The United States(!) of A

green room wrote:Eating right, hitting the gym, shedding pounds, catching some rays, all that jazz? It's just right-wing, fascist, racist, Nazi, white supremacist pseudoscience and tinfoil hat territory being peddled by RFK. It's a playbook of oppression and subjugation by the straight, white, Christian, colonial settler occupier oppressor, and it only props up the cisgender patriarchal power structure.
The top health move you can pull right now? Get yourself vaccinated, again.
The next best thing for your health? Get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and then go full throttle with hormone shots and surgeries to flip the bird at the straight, cis-patriarchal system by chemical and physical castration, sterilisation and bodily mutilation.
Your body and gender are your resistance against the oppressor.
Being overweight? That ain't unhealthy. It's the legit, science-backed natural state of homo sapien, according to the LGBTQ+, trans, and queer communities' model of health and ways of knowing.
I just spat my coffee out reading this. LMAO

indo-dreaming][quote=Exxotixjeff wrote:?feature=sharedstunet wrote:Julian, if you want to continue this charade as 'Jeff' you'll have to drop your old peccadilloes.[/quote
Please explain, how is that a charade when you blocked Juliang , and how come AW can change his name with no issues, but god forbid if anyone else does, ?
And please explain to the rabid crowd that Tim tam is indeed someone else.
So basically everyone with a pseudonym, is continuing an ongoing charade .
I get it now.I can explain it, its very simple and just common sense.
There is people here that have changed their profile names once or twice over time, maybe they originally used their real name and then feel they want some animosity, or they used some crappy name they no longer like or forgot their password or some shit, or they blew shit up or got banned and came back months or even a year latter with a new name like a rebirth type thing, they change theur name and thats it.
Then there are other people like you, that change names even more regularly like four times in six months and even use multiple profiles at once even in the same thread, basically pretending to be different people.
Why?...i guess it is to try to get more attention to your views, like look its not just me, this other guy is saying the same thing.
Either way it's deceptive and fake.
BTW. You might be able to use different devices to have your IP address appear differently thinking you have fooled Stunet, but there is many other signature's that are much harder to change and they all scream Juliang.
They don’t like you either dude
So don’t bother going we see you sheepish bogans

Hey Adam12, if the Hemingway disappointed you (I tried a bit of that book once, preferred the fishing tale), Granada did an excellent series on the Spanish Civil War way back in 1983 - when many of the protagonists were still here to tell the story.
&list=PLAuucEydM53fQhEZiJHdWNzbdea35avxeIt's excellent, and conveys a timeless, sad feeling segueing between events. Recommended.

Exxotixjeff][quote=indo-dreaming wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:?feature=sharedstunet wrote:Julian, if you want to continue this charade as 'Jeff' you'll have to drop your old peccadilloes.[/quote
Please explain, how is that a charade when you blocked Juliang , and how come AW can change his name with no issues, but god forbid if anyone else does, ?
And please explain to the rabid crowd that Tim tam is indeed someone else.
So basically everyone with a pseudonym, is continuing an ongoing charade .
I get it now.I can explain it, its very simple and just common sense.
There is people here that have changed their profile names once or twice over time, maybe they originally used their real name and then feel they want some animosity, or they used some crappy name they no longer like or forgot their password or some shit, or they blew shit up or got banned and came back months or even a year latter with a new name like a rebirth type thing, they change theur name and thats it.
Then there are other people like you, that change names even more regularly like four times in six months and even use multiple profiles at once even in the same thread, basically pretending to be different people.
Why?...i guess it is to try to get more attention to your views, like look its not just me, this other guy is saying the same thing.
Either way it's deceptive and fake.
BTW. You might be able to use different devices to have your IP address appear differently thinking you have fooled Stunet, but there is many other signature's that are much harder to change and they all scream Juliang.
They don’t like you either dude
So don’t bother going we see you sheepish bogans
Is this song referencing that juliang is still alive ?

Kennedy feeling a bit awkward and doesn’t really know how to respond .

Supafreak wrote:Kennedy feeling a bit awkward and doesn’t really know how to respond .
The guy with the dog seems like an absolute wanker. Giving kids vaccine soup when they are born is 100% going to fuck em up. How are they going to test the soup when it's all boiled together?

thanks for that, I'll check it out, might save it for Saturday when I'll be inside in the air co. from the heat and looking for something to watch, I'll let you know my thoughts.
I should probably wind back my "For Whom the Bell Tolls" comments, I did finish it and it is a masterpiece, no one writes like Hemingway, and learning a lot about the man and his incredible life did help me to appreciate the book more because he incorporates many things from his life into his stories, and they are great stories. I guess I'd just heard about the book for so long I maybe over hyped my expectations.
I remember at the time I was also reading some books I'd read as a kid, Robert Louis Stevenson's "Kidnapped" and RM Ballantyne's "A Coral Island" and really enjoyed both, and kept going to them because the Hemingway book was quite heavy reading, (I tend to read two or three books at once.)
But I do recommend you give his Spanish War book another shot, it is worth reading, and I also recommend the Ken Burns doco on Hemingway if you are interested in the man and his strange and incredible life.
Chat again soon.

A short version of the pentagon response to questions from the press .


Biden wants to go out with a bang.

Supafreak wrote:A short version of the pentagon response to questions from the press .
They know they are lying.
We know they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying, yet they continue to lie ...

… ol predator brandon and the process of ‘de-escalation’ thru escalation ;)

No comment.

Supafreak][quote=Exxotixjeff wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:?feature=sharedstunet wrote:Julian, if you want to continue this charade as 'Jeff' you'll have to drop your old peccadilloes.[/quote
Please explain, how is that a charade when you blocked Juliang , and how come AW can change his name with no issues, but god forbid if anyone else does, ?
And please explain to the rabid crowd that Tim tam is indeed someone else.
So basically everyone with a pseudonym, is continuing an ongoing charade .
I get it now.I can explain it, its very simple and just common sense.
There is people here that have changed their profile names once or twice over time, maybe they originally used their real name and then feel they want some animosity, or they used some crappy name they no longer like or forgot their password or some shit, or they blew shit up or got banned and came back months or even a year latter with a new name like a rebirth type thing, they change theur name and thats it.
Then there are other people like you, that change names even more regularly like four times in six months and even use multiple profiles at once even in the same thread, basically pretending to be different people.
Why?...i guess it is to try to get more attention to your views, like look its not just me, this other guy is saying the same thing.
Either way it's deceptive and fake.
BTW. You might be able to use different devices to have your IP address appear differently thinking you have fooled Stunet, but there is many other signature's that are much harder to change and they all scream Juliang.
They don’t like you either dude
So don’t bother going we see you sheepish bogansIs this song referencing that juliang is still alive ?
No it’s just a good example of Mike McCreadys
lead guitar breaks , which featured on most songs.
Did they play in Jakarta ?
Don’t know, but I think he’s better than
Hulk Hogan , each to his own.
His still pretty cool in a BS sort of way though.
That’s the good thing about freedom of speech,
You’re still allowed to like Hulk, if that’s your choice.

- hey yo green room dude haha
“ Talking smack about Israel and America? Not cool, bro. It's a real bummer to see our Aussie buds throwing down hate like that. We Americans dig our Aussie mates…”
^ hahaha this is a cute snippet of yours from the archives where you spectacularly invented some farkn idiotic bullshit fairyland yankee dude persona ;)
… now, we all lurve u (& especially burlz) chiming in and going all lbgqtalmnop phobic dummy spitter man child on us
- & we know u lurve patriotic awmerrican fweedoms etc ;)
… aaaand red heads (hats) and have a willingness to ‘try anything once’ ;);)
(just didn’t know you liked libraries and had such open borders)
- keep diggin ya mates green room ;)


Lucky Melbourne people

Where would we be without YouTube?

Awesome stuff Exxosplasm. Do they have branded Kleenex at the merch desk!

I hope they’re friendly.

Don’t know, but there were millions of Brisos on the Nerang station platform, waiting to go home.

Exxotixjeff wrote:
Where would we be without YouTube?
We’d be a lot smarter because you’d have to actually use your brain, not fuse your brain, AW

AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:
Where would we be without YouTube?
We’d be a lot smarter because you’d have to actually use your brain, not fuse your brain, AW
I just said that to see if you would bight .
I knew it.

Supafreak wrote:Kennedy feeling a bit awkward and doesn’t really know how to respond .
Hahahaha, fucking hell!

Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:
Where would we be without YouTube?
We’d be a lot smarter because you’d have to actually use your brain, not fuse your brain, AW
I just said that to see if you would bight .
I knew it.
Yo Sexy Jeff,
Without youtube, you might have learned English expression, spelling, etc.
It's "bite", a "bight" is something else altogether, and a "blight" is kind of what you are on these threads.
Yes I'm a pedant, but it's better a pedant than a pest.

juliang , the Great Australian Bite

… haha
- & a lovely outfit to boot as one scours the wasteland for tea and a ride ;)
… exotic indeed ;);)

Some funny shit going down on twitter today, Elon tweeted at 5.30 AM wherever he was, "Accounts calling me fat, "Elonia", "The First Lady", saying I can't jump or pointing out my hair plugs and jawline gender affirming surgery, will be suspended without warning."
It's not a parody account, it's Sissy SpaceX himself.
Some of the replies are hilarious.

adam12 wrote:Some funny shit going down on twitter today, Elon tweeted at 5.30 AM wherever he was, "Accounts calling me fat, "Elonia", "The First Lady", saying I can't jump or pointing out my hair plugs and jawline gender affirming surgery, will be suspended without warning."
It's not a parody account, it's Sissy SpaceX himself.
Some of the replies are hilarious.
Edit, correction, it may not be real, still trying to verify if it is, but pretty funny anyway.

Exxotixjeff wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:
Where would we be without YouTube?
We’d be a lot smarter because you’d have to actually use your brain, not fuse your brain, AW
I just said that to see if you would bight .
I knew it.
The great Lexicon of the wee hours has spoken . Bight my arse it’s a Great Australian.
Tomorrow’s edition from your Tower of Intellect. What will it be ?
Juliangs ‘Magnus Opus’ . ( if you know what that means).
I’m gabberflasted by your spelling and grammar. A bit of fun. Yew. AW

How about
Trump pushes hard for his accused paedophile
pick , for US Attorney General
Matt Gaetz .
Or did you think a spelling mistake had more
significance, seeing as how no one seems to have noticed. ?
I’m flagerbasted by your lack of information .
Bit of fun ay ?

Ouch. Brutal, funny take down of Don Jnr from Marina Hyde:
“Can you stand him, this pissy little Ivy League Uday, whose chin successfully escaped from the rest of his body at some point in the last Trump administration, and whose every political intervention my brain simply translates as “look Daddy – I used the potty!”? If so, please send tips.”
We could probably all grit our way through Don Jr’s turbo-obnoxious inanities if they were limited to his specialist subjects, such as “life after a mandible” and “ripped guys who talked to me at UFC because of my dad”.
Not sure I totally buy it though. I wouldn’t say Don Jnr’s a complete dolt and I reckon he’s been pivotal to the triumphant campaign, and very much has Daddy’s ear. Happy to be pulling the strings in the background. I don’t buy the idea that Elon Musk is gonna be kicked to the curb toody sweet either. Both gonna be in it for the long haul.
I do buy the idea that Don Jnr has political ambitions for himself though. And that his old man has political ambitions for his son. Which will make for an entertaining MAGA primary season next time around (if primaries haven’t officially been replaced by regal diktats by then), given that it was Don Jnr himself who convinced Daddy to pick Vice President elect J.D. Vance as his out of left field and much derided running mate. Apparently it worked out okay. Which for my money in and of itself belies Hyde’s contention that Don Jnr’s an irrelevance. And as the alternative media voices have continually pointed out, at least he’s not Hunter.
Might add a level of literalism to Adam12’s contention that MAGA are (successfully?) laying the groundwork for a neo- fascistic Clown Show Dynasty though.

Why Trump Wants to Devalue the Dollar

The US should learn from the Philippines experience of dictatorship with
Rodrigo Duterte in 2016 ,
Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa explains.

Bugger didn’t work.

seeds wrote:Bugger didn’t work.
DAMN !!?

All these dumb Nobel Laureates on YouTube,
Think they know what they’re talking about.

I wanna see juliang, timtam and exoticjeff have a conversation together. Will be fun

Fess up numbnuts!
Did you google how to spell Damn!
No shame. I do it all the time.
I don’t work where the written word is used much.
Look how Indo has become literate. He’s not doing night school.
BTW Indo that’s a complement. I’m the same here. Fuggin educated boring smarty pants egg heads everywhere here.
They’ll probably correct my punctuation that I’m already aware of getting wrong.
Life’s too short. Ya thesis, masters, doctorate or whatever the others are will comfort your death to worm food I’m sure. That little EGO is what you should have been worrying about when ya still had a breath. Ta ta ya dead coont it meant nought.

burleigh wrote:I wanna see juliang, timtam and exoticjeff have a conversation together. Will be fun
You forget his other one Heeby.
It went Juliang, Heeby, Tim Tam, then exoticjeff.

indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:I wanna see juliang, timtam and exoticjeff have a conversation together. Will be fun
You forget his other one Heeby.
It went Juliang, Heeby, Tim Tam, then exoticjeff.
Awww, SN’s two resident forum monitor suck-holes are on the job

indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:I wanna see juliang, timtam and exoticjeff have a conversation together. Will be fun
You forget his other one Heeby.
It went Juliang, Heeby, Tim Tam, then exoticjeff.
Great stuff hulk fan , oh well if you like hulk that’s your right,
MAGA never worry about facts,
except heeby and Juliang got blocked and Tim tam is someone else , so don’t hold your breath Einstein .
Even if you still think that china pays for Trumps tarrifs and a lot of your MAGA mates are losing their Christmas bonuses, because imported materials are increasing in price, in January, and migrant farm workers won’t pick the fruit so the economy will crash with expensive imports , and it’s going to cost
$88 billion to deport 1 million migrants over a year, which will also crash the US economy,
Not to mention the tax increases for low income earners to pay for the tax cuts to Elon and his mates, and MAGA won’t have to pay tax on overtime anymore? Because they’re banning overtime.
All in all you’ve done well so far .

Reading reports atm that Russia has launched an ICBM at the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, conventional payload, not confirmed yet. First time an ICBM used in this war if true.

^ fark, hope not
… the don may b too late after all

Exxotixjeff wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:I wanna see juliang, timtam and exoticjeff have a conversation together. Will be fun
You forget his other one Heeby.
It went Juliang, Heeby, Tim Tam, then exoticjeff.
Great stuff hulk fan , oh well if you like hulk that’s your right,
MAGA never worry about facts,
except heeby and Juliang got blocked and Tim tam is someone else , so don’t hold your breath Einstein .
Even if you still think that china pays for Trumps tarrifs and a lot of your MAGA mates are losing their Christmas bonuses, because imported materials are increasing in price, in January, and migrant farm workers won’t pick the fruit so the economy will crash with expensive imports , and it’s going to cost
$88 billion to deport 1 million migrants over a year, which will also crash the US economy,
Not to mention the tax increases for low income earners to pay for the tax cuts to Elon and his mates, and MAGA won’t have to pay tax on overtime anymore? Because they’re banning overtime.
All in all you’ve done well so far .
Mate if you are going to play this game of using a number of different profiles thinking you are swapping head's like you are Worzel Gummidge you are going to have to be more savvy and actually try to make it look like your different people, which means your not going to be able to have exactly the same political views and writing style, and maybe vary the source's of your youtube videos and maybe mix it up and dont post at exactly the same times of the day, or should i say all hours of the night, i mean fuck dude you even mention Brisbane/Goldie and Philippines in all your profiles.
Honestly when you posted as Juliang while i didn't agree with your view's i didn't mind you(sticking to the topic etc) and even felt a bit sorry for you thinking Stunet was being a bit hard on you, but not now, i cant stand people who purposely go to an effort to deceive others.
So sucked in Trump won you are going to have to put up with seeing him in the news and on TV etc for four more years.
And here is a video of losers like you thinking he was going to lose looking pretty stupid now with their clueless way off predictions.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank