The United States(!) of A

This video gives an interesting perspective on China's move to what Jeff Snider calls "a managed decline" (economic) to pursue stability over growth in recognition of:
- the end of the favourable world trade environment
- recognition that Western economic fads of QE and real estate bubble style economics are not working and dangerous to China
- a top heavy economy where the CCP acts like an overly large parasite feeding off the an economy that is now struggling to sustain it.
The all powerful China growth story is fading.
Wall St, however, clings to a China go big on stimulus imantra t to rescue their never ending "buy stocks" now storyline.
But the CCP is totally aware of the economic and internal political risks they face (no hopium like the US) and is moving to more authoritarian style government (long lockdown was a test run) to ensure stability and CCP survival. This is needed as the Chinese worker dreams of future prosperity are fading with the end of the long growth phase and the deflation of the real estate bubble.
Nationalism, isolationism, control and preparedness for tough times and tough choices is on the way.
Decisions on Taiwan will be made with this mindset.

absolutely disgraceful...
this is the police state some of you are cheering on

"...Joseph D. McBride went to law school because his brother was serving a 15-year sentence for a crime he did not commit. He provided free legal advice as a law school student to those encamped in Zuccotti Park in New York City during the Occupy movement. Following law school, he worked as a public defender and in the Legal Aid Society. He represents several of those charged in the Jan. 6 incursion, including Richard Barnett. Barnett was photographed in Nancy Pelosi’s office with his leg propped up on her desk. Barnett was convicted by a federal jury, which deliberated for two hours, on eight counts, including disorderly conduct in the Capitol building. He faces up to 47 years in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on May 3.
“The post 9/11 model is being applied to American citizens,” McBride told me when I reached him by phone. “That model is the 19 hijackers. Everyone who is a religious Muslim is a suspect for the next 20 years. They should be waterboarded. They should be put in fucking jail and left in Guantanamo Bay. Lock them up. Throw away the key. Because they are psychopath extremists who believe in Allah and we don’t have time for that. They’re a threat based on who they are, what they look like, what they believe in. When the truth is, the vast majority of these guys don’t do drugs, don’t drink alcohol, they have five kids and they live pretty good lives. But because of the label of ‘terrorism’ and ‘Osama Bin Laden’ and ‘al-Qaeda’, everybody who is a Muslim is now a target. If we get on a plane next to one of these people, we get nervous about it because that’s how much it’s ingrained in us. The same thing is happening, except it’s being applied to a new group of people, primarily white Christians, Trump supporters, for now.”
“Power is going to change hands,” he warned. “The Democrats are not going to be in power forever. When power changes hands, that precedent is going to travel with it. If somebody else from the other side gets in and starts to target the people who are in power now, their families, their businesses, their lives, their freedom, then it’s over. America goes from being a free democracy to a tribalist partisan state. Maybe there’s not ethnic-cleansing in the streets, but people are cleansing each other from the workplace, from social media, from the banking system and they’re putting people in jail. That’s where we’re headed. I don’t know why people can't see what’s on the horizon.”..."

Did Joseph the Legal Aid lawyer reference any Jan.6 insurrectionists or white Christian Trump supporters who are currently in Gitmo, any of them been waterboarded, or is his hyperbole just based on "feels"?
What I think is going on is that people like his client who violently stormed Congress seeking to overturn an election are being prosecuted for their crimes, fairly, under due process. Comparisons to "ethnic cleansing" is more ridiculous hysteria, and insulting to real victims of it. America is and hopefully will remain a free democracy subject to the rule of law under it's Constitution, partisan tribalism can co-exist with that, as we see playing out today. The left in America is not perfect, far from it, but if the alternative is the lunatic Trump, or DeSantis then their democracy is at risk as the events of Jan 6 proved. The fault, dear Sypkan, lies on the right, the far right. If Biden runs and loses, he/the Dems won't 'cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war' like Trump and his cult did. If they did the rule of law would apply equally to them as well. Mr Barnett is not a martyr, he's a guy at the "find out" part of the "fuck around and find out" sequence. Trump is going to ride that train too in the near future.

It’s all crazy and funny at the same time…

Haha ‘the alive impaired’

Do you want us to remove this video?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 8, 2023

adam12 wrote:Did Joseph the Legal Aid lawyer reference any Jan.6 insurrectionists or white Christian Trump supporters who are currently in Gitmo, any of them been waterboarded, or is his hyperbole just based on "feels"?
What I think is going on is that people like his client who violently stormed Congress seeking to overturn an election are being prosecuted for their crimes, fairly, under due process. Comparisons to "ethnic cleansing" is more ridiculous hysteria, and insulting to real victims of it. America is and hopefully will remain a free democracy subject to the rule of law under it's Constitution, partisan tribalism can co-exist with that, as we see playing out today. The left in America is not perfect, far from it, but if the alternative is the lunatic Trump, or DeSantis then their democracy is at risk as the events of Jan 6 proved. The fault, dear Sypkan, lies on the right, the far right. If Biden runs and loses, he/the Dems won't 'cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war' like Trump and his cult did. If they did the rule of law would apply equally to them as well. Mr Barnett is not a martyr, he's a guy at the "find out" part of the "fuck around and find out" sequence. Trump is going to ride that train too in the near future.
Okay lets agree on Trump but whats wrong with DeSantis?????
He isn't loose & reckless like Trump, but he also isn't half senile like Biden, and on paper ticks so many boxes, family man, well educated has some political experience but also life experience and done very well in florida poltically, socially and economically, there no way on earth he would encourage or allow Jan 6th, but im also sure he wouldn't have also allow or encouraged the 2021 riots and looting either.

The Apocalypse might have already begun, and some of the liberals might be infected already.

I think the references to guantanamo bay are pretty clear...
the capitol day tour group, are being held under the same terrorist laws that were introduced for the likes of the september 11 bombers
laws that mean 100s, 1000's now....of people have been held with no trial for up to two years. held with special conditions that equate to solitary confinement and without the usual means to present their case.
it throws innocent until proven guilty out the window, and essentially strips them of their basic human rights...
remember those little chestnuts?
kind of important
"...What I think is going on is that people like his client who violently stormed Congress seeking to overturn an election are being prosecuted for their crimes, fairly, under due process..."
you really haven't been paying attention
"...he/the Dems won't 'cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war' like Trump and his cult did. If they did the rule of law would apply equally to them as well..."
you really really haven't been paying attention...

for me, what's really annoying
aside from the democrats blatant lying...
is the massive hissy fit about carlson releasing the footage
yeh he is selective about what he shows, cherry picks even... but he hasn't cut it to short reel snippets, and edited it like the democrats have, he lets it roll...
so why the anger? ...the outrage? ...the hissy fit?
it should be shown, whoever has access to it, it's public record
they are only angry because they have produced a narative, with literally hollywood level production, editing the fuck out of that footage and running it for two years...
they're just angry their little movie deal ain't getting the reviews and ratings they wanted
because it is bullshit
why was all that footage so stictly controlled?
even the shaman's lawyer was denied access to much of it
it's a heavily curated clown show, and now the clowns have been exposed...

Indo "Okay lets agree on Trump but whats wrong with DeSantis?????"
Well, he exhibits the same autocratic tendencies as Trump, not as much of an imbecile but "on the spectrum', he's anti LGBTI obsessed, anti trans obsessed, anti black and Native American, un-democratic and he weaponizes these sentiments perhaps even more than Trump and the right wing media. He's a book ban enabler, over 170 of them, including many on American history, Native Americans and African American history, including Hank Aaron's autobiography FFS. He has created a ridiculous controversy with Disney (no angels themselves) with the "Don't Say Gay" laws he enacted and installing his puppets to control the Disney district and serve as his "moral arbiter" whatever that is. I could go on, barely touched the surface but IMO is the same type of wanna be far right autocrat as Trump and will continue the stupid MAGA crap that has polluted political discourse and common sense and the rule of law in US politics since Trump entered the scene in 2016. But you can take a look at him and his record and make up your own mind. Not that it is important but another weird thing I note is that he and his wife are trying to create images of themselves that directly steal from JFK and the Camelot era, his wife is copying iconic outfits worn by Jackie Kennedy during JFK's presidency, right down to the same dresses and long white gloves, and recreating iconic Kennedy family images. I saw another photo of her recently in a Camelot ballgown and gloves at a baseball game, in stinking hot Florida, during the daytime. Irrelevant to his politics I know, but an indication of a weirdness that sits uncomfortably with me. The GOP has had enough weird idiots hogging the limelight and discourse, they have better candidates than Trump or DeSantis but will they be able to overcome the MAGA stranglehold is the question. I'm not anti GOP, I've liked quite a few of their Presidents, but they really need to cut loose these lunatics and the inlfuence they and people like Gaetz. MTG and Boebert have on the party. Apparently we are going to war with China around the time of the next US election so it would be nice if the US President wasn't a fucking idiot, for our sake as well.

Sypkan "pppffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!
you really really haven't been paying attention"
I pay plenty of attention.
Just not to Fox News or what Tucker Carlson has to say or produce.
Thoroughly discredited horseshit propaganda, self confessed bullshit artist spinning an admitted wall of lies and distortion on behalf of Rupert to score MAGA loyalty and ratings. Don't take my word for it, take theirs, it's out in the public domain, courtesy of the Dominion depositions.

Sypkan, I have watched the Shaman escort footage and sadly listened to Tucker's take and it doesn't change my opinion that Trump incited an insurrection on Jan 6 and his MAGA idiots in the thousands attempted to carry it out. Are you trying to say that what we all saw happen is some kind of false narrative created through tricky editing by the Jan 6 Committee? It was an insurrection, that could have killed half the Congress including the VP if things had gone the way it was intended. The participants are facing justice as they should, and if they are being held under "terrorist" conditions as you say, then it is still the rule of law that is applying, imperfect or not.

all that foxy murdoch stuff may be true adam12...
but how does that excuse the lies of the democrats and their media?
ffs, they were still perpetuating the myth the copper got bludgeoned to death by a fire extinguisher 3 months after it was totally 'debunked'
fffs, that garland cat said just yesterday "5 police were killed on that day"
an outright lie
and schumer, losing his shit over carlson for lying.... that deluded fool has been lying for 6 years about russia... he (and his media) are still are lying about it ...even after a four year investigation proved otherwise!
he's lying about an 'insurrection' too...
as are the media, as they STILL trot out these lines...
even after their own inquiry has found no evidence trump organised a coup...
ffffs, they couldn't even pin down the proud boys as being organiesed enough to claim it was a planned 'insurrection'
but the narrative rolls on
lies lies lies
all of it
but you seem not interested in those lies...
the tapes don't lie!!
the ones that show the violence
and the ones that show a non violent animist wolfboy, being escorted through the corridors - peacefully - praying thanks for the police that let him in...
but the dems call him 'a dangerous terrorist' with calls he 'should be shot'
outrageous warping of truth
I know who the liars, totalitarians and terrorists are...
but yeh... bad tucker...

Why didn’t McCarthy share the footage with any other ‘news’ outlet? Serious question.
Why do you think that was? It’s calculated.
(Hint - it’s got NOTHING to do with the truth)

google insurrection dude
trump told them to go peacefully
the proud boys couldn't even organise one if they tried... no matter how much thay wanted to...
these are the reality
it was a messy day, made up of 1000s of people with different puposes and intentions
the only real question, the one most awkwardly avoided...
is how the hell did it unfold like it did, when blind freddy (and all the 'intelligence') could plainly see what could possibly happen?
this is the question that 2 years of investigations have ignored...
geez even nbc called out the committee for snowing over it!
no one else has... well, except...
the rest is either some serious damage control, a massive distraction, or just plain old extreme leveraging of a crisis...

etarip wrote:Why didn’t McCarthy share the footage with any other ‘news’ outlet? Serious question.
Why do you think that was? It’s calculated.
(Hint - it’s got NOTHING to do with the truth)
pretty sure we went over that
apparently no one else asked for it...
"Why do you think that was? It’s calculated."

“Why haven’t you called for back-up?!”
We finally know why after Tucker exposed this huge scandal
It turns out Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi rejected *multiple* requests for additional cops and Nat’l Guard troops
It was a setup & they’ve been caught— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) March 7, 2023
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a better question is why was it withheld?
and then snippets curated by team hollywood?
if you're so confident of your case...
if you have nothing to hide...
why strictly withhold the footage?
ffs, surely the lawyers etc. should have been granted access

the violence of the mob!
outrage on dudes...
If you are unfamiliar with the Story off Adam Johnson,(the Podium Guy), you really should check it out.
What happened to him should not be allowed in America.— Jason Robertson (@JRobFromMN) March 9, 2023
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But… but… it was z russians!

adam12 wrote:Indo "Okay lets agree on Trump but whats wrong with DeSantis?????"
Well, he exhibits the same autocratic tendencies as Trump, not as much of an imbecile but "on the spectrum', he's anti LGBTI obsessed, anti trans obsessed, anti black and Native American, un-democratic and he weaponizes these sentiments perhaps even more than Trump and the right wing media. He's a book ban enabler, over 170 of them, including many on American history, Native Americans and African American history, including Hank Aaron's autobiography FFS. He has created a ridiculous controversy with Disney (no angels themselves) with the "Don't Say Gay" laws he enacted and installing his puppets to control the Disney district and serve as his "moral arbiter" whatever that is. I could go on, barely touched the surface but IMO is the same type of wanna be far right autocrat as Trump and will continue the stupid MAGA crap that has polluted political discourse and common sense and the rule of law in US politics since Trump entered the scene in 2016. But you can take a look at him and his record and make up your own mind. Not that it is important but another weird thing I note is that he and his wife are trying to create images of themselves that directly steal from JFK and the Camelot era, his wife is copying iconic outfits worn by Jackie Kennedy during JFK's presidency, right down to the same dresses and long white gloves, and recreating iconic Kennedy family images. I saw another photo of her recently in a Camelot ballgown and gloves at a baseball game, in stinking hot Florida, during the daytime. Irrelevant to his politics I know, but an indication of a weirdness that sits uncomfortably with me. The GOP has had enough weird idiots hogging the limelight and discourse, they have better candidates than Trump or DeSantis but will they be able to overcome the MAGA stranglehold is the question. I'm not anti GOP, I've liked quite a few of their Presidents, but they really need to cut loose these lunatics and the inlfuence they and people like Gaetz. MTG and Boebert have on the party. Apparently we are going to war with China around the time of the next US election so it would be nice if the US President wasn't a fucking idiot, for our sake as well.
Honestly i dont know if much of this is true or not as never read or heard most of these things id expect your source would be very left wing media thats aim is just to demonise him as much as possible as he does appear to be the Democrats big future hope.
You have to remember that the USA is the centre of the culture wars and the craziness around issues like gender, race etc are much worse than anywhere else and the left there is ten times more bat shit crazy than in Australia and the right are ten times more batshit crazy.
Anyway its all part of American politics these days both Rebublicans and Demoract leaders would need to be very clear where they stand on all these social/culture war type issue's and even use them too their advantage and more importantly because voting isn't compulsory in the USA you need to attract people to the ballot box with these issues or a wide range of issues otherwise you wont get votes especially Republicans.

Y’all been mighty quiet about the depositions in the Dominion lawsuit, while acting flabbergasted about the selective use of images from the J6 cctv by Carlson.
Railing against “the Dems”, while ignoring almost universal GOP rejection of Tucker’s depiction of J6 events. Hypocrisy much?

probably because it was clear pretty early in the piece, that dominion, was the domainion, of fruitcakes...
and rejected suitably so
or are you referring to supposed 'gotcha' moment of the text messages?
pretty sure one can think trump is a fuckwit and be concerned about injustice, lies, and blatant dems police state overeach at the same time...
the lawyer and author in that substack piece would appear to prove so
vox, not so much...
desperate indeed

"Railing against “the Dems”, while ignoring almost universal GOP rejection of Tucker’s depiction of J6 events. Hypocrisy much?"
how so?
and, as I asked... what's the problem with releasing uncut footage?
what's the big deal?

censored footage is good... aside from the absolute hilarity of much of it...
(and there is much of that)
it would appear, it is also possibly very revealing
JUST IN: Previously censored video re-emerges of Trump supporters removing masked man with earpiece, dressed in ANTIFA BLACK who was caught tearing out Capitol window.
WON’T SEE THIS ON CNN..— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 9, 2023
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'violent mob' ...lock em all up...
JUST IN: Censored video re-emerges of ANTIFA IN BLACK CLAD being identified and forced from the steps of the Capitol by Trump Supporters..
WON’T SEE THIS ON CNN..— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 9, 2023
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What's the problem syp? Anarchists from both sides got together to stick up to the authority. Nice.
When this happened, one part of me was shocked while the other wanted to be there. The reasoning was ridiculous but there is something satisfying in watching an angry mob storming the parliament building. How many coups did the US 'sponsor' in other countries? Let them feel it on their own skin a bit.

sypkan wrote:"Railing against “the Dems”, while ignoring almost universal GOP rejection of Tucker’s depiction of J6 events. Hypocrisy much?"
how so?
and, as I asked... what's the problem with releasing uncut footage?
what's the big deal?
Sure. Release it. Openly. But that’s not what happened.

my sentiments exactly flollo...
I love it, the whole kit and caboodle
the democrats, their lies, their hypocrisy, their tut-tutting... whilst seemingly oblivious to 'the summer of love'...
not so much
It’s not Republicans vs. Democrats
It’s We the People vs. establishment politicians and their friends in the media, tech, and pharma
The faster everybody realizes that, the faster we can try to fix things— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) March 8, 2023
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Indo"Honestly i dont know if much of this is true or not as never read or heard most of these things id expect your source would be very left wing media thats aim is just to demonise him as much as possible as he does appear to be the Democrats big future hope. "
To quote a real lefty "You can just google it, mate"
Plenty of independent source material and reporting of these matters, not necessarily "left wing media", sources. I'm not trying to portray any bias or bullshit, just my own view of him based on what I have read and seen.
Sypkan, it just occurred to me that for years I was surrounded by 'black clad Antifa' in Melbourne nightclubs instead of what I thought were just disco wankers trying to look cool. I may have even been one myself. Antifa really need better uniforms.

Cleanest election ever

Highly recommend reviewing the following link re the Jan 6 events and tucker debacle. Too many good statements to quote. A lengthy and detailed analysis. Exactly the kind of reporting required in these times.

Nice one Bonza. “Exactly the kind of reporting required in these times.” 100% agree.



Albo hooks up with sleepy joe today, be nice if he mentioned Australia wants Assange back on home soil, he’s suffered enough .

Wonder if they’ll explore shared interests ;)


Not sure if this has been posted before. Thought it was a good read.

Bonza, the New York Times who are never wrong said it was 3 guys on a yacht with a snorkel and a mask, two blow up flamingo floaties, duct tape and 1000 pounds of explosive or something like that so that must be the truth.

Upon further investigation it was also revealed the 3 guys were in fact teenage mutant ninja turtles…
The guy with the nun chukkas had to stay on the boat coz nun chukkas don’t work underwater ;)
It’s unverified who gave the orders or if they went rogue…
And, by the way, they were the russian version of teenage mutant ninja turtles ;)
- That bit they know for sure.
Master Splinter ended up defecting to the US - coz dirty rats in sewers get privileges there…
- He now sits on the board of pfizer and is an executive for a renewable energy company…. also advising the military industrial complex on how to continue covert operations in foreign countries and coordinate terrorist acts in the name of freedom and democracy ;)
He’s now referred to as an ‘expert’.

To be fair, the ninja turtle story makes as much sense, has better sourcing, and has less holes in it than Hersh’s version.

The NYT story has the odd hole:
"At the site of the blasts, the Baltic Sea is about 80 metres deep, requiring specialist diving skills and special air tanks, one with a helium-oxygen mixture and one with pure oxygen, the Spiegel report said.
Each dive would have required the boat to be over the pipeline for about three hours. To have laid explosives on two pipelines 4km apart would probably have required four dives over a few days.
Diving experts say such extended deep dives would have required a decompression chamber for the divers, which would not fit on a yacht. There are also question on whether there would be room for the required explosives."
Surely the spooks could have come up with a better counter story - but I guess it doesn't matter if a wave of headlines sweep across the world like:
"Boat used for Nord Stream attacks connected to Ukraine"
Spook boss lights up cigar and thinks "not our best misdirection effort but it did the job"


That detail is lifted almost directly from the substack that systematically unpicks the Hersh fantasy story.

etarip wrote:To be fair, the ninja turtle story makes as much sense, has better sourcing, and has less holes in it than Hersh’s version.
fair enough. yet the author does have form. So, is the alternative explanation unexploded WW2 bombs?
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank