Watch & Listen: 'Here We Are', Shipsterns Bluff
For surfers in Victoria and Tasmania, the back half of 2023 has seen an almost constant supply of southwest swell. In fact, we're just days away from summer but the conveyor keeps delivering swell after swell.
This clip was shot a month or so ago during one of those swells, and features George Vanderkelen mixing it with an all-star cast of hot locals and passers by.
The water footage and running commentary is by Kyron, drone sequences by Stu Gibson, and soundtrack by Dusty Rusty.
Apart from the music, I thought that was a good little flick. Puts you right there.
banjo, harp, straight up tassie aussie vocals no bullshit, didja not even listen to the lyrics-go back to yer top40 toss pot or open ya mind
What a delightful clip, well done Kyron.
Reminds me, watch Planet Earth III, Episode 1. Opens with someone getting swallowed by a Shippies mutant. The GWS footage is insane too (as it all is).
Steve Wall shot that. Where can you view it?
momentary teaser at 25 secs
&t=25sIf you can wait a few days it premiers on Channel 9 and 9Now Sunday November 26, at 8.00pm.
If you have a VPN and pretend you're British you can watch it here:
If you don't mind a shoulder parrot the first 5 episodes are out and are mind blowing; both the subjects and cinematography.
The Shippies bit is just 2 minutes at the start; scenery, 1 empty, 1 surfed.

Made me flinch at the 5.30 mark
That was great!!
Awesome footage and enjoyable music. Great stuff Kyron. Give us more.
Cool clip. No frills. Enjoyed it.
I really liked that. I liked that the waves were shown at regular speed. I enjoyed the soundtrack and in particular that you could still hear the waves, water and distant hoots and so appreciate the power and get a sense of the moment. Fun while frightening.
Nice work!
I really liked it too. Another reminder it's no place for a sissy.
that was a dope shippies edit, well done kyron, showed it all in a fresh light
loved it