New Victoria restrictions

It's fucking harsh.
Anyone in Melbourne seriously considering their life choices and whether to keep living there?
I know I couldn't handle it.

Just looked at the info surfing for those in the stage 4 restriction area is totally banned.
Thank god im in stage three regional area.
But it did need to happen and if stage four is needed were i live, so be it.

Dutto presents Victorians...xx//#[ Qld Police State Award ]#\\xx
Levels 1/2/3 > Victoria Level 4 > { Joh's Pro Curfew League }
Level 4 [ Skate Board Curfew ] No Night Skating + 1hr on Mum's 5 km Dinner Bell.
Level 6 [ Juvie / Punk Rock Curfew ] No Town Entry + 1hr muzzled on Cop's leash
Level 7 [ Qld Bikie Curfew ] No State Entry + arrested at one's own generic Funeral
Level 8 [ tbb 2nd year curfew ] Vent / Mask + Hand's cuffed each night...(will swap!)
Level 9 [ H7N7 ] 21,750 cases no risk! Vic says, more than happy to kill all 43,000.
Level 10 [Qld Chix] blow-kiss Vics a 3rd Party Wave ~~~^~~~/(`~~~/(C`..[ airbnb )

It hits hard for sure. I live in St Kilda and feel quite dejected. I really hope this is just a minor blip for Aus and it stays contained here.
Not surfing for an extended period of time is personally quite doable. As long as I can skate (which I'm planning on doing), and maybe go for the odd Bay swim. It would be like an injury I guess.
The shitiest thing for me at the moment is actually seeing some of the vitriol from around Aus. Seeing talk like 'sictoria' and keep the vics out, they can't follow the rules. Pretty poor to see from Australians. Also not great to see a similar thing between regional vic and metro Melbourne (it's those Melbourne dogs faults etc etc). There are plenty of more supportive people but its the negativity which is shit, and not knowing how long that will go on for.
To answer your question Freeride...for sure, it'll be interesting see how this thing pans out over the coming years. The most exciting, cosmopolitan cities are the ones getting hit hardest. Surely the value of city life will be further reconsidered post this. But I guess its the cost of city living, you just don't really think it will happen.

Fr76 I reckon you’ll see a huge influx of people selling up in Melbourne and moving down the coast.
I think a lot of those that have holiday houses down here already will be making this their home base as soon as their allowed

Get a SUP, on the water, by yourself.
Try a flat water 12’6 min

Sup might be the (temporary) answer.
Bit perplexed with the curfew....can't figure that one out. Surely limiting time windows for people to be outside doesn't help stop virus spread?
Goofyfoot I agree, and personally longer term I'd be one of these people (the shift to more permanent WFH is certainly helping this). It kind of depends how temporary or long term Covid becomes - how cities will go. If we're coming in and out of lockdown, and rules stopping bars/pubs/live shows etc. stick around for longer than a year or so, then I could see the cities in Aus (even globally) becoming pretty...well, shit.

I've had a pretty good think about the post-Covid future for cities. Commercial landlords are really nervous, especially in relation to demand for office space. Clearly, the percentage of cities given up to places of work, is going to be much less with the Zoom revolution.
I feel city centres will need to re-invent themselves as places of learning, culture, recreation, and residency. Melbourne is in a much better place to make this transition than Sydney. All those Sydney CBD blocks which are utterly dominated by office towers could well become dead zones.
I think successful cities could be very dynamic places in the future. But hey, rather than investing in that transition, our government is just chucking 25K for marble countertops in well off people's new homes and renovations. Good luck with the lockdown stok.

Appreciate the thoughts VL.
I do see what you're saying as one of the silver linings - hopefully the end of the 'CBD' full of office towers and suited workers doing the daily grind. The rat race daily to the city centre. Decentralised work areas intertwined with residential, recreational and community areas would be great. We'll see I guess.

Good luck Stok, if you don't have an SUP just getting hold of something like a longboard and paddling it on the bay could see you super-fit when it ends too.
Or mix with the SUP to keep both board paddling muscles and core. SUP is mellow on flat water, really chills me out. SUP or a paddle would be allowed maybe?
What goofy said about the shift to the coast is true, it's happening in other countries with the covid, coast or mountains or hinterland eg NY to Aspen.

All the best to you Melbourne people.
I felt so dejected yesterday hearing the news, and once again it's such a blunt instrument wielded, when we know so much more now and could do much better.
1 hour of exercise a day? Idiocy.

I paddle a regular board (7'0 footer actually) on the bay out of St Kilda in Summer Stok coz the water warms up, Im busy at work and the coast is either too crowded or shitty surf-or both.
It's excellent for paddle fitness and muscle toning.
Might see ya out there one day.

Lucky for you stok the st kilda skate park is pretty good, actually very good. Surf and slash that pool coping for sanity.
Gutted for my Melbourne friends.
9 weeks and counting since my kids have seen there mum.
Hang in there melbourne/Victoria.

I hate to be the bearer of more bad news for you and Stok, and I'm not saying this to rub it in just to ensure you don't get fined, but I don't think taking a SUP out in the bay will be allowed. All recreation activities like surfing, tennis, golf, fishing etc are banned, and I reckon that would include SUP'ing.
As for me and my family, our rental lease is up in coming months and we're on the verge of buying a place as have the deposit ready to go, however this year has changed everything for us and we have now commenced looking at rentals for a 12 month trial down the coast. If we love it, we'll buy down there. We both have office jobs with companies that have permanently adjusted their work from home policies to allow it to continue beyond Covid, so for us, why bother with the high prices city life brings?
Can't believe I'm living in a time where surfing is banned in part of Australia. Surreal.
Good luck to all of us, see you all hopefully fit and healthy in 6 weeks.

Skate parks off limits too

Just keep an eye out for the bloke in the baggy black speedos (known as 'Vlads' in some circles) paddling said 7 footer out in the Port Phillip Bay shipping lanes, Stok.

Hah! Ok...
Skateparks may be closed but they can't close the streets (or properly police the closure!).
I'd hope Australian police keep a down to earth take on all this....sure fine people blatantly doing the wrong thing and putting others at risk, but don't go sending in the big guns to chase down a SUP a la what happened in Malibu.

No need to police skate parks when councils do this... gravel rash anyone?

Yep all the skateparks on the morn pen are full of sand too. To the councils credit the day lockdown 1.0 ended they got them cleaned up at least

they sanded up the skateparks?

Yeah for a second time, as geek said they cleaned them out now the fuckn dirts back in

Filling skate parks what next!?
So fkn glad Im not in Victoria right now!!!
The place is fukd by over zealous morons.

How are those views from the cockpit on the over side of the world, views from the cockpit?
Maaaaaaaate. The state government had to bring down the hammer because way too many Victorians have zero common sense.
They tried the please please please approach, but the muppets didn't listen and infection numbers started going through the roof.
When the government announced the new lockdown measures a month ago, they gave people a day or two to get their shit together and do the essential things. So what did a shitload of Victorians do? Trips to the country, pub crawls and parties.
And you wonder why the stick comes out?

The Victorian state government didnt exactly lead by example of treating the virus with any great level of respect when they chose to pursue politics over precaution.
When Dan Andrews elected to reward his union backers and labour hire donors by rejecting the offer of trained and disciplined ADF with the utilisation of Uber drivers as the front line of national defence , the die was cast.
Blaming the population for exaggerating the effects of this initial disaster is too much.

I'm confused- first it was the fault of the Federal Coalition, now it's the fault of the Victorian public?

One for the Vicco skateparks..

Literally no one to blame apart from the Andrews government.
When confronted with the most overwhelmingly important single issue in Australia , that of virus containment and quarantine, the Victorian government treated the importance of the situation with contempt. By choosing to prioritise political considerations before best efforts at quarantine they have jeopardised our entire population to both the virus and compounded economic instability.
Repeated failures of previous quarantine attempts left no doubt as to the necessity of proper procedure. The fact that Victoria failed to do this through politicking as opposed to accident experienced whilst genuinely aiming for the best result is telling.
Why should the people of Victoria follow the authoritarian dictates of a government which itself pursues politics over best outcomes ?
Heartfelt condolences to those Victorians who are now facing viral threat , deprivation of freedom and economic uncertainties due to this governmental ineptitude. Truly feel for you people.

Guys, there's a shit load of blame to be dished out, but that doesn't solve any problems.
This idea that the ADF can be called on at any moment is just farcical. They don't just sit at the barracks learning the intricacies of PPE, hospital grade hygiene, and advanced medical data collection.
The Vic government was given 24 hours notice to implement mandatory hotel quarantine before the Feds started landing planes in Melbourne. There's only 3 tiny ADF bases in Victoria and they are filled with desk soldiers not troops. Troops aren't trained to deal with pandemics and getting useful ADF bodies on the ground immediately just doesn't happen. Private security was the only option, but hey, they should have been much stricter oversight.
Like I said, I can forgive people for making mistakes when they are forced to make quick decisions. I can't forgive governments for not acting for months to obvious problems and not fixing their fuckups. The failed Covid Safe App is the perfect example. If the Feds had fixed the app, this problem would be over. They knew it was a dud, but instead of fixing it, these fuckwits spent $64 million promoting it. How fucking insane is that.
And I can't forgive fucking idiot citizens who still don't socially isolate. But I'm not going to hold any government responsible for fuckwit citizens either.
And DudeSweet Dude, I don't agree with you re Andrews politicising the pandemic. He's played this very straight. Press conference after press conference with no spin and nothing but facts and important information. If you want to see people who have politicised this covid 19 crisis, have a look at the state opposition. They've been utterly dangerous and very pathetic.

Dude, you are aware quarantine is a federal government responsibility?
That new Sydney cluster caused by one infected man drinking at 4 or is it 5 different pubs in two days, now that’s a thirst.

Unfortunately VicLocal your post just shows you are a rusted on Labor supporter and can't see any fault in what they have done, but instead you change direction of the conversation to put it back on the Federal Liberal government. I can't stand those that can only see one side no matter what happens.
The Vic Government knew within 24 hours of setting up the hotel quarantine that it wasn't up to scratch, but did nothing for months until the 2nd wave has now hit us. They didn't change their mgmt approach of the hotels until it was too late, and despite what you say they had months to change it. So yeh they quickly got it up and running, knew it was sub-standard, but didn't change their approach until it was running rampant in the community.

Dx3. Go read my comments again. You'll notice I repeatedly criticised the Labor government for their failure to adequately monitor the private security companies at Quarantine hotels. How many times do I have to criticise Labor before you'll stop with the "(you) can't see any fault in what they (Labor) have done?" crap?
The thing is, conservatives are pointing the finger at what happened in the past and offering nothing to stop this virus spiralling out of control in the future. They clearly see this whole situation as a chance to score political points rather than fix the problem. Undermining the stay at home message is fucking criminal. Not fixing the aged home fiasco is putting people in graves. Supporting a HC challenge to reopen state borders is fucking insanity, and not fixing the app is just fucking pathetic.
Here's an idea. Rather than crying about Dan, how about you demand governments of all persuasions fix their mistakes and plan for the future.
I fucking loathe politicians who would rather score a political point than protect the ordinary person in the street. And from what I see, they all come from the Liberal Party.

To my point VL, you said you can forgive when a mistake is made due to a quick decision and it's rectified, but can't forgive when no action is taken for months. That is exactly what happened with the hotels and the point I was making. The Vic Government were told immediately, CHO Sutton was told within 24 hours in April (!!) that they had a problem with the security companies guarding the hotels, but they did nothing for months. Then sure enough it blew up and has now cooked our state, people's livelihoods and lives due to their inaction. When the time comes, they need to be held accountable for that to restore faith from society in their government.
To this point I'll add, I bloody voted for Labor, I think the state Libs have been an absolute embarrassment through this whole thing the way they have carried on, but ultimately it's the inept decisions or lack thereof from the state gov that has cooked us. Again, when the time comes when god forbid we get out of this mess, they need to be held accountable.
As for the fed liberals and their covid app, yeh it was a waste of money but in the scheme of things it's absolute small-fry to bother discussing an app that doesn't work. No surprised that app barely gets a mention these days.
Anyway I'm done ranting, back to staring at the wall for another 6 weeks, probably longer. You gotta wonder what comes next if stage 4 doesn't work, don't think we can go any harder so reckon we'll need to learn to live with it.

Face masks were made mandartory midnight Sunday for Geelong and surrounds. Surf Coast spot check yesterday afternoon I saw 3 people doing the same as me but not wearing a mask and no social distancing. Like to think it was an oversight. If not, then there are enough muppets that just dont care and we will keep going backwards. Will always be a minority that fuck it up for everyone.

Ha....when I checked the surf around dawn there were 3 blokes (about 18yrs) at the lookout sharing a dry pipe!
Only one of em' had a mask on and I was gunna say something but thought 'yeah...nah'. They were friendly fellas, it was freezing cold with no one else around and you can't suck back a lungful of weed with a mask on I spose.

Dx3. I think it's fair to say that if it wasn't for the quarantine fuckup, case numbers would have bubbled along at lower levels until an inevitable spike later as people got more and more careless. Australia should have gone for complete elimination like the kiwis did, but governments caved in to the business lobby. Fuck, two more weeks of lockdown in April was all that was needed.
You could also say that if the app worked, aged care wasn't a mess, and casual workers had income protection, the problems caused by the fuck up in quarantine would have been solved by now.
It's been monumentally frustrating watching Australia fuck this up. A slow motion train wreck. We had so many advantages to eliminate Covid 19 in the country, but a lack of commonsense, ignoring the medical experts and a bunch of opportunistic cunts fucked it up for everyone.

VL said: "but a lack of commonsense, ignoring the medical experts and a bunch of opportunistic cunts fucked it up for everyone".
Same is true of Climate Change but the consequences far greater than this virus. Indeed, its hard to find hope in humanity when we act like this, but hope is all we got. . . hope that enough people with thought, persistence and discipline take the lead until the laggards begrudgingly follow.

Yeah, I agree Nolan, this global warming's just adding to our woes, especially here in Victoria. PS Coldest 4 days for 45 years according to Murdoch press. The Age/ABC/Guardian will no doubt say it's due to climate change.

Great, another climate change nobody who did resurch at Youtube University and thinks he knows more than the experts.

Report from inner Melbs during curfew:
Uber delivery drivers/riders rule the streets.
Barely any police to be seen.

Yeah VL , no such thing right? What the fuck would scientists know? Climate change fake news. You really have some conflicting extreme opinions mate, a labor voting, climate change denying , anti racism, surf school instructor?? , but keep them coming, those fingers are getting some exercise at least while you are locked down in the "state of containment"

mikehunt207. re-read the comment again. I was having a go at climate change denialists on this site who have zero scientific training and think they know more than the experts.
Mate, this world is in a pile of poo because scientist and experts have been sideline by the swine who bang on about "ivory tower elites" and sell everyone out for a bag of gold. Fuck, if society has any hope, we need to lose this anti-intellectual attitude and stare down the bums running the country.

Um, I think Vic is referring to T-Rex there, Michael.
The dinosaur with the tiny hands, big arse, and pea-sized brain.
AKA a species of Trumpasaurus.

My bad, just skimming the rehash, so that means we all agree on climate change at that rate? Progress there

Don't worry Mike, you got three out of four.

Climate change? Was that something we used to care about, similar to that single use plastics thingo?

What climate?

Dunno...climate of fear I guess?
Thought we were allowed to hit pause on the environment during a know, public health comes first?
Forget climate change...habitat destruction...waste...extinctions etc.
We can deal with that in a few years once Covid's gone!

Questioning climate science and medical experts works for the eminently qualified former furniture salesman the LNP’s Craig Kelly MP. Right?

And ex fish and chip shop owners.
Just watched the press release from Dan Andrews and I really feel for how victorians are going to once again pay for others stupidity. Not sure how they are going to police the 1 hour exercise policy but a trip down the coast for a surf could be costly. I understand these new restrictions are mainly Melbourne suburbs and I’m very grateful for where I live NSW Qld border. When we were in shutdown there was no time limit for our exercise thank god as a 3 hour surf kept me sane after losing my job.