at the will of a police officer. Since when does a fuvking cop get to lock everyone in their houses for no reason?
“Delta spreads like wildfire”….FFS, now he’s just straight out parroting hyperbolic headlines. Sydney has had 5K cases in 7 weeks from a population of 5 million. Wildfire….it’d be hilarious if dribble like this wasn’t used to impose draconian rule.
Don - Question: After 18 months and 38,000 cases , how many otherwise healthy people not in aged care or palliative care or already hospitalised have died? Come on mate. You want to be taken seriously then give facts instead of over dramatised headlines.
BTW -What’s with the “right wing extremist” call I keep hearing? Not sure how you can get more right wing than Bin Chook or Scomo and they have just overseen the home imprisonment of 20 million Australians. That’s your dangerous right wing extremism , not doubting the narrative.

thermalben wrote:donweather wrote:freeride76 wrote:5 cases now in Lismore from the Sydney real estate speculator.
Ben this is why the total lockdown is required. Delta spreads like wildfire. There will be more over the coming days.
Haven't seen any official announcement about these cases.. they're not on the NSW Health case location site.
V. strange. Saw what looked to be an official NSW Health alert from yesterday .
No sign of it now.
Apologies to all, if this is somehow not legit.
They announced Covid fragments in sewage in Lennox treatment plant.
We'll see what happens.

Freeride- It spreads like WILDFIRE!!!!!!
Just cause three sick people wandered around Byron shore for a week and not a single person caught it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be locked in your cellar biting your nails. All of society needs to stop immediately.
The police wanted people to be forced to wear masks outside despite no evidence of a single outside case.
You sure we aren’t under authoritarian rule, mate ?

I dunno.
Just had a really fun surf with the entire fam in the bright sunshine.
Plenty of other people out enjoying the surf and sun.
I find it hard to reconcile that with "authoritarian" rule.
Maybe stop doom scrolling fear porn on the internets?
Yeah, we are under lockdown, but all the things we love to do are still on the menu.
No one is locking us in the cellar.

Freeride - you are only viewing this through your own perspective. You reckon you’d be so flippant if you and the fam were living in a unit in Western Sydney? The whole lot of you stuck inside or taking turns to go and exercise around your shitty local streets and only in pairs! Staring at the walls for 23 hours per day. Having army and riot police check your papers as you exercise.
That’s not doom scrolling, that’s the reality for the majority of people who don’t live a happy little stroll from the ocean.
Imagine being a 19 year old apprentice and still having your parents address despite normally only sleeping there one or two nights a week. The rest of the time you’re sleeping at mate’s houses or in your car somewhere or with some chick you’ve met. Hanging with your friends every hour you’re not at work. Then all of a sudden you’re in lockdown and forced to live with your parents full time again, barred from seeing your mates or chasing girls or doing anything except work. Despite the fact that you are basically immune to this virus. Welcome to authoritarian rule.

That would be shitt.
and I fully realise how lucky I am.
Living in dense urban areas has always been shit when infectious diseases move through.
It's inestimably better now than it was a hundred, or more years ago.
So, yes, my personal perspective is skewed, but the historical perspective also needs to be taken into account.

In between surfing and fishing, guy goes on internet to rail against the authoritarian state doing his head in. Meanwhile girls in Kabul.....

What about girls in Kabul? They’re subjected to authoritarian oppression just like Australians.
Army patrolling the streets, kids not allowed to go to school, alternative opinions censored , social pressure to fall into groupthink……Sydney or Kabul no difference.

I think you jumped the shark there mate if you think there is no difference between Kabul and Sydney.
but it's your view and your entitled to it.

Yeah, I was defending a position I don’t really believe. Just because Kabul is under complete oppressive rule doesn’t mean Australia isnt beginning to show signs of authoritarian rule too.
The comment by Adam12 was a ridiculous distraction and by responding it has indeed worked as a distraction. Forget Adam12 and his strawman.
Freeride you seem like a smart bloke. It is strange that your opinion cannot be influenced by events beyond your own personal experience. Just cause you can go roll in the daisies as you please, it certainly isn’t the reality for millions and millions of Australians right this very day. It turns out I actually am allowed to go visit my parents under the justification of providing care, otherwise I couldn’t go visit. As it stands I can only go alone. My missus cannot drive there with me despite there being no suggestion that either my parents or ourselves are sick or have been exposed to the virus. There is no suggestion that the virus is within 300 kms of here.
So if I drive to my parents ( 1 hour away) the authorities can stop me and demand to know where I’m going and why. If my partner is with me and the police don’t accept our reasons we can be fined $10,000 and sent home or arrested. Again…there is no suggestion that anyone of us or anyone within hundreds of kilometres being sick.
That’s authoritarianism.

my opinion is very fluid.
if a year from now, this great reset, authoritarian state theory has been proven to be the outcome of the current pandemic then I'll be one of the first to eat crow and claim I was wrong.
I also know other people's experience is very different to mine.
just got off the phone to my cuz in Melbourne who works in the theatre.
her livelihood has been decimated.
I'm sure the migrant families crammed into unit blocks in western Sydney are having a much worse time of it too.

Blowin - Adam is a friend of mine as you may know , but his comment WAS a good example of an extreme authoritarian state which is committing atrocities as we speak . Australia is becoming more Authoritarian but is a million miles away from Afghanistan . Why do you abuse so quickly ? Like me , you need to work on anger management .
The WEF's Great Reset plan involves them scaring the pants off people and then offering a solution that only THEY can provide . Tyranny 101 . Global Warming , sorry temps plateaued in 98 so Climate Change and Covid are the problems that nearly EVERONE want fixed and they say they can fix it .
Look how Canada , the US and many others are ALREADY using the term The (not so ) Great Reset .

There’s a big difference in this Coolangatta Tweed border policing this time round. Previously whenever I crossed the border on ducat st into miles st , I observed pedestrians ( and bicycles ) freely walking either direction, only cars were stopped for inspection and the same at the Coolangatta Tweed border crossing in town, pedestrians were left alone but not anymore . My wife was stopped yesterday at ducat st while walking and a friend was stopped in Coolangatta this morning ( walking ) from crossing into Qld to open her hair salon . She was told by police she wasn’t a essential worker and couldn’t open her shop . Considering there is no known cases whatsoever in the tweed it seems a bit over the top . When Byron blues festival was stopped after 1 case I thought at the time that was also over the top . Sure delta is more contagious but this doesn’t make sense . On the current thinking northern rivers will be locked down as long as Sydney.

Settle down folks.
There's no grand schemes here. We're literally experiencing the outcomes of our state based divided leadership, and previously successful management of Covid.
Fact is whether strictly enforced lockdowns are completely necessary or not, what's become abundantly clear is there's very little love between states and the federal gov is effectively useless as a leader. NSW are now stuck in a position where if they don't go hard then the other states won't open up to them....indefinitely. This is more incompetence of leadership than anything else.
Also, look what happened to VIC last got under control and reopened.

What the hell is wrong with some people

Blowin wrote:Don - Question: After 18 months and 38,000 cases , how many otherwise healthy people not in aged care or palliative care or already hospitalised have died? Come on mate..
Blowin you do realise that the reason Australia has avoided Covid to date is because we live on a Fcking island and we shut our international borders. You can’t keep quoting Australian stats. They’re meaningless because we’ve done our best to eradicate Covid from our island.
On the other hand take a look at the US and places like Indonesia. They are out of control. Quote their stats. Take a look at Texas Hospitals. Completely full. Can’t take another patient until they kick out an existing one. Dead or alive. So would you be happy with Aussie hospitals like this? Would you be content with full hospitals and then you or your loved ones require medical treatment (doesn’t have to be Covid) and they’re turned away because there’s no beds left.
Remember we have free health care for all. Not like the US. Would you be content with NO health care in Australia. Because that’s where we’d end up if you ran this country with your disbelief and denial.

udo wrote:What the hell is wrong with people
and it’s for reasons like this that Gladys was left no other choice but to implement a state wide hard lockdown. Some people just don’t get it.

Even Gladys has stated that there’s zero evidence of outdoor transmission. No recorded cases. If young people want to hang out together outside why shouldn’t they be able to do so? If you’re going to impose draconian rules you’d better have a rock solid scientific/ medical reason for them and in this case there’s none.
More victim shaming by Gladys the hook nosed witch. If Scummo had done his job and provided federal quarantine facilities there’d be no lockdown. Where’s the fine for that pants-shutting sociopath?

donweather wrote:On the other hand take a look at the US and places like Indonesia. They are out of control. Quote their stats. .
It's a pity Indonesian stats would be pretty unreliable, id love to see things like age and if they smoked etc.
Anyway just saw this recent pic from Indo, so puts some perspective on things.

indo-dreaming wrote:donweather wrote:On the other hand take a look at the US and places like Indonesia. They are out of control. Quote their stats. .
It's a pity Indonesian stats would be pretty unreliable, id love to see things like age and if they smoked etc.
Anyway just saw this recent pic from Indo, so puts some perspective on things.
Terrible Indo. And my heart goes out to all Indonesians suffering during these times.

BTW. Even the death toll for children is quite high in Indo about 1 in 88 Covid deaths in a child.
"Poverty, Disease, Customs: Why So Many Indonesian Children Die of Covid
The disease kills far more children in developing countries than in rich ones, and some factors make them especially vulnerable in Indonesia."

Briefly listened to Glady's presser on the news and it is diabolical how she kept on emphasising that all the recent deaths were unvaccinated people. It is clear that she is really pushing the vaccination agenda to the hilt.
And yes, all of the arguments going on, here on the forums and also in the general media, would not be happening if proper open air quarantine facilities like Howard Springs had been built instead of being absolutely ruled out early on by Morrison.
There would simply be no or bugger all community transmission.
Like the honest government ad says " We love it when you peasants blame each other"

BTW blowin I do feel for your situation with you and your parents. I can sympathise with yours/their situation.
My wife lives in Nth NSW. I live in SE QLD. We only see each other every second week due to us having each of our children from our first marriages the other 2nd week. However with lockdowns and border closures we have seen each other for over a fortnight and who knows how much longer before we can see each other.
But we’re all in this together so I’m not going to complain. No point.

A lot of heart ache in that photo Indo
Just announced a short time ago. Apparently the stay-at-home orders will be in place for a week.