Australia - you're standing in it

bonza wrote:comparing current hardcore islamic regimes (e.g. Wahhabism ideology, taliban rule) to Australia or western democracies is non-sensical. Past or present. Not discounting the mass murder and mayhem inflicted on our indigenous nations.
rose tinted glasses with a dose of anti-west delusion if you think the arabs weren't murdering, enslaving africans, and killing everyone in their path in the name of allah.
Agree with you on this one, but i still like how gsco is willing to think outside the box and bring forward ideas that aren't popular opinions and make us think of things differently for a second or two.

sympathetic islamic anti-west sympathy is very popular with the woke. see what i did there gsco.
just taking the piss - settle down

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Martin Niemöller

Then they came for the surfers
And I did not speak out
Because that meant more waves for me.


An ultra cynic might suggest it’s to find a point of differentiation in the competition for sponsorship dollars. If everyone takes a knee then how does a knee-taker stand out?
“I can dribble a ball and I’m soooo sensitive to the cruelty of man!”
Sing it!
I never thought you'd be a Wokie because virtue signalling is so passe.
But today, if you think that I don't know about social media and how how it relates
You're insane, or you're a fool who hasn't paid attention to a word that I say.
In a way, I can't help but feel responsible, I always knew that you were insane
Cause you’re plain, but I never thought you'd be a Wokie because virtue signalling is so passe, hey.
Virtue signalling is so passe, hey.
Virtue signalling is so passe, hey, hey.
So passe nowadays.
You never thought you'd get addicted, just be cooler in an obvious way
I could say, shouldn't you have got a couple piercings and decided maybe that you were gay,
In a way, I can't help but feel responsible, I always knew that you were insane
Cause you’re plain , but I never thought you'd be a Wokie because virtue signalling is so passe, hey.
Virtue signalling is so passe, hey.

"“Protecting the health, safety, security, and dignity of every worker contributing to this World Cup is our priority.”
oh really?
"The Qatari committee highlighted reforms on construction site safety and labour conditions that have been carried out in the past five years amid reports at least 6,500 workers have died while building Qatar’s World Cup stadiums."
6,500 workers!
I think that's what you could call a pretty low range priority...
6,500... how ya like that score football fans?
(care factor low i suspect - but you go you socceroos and all that!)

Is 6500 dead a lot for building a footy field?

not in qatar
not for fifa
they put reforms in place and improved health and safety so the death toll wouldn't be excessive
we should all be grateful for such forsight...

Socceroos can say whatever they want. It's always good to put things up for debate. Just remember one thing; when you are questioning the morality of a country whose values are based on Islam you are not just targeting that country itself, you are targeting the Muslim world. Those who have an understanding or direct experience of the Muslim world would know that many Muslims put their principles ahead of the boundaries they live within.
So don't expect any sympathy from some World Cup participants like Saudi Arabia or Iran. They should have a voice as well. And it will be very contrarian to whatever you are trying to do and no one gives you the right to bury it. And also, you probably gave extra fire to your direct opponents in the group stage - Tunisia.
And for those questioning the World Cup in Qatar - I am unhappy with it but not for the reasons mentioned here. I most definitely support a World Cup event for Maghreb/North Africa/Middle East region. They've given so much to the game and the soccer culture they have is unbelievable. I will never forget the low-tide soccer beach sessions with locals in Morocco. It was so competitive and relentless; games were played every single day. Was Qatar the best solution? I don't know. Many are saying that Socceroos have the right to protest now due to the profile of the event as more people will get the message. That is fine. But also, applying that logic, the Muslim world deserves a shot at organising the World Cup so they show the world what they are capable of.

6,500 workers dead during construction that's absolutely insane.
Although looking into it a bit deeper, its not just the stadium its workers for all kind of projects over ten years.
“Natural death” is the most commonly listed cause of death, including 80% of Indian deaths. Several reports have indicated most worker deaths are a result of extreme summer temperatures, which routinely hit 120 degrees and average 113 degrees for several months. Road accidents, workplace accidents and suicide are among the other most-cited causes of death."
But i dont expect that natural death figure would be accurate either.

not targeting the muslim world at all...
just a certain muslim world... made up of a few nations, that seem to have no moral compass whatsoever
I'd love to see the world cup in morroco, or indonesia, or any number of places...
places where the soccer culture is amazing and so so genuine, as you say, but it will never happen...
because in contemporary culture big shiney things trump everything...
especially for terminally corrupted people like those who run fifa

stunet wrote:Then they came for the surfers
And I did not speak out
Because that meant more waves for me.
Then they came for the surfers
And I spoke about waves
I sent them in the wrong direction

Roadkill wrote:garyg1412 wrote:Maybe get some tips from New Zealand about disrupting a few games. Maybe even rent a Cessna or two off Air Qatar. way... that's amazing. Direct hit from a Cessna overflying a stadium on a moving player... never heard of that... that is excellence in aiming!
I was at this test match...amazing piece of history to have seen live.

Good old Victorian taxpayer to the rescue, @indo will love this!

flollo wrote:Good old Victorian taxpayer to the rescue, @indo will love this!
Dan Andrews has also said uncapped parental visas for immigrants are the right thing to do! Glad he can be so generous with tax payer money in his pursuit of the immigrant vote to shore up his personal career.
That promise will cost the state and nation billions upon billions of dollars whilst simultaneously crash loading his already failing health system. Looks like federal ALP plans to back him on it.
Good on you Dan….ya dickhead.
Not sure how that importing thousands of decrepit oldies ties in with the (fraudulent) line that immigration is necessary to prevent ageing of the population?
Who cares…..Death stare grannies for everyone!

I only saw that five minutes ago and seriously im still fuming, Victoria is in more debt than Tas, SA, WA, NT combined with a higher debt than even NSW, just had floods and he is throwing millions at some netball team.
It's seriously depressing and many Victorians (City crew) will see this as a good move, it like Dan to the rescue, there's people who even thought he did well during Covid.
I feel like we are in this cult or abusive relationship were we just get abused but somehow it makes people like him more.
And i honestly dont like Matthew Guy, but there comes a point sometimes where you just have to vote people out no matter the alternative.

One of Dan Andrews most endearing qualities is his ability to do just enough to trigger the right wing cookers.

indo-dreaming wrote:And i honestly dont like Matthew Guy, but there comes a point sometimes where you just have to vote people out no matter the alternative.
None of the after-preference winners are worth it, so the alternative is getting artistic.

adam12 wrote:One of Dan Andrews most endearing qualities is his ability to do just enough to trigger the right wing cookers.

indo-dreaming wrote:I only saw that five minutes ago and seriously im still fuming, Victoria is in more debt than Tas, SA, WA, NT combined with a higher debt than even NSW, just had floods and he is throwing millions at some netball team.
What's your take on surf event funding then? As well as being a major partner for Surfing Victoria, the state government has provided financial support to the Rip Curl Pro, Rip Curl Pro Trials , Phillip Island Pro, Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles, Victorian Longboard Titles, Victorian Indigenous Surfing Program and Victorian Master's Titles.
Is it netball you're against, or just funding of any sport? I can't be arsed looking back much further, however I can see that in 2011, Liberal leader Ted Baillieu - then in power - supported extending the government's support of the Rip Curl Pro by another three years.
(for the record, SMH quoted him as saying: "This is an event that is going from strength to strength and with global television audiences of more than 200 million and an innovative webcast to more than a million eager fans, it really showcases the breathtaking Great Ocean Road region to the world.")

I'd be more worried about this than the pissy 15 mil. indod...
"Dan Andrews has also said uncapped parental visas for immigrants are the right thing to do! Glad he can be so generous with tax payer money in his pursuit of the immigrant vote to shore up his personal career."
fucken mindless... a blow out cost well well beyond $15 mil... and damaging for decades and decades to come....
the netball thingy is just sad and pathetic, someone else would have bailed em out eventually... shouldn't be the role of government...


GuySmiley wrote:adam12 wrote:One of Dan Andrews most endearing qualities is his ability to do just enough to trigger the right wing cookers.
Hmmm…no offence Adam but your assessment of others as “right wing cookers” leaves as much to be desired as virtually every opinion of yours I’ve ever read.
Interested to know how you think importing decrepit foreigners at immense financial burden to Australians is in any way beneficial to anyone besides their immigrant offspring.
Billions and billions per year for what return?
It’s vote buying, nothing less. There is no gain for existing Australians to be found in this. It’s sports rorts times infinity as the cost to taxpayers never ends and extends far beyond purely financial expense.

Blowin. if you think I want to get into a debate about immigration policy with a qualified carpenter on a surfing website you got the wrong guy. Sorry you took offense at a comment made about no one in particular, for the record having read a lot of your work over a period of time on a range of issues I would describe you as beyond cooked, more like the sausage no one wants that gets left on the barby and you find it still on the grill the next morning but wouldn't even give it to the dog because it's just...soot.

thermalben wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:I only saw that five minutes ago and seriously im still fuming, Victoria is in more debt than Tas, SA, WA, NT combined with a higher debt than even NSW, just had floods and he is throwing millions at some netball team.
What's your take on surf event funding then? As well as being a major partner for Surfing Victoria, the state government has provided financial support to the Rip Curl Pro, Rip Curl Pro Trials , Phillip Island Pro, Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles, Victorian Longboard Titles, Victorian Indigenous Surfing Program and Victorian Master's Titles.
Is it netball you're against, or just funding of any sport? I can't be arsed looking back much further, however I can see that in 2011, Liberal leader Ted Baillieu - then in power - supported extending the government's support of the Rip Curl Pro by another three years.
(for the record, SMH quoted him as saying: "This is an event that is going from strength to strength and with global television audiences of more than 200 million and an innovative webcast to more than a million eager fans, it really showcases the breathtaking Great Ocean Road region to the world.")
Government money going to fund any surfing comps at any level, I despise with a passion.
In a perfect world no government money would go to sport, but i get that there is reasons for doing so economical and to encourage people to get active ect.
Id limit it to help with sporting facilities and for funding of programs aimed at school aged kids like Oz kick.
This sponsorship move by Dan is obviously politically motivated before the election trying to be some saviour.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:GuySmiley wrote:adam12 wrote:One of Dan Andrews most endearing qualities is his ability to do just enough to trigger the right wing cookers.
Hmmm…no offence Adam but your assessment of others as “right wing cookers” leaves as much to be desired as virtually every opinion of yours I’ve ever read.
Interested to know how you think importing decrepit foreigners at immense financial burden to Australians is in any way beneficial to anyone besides their immigrant offspring.
Billions and billions per year for what return?
It’s vote buying, nothing less. There is no gain for existing Australians to be found in this. It’s sports rorts times infinity as the cost to taxpayers never ends and extends far beyond purely financial expense.
Yep the people that's I've met that despise him with a passion are just everyday people, young and old white and of colour.

…. white and of colour

Some reality dodging going on around here. The view on the latest polling.

GuySmiley wrote:…. white and of colour
The stereotype that people like you and Adam always throw out about views that you dont agree with, i assume to devalue their view somehow, like those strongly opposed to Dan Andrews or another good example was the whole freedom crowd, is "they are all right wing nutters, and all or mostly white men"
It's important to break down these stereotypes as they are almost always completely untrue, although even when evidence is provided for example footage of rallies showing the whole crowd streaming past showing a very diverse crowd of people at these rallies, you still couldn't accept reality and still stuck to your default stereotype.
So yeah thats why its important to mention these things.

"There's no need for the political divisiveness and sensationalism that Peter Dutton and Senator Jacinta Price are trying to lead here": Marcia Langton responds to Peter Dutton's calls for a royal commission into the sexual abuse of Indigenous children. #abc730
— abc730 (@abc730) October 31, 2022

blackers wrote:Some reality dodging going on around here. The view on the latest polling.
Cant see where anyone mentioned he won't be voted back in????
We live in Victoria, just like North QLD is the conservative hotspot in Australia, Melbourne is the left/woke/latte drinking hot spot of Australia
And yeah it is crazy, despite the fact.
Dan completely dropped the ball time after time during covid, seeing us get the highest infection rate and deaths during covid.(by no small margin )
And longest lockdowns in the world....(THE WORLD, not just Australia)
Numerous corruption issues and investigations (oh i can't remember )
The highest debt of all Australian states, larger than Tas, SA, WA., NT combined
And and long list of screw ups.
Sadly many will re vote for him, it wouldn't happen in any other state, anywhere else he would be gone in a heart beat even possibly have gotten the boot during covid.
That said LNP need to take some responsibility, there basically is no opposition in Victoria and Mathew Guy is unlikable and a poor opposition leader, they have so much they could grill Dan on but just dont use it to their advantage as they should.

Supafreak wrote:
Peter Dutton is a nasty piece of work indeed.
Thankfully decent Australians realise this and he is un-electable. May he be opposition leader for a long time.

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:
Peter Dutton is a nasty piece of work indeed.
Thankfully decent Australians realise this and he is un-electable. May he be opposition leader for a long time.
Since when did spud become so concerned with the abuse of Indigenous Australians ? Is this the new spud that has compassion and empathy for children ?

Supafreak wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:
Peter Dutton is a nasty piece of work indeed.
Thankfully decent Australians realise this and he is un-electable. May he be opposition leader for a long time.Since when did spud become so concerned with the abuse of Indigenous Australians ? Is this the new spud that has compassion and empathy for children ?
Anything to create division, he will pursue.... Geez his budget reply was pathetic, going on about education and nuclear power. Again picking culture wars that most Australians have moved on from. His 7.30 interview was a train wreck.
On side note, wonder what the repercussions will be for Ministers that over looked the Robodebt tragedy? They knew it was illegal and knew people were taking their own lives as a result of illegal debt notifications.

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:
Peter Dutton is a nasty piece of work indeed.
Thankfully decent Australians realise this and he is un-electable. May he be opposition leader for a long time.Since when did spud become so concerned with the abuse of Indigenous Australians ? Is this the new spud that has compassion and empathy for children ?
Anything to create division, he will pursue.... Geez his budget reply was pathetic, going on about education and nuclear power. Again picking culture wars that most Australians have moved on from. His 7.30 interview was a train wreck.
On side note, wonder what the repercussions will be for Ministers that over looked the Robodebt tragedy? They knew it was illegal and knew people were taking their own lives as a result of illegal debt notifications.
You reckon people won’t be taking their own lives under the ALP’s assault on Australian living standards? Families will be going to the wall under conditions controlled and imposed by the current government. This financial pressure will break up families, ruin lives and kill people.

Mate if Australia was a road train, the LNP drove it down a small one way narrow street, crashed into a tree at the end of street and took out a house, got out and threw the keys in a near by creek. Now you expect Labor to turn the road train around and get it back on open highway in less than a year???

Yeah let’s bring back the COALalition now, all is forgiven, bring back the #bettermoneymanagers

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:…. white and of colour
The stereotype that people like you and Adam always throw out about views that you dont agree with, i assume to devalue their view somehow, like those strongly opposed to Dan Andrews or another good example was the whole freedom crowd, is "they are all right wing nutters, and all or mostly white men"
It's important to break down these stereotypes as they are almost always completely untrue, although even when evidence is provided for example footage of rallies showing the whole crowd streaming past showing a very diverse crowd of people at these rallies, you still couldn't accept reality and still stuck to your default stereotype.
So yeah thats why its important to mention these things.
I’m sure those who support/oppose the Andrews Labor government reflect the diversity that is the Victorian community - by gender, cultural/ethnic background, social/income status, city/bush. Avi’s videos are therefore not proof of anything.
But @info, it’s your use of the words that I noted. I’m thinking you probably sloppily copied them from elsewhere.

Indo "The stereotype that people like you and Adam always throw out about views that you dont agree with, i assume to devalue their view somehow, like those strongly opposed to Dan Andrews or another good example was the whole freedom crowd, is "they are all right wing nutters, and all or mostly white men"
Don't slander me or put out quotes I never said. I have left you alone recently out of courtesy and some pity. Don't provoke me with bullshit you make up to excuse the drivel that you post.

andy-mac wrote:Mate if Australia was a road train, the LNP drove it down a small one way narrow street, crashed into a tree at the end of street and took out a house, got out and threw the keys in a near by creek. Now you expect Labor to turn the road train around and get it back on open highway in less than a year???
You are so delusional and going to be in for the shock of your life when the road train does really go off the road.
Australia has been doing it pretty well on every measure for the last twenty years a completely golden period, the road rain has been flying along, to be fair that road did start getting narrower and some wobbles before Labor were elected but it was nowhere near being crashed its closer now but still not close.
All the major issues.
Economy: longest run for any western country without a recession for something like 100 years
Interest rates: Historical low falling for 20 years from all times high's of late 80s early 90s
Unemployment: Lowest for almost 50 years.
Terrorism: Escaped that whole period with no attacks
Covid: From a infection and death rate got through major period among best in the world, one of the highest vax rates in the world.
We are now going into one of the worst periods since the 90s, rising interest rates, high inflation, high cost of living, more regular floods/fires, energy issues price and security
Yeah much of these aspects are global driven good and bad, but its still reality, the government has to deal with the issues and will rarely keep people happy no matter what and a government will be judged on how peoples lives are affected and how hard they are doing it.
Its highly likely we will see a global recession and a recession in Australia which really could see the road train crash, things are already starting to get harder for people, its just ignorant to think things wont get worse or have any chance of getting better any time soon, its more a matter of how bad things will get and when the peak is.
The problem for Labor is they are viewed as poor with money which dates back to Whitlams irresponsible spending spree and Labor's (Keating)recession we had to have.
So now they are in this tricky no win position of trying to be responsible with money and shake off how people perceive them, but the flip side is this goes against their ideals that everyone expect of Labor throwing money at everyone willy nilly, like it or not a no win situation.

andy-mac wrote:Mate if Australia was a road train, the LNP drove it down a small one way narrow street, crashed into a tree at the end of street and took out a house, got out and threw the keys in a near by creek. Now you expect Labor to turn the road train around and get it back on open highway in less than a year???
We’ve been through this.
Problems we are experiencing are 100% ALP inflicted. Nothing to do with past government.

indo-dreaming wrote:andy-mac wrote:Mate if Australia was a road train, the LNP drove it down a small one way narrow street, crashed into a tree at the end of street and took out a house, got out and threw the keys in a near by creek. Now you expect Labor to turn the road train around and get it back on open highway in less than a year???
You are so delusional and going to be in for the shock of your life when the road train does really go off the road.
Australia has been doing it pretty well on every measure for the last twenty years a completely golden period, the road rain has been flying along, to be fair that road did start getting narrower and some wobbles before Labor were elected but it was nowhere near being crashed its closer now but still not close.
All the major issues.
Economy: longest run for any western country without a recession for something like 100 years
Interest rates: Historical low falling for 20 years from all times high's of late 80s early 90s
Unemployment: Lowest for almost 50 years.
Terrorism: Escaped that whole period with no attacks
Covid: From a infection and death rate got through major period among best in the world, one of the highest vax rates in the world.
We are now going into one of the worst periods since the 90s, rising interest rates, high inflation, high cost of living, more regular floods/fires, energy issues price and security
Yeah much of these aspects are global driven good and bad, but its still reality, the government has to deal with the issues and will rarely keep people happy no matter what and a government will be judged on how peoples lives are affected and how hard they are doing it.
Its highly likely we will see a global recession and a recession in Australia which really could see the road train crash, things are already starting to get harder for people, its just ignorant to think things wont get worse or have any chance of getting better any time soon, its more a matter of how bad things will get and when the peak is.
The problem for Labor is they are viewed as poor with money which dates back to Whitlams irresponsible spending spree and Labor's (Keating)recession we had to have.
So now they are in this tricky no win position of trying to be responsible with money and shake off how people perceive them, but the flip side is this goes against their ideals that everyone expect of Labor throwing money at everyone willy nilly, like it or not a no win situation.
Yeah, nah. The LNP white anted the shit out of Australia.

You’re deluded Indo

GuySmiley wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:…. white and of colour
The stereotype that people like you and Adam always throw out about views that you dont agree with, i assume to devalue their view somehow, like those strongly opposed to Dan Andrews or another good example was the whole freedom crowd, is "they are all right wing nutters, and all or mostly white men"
It's important to break down these stereotypes as they are almost always completely untrue, although even when evidence is provided for example footage of rallies showing the whole crowd streaming past showing a very diverse crowd of people at these rallies, you still couldn't accept reality and still stuck to your default stereotype.
So yeah thats why its important to mention these things.
I’m sure those who support/oppose the Andrews Labor government reflect the diversity that is the Victorian community - by gender, cultural/ethnic background, social/income status, city/bush. Avi’s videos are therefore not proof of anything.
But @info, it’s your use of the words that I noted. I’m thinking you probably sloppily copied them from elsewhere.
Its actually funny how Australian conservative figures are so diverse in ethnicity be it Avi, Real ruskin, Rita Panihi, Jacinta price etc and they arent forced like a novelty ticking a box way like say Walled aly on the project could be criticised for.
While you guys post videos from white males like Jordie's or Michael West and even the Greens have problems getting any type of ethnic diversity.
I know personal experience in this case isn't a great measure but by chance the two people I've met that really weren't shy about telling me what they thought about Dan Andrews was an old Italian women and a retired Indian couple. (is was in a work situations so i didn't let lose, but it was nice to hear them telling me how much Dan sucked)
I dont think much of this is by chance, ethic groups especially recently arrived immigrants(1st generation) from say Asia or middle east even Africa or Pacific tend to be more conservative leaning be it just conservative values or a religious aspect be it Christian or Islamic.

AndyM wrote:You’re deluded Indo
It's fine to have an opinion, but you need to back it up with facts like i have.

Dunno if the latter shows Australia is standing in it or not, but my wife's PhD (coal mining in the Illawarra and the possible shift to a renewables hub) is leading down some intersting alleyways. Recently she was showing me YouTube vids of backpackers giving others tips on how to maximise their stay in Oz, including the ample and prosperous work on new solar farms.
Seems these farms, where no chicken, goat, or cow will ever graze, are still considered farms as defined by the govt, so by extension they're 'farm workers', which opens up a few lucrative perks such as visa extensions etc.
What really got my attention was the potential pay rates. Unskilled backpackers earning $2,000 - $2,500 a week. Nothing appealing about the work, it's repetitive, mostly in hot and dry areas, but a few months work and they're set for another year or so on the road.
If local kids want cash and quickly they could do worse than driving to western NSW, put six months in, fill their bank accounts, fill their black book of contacts too, then hop a plane to somewhere exotic.
Also, a lot of the research is around the projects coming down the turnpike and the one thing that's becoming clear about the future of work is that few jobs will be as future-proofed as electricians and electrical engineers.

indo-dreaming wrote:AndyM wrote:You’re deluded Indo
It's fine to have an opinion, but you need to back it up with facts like i have.
FACTS Andy M , like the LNP are #bettermoneymanagers

“Facts”……oh the hilarity!

Supafreak wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:AndyM wrote:You’re deluded Indo
It's fine to have an opinion, but you need to back it up with facts like i have.
FACTS Andy M , like the LNP are #bettermoneymanagers
soggydog wrote:“Facts”……oh the hilarity!
Im all ears if you can prove these important points are not facts and are wrong?
"All the major issues.
Economy: longest run for any western country without a recession for something like 100 years
Interest rates: Historical low falling for 20 years from all times high's of late 80s early 90s
Unemployment: Lowest for almost 50 years.
Terrorism: Escaped that whole period with no attacks
Covid: From a infection and death rate got through major period among best in the world, one of the highest vax rates in the world."
BTW. Nit picking a few years here or there or whatever isn't busting these as facts, the basis of all these points remain the same, Australia has done very well over the last 20 years in all these areas.
You can also throw in the issue of border control, we had big issues even as recently as 10 plus years ago and in many countries its still a big issues like USA and Europe even influencing elections like seen in Italy recently, but in Australia we have got to a point where we have a system in place that keeps things under control.
As for better money managers, when was the last time Labor got Australia out of the red?
Clearly Howard was the best money manager of our time, turning a decent sized debt into a surplus .
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.