Australia - you're standing in it

They're all gone I'd think by now, McGowan in WA, Dan, QLD prem, the let it rip gang in NSW, SA guy... and Scomo & his gov.

And going back to that TISM song, I always thought they were singing:
I'm a yob, I'm a yob, I'm a yob /
I'm a wiggit, I'm a wiggit, I'm a wiggit

velocityjohnno wrote:They're all gone I'd think by now, McGowan in WA, Dan, QLD prem, the let it rip gang in NSW, SA guy... and Scomo & his gov.
And over the ditch Jacinda gone too, all played a part in heavy handed draconian approach to Covid kinda interesting but not surprising.

Either a remarkable coincidence , or there is a consistent theme .
As with Albo's Totogate ( and Watergate) , it's not the first mistake/crime it's the Cover Up that causes the Biggest problem .
Pfizer ( more like Fizzer imo ) executives should ALREADY be in jail on just the evidence I have seen .
If this WAS all a BIG Fat Lie and Cover Up , it is too big to hide , forever .
Guess who is fronting Congress soon .
Has HE and HIS wife , covered anything up .
The Media won't like reporting this !
Is covid still around ?
I don't notice or hear about it , anymore , I wonder why :)
We are back to just "Having a Bug " again !

Someone knows. Follow the money.

Heard Tones is writing a character reference....

Yes this has reared its head many times. I think AJ deserves his time in court, finally, to defend himself. Criminal court, not civil.

I bet U guys have a long track record of hating Alan J .
Did U lay OFF Peel , After he was proved innocent ?
Won't matter to U , IF he goes to court .
U won't change your mind .
U guys are the Witch Burning types , Spanish Inquisition lovers .
Love to do ugly , negative gossip .
Don't listen to or DO facts .
Cut down your least favourite , tall poppies , it seems .
Do some research on Pedophilia .
How organised and entrenched and FN UGLY it is , in all societies .
Think International Children smuggling SHIT .
If U want to REALLY want to see if AJ might be a Pedo , check his travel over the last 10 years .
Pedo's have to take at least ONE holiday a year , mostly two ,.in some exotic Place .
Think Epstein Island type stuff .
Think who went there ( not a Pedo Island but disgusting enough ) .
AJ is from Sydney , and I don't listen or read his opinion .
I know he is Gay .
ps U are exactly right Smiley , I spent too much time inside today .
Have gone a bit stir crazy and regressed a bit today .
Way too much time thinking and not DOING !
Sorry everyone !
pss Smiley , name ONE level that human's have gone backwards on .
I can't think of one , yet .
Does Woke count ?
I think it is just a passing phase .

ppps you support Pell?
And Epstien’s island was a pedo island! Pedo isn’t gender specific.
In fact your whole post is rank!

seeds wrote:ppps you support Pell?
And Epstien’s island was a pedo island! Pedo isn’t gender specific.
In fact your whole post is rank!

seeds wrote:ppps you support Pell?
And Epstien’s island was a pedo island! Pedo isn’t gender specific.
In fact your whole post is rank!
Rank, yes. Ramblings of a psycho? Also yes.

Gosh- Girls on that terrible island were were over 13 , I believe .
As I said , U guys need to do some research .
Not just listen to gossip .
Pedo's ( I hate writing the word ) prey on young kids .
I hate them with a burning passion .
How can anyone be that cruel !
Bring back Execution for this heinous crime !!!
Kill the c's , when PROVEN guilty !!!!!

Pop Down wrote:Gosh- Girls on that terrible island were were over 13 , I believe .
As I said , U guys need to do some research .
Not just listen to gossip .
Pedo's ( I hate writing the word ) prey on young kids .
I hate them with a burning passion .
How can anyone be that cruel !
Bring back Execution for this heinous crime !!!
Kill the c's , when PROVEN guilty !!!!!
So if you’re a 14 year old girl it’s open slather?
Am I reading that correctly?

IF that's the WAY U are reading it , U are not goofy , U are stupid .
How rude !

I’m not known for my intelligence but are you saying pedo’s pray on young kids, but if you’re over 13 you’re not a young kid, so it’s ok?
Sticking up for Pell yesterday and now this today, coming across as a full blown sicko pop

Mate , Shit - here is the FN definition of a PEDO - a person who is sexually attracted to children.
U guys are abusing people about a topic U clearly don't think about much .
Fuck - I didn't follow the Pell story .
I read he was PROVEN innocent .
Seems like U think U should be the Judge and Jury .
OK - I admit my writing style , as proven over a long time , is fucked .
I somehow assume , I think , people know what I am taking about .
I am much better , chatting , mostly .
BUT , on this issue , what was being suggested what I was saying , was FUCKEN deliberately rude and provocative .
Will ALWAYS fight back then .
It is my nature .
I will try harder to Pop Down !

Pop Down, I don't believe its with intent but your grammatical and writing style certainly leaves your posts open to much interpretation. GF is not stupid, review your posts viewing from the outside mate.

I’m not deliberately trying to stir you.
Just clarify this for me, as I’m fucked if I know how to interpret it -
“ Gosh- Girls on that terrible island were were over 13 , I believe .
As I said , U guys need to do some research .
Not just listen to gossip .”
What do you mean by that?

Pop Down wrote:If U want to REALLY want to see if AJ might be a Pedo , check his travel over the last 10 years .
Pedo's have to take at least ONE holiday a year , mostly two ,.in some exotic Place .
Think Epstein Island type stuff .
Think who went there ( not a Pedo Island but disgusting enough ) .
AJ is from Sydney , and I don't listen or read his opinion .
Maybe he shops local!!!

On this issue , I was deliberately trying to NOT leave facts to interpretation .
I wrote above "not a Pedo Island but disgusting enough " .
In hindsight , VERY badly written !!!!
The Prey on the fn Island were NOT little kids , they were very young girls .
Men who abuse minors are ALMOST worth killing to imho .
Was trying to emphasis HOW fn organised these c..ts are !!!
Maybe I could have elaborated that I followed THIS story VERY intently .
As I wrote , check who ( should have added SCUM ) went to this fn debauched FN place !
I have daughters , 22 and 19 !
On most issues that are Moral , I will try and give my view ,
On nearly EVERY political issue , I intentionally , try to keep my views ( interpretations ) , to myself .
I know my views , if U know them , U might label me as something , as U are doing now imho .
As we are on social media , I don't really care much , how U label me .
My friends ( don't lose many ) know , I come with warts and all .

Righto pop I can somewhat see what you’re saying, but if your definition of a pedo is someone who preys on “little kids” and not “very young kids”, ( how you differentiate between the two ?? ) you’ve got rocks in your head.
I don’t know why I’m even having this conversation to be honest it seems pointless.

Gee , U are right , it's pointless differentiating the two as its not needed imho .
Both are SO cruel , lets define a Pedo as anyone who does both .
Let's really bring this issue OUT of it's Dark and Ugly hiding spot .
Anyone proven guilty , don't kill them , put them in jail .
The REAL men there , will deal with them and make their lives a LIVING misery .
Just what they deserve .
So sorry that my shitty comms style has wasted our time on this !

Sorry , but this can be just for the record .
The definition of a pedo I posted above was not mine .
It was from the Oxford Dictionary .
I should have made that clear .
Sorry .

just a reminder, if you're quite finished w the above convo, people w free to air telly only, planet earth III, with the little shippies clip, is on ch 9, about 7:30/8pm.

I am learning to love your suggestions basesix :)
Is David still going strong ?
We ALL love Planet Earth !

yeh @Pop, it was a good recommendation by @Sprout in this Shippies-clip thread:
- perfect weather for a bit o' evening Attenborough ; )

Mathew Higgins Brittanys Father on the stand
That was the Hardest most Awkard thing i have ever Watched...

the drama many shady twists

Roadkill wrote:the drama many shady twists
@mini-me info killrag

GuySmiley wrote:Roadkill wrote:the drama many shady twists
@mini-me info killrag
Rather than replying with nothings…you could spend the time educating yourself on Gaza. Borders were your research topics last week.
Who controls the borders, noideaGuy? Or have you chosen to stay ignorant?

Not from your Zionist songbook killrag but …..

Not sure if copying Jellybrain and posting stupid YouTube is the way to go…..but whatever.

Oh dill ;)
- wherever u go u leave a trail of nothing but dickhead
…nice moustache tho ;);)

Jelly Flater wrote:Oh dill ;)
- wherever u go u leave a trail of nothing but dickhead…nice moustache tho ;);)
Correct..since I posted in here, 2 dickheads have followed me, and commented about me.

No dill. You are the only dickhead here ;)
- you prove it with every pointless post of negative dribble.
You commented about me - hence the response - so quit trying to always turn it around and pull the victim card… you just waffle on with another attempt at accusing others of what you are doing. Your hypocrisy and deflection show how much of a farkn nobody u really are ;)
… and u know u wouldn’t last a second in the real world shooting ya mouth off like u do, your sad reality is just u being a miserable prick hidden away pretending to enjoy the comfort of your cowardly existence.
- you ain’t fooling anyone… how many of your comments have been deleted again ? Haha… nobody cares to hear what u say here, noticed that ;)
You could try get a farkn life…
- but you just keep singing ya song ;);)

Geez guys, time to knock it on the head I recon

Haha ;)
- true dat seaslug
…send me location ;);)

I like anyone , who has the guts to jump in the middle of dog fight , knock on their heads , give them The Look , and get things back to normal and friendly .
Just saying .

velocityjohnno wrote:
its interesting, I used to think programs like the drum, qanda, and insiders should never get the chop...
due to the community service they provide in framing debate etc. rather than just for the hard viewer rating numbers...
now I couldn't give a stuff, the drum and qanda have become so routine and predictable i barely watch them. the participants, the topics, and the triggers... now seem so fucking far from average joe they seem totally irrelevant...
some may say that's me growing old, grumpy, and correspondingly, ' 'conservative' ...and have alluded as such...
but at the same time, the 'lefty's' are going rogue on social media, conplaining the abc has become an lnp mouthpiece, and victim of a murdoch-esque takeover...
aside from a seemingly conscious decision about a decade ago to balance up their ranks, I do not see the lefty's whinge at all, its still all largely inner city lefty... with barely any topics / people off agenda getting a real run...
maybe its the internet... maybe its a divided society... maybe its political cynicism... maybe its impossible to coalesce around 'common values' in the modern context...
but aside from 24 hr news, RN, local radio, newsradio, maybe 4 corners... they can shut the whole fucking thing down as far as Im concerned...
it's lost relevance, its lost touch, and its lost any form of authority it once had... especially post corona...
insiders may be worth preserving, but even that now seems shit

“ … now I couldn't give a stuff, the drum and qanda have become so routine and predictable i barely watch them. the participants, the topics, and the triggers now seem so fucking far from average joe they seem totally irrelevant...“

Sigh...yes Sypkan I agree with you, sad hey

Old grumpy guys , like me ( seaslug jumping into a dog fight is one thing , this is a shit fight ) need to be willing to contribute ( in as non grumpy way as possible ) on more important stuff than the ABC atm imho .
Shit , I only called them Our ABC , on the housing thread this week .
I love to stick up for underdogs .
Please , I have no desire or time , to do the checking out necessary , to properly TRY and defend the ABC ,
Guys , how was the surf today ?
I was in the home office all day ( off shore ) .

Sleeping outside on the mat tonight with a can of Pal to keep me company PD :)

so funny seaslug .
No flees on you imo . ( Watch for ticks( ps and fn mozzies !!!! )).
I am also good at convincing myself of being , almost , anything ( and believing , almost , anything :) .
Dogs really are a "Mans Best Friend " imho
Men should have a few BF's of many species , ages and genders imo .
I really miss my old ( Girl ) daily dose of K9 ( not wanting another kid at my age :) .
sorry pssp The ABC is like the Opera .
Not many go , but many like knowing it's there imho .

all that doom and gloom about a china building slow down and iron ore prices didn't eventuate... because china subsidised it's electric car industry and cars are metal and stuff...
and, check out that immigration graph
targets and estimates... keeping the door open...
appears labor is doing exactly what peta credlin revealed about the abbott government...
ie. pump some economic figures into a computer model... then up and up and up the immigration numbers until you balance the books...
when you look at that graph, its all rather sad and pathetic

"" ever get the feeling you've been cheated.""
Johnny Rotten.

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.