The United States(!) of A

Have a great day @juliang , hope ya get wet .

@andy mac
Yeah this was in Kuta.
Sate Babe Bli Ketut.
Best I’ve had

seeds wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:seeds wrote:All hot chips are like that. Yuk!
No dinner tonight for me. Dreaming of this.Looks good but i much prefer with satay sauce than sambal.
Twas Babi and the sambal was the best I’d tasted
Babi, Indonesian for pig. FWIW, I’ve surfed 4ft Babi and bird observed on that island ( Babi Island, Banyaks Group) .Some very special monarchs and other birds that have speciated due to island isolation. Must go back soon. AW


Had a mate and his wife’s name was Barbie . Komang asked me why my mate always called his wife pig ? Had a another friend called Marty and that really cracked them up .

Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:I’d suggest Tim Tam,, Exxotixjerk ( whoever you are ) if you don’t like the rules of engagement, just fuck right off, plain and simple and I’m referring to you.
What’s with the different names. What, are trying to trick us ?
You can have as many names as you like, but, you simply can’t hide because if you’re smart enough, you’d soon realise everyone writes with a personal style , it’s very easy to discern,
Carry on Swellnetters, we often get the odd fly in the ointment. AW
Listen Einstein Tim Tam and me are different people,
Do you look like a fucking fool ?
In fact to prove my point famous botanist,
I quite like Tim Bonythons videos and Tim tam doesn’t , not that I’m going to hate on him for that, so go figure brainwave .‘“Its a great real-time adventure in free speech. My friend, lol, was banned for bitching about Bonython’s vids. You can’t do that!,”
Stunet and others who run Swellnet can do what they bloody well like.
If you don’t like the rules don’t play. AWDude that was Tim tams opinion not mine, once again you make a total fool out of yourself,
Last bit of oxygen to waste on you.
For your information , Alfred Russel Wallace was not a famous botanist.
Again, you’re highlighting you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, you’re just the tool. AWAnd Tim tam is probably going to laugh at you to if he reads your reactive assumptions,
It's HILARIOUS! What a bunch of jokers. Anyway I've had enuf of this pointless exercise... arguing with numbskull fools who'd lick trumps arse if they could. And all i ever said about Bonython is that for a very privileged rich kid he unfortunately lacks imagination for surfvids. I just get the feeling he gets all coked up and pretends he's a famous rave dj'er when editing. Anyway. All the best exoticjeff. Its is all about writing styles ... ... ... May stunet rule over his pathetic little kingdom with his fascist mentality. If i get bored enuf I'll come back as exoticgene!! So long suckers.

Supafreak wrote:Had a mate and his wife’s name was Barbie . Komang asked me why my mate always called his wife pig ? Had an another friend called Marty and that really cracked them up .
Hahaha that’s funny
I don’t get the Marty bit though. Please explain

Mati is dead in Indonesian .

Marty would be sleeping in his hammock and old ibu would look at me and say Marty and smile and say mati . The pronunciation is similar .

Supafreak wrote:Marty would be sleeping in his hammock and old ibu would look at me and say Marty and smile and say mati . The pronunciation is similar .
ha, that is gorgeous, @Supa.. I can picture her smiling and saying it.

Hehehe funny stuff

TimTam wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:I’d suggest Tim Tam,, Exxotixjerk ( whoever you are ) if you don’t like the rules of engagement, just fuck right off, plain and simple and I’m referring to you.
What’s with the different names. What, are trying to trick us ?
You can have as many names as you like, but, you simply can’t hide because if you’re smart enough, you’d soon realise everyone writes with a personal style , it’s very easy to discern,
Carry on Swellnetters, we often get the odd fly in the ointment. AW
Listen Einstein Tim Tam and me are different people,
Do you look like a fucking fool ?
In fact to prove my point famous botanist,
I quite like Tim Bonythons videos and Tim tam doesn’t , not that I’m going to hate on him for that, so go figure brainwave .‘“Its a great real-time adventure in free speech. My friend, lol, was banned for bitching about Bonython’s vids. You can’t do that!,”
Stunet and others who run Swellnet can do what they bloody well like.
If you don’t like the rules don’t play. AWDude that was Tim tams opinion not mine, once again you make a total fool out of yourself,
Last bit of oxygen to waste on you.
For your information , Alfred Russel Wallace was not a famous botanist.
Again, you’re highlighting you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, you’re just the tool. AWAnd Tim tam is probably going to laugh at you to if he reads your reactive assumptions,
It's HILARIOUS! What a bunch of jokers. Anyway I've had enuf of this pointless exercise... arguing with numbskull fools who'd lick trumps arse if they could. And all i ever said about Bonython is that for a very privileged rich kid he unfortunately lacks imagination for surfvids. I just get the feeling he gets all coked up and pretends he's a famous rave dj'er when editing. Anyway. All the best exoticjeff. Its is all about writing styles ... ... ... May stunet rule over his pathetic little kingdom with his fascist mentality. If i get bored enuf I'll come back as exoticgene!! So long suckers.
No arse licking here pal, when you subscribe, you get a pair of plastic undies.
Didn’t yours arrive in the post ?
We all look forward to seeing all of your Surf Videos in the future. That’s if you can ever get out of your tea infused bedroom.
I’d be pretty cautious with those personal accusations of Tim Bonython.
For your sake I hope he reads them. Ta Ta. . AW

TimTam wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:I’d suggest Tim Tam,, Exxotixjerk ( whoever you are ) if you don’t like the rules of engagement, just fuck right off, plain and simple and I’m referring to you.
What’s with the different names. What, are trying to trick us ?
You can have as many names as you like, but, you simply can’t hide because if you’re smart enough, you’d soon realise everyone writes with a personal style , it’s very easy to discern,
Carry on Swellnetters, we often get the odd fly in the ointment. AW
Listen Einstein Tim Tam and me are different people,
Do you look like a fucking fool ?
In fact to prove my point famous botanist,
I quite like Tim Bonythons videos and Tim tam doesn’t , not that I’m going to hate on him for that, so go figure brainwave .‘“Its a great real-time adventure in free speech. My friend, lol, was banned for bitching about Bonython’s vids. You can’t do that!,”
Stunet and others who run Swellnet can do what they bloody well like.
If you don’t like the rules don’t play. AWDude that was Tim tams opinion not mine, once again you make a total fool out of yourself,
Last bit of oxygen to waste on you.
For your information , Alfred Russel Wallace was not a famous botanist.
Again, you’re highlighting you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, you’re just the tool. AWAnd Tim tam is probably going to laugh at you to if he reads your reactive assumptions,
It's HILARIOUS! What a bunch of jokers. Anyway I've had enuf of this pointless exercise... arguing with numbskull fools who'd lick trumps arse if they could. And all i ever said about Bonython is that for a very privileged rich kid he unfortunately lacks imagination for surfvids. I just get the feeling he gets all coked up and pretends he's a famous rave dj'er when editing. Anyway. All the best exoticjeff. Its is all about writing styles ... ... ... May stunet rule over his pathetic little kingdom with his fascist mentality. If i get bored enuf I'll come back as exoticgene!! So long suckers.
You won’t go far juliang , tim tam , exxoticjeff , how about just being you ? or do you find that boring ?

What I find odd about you, is that, everyone else seems to be able to function on here with little to no dramas using their chosen name.
It’s not that hard to participate.
Look at guys like IndoDreaming, Zenagain, VelocityJohnno, TrueBlueBasher, they’ve had their same names for a decade and a half in some cases. We know how they operate and behave etc.
Someone changing it up all the time in my opinion is either trying to hide themselves from who knows what.
Or, you are simply role playing all different things going through your head, albeit you’ve got various alter egos.
See, you remind of a blow fly hovering over a turd, you know you want to land, but ultimately it’ll be a shit decision. All the best. AW

seeds wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:seeds wrote:All hot chips are like that. Yuk!
No dinner tonight for me. Dreaming of this.Looks good but i much prefer with satay sauce than sambal.
Twas Babi and the sambal was the best I’d tasted
Argh okay no peanut sauce makes sense then, i love it when it had a little bit of fat on it.

Found the place by accident. Could see the smoke from the grill pouring onto the street. Are there 3 nights in a row.
Perfection with meat fat ratio

dang, making me hungeee for smokey bbq bamboo meat and rice @seeds.. and Warung suka/kafe Suka Suka doesn't open on Tuesdays : (
..might have to give HELLO INDO on Gouger St a go for tea..

Going to step in to the sambal here, great topic btw, mouthhwatering.
Been reticent to post here lately, young @Juliang was a bit off putting and I've been very busy the last few months so no time really, today I have and apparently the many faces of @Juliang have taken their bat and ball to play elsewhere, so here's few of today's thoughts on the topic at hand, scroll on if you think I'm full of it or "boring" as I get accused of a lot.
So DJT was going to stop the wars in one day after his election victory, in one phone call.
So it's day 14 and...checks notes...wars are still going.
Trump announced he had spoken to Putin in the days after Nov 5. WAPO and Reuters were fed the story, widely reported in the US, saying Putin had praised Trump and that Trump told him not to escalate the war in Ukraine.
The Kremlin then announced that was bullshit, they had not spoken, and that there were no plans to speak. When put to them that Trump had in fact not spoken to Putin, Trump's spokesman said they don't comment on such calls, less than a week after they just had.
Russian TV then screened nude photos of Melania.
Trump then announced Tulsi Gabbard as head of Intelligence overseeing 18 intelligence departments including the CIA, the FBI and the NSA.
Tulsi Gabbard is accused of being a Russian asset, has no intelligence experience and has amplified pro Russian propaganda in the US.
Since that phone call which didn't happen Russian state TV and the Kremlin have again openly threatened the use of nuclear weapons.
Trump is owned by Putin, has been since before 2016. Putin will decide when the war ends in Ukraine, when the time comes to negotiate, not Trump, and he has kompromat on Trump. It's obvious. No American President in modern history has been so owned by the Russians.
The nude pics of Melania on Russian TV was a subtle reminder.
Trump did make a call to Zelensky, Kyiv has confirmed it took place. Half way through the call, Trump handed the phone over to Elon Musk.
I would have thought Elon was busy with his businesses and putting man on Mars during Trump's four years as was promised, but it appears there is nothing this man can't do.
He fucked twitter pretty well, I'll give him that. Maybe he is a global peace maker as well.
(the fall out between these two bros, and it's coming, just watch and wait, is going to be spectacular.)
On the other war, looks like Trump's man Huckabee has gone down well with Smotrich and Ben Gvir, the guys actually calling the shots in Netanyahu's government, so expanding settlements and giving more land to Israel, and killing more Palestinians, looks to be the strategy for peace. That'll do it.
Bibi will bomb the shit out of Lebanon and shortly after Trump's inauguration will announce a cease fire to make Trump look good, like he is a war stopper and much will be made of it. Bibi will keep on killing Arabs though.
Back in the US, 11 million immigrants are going to be rounded up and deported.
Trump's only got four years...unless....
In the entire eight years of the Second World War the Nazis only managed to round up 6 million Jews and others to send to the camps, and they didn't have to worry about things like due process and the rule of law, so it's going to be a tough ask ...unless...
And the Nazis had the Einsatzgruppen, and the camps were built already, and they used trains, you can fit more on a train than a bus or plane, and they were starving and killing most of their detainees, so Trump's got double the number to round up and half the time and America still has due process and the rule of law and no where to house 11 million "vermin"...unless...
And Trump's plan will be seeing a lot of planes full of "animals and criminals" and the odd fictional cannibalistic serial killing doctor apparently, flying around endlessly looking for some "third world shithole" to give a landing clearance to unload it's "filthy" cargo. Might need planes that can refuel mid air for that one.
So a few hiccups with the mass deportation policy, but I'm sure Elon has a few ideas.
And that's even before we discuss his pick for Attorney General, or the mad Kennedy.
This "golden age" of Trump is going to be fun to watch.
Over two hundred years to build the greatest (debatable) democracy the world has ever seen, the beacon of democracy, liberty, equality and justice, the City on the Hill from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the defender of freedom and democracy the world over and all the rest of the bullshit they have rammed down the world's throat since Washington crossed the Delaware, all to be hollowed out and dismantled and turned into some half arsed (or should it be "half assed") neo fascist, 21st century new authoritarian basket case like Lukashenko's Belarus or Orban's Hungary or Erdogan's Turkey or Trump's boss and hero Putin's Russia. The new fascists, the one's that conquer from within rather than crush and destroy from without.
All of it, from the Revolutionary Wars, the Star Spangled Banner, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution with it's Bill of Rights, the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, Lincoln at Gettysburg, Civil War, Pearl Harbor and storming Normandy, (even Stormin' Norman), the civil rights movements, the women's rights movements, the cold and hot wars, on and on, all of it, American democracy, founded on the great pillars, two hundred years of pillar filler, democratic law and machinery, that many brave Americans died the shitter for a lunatic egomaniac con artist who promised to avenge their grievance and give them a golden age of greatness if he just had the power.
The Germans tried that once, so did the Italians around the same time. Didn't end too well.
The Americans tried it before with Trump in 2016, it ended with an insurrection and nearly got the Vice President hung from gallows.
Last time Trump and his people were just winging it, this time they appear more organised and ready, and Trump owns Congress and the Supreme Court. The founding fathers did put in checks and balances when they drafted their Constitution, but I doubt they anticipated a Trump, who could really?
It will be interesting to see if the great American experiment, that has endured civil war and world war and depression and civil unrest that saw it's cities burn, and been tested before, many times, does endure four more years of Trump, and what it looks like at the end, because they are trying a new experiment now, one that seems to bear little resemblance to the 200 odd years old one, the one they built from scratch, American democracy.
Replaced it with a Clown Show Experiment.
Some reading for those interested...

^ good to have you back @adam12.

Julian, if you want to continue this charade as 'Jeff' you'll have to drop your old peccadilloes.[/quote
Please explain, how is that a charade when you blocked Juliang , and how come AW can change his name with no issues, but god forbid if anyone else does, ?
And please explain to the rabid crowd that Tim tam is indeed someone else.
So basically everyone with a pseudonym, is continuing an ongoing charade .
I get it now.

Thanks Base,
further to my little rant above, should have probably mentioned it.
They tried this direction before, the Americans, this isn't the first "America First" movement that took hold, and power, in the US.
Back around the time of the first fascist explosion across the world, Hitler and Mussolini had many "friends" in America, who heaped praise on the dictators and paid visits to inspect their war machines and held remarkably similar rallies at MSG to the one Trump just conducted.
The "America First" movement also had the backing of the biggest media baron at the time, Randolph Hearst, and the world's greatest car maker, Henry Ford. Today we have Murdoch and Musk.
It was isolationist, and it was pro fascist and it controlled Congress and was quite prepared to see Europe, including Britain, fall.
Roosevelt had to supply the Brits with what he could under the table, without Congressional approval.
Then American soil got attacked, and America First died literally overnight.
History repeats.
No one can answer why, human nature perhaps, but it does.
But it rarely throws a mirror. It tends to repeat in echoes, amalgams, by throwing arcs or sounding bells or planting seeds that land or resound or grow in other places and times.
Same same but different.
History is throwing a lot of arcs at the moment, ringing a lot of bells, some of them from times of great darkness and instability and that came with much death and destruction and war.
It's a worry.
And it's not just the Dems. and never Trumpers that are noticing it, objective historians and political scientists and commentators are pointing things out.
Who knows how the pages will unfold this time.
Trump just adds to the uncertainty of it all.
But if it repeats like the last time, the world looks headed for war.
I hope not.

AlfredWallace wrote:Juliang.
What I find odd about you, is that, everyone else seems to be able to function on here with little to no dramas using their chosen name.
It’s not that hard to participate.
Look at guys like IndoDreaming, Zenagain, VelocityJohnno, TrueBlueBasher, they’ve had their same names for a decade and a half in some cases. We know how they operate and behave etc.
Someone changing it up all the time in my opinion is either trying to hide themselves from who knows what.
Or, you are simply role playing all different things going through your head, albeit you’ve got various alter egos.See, you remind of a blow fly hovering over a turd, you know you want to land, but ultimately it’ll be a shit decision. All the best. AW
You seem like a very confused person to me, with your ongoing delusion that me and Tim tam are one and the same.
And it’s ok for you to change your name, but vitriolicly attack anyone else who dares do the same thing. Smacks of hypocrisy to me.
Sounds like your backyard plants are starting to effect your rationality
Then you talk about flys and turds , obviously an ongoing thought process for you,
and wish someone all the best,
That shows how suddenly your mood can change, seems a bit unstable to me.

"Peccadillo: belonging to the order Cingulata, family Dasypodidae, the peccadillo is a retiring beast, only coming out for a small few hours around dusk to feed. Loosely resembling a cross between a rat and a turtle, the peccadillo is related to neither. While some animals are prized for their preputial gland (usually in the form of a sac under the skin of the abdomen) for a 'musk scent', the peccadillo's preputial gland emits a challenging taste/aroma that has been described as 'a cross between an aged cheese and a hot tamale' that permeates their flesh. Second only to the durian, in terms of its being accepted as an acquired taste in the geographical locations where peccadilloes proliferate, many Westerners find the flavor unappealing to their palate."
National Geograffic

Exxotixjeff][quote=stunet wrote:Julian, if you want to continue this charade as 'Jeff' you'll have to drop your old peccadilloes.[/quote
Please explain, how is that a charade when you blocked Juliang , and how come AW can change his name with no issues, but god forbid if anyone else does, ?
And please explain to the rabid crowd that Tim tam is indeed someone else.
So basically everyone with a pseudonym, is continuing an ongoing charade .
I get it now.
I can explain it, its very simple and just common sense.
There is people here that have changed their profile names once or twice over time, maybe they originally used their real name and then feel they want some animosity, or they used some crappy name they no longer like or forgot their password or some shit, or they blew shit up or got banned and came back months or even a year latter with a new name like a rebirth type thing, they change theur name and thats it.
Then there are other people like you, that change names even more regularly like four times in six months and even use multiple profiles at once even in the same thread, basically pretending to be different people.
Why?...i guess it is to try to get more attention to your views, like look its not just me, this other guy is saying the same thing.
Either way it's deceptive and fake.
BTW. You might be able to use different devices to have your IP address appear differently thinking you have fooled Stunet, but there is many other signature's that are much harder to change and they all scream Juliang.

Back to reality, no more reading of antagonistic posts.
A joke from “Raw news and Politics “
A foreign agent and 3 accused sexual predators walked into the White House.
Thats it no punchline
I’m not going to read anymore crazy assumptions and delusions, because they’re designed to distract from the real issues of the world.
I can see the confused ideology of
Left wing MAGA

no-one is antagonising, jef.. we just want a little harmless distraction, so we don't go to bed every night screaming at the futility of it all.. you'd deny us that? Half the people you are getting wired at think the US and the election is symptomatic of a world gone barking. Go for a swim, watch some british comedy, drink some tea, listen to some tunes, dream of empty Philippines waves, and wake fresh and have some fun on here. Try going 'haha' when someone is a smartarse. I reckon everyone on here is pretty stand up these days.

basesix wrote:^ good to have you back @adam12.
Never found you boring A12 , thought provoking yes but not boring . I look forward to sypkan giving a response to your posts.

Long term users of social media have
Low baseline dopamine levels, and keep craving the next dopamine hit from positive and negative interactions on social media.

adam12 wrote:Thanks Base,
further to my little rant above, should have probably mentioned it.
They tried this direction before, the Americans, this isn't the first "America First" movement that took hold, and power, in the US.
Back around the time of the first fascist explosion across the world, Hitler and Mussolini had many "friends" in America, who heaped praise on the dictators and paid visits to inspect their war machines and held remarkably similar rallies at MSG to the one Trump just conducted.
The "America First" movement also had the backing of the biggest media baron at the time, Randolph Hearst, and the world's greatest car maker, Henry Ford. Today we have Murdoch and Musk.
It was isolationist, and it was pro fascist and it controlled Congress and was quite prepared to see Europe, including Britain, fall.
Roosevelt had to supply the Brits with what he could under the table, without Congressional approval.
Then American soil got attacked, and America First died literally overnight.
History repeats.
No one can answer why, human nature perhaps, but it does.
But it rarely throws a mirror. It tends to repeat in echoes, amalgams, by throwing arcs or sounding bells or planting seeds that land or resound or grow in other places and times.
Same same but different.
History is throwing a lot of arcs at the moment, ringing a lot of bells, some of them from times of great darkness and instability and that came with much death and destruction and war.
It's a worry.
And it's not just the Dems. and never Trumpers that are noticing it, objective historians and political scientists and commentators are pointing things out.
Who knows how the pages will unfold this time.
Trump just adds to the uncertainty of it all.
But if it repeats like the last time, the world looks headed for war.
I hope not.
Some very good stuff there Adam12, I largely concur. America oscillates between isolationism and engagement and you've illustrated where we are now. If you look at the Roman Empire or British Empire; they had moral consistency, for better or worse. Rebellion in Judea or Eritrea? - here comes a legion your way. The Egyptians too - Rameses boasted of those slaughtered. No back and forth like we have seen in Afghanistan, Iran, etc.
If the US goes isolationist now, they will find their enemies (and they have enemies lining them up like in the 1930s) much closer and stronger when they are awoken. The proxy wars fit the timeline too - where it was the IJA in Manchuria and China; and liberal democracies vs fascism by proxy in the Spanish Civil War, we have had Syria and Ukraine... The devastating demonstration of the next conflict's technology at Guernica in 1937 perhaps is the hypersonics and drones in these times.
The hour's late, the historical allegory is in place, and it's sad. Enjoy each day all of you.

Supafreak wrote:basesix wrote:^ good to have you back @adam12.
Never found you boring A12 , thought provoking yes but not boring . I look forward to sypkan giving a response to your posts.
Yep Supa, Sypkan's gonna have me for breakfast for what I said about his girl Tulsi. (I'm not the only one saying it btw).
Jeez, I might have to take another break for a while, as Sypkan says "again". Don't want to upset Sypkan, but sure I have. I'm not looking forward to his response as much as you are.

"...Then there are other people like you, that change names even more regularly like four times in six months and even use multiple profiles at once even in the same thread, basically pretending to be different people.
Why?...i guess it is to try to get more attention to your views, like look its not just me, this other guy is saying the same thing.
Either way it's deceptive and fake..."
reminds of someone...
trying to give their point of view more weight?
make it appear it has more suppirt and thus a following?
I was joking about the msnbc ratings troll farm...
but, the dude is is own little troll farm

"no-one is antagonising, jef...."
dude is also a big arse old school 1980's class room projector

@VJ, yep, the Spanish Civil War, the proxies, there's parallels appearing all over and none of it bodes well.
Speaking of the Spanish War, I finally got around to reading Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" last year, supposedly his greatest work. Didn't really enjoy it although watching a Hemingway doco beforehand gave it some great perspective. His actual life is probably more interesting than his books.
It was so slow moving, I just kept wishing the protagonist would stop rooting the Spanish waif girl in his fur lined swag all the time and hurry up and blow up the fucking bridge already.
Didn't like "The Old Man and the Sea" much either tbh, but probably says more about me than old mate Ernie.
But I digress.
Yes, comparative history, good fun until it suddenly isn't, like now.
Hope what the historians and others are getting so alarmed about doesn't come to pass.

Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Juliang.
What I find odd about you, is that, everyone else seems to be able to function on here with little to no dramas using their chosen name.
It’s not that hard to participate.
Look at guys like IndoDreaming, Zenagain, VelocityJohnno, TrueBlueBasher, they’ve had their same names for a decade and a half in some cases. We know how they operate and behave etc.
Someone changing it up all the time in my opinion is either trying to hide themselves from who knows what.
Or, you are simply role playing all different things going through your head, albeit you’ve got various alter egos.See, you remind of a blow fly hovering over a turd, you know you want to land, but ultimately it’ll be a shit decision. All the best. AW
You seem like a very confused person to me, with your ongoing delusion that me and Tim tam are one and the same.
And it’s ok for you to change your name, but vitriolicly attack anyone else who dares do the same thing. Smacks of hypocrisy to me.
Sounds like your backyard plants are starting to effect your rationality
Then you talk about flys and turds , obviously an ongoing thought process for you,
and wish someone all the best,
That shows how suddenly your mood can change, seems a bit unstable to me.
Juliang. Hi.
I don’t know why I’m even explaining this to you.
It seems like you take a long time to process stuff or ‘get it’.
For the record. I’ve been on Swellnet for quite a while.
At first I used my real name. And as Indo said, through worry of giving your true identity away to others who may use it for evil and not good, I decided to make it what it is today.
I’ve never changed my current name Alfred Wallace whilst on Swellnet.
I simply don’t get where you are coming from with all your childish whining back to management or Stunet.
Just use your one name. I’m sure all of us will respect you for that. As I said it’s not hard to participate. All the best. AW

nice to be liked... or not...
more so... anticipated...
definitely not boring adam12
aside from your gratuitous (and misleading) use of the word 'insuurection' always enjoy what you have to say...
I was gonna spruik our resident history buff (vj) in response... but he's already chimed in... be it with a somewhat sparse version of events...
he's gone into great detail before, about the waves of globalisation and retraction that have spread the globe throughout history...
and it comes back to your point re. history repeating and human nature
it seems cultures can only cooperate and cross pollinate for limited time frames, before the wheels fall off...
dialo goes right into it too
with the driver being cutting edge technologies - facilitating waves, of cooperation, and / or domination... (choose your optimist versus pessimist view) ...before the dominant party becomes too top heavy / hungry - greedy / bureacratic / indulgent / arrogant / indebted / hedonistic... and the wheels fall off...
your patterns it seems
a great vid by dialo
it's interesting... because 'the vibe', is most certainly that we're at the end of something...
the communists / socialists / marxists / neo-marxists, like to frame it as ' late stage capitalism'
the anti-americanists - who aren't flogging marxism - like to call it the death of an empire
the 'end of history' fukuyama's, just go with death of a paradigm
and your average pleb... just knows it's all bloody unfair - and doesn't have the buzzwords to describe it...
I'll go with death of neoliberalism / globalisation version 2. whereever we're at...
I think you're dreaming re. kompramat and trump...
after all the thousands of people desperately trying to find something...
all the agencies - the months long mueller thingy...
the nyt, cnn, msnbc, abc's, wa-po's, vox's, atlantic's, salon's... etc. etc....
hilary, co. inc., obama co. inc, biden co...
after all those entities and probably billions of dollars spent searching...
they've essentially come up with nothing
that tells me...
there's nothing
not even a dodgy loan...
and, melania's photos...
she was a model wasn't she?
there must be 1000's of photos out there in cyberspace...
yeh, she looked pretty hot
but nothing really nude
nothing with a big slovakian schlong in it...
all seems another nothingburger
maybe a bit inconvenient and embarrassing for trump...
but it ain't no hunter biden photo gallery!

see hilary inc.
just because tulsi spruiks a similar position to russian propaganda...
doesn't make her an assett
just means she can see the folly of the MIC, and it's shameless propaganda...

And the Democrat squad just won't stop cookin' up some wild story to paint Trump as the new Hitler. Give it a rest, leftards! I'm realizing when you're debatin' with these Dems, you ain't arguing with a human no more. It's like they've been zombified by the liberal legacy propaganda media. You ain't talking to a person, you're arguing with the ghost of MSNBC or CNN.

he ain't hitler. he's just a no-account doofus out to be a bobblehead to the masses. no different to the rest, just alarmingly jingoistic and messiah-complexy, dragging anyone looking for a floating door down with him.. it'll probably work out fine. most stuff sorta does, and carries on. till it doesn't, as @adam12 said. (what's msnbc and cnn? they shows on the wireless?)

This is the reality of it, a straightforward answer to the question. Ukraine will be a major distraction for Trump. It won’t be a priority and he will want out as soon as possible. He’s got a bigger fish to fry.

Thought this was a good off the cuff debate - with Dominic Sandbrook and Scaramucci taking different sides - on Trump as a fascist. Sandbrook makes the point that there’s no cult of war around Trump and that he’s not an expansionist. The sorta consensus they come to at the end is that Musk and his tech Bro brethren fit the Fascist tag more than Trump. The Bros described as modernist idealists, a tenet apparently central to the fascism of the 30s. The history that rhymes in this case being the Bros’ utopian vision for the world - their conviction that they can remake society, and their desire to fundamentally change the human condition. Wish they had gone into this a bit more. Particulary Sandbrook.

@sypkan, this may be TLDR, I've got to start precising my thoughts, read on if you want, or not.
To me, kompromat is the only explanation for Trump's man love and subservience to Putin, there isn't another I can see, and the fact "they" haven't found any doesn't mean it doesn't exist to my way of thinking, the whole point is to keep it secret , it has no worth if it is already known, and the Russians know how to keep a secret. Mostly.
The Melania photos were just a subtle reminder to Trump about who's actually boss, a reminder perhaps to Trump that there is more if he keeps putting words in Putin's mouth he never actually said, to make himself look in charge, and so Trump does what he is told.
That's just my maybe way off take.
It just seems too unusual to me for an American President, and a Republican one at that, a self proclaimed tough guy President, to be so enamored and subservient to a Russian dictator.
I am not alone in that.
But who knows really.
Same with Tulsi and whether she is compromised. I can't say and nor really can you, but it's being said, a lot.
And you can't deny she's a swinger, one time Dem. candidate for President, now a GOP appointee, whatever her reasoning, she can swap sides when it suits.
I'll stand by my assessment on both, but hear you on it, one day we may see who was right or wrong, that will be an interesting day if it ever comes to pass.
As for the Dems. themselves, defeated, demoralised and with a leadership vacuum, all those things you said during the campaign, or much of it, came true. For mine. with hindsight I think they lost it in 2020 when Joe decided he wasn't going to be a safe handed one termer passing the baton to new blood, but tried to hold on for two terms when he was already too old, and then held on too long for a contested convention to deliver a legitimate nominee. The rest just flowed from that, and the machine is off the tracks as far as what the American people want from them. She floundered as the campaign continued after a good start I thought, the celebrity endorsement "season" just never ended. Americans love their celebs and the endorsements do work, but FMD it seemed like she had nothing much else than them and some catchy slogans.
Mind you I thought Trump's final weeks were just bizarre, I thought he was losing it, his rallies were empty when hers were full and he seemed to have low energy most of the time, tired and old, or off his face on some kind of upper when he was "on".
From my distance I found the final result confusing, and dare I say, suspicious. It just didn't seem to match what I was seeing or the polling. But, and there's some genius in this if the result was not legit., you can't say "rigged", unless you are Trump, so I won't, and it makes me look like I'm disgruntled and searching for excuses, which I'm not, and I don't necessarily think it was, but the result surprised me a bit, that it wasn't closer.
From what I can see Trump didn't get many more votes than in 2020, the Dems. just didn't show up to vote as was expected and how it was looking like they would. I think the whole Rogan effect was overstated, it dreads me to think that the future of American democracy and world peace is getting decided by a bunch of incel poor petals seaching online for a "community" when they are done with Pornhub for the day/ hour. We're all fucked if that is the case and I don't think the new bros really had the impact they are all claiming.
The lie about Biden's suitability and Gaza hurt them with their base, and the other problems with the party, the campaign and the nominee may have compounded it.
They are in a perilous position now, Trump, if he follows the playbook, will eliminate them as an effective opposition, he has stated as much in the past, now he has the power. The Dems have only the power to hold press conferences now, and even that may be in peril.
Unless a charismatic leader emerges with the ability to reshape the party and it's core beliefs for 21st century America, and unless their actual democracy can withstand the forces set to undermine or destroy it, it's over for the Dems. I believe.
But what would I know really.
I do have a couple of questions though, firstly where the fuck is JD Vance, haven't seen or heard from him in a while.
Secondly, what the fuck kind of demon tried to butt rape Tucker Carlson as he slept with his wife and three(!) dogs recently.
My money's on a frisky fido humping combined with some kind of nightmare, but Tucker claims it was Beelzebub himself that tried to man schlong the great broadcaster in his sleep, leaving those scratch marks. And apparently Tucker is a man to be believed, sort of.
Fuck this modern world is scary confusing.

The modern world!
That Tucker story sounds like some bullshit from the middle ages.

@adam12 ;)
- trump won’t make it thru his term, chokes on a big maccc. Kaput!
… and jd takes over ;)

- the real goldenarches food ;)

… oh, and the thing that went after poor tucker
- probly the ghost of p diddy ;)

The thing about fascism is that even historians can't agree on a definitive definition. It's a shape shifter.
They couldn't agree on what 20th century fascism was, so they came up with many definitions, have a look at wiki "definition of fascism" and you will see some of them, including Eco's, probably the most referenced, as he listed the elements of classical 20th century fascism. See if you can see anything that seems familiar in Trump and MAGA.
They are also struggling to define the new shape that has emerged in the 21st century. Neo fascism, new authoritarianism, fascistist, all sorts of descriptions, they are all tying up in knots trying to identify what is going on, particularly with MAGA and Trump. What is new this time is that the methodology is to keep the skeleton of democracy or communism, not smash it and start anew like the old way, but to hollow it out from within to effectively create a one party governance that is dynastic more than democratic or communist.
But really, debates aside, fascism is kind of like shit, it comes in many forms, many ingredients, shades, colours. Sometimes it looks like shit but isn't, sometimes it looks like something else but it's actually shit. The word gets used to describe many things, over used probably, but if you're familiar enough with it, shit or fascism. you know it when you can smell it.
And Trump and the MAGA movement reeks of both.

Yeah Maccas
In 1977 my ten yr old schoolmate invited me to his bday party at Maccas which had just opened in town. I had no idea what it even was.
Anyways I get there and whoooaaa. I can drink as much Fanta as I want. Happy days!
After drinking bucket loads of that orange kiddy swill it was time for the Big Mac.
I got about halfway through the torrid burger and my dodgy gene inherited digestive system had enough.
Said Fanta and burger was rejected via multiple projectile vomits across the first Maccas in town.
Viva America.
Never ate Maccas again.
Around about 7yrs later I was given a Maccas soft serve whilst sitting back of a long forgotten car.
I was tripping REALLY heavily on gold tops and there was a toy monkey in the back seat with me....his eyes were going right through me.
The monkey told me not to eat that shit so I didn't.
Viva psilocybin.

Thanks for the seemingly informed contributions a12.
Your last paragraph above sort of reminds me of a Big Mac
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank