Australia - you're standing in it

No names yet but more charges for the fella

words fail me on this one, so read the author's words. What an indescribably bad situation that has been allowed to develop over something crucial to the prosperity of a nation, energy:
"I knew the gas cartel had been too quiet for too long. Something had to be brewing, and what a doozy it was.
Readers are long familiar with the evil gas cartel.
Unique in the world for energy producers, the east coast of Australia has no domestic reservation regime for its gas reserves.
Even now, amid a spaghetti bowl of regulation and price controls, there is still no effective domestic reservation.
Over the past decade, this has allowed China-beholden foreign capital to create a gas export cartel that has:
delivered the east coast economy perpetual gas and electricity price shocks;
hollowed-out industry;
derailed decarbonisation;
ripped hundreds of billions of out of the economy;
built cheap China weapons while robbing us of the capacity to build our own;
forced Aussie households and businesses to subsidise pan-Asian households and businesses;
cost five prime ministers their jobs, and
delivered a completely unnecessary inflation shock that is destabilising a sixth.
It’s not like it doesn’t matter or anything. Yet nobody cares, and the iMSM never writes about it.
When this kind of suicidal lassitude takes hold of a polity, all manner of idiocy is possible. We’ve seen:
Australia import higher gas prices than Europe amid their war, not ours;
Aussie gas sailing in circles around Asia while we can’t get any;
a private carbon tax imposed by China-beholden foreign corporations so large that it makes the former public version blush;
households ripping gas out of their walls to decarbonise at enormous cost while the cartel pumps multitudes more carbon like a cosmic tailpipe;
corporate interests trading monopoly assets like footy cards without the faintest intervention by regulators, and
coal-fired electricity become the firming power option for the NEM as it weans itself off coal-fired power. Say what?
But, today takes the cake. The one disastrous hope that the east coast economy had to cap the price gouge by the gas cartel was to import LNG.
Obviously, this idea was always profoundly stupid. We have the cheapest gas in the world right here. It should be reserved.
However, if you can’t overcome the corruption of the cartel sufficiently to do this one essential thing, the next best outcome is to import global gas so that the cartel cannot impose discriminatory pricing at home above global gas prices, which it has often done.
So, in importing LNG, what is the one thing that you would not allow? This:
Origin Energy is in exclusive negotiations to import liquefied natural gas through a proposed $300 million-plus terminal in South Australia for at least 10 years, a deal that – if completed – would be a big boost for the Venice Energy project in Port Adelaide.
A deal, which would mean Origin becoming the sole user of the terminal, is targeted to be sealed “over the coming weeks”, Venice said in a statement.
Origin is a card-carrying member of the east coast gas export cartel. Why the fuck would we let it, or any other export cartelier, take control of import terminal volumes?
This entirely and completely defeats the purpose of having the terminals in the first place. They are a last-ditch idea worth consideration only because they force global competition and prices onto the gas export cartel.
If Origin owns the terminal capacity, then it will be free to charge whatever it likes locally for imported gas because the cartel already controls all local supply.
Hilariously, as regulators stick their collective heads up their arses, markets know precisely what is going on and are greedily lapping it up:
An $18.7 billion takeover bid for Origin Energy looks increasingly unlikely to succeed after the company’s largest shareholder, AustralianSuper, said it would reject the buyout offer from Brookfield and EIG.
The superannuation giant, which owns 13.7 per cent of Origin, is supported by several other institutional shareholders who want the company’s suitors to increase their bid to well over $10 a share. The buyout offer, which has been under consideration for 15 months, values shares at about $8.81.
There is only one reason why the ORG bid is considered below fair value. It owns the enormous Eraring coal-fired power station, which was scheduled for closure but will now stay open to support the end of coal power in NSW via substantial public subsidies.
This is only because Origin has deprived NSW of affordable gas, which should be doing the firming power job as coal exits. The absent gas will now include imported LNG volumes.
If you want to kill a country, this is a great way to get it done."

basesix wrote:
This is already ‘de facto’ decriminalised. One just needs to do an evening walk down the Elizabeth street towards Flinders station for an evidence of that.

flollo wrote:basesix wrote:
This is already ‘de facto’ decriminalised. One just needs to do an evening walk down the Elizabeth street towards Flinders station for an evidence of that.
mm, no doubt. great series, great writing, great scene:

"Victoria has made it on to National Geographic’s “cool list” – naming the most exciting destinations in the world to visit in 2024.
The southern state was the only destination in Australasia to make the list.
The 30 destinations on National Geographic Traveller (UK)’s ‘Cool List’ are places that are expected to make headlines in the year ahead.
While the magazine notes Australia is known for its beaches, Victoria made the cut for having “the country’s steamiest new road trip”.
The Great Victorian Bathing Trail is a tourism route which plans to link existing and new hot springs and bathing spots across the state."
Look on our works, ye jealous other states, and despair.

velocityjohnno wrote:Look on our works, ye jealous other states, and despair.
The Great Victorian Bathing Trail which already includes the "Geelong Eastern Sea Baths." Surely this is a wind up? Otherwise known as Eastern Beach where miscreants, perverts, rev heads and recidivists are known to gather . Might have to pop down myself next hot day for a "bathe". Now where did I leave my mankini?

The kids went there for swimming for school, came back and said they preferred the beach as the water wasn't oily. I for one am all for influencers visiting the spot.

velocityjohnno wrote:The kids went there for swimming for school, came back and said they preferred the beach as the water wasn't oily. I for one am all for influencers visiting the spot.
The perfect place to send them.

'''Angry boomers were just flooding in - I couldn't count them there were so many,' he said.'
Chaos level for Australia has been updated to 'dogs and cats living together'.
"One shop on George Street in Sydney's CBD had to call the police twice after frustrations boiled over into fights between customers.
'We've got extra security and staff in today,' one Optus customer service agent told Daily Mail Australia.
'The police were here for half an hour: a couple of paddy wagons and a couple of cruisers because there were so many people involved.'
The staff member said the store had two dozen people waiting before it opened at 9am.
'Angry boomers were just flooding in - I couldn't count them there were so many,' he said.
'Most folk who were mad about it were older people who came in early in the morning when they woke up.
'Most of them were mad about cruise tickets, which are on their phone. Because their ship's docked here they can't get back onboard without signal.'"
That last bit gets me, you are standing at the ship, they won't let you on because your phone doesn't have the swipe code, what about using ID and cross checking with a passenger manifest??

...and it was supposed to be zoomers that'd lose their minds when the whole kit n kaboodle goes down...
(none of this seems to bode well for future DC and our ever increasing reliance on these systems... one well placed bomb / hack... and it seems our whole society would literally lose it overnight...)

Oh and who can imagine the hidden trauma for the army of influencers. Hours without a single "like"! So cruel. Optus should compemsate them.

It's worse than any of you can possibly imagine...

Worse still - the writer uses the word "ass".
Oh the humanity.

sypkan wrote:...and it was supposed to be zoomers that'd lose their minds when the whole kit n kaboodle goes down...
(none of this seems to bode well for future DC and our ever increasing reliance on these systems... one well placed bomb / hack... and it seems our whole society would literally lose it overnight...)
oh digital only currency is going to be a barrel of fun. So will electric motoring after the really really big solar storm we are due for...
Edit: we all know what the apocalyptic world after the digital one is, lots of bikies in kinky leather searching for fuel and kids with boomerangs, a quick drive past a G-Town bulk adult outlet today shows they are on up to 70% off-sale - now's the time to stock up for the post-apocalypse

Up here, the floods were the perfect example of what happens if coms go down.
You want cash.

velocityjohnno wrote:'''Angry boomers were just flooding in - I couldn't count them there were so many,' he said.'
Chaos level for Australia has been updated to 'dogs and cats living together'…..
'Most of them were mad about cruise tickets, which are on their phone. Because their ship's docked here they can't get back onboard without signal.'"
That last bit gets me, you are standing at the ship, they won't let you on because your phone doesn't have the swipe code, what about using ID and cross checking with a passenger manifest??
Ha ha ha, fucking boomers. Didn’t know to download their swipe to their phone, just in case, or better still, ask for a paper version.
Cash is great, and finally making a comeback. Noticed quite a few shops lately saying ‘cash preferred’, which I generally like to oblige. Still always carry cash with me.
Remember those ads where a guy with cash is holding up the cashier while everyone else just swipes through in a second or two. More often I see people doing the usual with their phones. - logging in, digital wallet doesn’t work, use the other one, oh have to log in again, swap digital card, doesn’t work, what’s wrong, oh I’m not sure, let me try again ….
And that’s with Comms working!
Shops that no longer take cash would have got their comeuppance.
Big reason not to throw all your data in ‘the cloud’ if you don’t have to.

velocityjohnno wrote:sypkan wrote:...and it was supposed to be zoomers that'd lose their minds when the whole kit n kaboodle goes down...
(none of this seems to bode well for future DC and our ever increasing reliance on these systems... one well placed bomb / hack... and it seems our whole society would literally lose it overnight...)
oh digital only currency is going to be a barrel of fun. So will electric motoring after the really really big solar storm we are due for...
DC only won’t happen in my lifetime, and probs not yours. No need to worry about that now.
Them ICE engines also have electricals in them too, VJ. They’ll be fried along with everything else. But that’s the least of the worries. The big solar storm that knocks out all the satellites will be the game changer. Back to the Stone Age then.

Oh yes, modern ICE with it's computers is gone too. Studies of big EMP tests in the 70's revealed quite a few of the cars then survived and worked after simulated atomic blasts/EMP, their more simple electric circuits combined with insulation offered by the rubber tyres probably the reason. I've got a nice old 302 with autolite carby and a very simple wiring loom (have replacement sitting in faraday cage if absolutely concerned, and reattach after if you have to). For absolute peace of mind get something like a 60 series 2H diesel land cruiser with the hand crank and mechanical injection, or a series Landrover with the smaller 2.25 diesel (less effort) and hand crank - just watch it when cranking them! Could run with a fried battery, if you don't mind no instruments. I don't think anyone would if they were being chased by Lord Humungous anyway.
Agree on cash, it's beautiful and anonymous. If it ever hyperinflates to nothing (they're working on it - sheep poo was 2.50 pre-pandemic, just saw $5 now) I'd suggest junk silver as it's small scale, each coin is a weight value so can't be diluted - you know what you're getting.
I'll say it - here's to the analog way of doing things, it's hands-on, feels satisfying, and is real.

Tabloid-style article VJ.
Delivered in a matter of minutes, the real essence of the High Court judgement
is simply that indefinite detention is unconstitutional and thus illegal.
Seems like a Keating-era bit of legislation may finally come back to bite Labor - despite the High Court judgement, the Libs will crucify anything that Labor do.

Douglas Adams, always a good source of funny:
“If," ["the management consultant"] said tersely, “we could for a moment move on to the subject of fiscal policy. . .”
“How can you have money,” demanded Ford, “if none of you actually produces anything? It doesn't grow on trees you know.”
“If you would allow me to continue.. .”
Ford nodded dejectedly.
“Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich.”
Ford stared in disbelief at the crowd who were murmuring appreciatively at this and greedily fingering the wads of leaves with which their track suits were stuffed.
“But we have also,” continued the management consultant, “run into a small inflation problem on account of the high level of leaf availability, which means that, I gather, the current going rate has something like three deciduous forests buying one ship’s peanut."
Murmurs of alarm came from the crowd. The management consultant waved them down.
“So in order to obviate this problem,” he continued, “and effectively revalue the leaf, we are about to embark on a massive defoliation campaign, and. . .er, burn down all the forests. I think you'll all agree that's a sensible move under the circumstances."
The crowd seemed a little uncertain about this for a second or two until someone pointed out how much this would increase the value of the leaves in their pockets whereupon they let out whoops of delight and gave the management consultant a standing ovation. The accountants among them looked forward to a profitable autumn aloft and it got an appreciative round from the crowd.”
― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Methinks someone enjoyed Animal Farm just a little too much.

I wasn’t sure where to post this , but wow what a difference a year makes . Went to visit mum today but aged care is locked down as 15 residents have the new COVID strain . Couldn’t get in and just spoke to receptionist who was fully kitted out with mask , face shield , gown and gloves. Apparently it got locked down yesterday but they hadn’t notified any relatives . To enter normally you have to do a temperature and rat test. Aged care facilities being locked down due to covid no longer make the news it seems .

Yep Supa it's still there, my health professionals are telling me of this, treatment recently and nurses masked up, taking frequent RAT tests given the line of their work and vulnerable people involved. Hope your mum is OK. You would think it would be ideal to protect the facility before the 15 people get infected, but it's hard as infection gets ahead of symptoms. More medical appointments ahead in next week, otherwise keeping head down as much as possible.

I'm still in an N95 mask at work after 3 years of this, we have about 30 inpatients with COVID (1 entire Ward) who are elderly and immune-suppressed individuals, but its obviously not a thing.

Hope your mum is OK SF

Thanks for sharing Supafreak & also wish yer kinfolk well.
velocityjohnno is wise to the fact & is also kind to share.
tbb's aged care reviews (swellnet Aged Care ~Doc Drawer)
2023 Voice Choir recital
* AEC Mass Voice mobilization incubated our Silly Season Covid Wave
* [#1 Oz Experts] CB : Data = 5% [+] Public cases' > Multiply cases 20x for yer Covid Tsunami quiver.
* Experts beg Govt for a reality check to stem the Hospital flow...seems Natcab lent their bad ear! Cool!
* AE : 'Hospital [+] 4x higher than reported.' (Just been verified by Qld Health CHO)
* ABS : 'Deaths Stats are Dodgy & delayed > Likely present well Higher!'
* A/C Deaths (6 weeks) 2022 Oct/Nov = 88 > 2023 Oct/Nov = 90 (Tip: Don't read ABS > Higher!)
[Factcheck] Sorry to inform that 2023 Xmas Wave is painfully more infectious & more severe!
Hot Tip : Shop around for a Weaker less deadly Xmas cheer Strain from yer Telly...feel better now!
Silly Season Aged Care Review
* AEC mandated Fully Vaxed Staff for Aged Care = mandated month long lowest immunity incubation
All mobile > incubating > compromised immunity (vs) Waning = Mass Voice Aged Care Outbreak
* AC Staff compo ends Dec 2023 (Max limit = 1x $750/wk per wave)
Management will test more now to turnover more [+] Staff to lock in Xmas peak Staff.
Also timely max out testing to score Free Xmas Govt Surge Hampers as Staff cases are rising faster!
* Albo scolded Anna (Shh!) for hands in the jar by ramping Staff 75% Year on Year Wave [+] increase
* Qld / NSW will be poaching [+] Infected interstate Staff > (eg: interstate multi wave claim loophole)
Govt recommended current Oz Aged Care Covid Guidelines
Govt are typically Rolling Over Playing Dead with Zombie [Amber] Flashing Traffic Lights.
* Covid Safe Aged Care > Currently adopting [Amber Plans]
* No unwell / fever / cough / sneeze folk + Mask up on Transit
* Priority Carer / Nominated Family rep =1 Only > Full / Jab +Vax or [-] Test + Mask
* Sanitize > Outdoor Xmas meet & greet mind the Hugs'n'Kisses
2024 > Easter Wave is already locked in at recent State CHO Pow Wow.
Albo ($318m) Age Home Pack $940 / resident (Paid to Management Only) No [+] Patient Obligation!
30th April All Aged Care Waves must expire...No more free PPE / RATs (Official End of Covid)
tbb is saying to inform yer Aged Care loved ones of their Waning Covid Care Packages!
Background ...Another/more Aged Care Ambo Siren/s...keep comin' they let up!
Xmas 2023 / 2024 Aged Care Doc Drawer
tbb's Aged Care reviews
Natcab [Censor Sensor] Waned weekly to Monthly reinfecting Code Red [Panic Mode] daily reports.
Spin Logan's Run Chocolate Wheel for yer Silly Season Covid Death Wish. [Gov : Die more than ya Live]
A/C Homes / #Outbreaks / Res / Staff [+] Cases / wk > Expiry 30th April 2024 [PDF]
Staff care Packs / Compo
Management / Resident / Patients - Packs (Expiry)
Oz Flu Tracking (All respiratory Waves) [PDF] weekly
There ya have it...
20 Oct CMO Slayed the Covid Demon...
"Cruisers are now surfing New Wave Combo Dual Flush sets!"
"Current more Infectious Deadly Covid Wave of Nostalgia can't last, them Siren sounds will soon wane!"
"Mass Vax Pandemic Kicker gave a tremendous boost to our ongoing Covid 4 Life rebound campaign!"

Vic CHO alert from 27 Oct
interesting they are tracking it using methods including antiviral prescriptions as a proxy

velocityjohnno : Antivirals as proxy Covid Wave Indicator
Firstly the Fed Govt site tallies State Pharmacy Distribution of Antivirals!
There is no correlation of Antivirals to individual cases...merely orders that mirror any Wave!
The delayed age table is then backdated after scripts are surrendered.
Victoria Antiviral Anomaly (Guessing VJ / Vic need answers!)
Yer Qldurr cousins feel for your health & will come to yer aid...All in this Together!
Q: Either since or without lockdown should Vic suffer more virulent Covid Strains?
A : (Oz / Vic AV doses) 26.62% July'22 > 29.74% Dec'22 > 28.78% May'23 > 39.17% Nov'23
From July 2022 > Nov 2023 Vic is scripting 47.15% more Antivirals to now 39.7% of Oz Share!
Vic Acting CHO : Dr Christian McGrath
* A/V Scripts have continued to increase slowly!
* Currently No Evidence of Increased Severity for any XBB Subvariant!
* Sustained growth in Scripts is in context of rising Hospitalizations
* This likely reflects growth of new infections as more seek treatment.
tbb is advising Victorians to reflect on why after all yer lockdowns...
* 47.15% craving addiction for Antivirals?
* 39.7% of Oz Antiviral Supplies?
About this time...
Vic might wanna Salute Velocityjohnno's interest in tracking Anti Viral Scripts!
Well played Sir...Qldurrz happy to help...All in this Together...It aint over till it's over!
Just say the point hiding Covid under yer Bed!
Vic has got some serious Covid Crisis looming...might wanna get a script for that!
Ok! tbb & Qldurrz are not gonna leave our Southern Cousins hangin'...we can & will sort this!
Can tbb help...Reckon maybe only tbb knows or cares enough to know & as to why! (Seriously!)
Have been onto this before Experts woke up to the 5th Vic Wave set as their first & only Wave...OMG!
* End of July 1st Wave rose up > (Only tbb shares that Vic is now surfing it's 5th Covid Set Wave)
* 5 waves likely indicates Vic has more Virulent spreading strains + Explains yer A/V addiction!
* Most States are surfing 3rd wave & weening off Antiviral Scripts with 1% less use > Qld 5% less use.
* Only NSW (Neighbouring) Vic share extreme opposite Antiviral Script shifts of any high anomaly!
* Advise Vic + NSW CHO urgent Health meeting > (NSW 36.64% May 2023 > 28.25% Nov 2023)
* NSW is surfing 4th Wave with 22.90% less Antiviral addiction....
* Vic has gotta Question as to Why they're Hooked + How NSW went Cold Turkey on AntiVirals.
* Meaning : NSW has 1 extremely Weak Strain (vs) Vic has 1 extremely Virulent Strain!
* Trackers can isolate the Extreme Vic Strain before it takes off...Please Hurry! (Happy to Share!)
tbb reckons that's yer first & only should work! Good Luck & Good Health Vic!
Fed Govt Antiviral News
27th Oct 2023 Fed Health Final weekly Update
28th Oct 2023 Fed Govt Weekly [Antiviral] Reporting Censors > (Expired July Batch Data).
10th Nov 2023 Fed Health changes it's reporting from Weekly to Monthly.
{Important} Previous Report changes usually leave Expert Quality Data intact then add afresh!
Seldom do Fed Govt back-wipe 20 months of Weekly Public Health Data.
tbb's endless reports of Monthly censored State / Fed wipes to bury traces of Covid Waves.
However! To wipe 20 months of weekly Antiviral Data is paranoid & not healthy mid Vic A/V Crisis!
Sure! Maybe the Feds read swellnet & know this was exposed...Welcome aboard freaks! Just for you!
* Notice all detailed weekly reports have Vanished as if it were never a weekly table!
* Govt conveniently wiped "censored weekly Expired Batch data" by smothering Monthly counts.
* This deleted 20 mths of Weekly AntiViral Data from Fed Covid Site (Thus wiping Censored Batches)
* Crew will notice change from Weekly Group-wave > Monthly Wide Stacked Bar Graph.
How does that affect anyone...
* It corrupts, exploits and devalues #1swellnet Covid Forum's Data sets.
* Just saying...see above...tbb is unwell but more than willing to assist others!
* It humiliates us disabled folk who worked hard raising awareness of Twice Expired Antiviral Doses.
* Makes bipolar sufferer tbb look even more stupid & feel guilty for simply caring about our most frail!
* Impacts on tbb's mental wipe out us folk that go extra yards to try their best to help!
The one main reason for tbb sharing & exhibiting Expired Antiviral Doses research...
(Warning) Expired Vax / Anti Virals > (Mold / Fungus) Long Covid > Brain Fog > Fatigue
Fungus never yer brain & in yer lungs...horrific it is...turn into a vegetable!
Now ya see why...Expired moldy vax / meds is a growing global health concern thru Mass Covid era!
tbb wishes the Govt to recognize that & bin or at least inform & track patients of repeat Expired doses!
Please not to wipe all trace of Expired Doses...coz that's truly evil by intent...then to further hide this fact!
Words fail tbb at this point...You can't treat people like this...this could lead to horrific outcomes.
Why Switch only the Antiviral Doses to Monthly Reporting Graphs
* Same reason why Vic Health point to new 'Monthly reports' to ride out the Storm.
* See Above > Vics Addiction indicates a Nasty Strain that Feds wanna hide until Xmas sales are over!
* Feds hope to gloss over the current most virulent Vic strain in hope none notice that Covid is Boss!
* Antiviral Expiry has already been extended & fast approaching extended expiry dates.
* Monthly reporting allows Big Pharma to flush thru prolonged "Month" ending expired Vax.
* No longer 3-4 weeks expired but now instant bonus of 3-4 wks extra supply line to cover Xmas Wave
* Jan 2024 Aged care Supplies end > Request Only...(This will also Lower 2024 Anti Viral Data)
Govt stooges still reading...we are not stupid...we know what you did last Winter! Cop a dose of that!
Also know wot yer burying this Summer...sick of it...just do yer fucking jobs you cowards!
Call it Health Advocacy or Whistle Blowing...we've had enough of Corrupt Big Pharma manipulation!
Treat patients with respect not as Xmas Shop least pretend to care & leave us be!
Good Health to Vic'n'all Oz! We're all in this together...we the people still care & will continue to assist!

Vic Metro 5 waves continued...
(5 waves Verification) Please do check Vic Wastewater Tables...
Dec 2022 = 1 Tsunami (Check!)
May 2023 = 3 Wave Set (Check!) Note Vic Regional warns of pulsing 5 Wave effect
Nov 2023 = 5 wave Set (Check!) Note Vic Regional now highlights / Confirms Virulent 4/5th Cup waves
Media / Health Authorities / Experts should / would know but refuse to share Multi Waves
tbb earlier related it to an Earthquake effect > After Shock Tremors...inherent by design!
Vic Regional now Metro are experiencing Pulses of Covid...each rising in magnitude...all can plainly see!
Govt censored 'Weekly' Antiviral Stats that would / could assist in isolating recent most Virulent Wave.
Govt knows this Ceremonial Sipping Covid from the Cup Wave kills Vic Silly Season Lockdown Sales.
5 waves Check continues...
Vic Health are kind enough to share Wastewater Strains...(Thanx) We can work with that!
Why...coz it does seemingly out yer Rogue Wave.
July ~~c`...Hyperion Wave hype dies down
Mid July ~~/(C`...Orthrus teams with Arcturus to train a longer dying Wave
End of July ~~/(C`....Eris Wave rises up to slay Arcturus / Orthrus Combo Wave
End of Aug ~~/(C`...Eris reigns supreme as Biggest Vic Wave God
Early Sept ~~/|(C... Mutant 'Flipkicker' backwashes Arcturus / Orthrus wave combo to rattle Eris...(Shit!)
Mid Sept ~~ /(C`...Reigning Champ Eris powers up on Hyperion's Backwash for Wave of the Season.
Oct.../|(C`...Wild Card Mutant Flipkicker rises to knock the froth off Eris & still rising higher...New Champ!
Vic Health rules out increased severity in dying dead gone Waves Hyperion & Arcturus...well durr!
Fails to address this New Flipkicking Double Mutant holding aloft the head of Eris in the MCG.
Double Mutant Flip Kicker HK.3 is labelled the Sinister Sister of HV.1 from the Undersea Kraken Realm.
Hard to get a hold of her Rap Sinister Sister Mutant Flipkicker is still an untested WildCard...
Surrender all yer Bog Rolls then stand back & let the crazy bitch chuck her hissy fit then blow out!
tbb can share wot secrets we don't know about this Mutant Twisted Sinister Sister.
HK.3 Has increased in Abundance in recent weeks & is being closely Monitored
Simply reads as unclassified untested VOC of highly sensitive nature = Highly Censored!
That's all ya need to know as it speaks volumes about Xmas Sales priority...nothing to see...move along!
Vic Ward Charts
ICU comes on early & keeps pulsing higher as more Virulent Strains ladder.
Hospital Ward Chart starts to ramp..(Never once backs down!) = Virulent Strain is backing up.
The very fact Vic Health are sharing daily cases but not Fortnightly Hospital Charts speaks volumes.
Recap :
Vic are happy to share a massaged 5% of daily cases
No Rogue Wild Card RaTs to expose any hint of a Mask in yer Black Death Sales Plague.
No Hospital Ward Charts
Now stalling monthly AV scripts
All together : We know wot that means...
Vic are harbouring a double mutated untested fast rising Sinister Sister Tsunami...
(No Panic) They reckon this double bunger should Spread & Bed a few more but it's still untested as yet!
Translates to Don't Know - Don't Care - No Concern of ours...just carry on shopping till ya drop!
That's the latest & best tbb can share on Vic Covid Crisis...
Try not to surrender yer souls to Vic's evil Mutant Sinister Sister.
UN says every Double Mutant Totally Evil Sinister Sister Covid Strain is still entitled to a Team Chant.
How about a Totally Evil Acid spiked Psychedelic Death Spell...(Don't think Vic can afford to be fussy!)

""The revelation that five of the people affected by the court decision were released into community detention by the Coalition comes after weeks of inflammatory rhetoric by the opposition describing the cohort of people released as “hardened criminals”.""

Anyone Else Following this ....

sypkan wrote:nah... no bias at the abc...
Don't really hardly watch ABC or listen but they seem to be from opposite side of the political sector?

andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:nah... no bias at the abc...
Don't really hardly watch ABC or listen but they seem to be from opposite side of the political sector?
Shame, Switzer was sometimes good, though I don't feel the same about Szeps. Surprised to hear he considers himself "too spicy" as he didn't come across that way in the least, and I also wonder if the arvo drive gig is where the penetrating journalism that he's alluding to is really required.

sypkan wrote:nah... no bias at the abc...
Ha ha. Quoting, with embedded Sky news clip, as an authoritative analysis of ABC bias.
It would be funny, but the right doesn’t have a sense of humour.

haha, quoting direct quotes from the axtual people involved
it would be funny, if certain folk weren't so desperate to dismiss, deflect and err...

Shit and Shit Lite Party promo. :)

pretty simple stuff...
how are labor getting it so wrong?
Newspoll. Labor - 31. LNP 38. Votes moving to the Right and not the Left.
— Kos Samaras (@KosSamaras) November 26, 2023
We have spent all year ringing that warning bell.
Perhaps the political bubble should talk about economics and people’s ability to feed their kids and stop yapping about every other issue that does not…
a better question might be, why?

42% not 43% by 2030, haha couldn't make that shit up

Bruce is back in the box-

Memory and the truth are sometimes strange bedfellows.

Digging a mighty big hole to get out of-
He’s back for more tomorrow.

suchas wrote:Digging a mighty big hole to get out of-
He’s back for more tomorrow.
Bit of bother.
Who is paying his bills and other questions need to be addressed.
Reckon something is very stinky here involving previous govt and AFP.

Bruce loves a good singalong

His Honour Objecting to Chrysanthou lots...

Lots of ummss..

Wonder why ex friends who may have once been able to supply “bags” have gone to ground.
Don’t put anything in writing.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.