The United States(!) of A

haha, don't know how informed my opinions are really, just venting some thoughts.
We do share some things though, I too have projectile vomited a Big Mac, I too have indulged in the gold top mind expansion exercise, but it was a live dog that taught me wisdom once, talking at me like it was Mr.Ed, not a toy monkey.
And I too loved Sir Arthur Grimble's "A Pattern of Islands" like you did (how's my memory eh?, not bad considering all the gold tops etc consumed.). One hell of a good shark story in that one ay.
I'm going to bed now. Might read that chapter on sharks again when I do.

A recession in the US predicted as the market’s factor in policy uncertainty,
after Trump announces his very controversial cabinet picks. M A G A suddenly finds out that Americans pay the tariffs not China. ?

Because MAGA voted for,
racism, bigotry, oppression.
“ That’s why we have to endeavour to raise the collective conscience of humanity, by fighting the evils that persist.”

Well fook me, Biden and his neo con war mongering crew want to escalate things and possibly start ww3.
Geez never thought I would be wanting a Trump presidency, but there we are. He looks probably best option to bringing some peace to this world.
Strange days.
Hug your loved ones ....

Scott Ritter FFS the dude is just a total shill, whatever he says it's much more likely the opposite is true.

indo-dreaming wrote:Scott Ritter FFS the dude is just a total shill, whatever he says it's much more likely the opposite is true.
Meant to post this one.
Sachs is no shill.
First 5 minutes he nails it.
2 weeks ago Pentagon said it was not viable to use these weapons. 2 weeks later a dead duck administration reverses the decision.

indo-dreaming wrote:Scott Ritter FFS the dude is just a total shill, whatever he says it's much more likely the opposite is true.
Did u watch clip although did not mean to post this one?
What points exactly has he got wrong?
Interested to know.
Edit. Btw I hope they are both totally wrong.

- haha
(freedom, liberty and ummm de-escalation)
‘the opposite is true’

…“2 weeks ago Pentagon said it was not viable to use these weapons. 2 weeks later a dead duck administration reverses the decision.” ;)
- yep ^ $moke & mirror$

Anyone speak Russian ?

andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Scott Ritter FFS the dude is just a total shill, whatever he says it's much more likely the opposite is true.
Meant to post this one.
Sachs is no shill.
First 5 minutes he nails it.
2 weeks ago Pentagon said it was not viable to use these weapons. 2 weeks later a dead duck administration reverses the decision.https://m.
Watched 7 minutes.
All seems like a fair assessment, i dont know much about this war, its not a war i follow, but the timing seems very odd.
Why now?
Just seems like Biden wants to leave Trump more of a mess.
All that said this whole approach from the Biden government of trying to not escalate wars is counter productive, it's part of the reason why these wars started because Russia & Iran(and proxies) know under Biden there is little consequence, and the way the wars have been handled by Biden has only extended the length of the wars.
Wars need to play out and a result gotten, and you dont win wars by being defensive you win wars by being offensive, you need your attacker to hurt.
USA needed to decide early did they want Ukraine to win or not, it doesn't seem like they did it just seems like they wanted to let Russia grind them down.
Otherwise if you want an outcome you need to come to an agreement, a ceasefire deal, you know the thing that is talked about constantly in Israels wars but never with Ukraine/Russia war. (funny that)

Supafreak wrote:Anyone speak Russian ?
^ boom

…. haha (ummm believe it or not)
- talk is cheap, and getting cheaper ;)

Jelly Flater wrote:…. haha (ummm believe it or not)
- talk is cheap, and getting cheaper ;)

adam12 wrote:Going to step in to the sambal here, great topic btw, mouthhwatering.
Been reticent to post here lately, young @Juliang was a bit off putting and I've been very busy the last few months so no time really, today I have and apparently the many faces of @Juliang have taken their bat and ball to play elsewhere, so here's few of today's thoughts on the topic at hand, scroll on if you think I'm full of it or "boring" as I get accused of a lot.So DJT was going to stop the wars in one day after his election victory, in one phone call.
So it's day 14 and...checks notes...wars are still going.
Trump announced he had spoken to Putin in the days after Nov 5. WAPO and Reuters were fed the story, widely reported in the US, saying Putin had praised Trump and that Trump told him not to escalate the war in Ukraine.
The Kremlin then announced that was bullshit, they had not spoken, and that there were no plans to speak. When put to them that Trump had in fact not spoken to Putin, Trump's spokesman said they don't comment on such calls, less than a week after they just had.
Russian TV then screened nude photos of Melania.
Trump then announced Tulsi Gabbard as head of Intelligence overseeing 18 intelligence departments including the CIA, the FBI and the NSA.
Tulsi Gabbard is accused of being a Russian asset, has no intelligence experience and has amplified pro Russian propaganda in the US.
Since that phone call which didn't happen Russian state TV and the Kremlin have again openly threatened the use of nuclear weapons.
Trump is owned by Putin, has been since before 2016. Putin will decide when the war ends in Ukraine, when the time comes to negotiate, not Trump, and he has kompromat on Trump. It's obvious. No American President in modern history has been so owned by the Russians.
The nude pics of Melania on Russian TV was a subtle reminder.Trump did make a call to Zelensky, Kyiv has confirmed it took place. Half way through the call, Trump handed the phone over to Elon Musk.
I would have thought Elon was busy with his businesses and putting man on Mars during Trump's four years as was promised, but it appears there is nothing this man can't do.
He fucked twitter pretty well, I'll give him that. Maybe he is a global peace maker as well.
(the fall out between these two bros, and it's coming, just watch and wait, is going to be spectacular.)On the other war, looks like Trump's man Huckabee has gone down well with Smotrich and Ben Gvir, the guys actually calling the shots in Netanyahu's government, so expanding settlements and giving more land to Israel, and killing more Palestinians, looks to be the strategy for peace. That'll do it.
Bibi will bomb the shit out of Lebanon and shortly after Trump's inauguration will announce a cease fire to make Trump look good, like he is a war stopper and much will be made of it. Bibi will keep on killing Arabs though.Back in the US, 11 million immigrants are going to be rounded up and deported.
Trump's only got four years...unless....In the entire eight years of the Second World War the Nazis only managed to round up 6 million Jews and others to send to the camps, and they didn't have to worry about things like due process and the rule of law, so it's going to be a tough ask ...unless...
And the Nazis had the Einsatzgruppen, and the camps were built already, and they used trains, you can fit more on a train than a bus or plane, and they were starving and killing most of their detainees, so Trump's got double the number to round up and half the time and America still has due process and the rule of law and no where to house 11 million "vermin"...unless...And Trump's plan will be seeing a lot of planes full of "animals and criminals" and the odd fictional cannibalistic serial killing doctor apparently, flying around endlessly looking for some "third world shithole" to give a landing clearance to unload it's "filthy" cargo. Might need planes that can refuel mid air for that one.
So a few hiccups with the mass deportation policy, but I'm sure Elon has a few ideas.And that's even before we discuss his pick for Attorney General, or the mad Kennedy.
This "golden age" of Trump is going to be fun to watch.
Over two hundred years to build the greatest (debatable) democracy the world has ever seen, the beacon of democracy, liberty, equality and justice, the City on the Hill from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount the defender of freedom and democracy the world over and all the rest of the bullshit they have rammed down the world's throat since Washington crossed the Delaware, all to be hollowed out and dismantled and turned into some half arsed (or should it be "half assed") neo fascist, 21st century new authoritarian basket case like Lukashenko's Belarus or Orban's Hungary or Erdogan's Turkey or Trump's boss and hero Putin's Russia. The new fascists, the one's that conquer from within rather than crush and destroy from without.
All of it, from the Revolutionary Wars, the Star Spangled Banner, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution with it's Bill of Rights, the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, Lincoln at Gettysburg, Civil War, Pearl Harbor and storming Normandy, (even Stormin' Norman), the civil rights movements, the women's rights movements, the cold and hot wars, on and on, all of it, American democracy, founded on the great pillars, two hundred years of pillar filler, democratic law and machinery, that many brave Americans died the shitter for a lunatic egomaniac con artist who promised to avenge their grievance and give them a golden age of greatness if he just had the power.
The Germans tried that once, so did the Italians around the same time. Didn't end too well.
The Americans tried it before with Trump in 2016, it ended with an insurrection and nearly got the Vice President hung from gallows.
Last time Trump and his people were just winging it, this time they appear more organised and ready, and Trump owns Congress and the Supreme Court. The founding fathers did put in checks and balances when they drafted their Constitution, but I doubt they anticipated a Trump, who could really?It will be interesting to see if the great American experiment, that has endured civil war and world war and depression and civil unrest that saw it's cities burn, and been tested before, many times, does endure four more years of Trump, and what it looks like at the end, because they are trying a new experiment now, one that seems to bear little resemblance to the 200 odd years old one, the one they built from scratch, American democracy.
Replaced it with a Clown Show Experiment.Some reading for those interested...
Yup Adam, in a nutshell. The crazies will hafta learn the hard way cuz they got too feverish to respect history. in a nutshell.
I woulda liked more commentary on the Satay and Sangal and the Bari and Whatnot…..

indo-dreaming][quote=Exxotixjeff wrote:stunet wrote:Julian, if you want to continue this charade as 'Jeff' you'll have to drop your old peccadilloes.[/quote
Please explain, how is that a charade when you blocked Juliang , and how come AW can change his name with no issues, but god forbid if anyone else does, ?
And please explain to the rabid crowd that Tim tam is indeed someone else.
So basically everyone with a pseudonym, is continuing an ongoing charade .
I get it now.I can explain it, its very simple and just common sense.
There is people here that have changed their profile names once or twice over time, maybe they originally used their real name and then feel they want some animosity, or they used some crappy name they no longer like or forgot their password or some shit, or they blew shit up or got banned and came back months or even a year latter with a new name like a rebirth type thing, they change theur name and thats it.
Then there are other people like you, that change names even more regularly like four times in six months and even use multiple profiles at once even in the same thread, basically pretending to be different people.
Why?...i guess it is to try to get more attention to your views, like look its not just me, this other guy is saying the same thing.
Either way it's deceptive and fake.
BTW. You might be able to use different devices to have your IP address appear differently thinking you have fooled Stunet, but there is many other signature's that are much harder to change and they all scream Juliang.

Jelly Flater wrote:- the real goldenarches food ;)
Hey Jelly…. i had the privilege of surfing under The Bridge, once.
I was invited by a coupla locals that i knew separate from surfing.
I would recommend gettin the invite, cuz THAT lineup is Controlled.
And it really only works in low tide with NW swell (winter). With all the fresh water moving out of the bay through the gate…. your fighting current all sesh. Fightin to stay in your spot. Not knowing if a wave will get to ya. It’s too unpredictable (for me anyways) to chase a spot.
When ya do get up, it’s a frightening rock boneyard. And it all heads to a rock wall, that, when ya bail, ya go hip first in case of, well, a rock.
Bucket list experience that i will not prob do again.
But farkin uniquely gorgeous.

legacy candidate...
running on legacy issues...
even the guardian cannot help but tell the truth
"Two weeks have passed, and Kamala Harris’s convincing electoral defeat still has Democrats pointing fingers at who – or what – to blame. If only Biden had dropped out sooner. If only Harris had picked a different running mate. If only she went on Joe Rogan’s podcast. If only, if only, if only.
There is an obvious reason for the lack of consensus. From failing to defend Biden’s record on inflation and immigration to being perceived as too leftwing, Harris’s loss was in some sense wildly overdetermined. And while Democrats were quick to attribute Trump’s victory in 2016 to white racial resentment, that’s a harder story to tell against the backdrop of Republican’s sizable gains among Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native American voters.
Harris was a bad candidate, to be sure. But more than any particular individual, this election was a referendum on America’s incumbent political establishment..."
Elon Musk fires 6000 at Tesla

Exxotixjeff wrote:
Elon Musk fires 6000 at Tesla
The outrage. How dare he.

Exxotixjeff wrote:
Elon Musk fires 6000 at Tesla
That's old news...this was back in April?

sypkan wrote:^^^
legacy candidate...
running on legacy issues...
even the guardian cannot help but tell the truth
"Two weeks have passed, and Kamala Harris’s convincing electoral defeat still has Democrats pointing fingers at who – or what – to blame. If only Biden had dropped out sooner. If only Harris had picked a different running mate. If only she went on Joe Rogan’s podcast. If only, if only, if only.
There is an obvious reason for the lack of consensus. From failing to defend Biden’s record on inflation and immigration to being perceived as too leftwing, Harris’s loss was in some sense wildly overdetermined. And while Democrats were quick to attribute Trump’s victory in 2016 to white racial resentment, that’s a harder story to tell against the backdrop of Republican’s sizable gains among Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native American voters.
Harris was a bad candidate, to be sure. But more than any particular individual, this election was a referendum on America’s incumbent political establishment..."
Yes. And Trump’s controversial cabinet picks will be antiestablishment enough to demonstrate his commitment to change. His followers would be ecstatic. Personally, I’ll reserve my judgment until I see their performance. No point judging it now, it’s all based on could, should…

Dr Oz. Come on down… the latest bs pick by Trump. WhackO Dr extraordinaire.
Gawd save Merica.


Don't go to the gym, don't do any fitness, don't look after your body...Far right is everywhere and they will get you!

flollo wrote:Don't go to the gym, don't do any fitness, don't look after your body...Far right is everywhere and they will get you!
there's literally no limit to the stupid that msnbc will push...
in an overdose of irony... the ukraine war spruiking sycophants at msnbc totally ignore, deny, and overlook the literal nazis that are fighting for ukraine...
and, in the interest of irony balance...
the white supremacists, embrace all that 'inferior' asian culture, in their adoption of very manly MMA...
the world is truly loopy...

In NZ we had The Disinformation Project - govt/taxpayer funded, no less - to scientifically look into internet baddies. They seriously warned against any content with knitting, crafts, jam/preserve making, blond or ginger kids etc. Fitness and good health were of course screaming red flags.

….. haha farkn hell ;)
- “Linda will use her decades of Leadership experience, and deep understanding of both Education and Business, to empower the next Generation of American Students and Workers, and make America Number One in Education in the World. We will send Education BACK TO THE STATES, and Linda will spearhead that effort,” Trump said in a statement on Tuesday.


- 1:05 min mark ;)
… let the edumacation begin ;);)

I dare say bernie would know...

Eating right, hitting the gym, shedding pounds, catching some rays, all that jazz? It's just right-wing, fascist, racist, Nazi, white supremacist pseudoscience and tinfoil hat territory being peddled by RFK. It's a playbook of oppression and subjugation by the straight, white, Christian, colonial settler occupier oppressor, and it only props up the cisgender patriarchal power structure.
The top health move you can pull right now? Get yourself vaccinated, again.
The next best thing for your health? Get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and then go full throttle with hormone shots and surgeries to flip the bird at the straight, cis-patriarchal system by chemical and physical castration, sterilisation and bodily mutilation.
Your body and gender are your resistance against the oppressor.
Being overweight? That ain't unhealthy. It's the legit, science-backed natural state of homo sapien, according to the LGBTQ+, trans, and queer communities' model of health and ways of knowing.

or at a minimum, know the depths hilary inc. will go to...

green room wrote:Eating right, hitting the gym, shedding pounds, catching some rays, all that jazz? It's just right-wing, fascist, racist, Nazi, white supremacist pseudoscience and tinfoil hat territory being peddled by RFK. It's a playbook of oppression and subjugation by the straight, white, Christian, colonial settler occupier oppressor, and it only props up the cisgender patriarchal power structure.
The top health move you can pull right now? Get yourself vaccinated, again.
The next best thing for your health? Get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and then go full throttle with hormone shots and surgeries to flip the bird at the straight, cis-patriarchal system by chemical and physical castration, sterilisation and bodily mutilation.
Your body and gender are your resistance against the oppressor.
Being overweight? That ain't unhealthy. It's the legit, science-backed natural state of homo sapien, according to the LGBTQ+, trans, and queer communities' model of health and ways of knowing.
^ yeh u can shut the fuck up now u crazy bumsplat


flollo wrote:Don't go to the gym, don't do any fitness, don't look after your body...Far right is everywhere and they will get you!
Haha that is so stupid, gym Nazis! ..
Geez I reckon I have been transported to a parallel dimension...
Up is down, down is up.

^ yep ;)
… all part of the de-escalation process ;);)

@blowin , are you doing your normal wet season indo run ?

… z hiztory wepeating wocket man chronicles ;)
- hmmmmm, a hint of musk in z air :
“…an exceedingly shrewd operator who effectively used the Nazi regime to enable him to further his dream of space exploration.”
- & werner still flying z flag ;);)

jellybrain back..posting hard.
even types with an accent, amazing...however t's just not the same as the spoken word, don't get me wrong, I love a good comedy routine impersonating accents...typing it just doesn't quite get there on the laugh O meter.
kind of lame really.

^ oh the dill haha
- the king of lame reigns every time u offer ummm
…nothing ;)
- hop along now toady ;)
(one giant leap for mankind)

& here ;)
- this’ll bump u outta ya grumpy ol ronery state haha

sypkan wrote:I dare say bernie would know...
@Sypkan, not that I want to get into this again, we went over it yesterday, I don't know, you don't know, the accusation is out there, with the truth out there too. But this quote of Sanders is from 2019.
Has he repeated this defence more recently?
Do you know why this accusation has been made? Genuine Q, I don't know that much about it but know you follow her closely, where did it come from?
Is there smoke? What is it based on? Objectively if you can.

- V interesting if it is from 2019 @adam12
… she was still dem then ;)
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank