Climate Change

if im honest... climate change has been so politicised, i barely give a shit...
but this sure makes me angry... in the modern context, how can this even be a thing?
wrong on so many levels

sypkan wrote:if im honest... climate change has been so politicised, i barely give a shit...
but this sure makes me angry... in the modern context, how can this even be a thing?
wrong on so many levels
Sypkan. Hi. Well that’s a very interesting statement. I hope your attitude is not contagious.
Referencing the aforementioned article, doesn’t surprise me at all, just shows the lack of responsibility and accountability that comes from global governments, I wouldn’t mind betting that someone in that government department is being ‘helped out’ if you know what I mean, by the company who just got busted.
This is no surprise, Australia is just one guilty party among many globally for the continual removal of vegetation whether it be legal or illegal.
Sure is a good way to continue to heat the planet by stripping all things green.
We have the same but a little different here, there’s an enormous pile of hardwood chips at a location in Corio Quay, North Geelong in Victoria where it appears to get bigger every day, the shute just spits chips onto the pile all day everyday and has been going on for decades, I often park my vehicle and look at the absurdity of the situation, queues of logging trucks stacked to the horizon with Eucalyptus sp. logs that get chipped, shipped to Japan or elsewhere and we subsequently buy it back as yellow tongue and grooved particle flooring just so we can build todays current generic mass housing pieces of shit, from my observation these houses are not first grade constructions.
Think about it for a moment, we cut down Eucalyptus forests or any other species of tree that sequester carbon, provide food and habitat for an enormous amount of organisms, maintain soil stability, shades the earths surface and help keep the planet as cool as possible.
All in the name of jobs for log carting contractors and particle board manufacturing.(offshore) there’s gotta be an alternative to this syndrome. Sending our Natural Heritage to the chipper is one fucked up idea, We are totally screwed up as a nation, a so called developed country.
Nationally, despite all the knowledge we have, we just keep making the wrong decisions regarding our environment. Bordering on insanity, making the same mistakes over and over and over again. Makes me sick.

Alfred, I'd suggest the trees you are referring to being chipped are from short-rotation Eucalypt plantations grown for that specific purpose - woodchips. Not fit for higher value processing (typically sawlogs) although technology is improving and some of these logs could be used for engineered timber products like LVL or other mass timber products, but overall it is good for chip (or bioenergy/biochemicals) only. So I dont think there is anything absurd about what you are seeing.
Overall, forestry, and including short-rotation plantations, is key to mitigating this carbon issue if that is what the world is really intent on. And that includes an associated bioenergy industry - woody biomass sourced from forestry waste products. And I wouldnt believe outright what is presented in that BBC article about Drax, truth would be somewhere in the middle. Dont write off the importance of bioenergy for our sustainable energy future just because Greta says its bad...

Id say you're probably right there greenjam, but even with giving the grace of a best case scenario...
transporting woodchips to the UK to burn?
that's one hell of a carbon footprint...
luckily international shipping isn't counted in such frivilous pursuits
kinda makes a mockery of all that food miles and stuff counting though...
"...if that is what the world is really intent on..."
ya gotta wonder

GreenJam. Hi mate. Good points all valid. I always make up my own mind on serious matters like this one, its the only way.Way, way back when i was 18yrs old, I would follow trucks back to their logging sites and i can reassure you they were not plantation derived trees, they may well be today. Our Regional Forest Agreement’s in Victoria have appeared to never cease. Point taken that if we nationally want hardwood products for industry, then plantations and agroforestry are a just another form of input. Yep forestry does play an important role to society, without plantations we would be straight back into our National Heritage before we know it. And you rightfully state that these plantations in themselves are sequestering carbon. Woody biomass from forest floors is NOT the way to go. IMO, there is no such thing as forestry waste products, what waste, nothings wasted in a closed system, its just a varying degree of distribution by vertebrates, invertebrates, fungi and the like, its about all the organisms that rely on the rhizosphere and the rapid turnover of and related to cellulose decomposition at the forest floor level. What one person calls waste through anthropomorphic eyes, i just see organic matter just in a state of flux waiting to be consumed by invertebrates and fungi. What i cant agree with you on is even if they are short-rotation plantations, they still harbour biodiversity, they sequester carbon, carbon dioxide/monoxides are produced processing the logs and the shipping of the chips across the globe, well dont get me started. I never written of the importance of biological products for human use, but when you say bio energy, i need more convincing. Please feed me more info. Interesting topic. Good stuff.
Albeit, 20 years ago I attended, out of interest an all day seminar at a well known University where the guest speakers were from Bath,England, Their topic was, ‘It’s More Environmentally Friendly To Collect Paper and Burn It for Energy Capture’ than it is to recycle it. I left incredibly convinced thats the way to go. It was basically about embodied energy use for both sides of the argument, paper collection and its processing produce way more carbon than did burning it. It was burnt in a closed chamber, very large brick building with incredibly thick walls, the scientists had devised a way of limiting only a very small amount of smoke into the atmosphere whilst transferring the heat energy to their desired source.

thanks for the feedback sypkan and Alfred.
sypkan, I hear you and fully agree on the absurdity of transporting woodchips vast distances over oceans to support another nation's energy needs. It should all be local, and small-scale. That is my area of interest/ focus/expertise in this bioenergy arena. And yeah, I agree you gotta wonder on some of the carbon accounting/offsetting stuff. Dodginess galore I believe. I think it's been said on this thread or elsewhere before that much of the offsetting projects are just enabling large emitters to continue to be large emitters. Then there's the shadiness of some of the accounting methods associated with trading in 'existing forests' - it's all been in the media recently. I'd prefer to see it all focused on new plantings.
Alfred - I can see we would definitely have much common ground but also some divergent views on the forestry sector. There is definitely a waste problem in timber processing (e.g. sawmills) and this material could/should be better utilised - bioenergy is one good option. I fully agree on the need for woody biomass on the forest floor, I am a massive fan of that and include as much as I can get my hands on in my reveg/restoration work. That stuff is gold for ecosystem restoration. Also standing dead wood, a critical habitat structure, typically overlooked in reveg work. I'll sometimes plant a fast growing species (e.g., a eucalypt) in amongst the rainforest planting, with the full intention of killing it in 3-5 years to create that, even if only for a short number of years as it breaks down. Anyway, point is that type of material should definitely not all be removed from a forest, and definitely not for bioenergy. And you'd know the problem like this of rampant firewood collection by everyday people from forests wherever they can access them...
I could go on for quite a while, but you wanted more info/convincing - check out these reports for a start, focused on the small-scale community-based bioenergy systems I noted above. Lots of good case-studied in there. One I have long particularly liked is the BERC (2010) reference in the Ref List of the first report - great examples of exactly what I am referring to from across the globe. There are also Aus examples - check out the Beaufort Hospital in Vic.
Happy reading.

GreenJam wrote:thanks for the feedback sypkan and Alfred.
sypkan, I hear you and fully agree on the absurdity of transporting woodchips vast distances over oceans to support another nation's energy needs. It should all be local, and small-scale. That is my area of interest/ focus/expertise in this bioenergy arena. And yeah, I agree you gotta wonder on some of the carbon accounting/offsetting stuff. Dodginess galore I believe. I think it's been said on this thread or elsewhere before that much of the offsetting projects are just enabling large emitters to continue to be large emitters. Then there's the shadiness of some of the accounting methods associated with trading in 'existing forests' - it's all been in the media recently. I'd prefer to see it all focused on new plantings.
Alfred - I can see we would definitely have much common ground but also some divergent views on the forestry sector. There is definitely a waste problem in timber processing (e.g. sawmills) and this material could/should be better utilised - bioenergy is one good option. I fully agree on the need for woody biomass on the forest floor, I am a massive fan of that and include as much as I can get my hands on in my reveg/restoration work. That stuff is gold for ecosystem restoration. Also standing dead wood, a critical habitat structure, typically overlooked in reveg work. I'll sometimes plant a fast growing species (e.g., a eucalypt) in amongst the rainforest planting, with the full intention of killing it in 3-5 years to create that, even if only for a short number of years as it breaks down. Anyway, point is that type of material should definitely not all be removed from a forest, and definitely not for bioenergy. And you'd know the problem like this of rampant firewood collection by everyday people from forests wherever they can access them...
I could go on for quite a while, but you wanted more info/convincing - check out these reports for a start, focused on the small-scale community-based bioenergy systems I noted above. Lots of good case-studied in there. One I have long particularly liked is the BERC (2010) reference in the Ref List of the first report - great examples of exactly what I am referring to from across the globe. There are also Aus examples - check out the Beaufort Hospital in Vic.Happy reading.

AlfredWallace wrote:GreenJam wrote:thanks for the feedback sypkan and Alfred.
sypkan, I hear you and fully agree on the absurdity of transporting woodchips vast distances over oceans to support another nation's energy needs. It should all be local, and small-scale. That is my area of interest/ focus/expertise in this bioenergy arena. And yeah, I agree you gotta wonder on some of the carbon accounting/offsetting stuff. Dodginess galore I believe. I think it's been said on this thread or elsewhere before that much of the offsetting projects are just enabling large emitters to continue to be large emitters. Then there's the shadiness of some of the accounting methods associated with trading in 'existing forests' - it's all been in the media recently. I'd prefer to see it all focused on new plantings.
Alfred - I can see we would definitely have much common ground but also some divergent views on the forestry sector. There is definitely a waste problem in timber processing (e.g. sawmills) and this material could/should be better utilised - bioenergy is one good option. I fully agree on the need for woody biomass on the forest floor, I am a massive fan of that and include as much as I can get my hands on in my reveg/restoration work. That stuff is gold for ecosystem restoration. Also standing dead wood, a critical habitat structure, typically overlooked in reveg work. I'll sometimes plant a fast growing species (e.g., a eucalypt) in amongst the rainforest planting, with the full intention of killing it in 3-5 years to create that, even if only for a short number of years as it breaks down. Anyway, point is that type of material should definitely not all be removed from a forest, and definitely not for bioenergy. And you'd know the problem like this of rampant firewood collection by everyday people from forests wherever they can access them...
I could go on for quite a while, but you wanted more info/convincing - check out these reports for a start, focused on the small-scale community-based bioenergy systems I noted above. Lots of good case-studied in there. One I have long particularly liked is the BERC (2010) reference in the Ref List of the first report - great examples of exactly what I am referring to from across the globe. There are also Aus examples - check out the Beaufort Hospital in Vic.Happy reading.
Greenjam. Hi, sorry for the delay, I’ve only just accidentally found your good reply. You definitely know your stuff, I agree waste at a sawmill could easily be used for fuel. ‘Waste’ on the forest floor should stay there. But really it’s not waste as we’ve previously discussed. In fact, contrary to most peoples ideologies, forest floors, especially in the sub-tropics and more so in tropical rainforest regions are very low or poor in nutrients because of the temperature, rainfall (H2O is a solvent) and the rapid transformation of organic matter (be it from fungi, plants or animals), parasitism is at its paragon in these forests thus nutrients flow from one organism to another and are rapidly locked up into the system of life very quickly, leaving the forest floor denuded. You and I are talking the same turkey but just from different egg clutches. I’ve checked out those references very interesting stuff.
To be honest I’ve never really read enough data or documentation about bioenergy use at the forest level. Therefore my slight angst about bioenergy has mostly been generated by observing the rapid uptake of global participants willing to produce biofuels (ethanol mostly) from gross monocultures of monocotyledonous plants, mostly corn, sugar cane and other C4 plants. In nearly all instances these monocultures require the clearing of land or forests, essentially almost negating the very reason to produce biofuels in the first place. Sounds like you and I had or have similar lives in revegetation. A great field in which to work, totally rewarding physically and mentally especially when you return to site 2 years later or more and it’s achieved its primary desired outcomes with plenty of biodiversity as it enters the next phase of life. Good stuff and good to chat.

Southern Swampies had better stand back...a little further...
Outta the Blue our Big Pineapple was just partly glanced by a ray a cloudy dim lit mugginess!
Qldurrz are redirecting this precious ray of hope south to mop up yer Floods.
Tropics / Sunny / Goldie send miles of smiles & more togs & goggles if ya like!
"All Together......let's belt out a record blast of radiation to melt our southerner's record collection!"
Supanova Postcard of The Day!
Love from the Big Pineapple {:":} >-------N-S-W----V-i-c----T-a-s-s-i-e---(.....Take that La Nina.....)
Big Pineapple 1 (vs) La Nina 0

Trueblue you always play something interesting, , chuck a few tunes up when you wish, bad 24hrs for some less fortunate. love your work, my tunes were a bit dark due to my comments yesterday. Don't see it drying out for a while and can only offer my condolences to all who are copping it or who have had enough from the clouds. to all effected heads up and keep pushing through. Sydney had recorded 2200mm this year prior to this weather event only the second time on recorded record, Don't know what the falls have been like the last 24hrs but it looks pretty bad with more expected. Here's to dryer conditions, but know that don't change much for those effected in the states you've mentioned. Truebluebasher's spreading of sunshine will be needed.

Robwilliams wrote:Trueblue you always play something interesting, , chuck a few tunes up when you wish, bad 24hrs for some less fortunate. love your work, my tunes were a bit dark due to my comments yesterday. Don't see it drying out for a while and can only offer my condolences to all who are copping it or who have had enough from the clouds. to all effected heads up and keep pushing through. Sydney had recorded 2200mm this year prior to this weather event only the second time on recorded record, Don't know what the falls have been like the last 24hrs but it looks pretty bad with more expected. Here's to dryer conditions, but know that don't change much for those effected in the states you've mentioned. Truebluebasher's spreading of sunshine will be needed.
Robwilliams. Hi mate. Are you ok ? I’ve not seen you post such dark matter previously. Maybe a sodden atmosphere outside contributed to a solemn thought process yesterday, you are always so up and about. I enjoy all your stuff as I’ve previously mentioned, you are usually upbeat and positive, a good trait to have. Keep on keeping on !!!!

Cheers Alfred all good. I was frustrated at the lack of compassion in another thread. It stems from a past period of life and sometimes expresses itself in a way that others find alarming. I should have said nothing but it's a work in process when I see bullshit. It doesn't make me right, it's just how I express the frustration at what I personally see as utter nonsense. But looking at it today, who am I to judge? I was maybe a bit loose but hope a few people see the funny side.
I often use allot of what people who know me would refer to dark humour, pop and music culture reference to get my points across rather than writing. It has its place and maybe I should have held my tongue. But it's who I am and I just express my self as I feel it. I am no longer bothered by how some people take it, but I do understand I can be somewhat alarming or even offensive.
Thanks for your concern, many people are doing it tougher today and my thoughts have been with them today. As I say after any set back, verbal explosion, or decisive event, onwards and upwards. Positive vibes but hold your ground whenever you feel the need, regardless of what others think and take care of your little people. You never know what happens in the streets or behind closed doors. Compassion is one of the most fundamental essentials to a healthier life. Regardless of situation and sometimes not always pretty, for reasons somewhat known or misunderstood. The modern world needs love but as always there is, the ying and the yang of life. It's what keeps it interesting. The thresholds and tolerances for bullshit are different on so many levels for so many people through out society.
For I am only human, just as are, all who openly express themselves, From all walks of life. wherever and whatever that may be. The world wont stop, and the clock keeps ticking,
Regardless iv'e had a pretty good run and enjoy what others contribute to the forums, but its and art on knowing when to pull away. I come to swellnet to enrich my surfing experience. I never know whats around the corner, thats the beauty of it, but I will be the first to admit some of the topics are wide open. And I have contributed to that good and bad. Offensive or not. Don't let it get to you and do it your way. You are an invaluable source of information to those that are interested in what you choose to represent. I will be following but am going to test my self and see if I can withhold from making a comment on many issues due to self interest at this point. I have enjoyed it all. Cheers to all who have contributed something positive and kept it honest, happy surfing, I'll be lurking "yowie"
See you out there in the blue, bush or burbs best wishes to all who have taken care of me over the years and left a mark. Always go your own way and rise above what confines you. We are the future just as we are the past.

Robwilliams. Good on ya. I’m never bothered by what others think of me or my views, couldn’t care less. Skin as thick as two crocodiles.
As you say, be yourself.

Damnnn the live version at wembly is better, ha ha and go you underdogs! see you out there

Any thoughts about this one

flollo wrote:Any thoughts about this one
Looks interesting. Would like to see some data on how effective they are in real world situations.
Doesn't seem a leap to adapt the design to adjust to prevailing wind direction rather than being fixed as per current design.

Qldurrz acknowledge La Nina Flood Assist is drying up.
We see NSW now Tas / Vic denying many claims...
Qld has an obligation to step up and lay out the full program guide.
Australia Unites Red Cross Celeb Flood Appeal Telethons are no longer on the Tube?
tbb will example wot the front of La Nina should look like to those joining the rear end.
All Payments are restricted by Average Wage & or No Insurance + Cancel other Govt Payments
Fed Handouts are the same Nationwide...depends on States plugging in yer Post Code.
Disaster Recovery Payment $1,000 + Allowance $1,000 > Job seeker / Youth allowance
Qld did extend Fed Rental Scheme for Flood Victims...(Possible 50/50 pre election deal!)
Note at the time Qld was cut outta the Fed / NSW Flood Assist Pack.
Relates to resourcing Prisoners / Disabled / DV / Emergency Rentals
Bond Loan > 2 wks free Rent > 75% assist for 6 months or until work resumes
Essential Services Grant $200 inspection + $4,200 Reconnect
Household Contents Grant $1,765 Essential / $5,300
Structural Assistance Grant $50,000
Homes Buy Back (History : Grantham 110 landswap)
Qld Govt : $741m / 500 homes = 4,973 applications
Buy Back 213/529 > Raising 1,387 > Retro Fit 1,904
Qldurrz are happy to share #1 swellnet exclusive > most ambitious Flood Assist Package in Oz History.
Now we can move on to next La Nina impacted State NSW.
Rental assist is a straight up $6,000 / person (BUT!) This barely covers Bond in a tight market.
Down the line dregz > Reality sets in...11,700 applied for rental assist 64% were knocked back!
To date only 17% of NSW Flood victims were approved...Now Expired! (Bloody Vicious!)
Household / Essential Replace (Eg: Med Aids) + Safety Assessment $ 5,000
Restoration / Essential Items - Repairs (Eg: Oven / Fridge) $ 15,000
Replace ( Floors / Walls ) $20,000
Just repeating that these are for uninsured low income.
tbb doesn't mean to sound so dire as this report is meant to assist...tbb does need a hand...
Gonna intro a few real caring types that actually assist all equally to the best of their ability.
tbb searched long & hard but can't find any equivalent to these resources in Vic !
Flooded Victorians need to get up to speed to get their game on to take on Dan!
These sites cover all the little freebies in between that make life worth food & such.
Help with Legals / Tax / Insurance / Banks / Telcos / Power / Waste / Childcare / Pets / Health / Clothes
tbb swears it is the wake up call that Vic needs...yes! Right Now! Get onto this! Do not miss out!
Important Lesson for Victorians...
Most NSW Flood Victims lost Essential I.D. / Receipts in the Flood...(100% Essential for Claims)
Anyone mounting Govt claims needs all their shit in order...(Do Not Throw out Receipts / Full I.D)
You lose that 20 year Old Passport or Last years Tax or last Month's Pay Slip...[ Computer Says No ]
Vic Flood Emergency Temporary Rental not rebated or upfront Payment but Temporary.
(1) Mickleham 1,000 bed Centre of National Resilience
(2) Caravan Parks
(3) Hotel Accommodation
Hint : Temporary = (Usually 16 weeks) or until next Covid Wave...Yikes!
This allows for Shortage of Trades to access Homes for Utility Safety & or Emergency repairs / Mould.
Vic Essential Relief $580 / $290 child may apply to all income if it concerns prescribed Med aids.
tbb swears most pov re-establishment payments freeze or boomerang back to the start or Word / PDF.
Happy to share the main frame Vic Emergency Hardship/ Re-Establishment Payments up to $42,240
There is no detail as each uninsured low income client is granted an INDUE Emergency Welfare Card.
Important : Those with "Expired" Bush Fire Emergency Cards will be topped up from existing amount!
Crew can see how the resource gets thinner as La Nina kicks in.
Floods are winding back from Vic to NSW & back to Qld & few will be half as lucky on return leg!
The truth is hidden as with the Health Crisis...
Google : { Victorian Xmas Flood Appeal Telethon } Maybe?
tbb proudly & often assists Homeless Vic families for a long while now & yes...this week, very thankful!
NSW / Tas / Vic Flood - Salvos Xmas Appeal...see...magic happens! Shh!
Tas Emergency Flood Payments $250/$125 kids + Emergency Accom' + Home Assist
Qldurrz are Happy to help Vic Cousins...luv to put ya up at usual. Wish you were here!

Already flooding in Byron , next 48 hours aren’t looking good for northern rivers, Lismore is farked again.
Byron Bay flash flooding right now. @nbnnews @9NewsSyd 📸 Lyndall Murray
— Josephine Shannon (@Josie_Shannon_) October 23, 2022

We haven't ended up getting much from it down here. So far.
Soil is very wet though, lots of worms & organic matter through it.

Completely sodden and waterlogged here.
This is October.
We are seriously screwed if we this presages another wet La Niña summer.

Just out of interest, far west Vic and the Coonawarra, north from Adelaide and top of Eyre peninsula - never seen it so green and have done many runs. South WA looked green too, though not to the same extent. Midwest reminded me of what late winter/spring should look like.

Yep it's incredible to see eh! The ground out there, even under clear skies and dry winds sees moisture rising up to the top through the sand. It's all moist and heavy in the mornings.

Not after decades of marriage! Boom tish!! Or any time of day to be honest.

Former CEO "Rob Vertessy says there was a ‘baked-in cautiousness’ in the bureau about discussing climate change under the Coalition."

Robwilliams wrote:abc news
Hi Robwilliams. Nice post my friend. Been absent of late, just got home today from 10 nights at Lances Right on Sipora, Mentawai . Non-stop waves of all sizes for the entire stay.

epic to hear. thought it was worth posting, something special. A little greater than my will power and worth celebrating;) Quite an amazing photograph I thought. 500yrs old, I felt insignificant and humbled to old mother nature once again. A beautiful and incredible tree. all the best.

swellnet Flood Appeal Directory...Donated by "GIVIT".
Qldurrz again Salute Oz for Qld / NSW Telethon & National Concert & recognizes those days are over!
In fact there was very little in the way of Flood Appeals when tbb last reported.
Given the mass of water...the Flood Appeals have stepped up & Qld must now return the favour.
Yes! tbb repeats he has given twice to Vic's recent homeless crisis & promised to give twice again soon.
Least we can do is muster up what support lines are out there...cont from last guide...
This time round we now have a Flood Appeal's only fair that we share that.
Firstly! Crew may have noted Dan bossing his Vax mandate for Volunteers...
If Unvaxed Vic / NSW crew wish to Volunteer for Floods then tbb can point you where...
Blaze Aid run Regional Fencing repair Camps (All are No Vax)
NSW Govt now have a Full Donations Guide
Note: [ GIVIT ] ( How did they get Top Billing? Huh! ) see next...
ABC ( Now also stepped up & has a handy Guide/s )
Hey! Wait up tbb! Wot?
Isn't that there [GIVIT] Bossing #1 Position on the Hottest 100 Donors...( Nah! Ya must be seein' things!)
Like how come this Mob be bullying all Govts + ABC to hand over all our possessions & money! (Dunno!)
+ Also! Why does no one ever once mention this Secret Sect that preys on the poor.
Vic Govt have a decent Support / Resource Guide (But there's a catch!) Yep...that be "GIVIT"
Unlike NSW - Vic Donations List only links the one mob > "GIVIT" ( Like WTF or Who is this Newbie)
Vic/Qld/NSW Govts now run "GIVIT" (tbb checked > GIVIT is run by "Insurance Australia Group"
So why is Dan asking Aussies to Donate to an Insurance Agency? How does that not sound real dirty!
Why is Dan promoting Donations only to an Insurance Agency above all Charity Groups! Please Explain!
"GIVIT" Has promptly got Melbourne Cup elites bankrolling it...
Here's a demo...
(Cry for Help) Couch Potato Mum needs a scabies free slightly less soaked couch to surf on....
Tip: Remove yer Stash from the zip cushion prior to dumping yer Mouldy old Couch on Desperate Mum .
Bizarre downtown Trash'or'Treasure done by Highest Level Authorities...(This needs a double take!)
Like in what world are our Premiers running Op shops for Insurance Agencies...Things are getting bleak!
"GIVIT" sounds like shitting over victims! (FFS Please get a less creepy name!) OMG! Let us all pray!
Will we see the Charity Groups battle to hold ground against Insurance Agencies for Donations
How the hell did this wretched beast escape from the Natcab Lab.
tbb thinks it's best to avoid the ebay creepshow & play safe with yer more desperate Donation Groups.
Red Cross Disaster & Recovery Fund
Vinnies Vic Flood Appeal
Anglican East Coast (Whole) Flood Relief
17 Oct Bendigo Bank (Victoria Flood Appeal) [$10] > [$200]
Wildlife Victoria (Emergency Rescue)
Disaster Relief ( Volunteers )
Sikh Volunteers ( Can donate Groceries for their Prepared Meals )
Victorian Farmers Disaster Relief Fund
FFFR Vic / NSW / Tassie Regional Flood Recovery
Dan is rebuilding Flooded Vic Homes with NP Larry Anthony's Cashless Indue Welfare Cards
Dan is furnishing Flooded Vic Homes with Donated Insurance Australia Group Bric-a-brac.
Libs have trouble winning Vic election...How is this even possible?

Who cares about emissions when you have an air show to put on ? Are these real jets ?

yeah, they seem to be spewing out a lot of fumes, and looks real, wonder how much better the USA's are? And they are starting to look like what you expect those UAP craft to do, but they seem to have no emissions

GreenJam wrote:yeah, they seem to be spewing out a lot of fumes, and looks real, wonder how much better the USA's are? And they are starting to look like what you expect those UAP craft to do, but they seem to have no emissions
Yeah they looked real at first but in the comments , majority say they are remote control toys and that pilots couldn’t possibly take the G forces in some of those turns. Regardless though air shows are just burning fuel and polluting for no good reason other than entertainment.

This electric car was built in 1912 and got a #solar power upgrade in 1960. It isn't for lack of solutions that we haven't solved this crisis.
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) December 8, 2022
No more delays. No more excuses. #ActOnClimate#ClimateEmergency #Climate #energy #renewableenergy #renewables #GreenNewDeal

I just watched this story on ABC , what a game changer .

That is awesome!

Agree, great news, however this passage caught my eye:
"It takes enormous resources and effort to advance fusion research. One approach turns hydrogen into plasma, an electrically charged gas, which is then controlled by humungous magnets."

I saw the 'humungous'.
Do they even Journalism, bro?

The other lab uses extra big-ass lasers.

Here's their official presser:

All that money and this silly fat fvck doesn’t know how to just sit back and enjoy life or make a change in the world that people appreciate.

Monster winter storm takes 30 lives in US:
US deep freeze to break records, Washington coldest since 1906, snow to the Rio Grande (again):
Threat of coldest Christmas ever:
Only... that last year was supposed to be the coldest in a long time, and now with 2022 have a quinella:
Last year:
This year:

ABC US report has some incredible visuals in this huge winter storm, particularly the semi truck and the landing plane!

The Niagara river has frozen over.
?The day after the great freeze, my family and I went to #NiagraFalls. The #NiagraRiver below it had ice thick enough for you *to technically* get to #Buffalo, #NewYork by foot!
— Escondido Weather Observer (CoCoRaHs: CA-SD-197) (@KCAESCON230) December 23, 2022
Was it an intriguing and surreal Arctic experience for a kid from California, yes!
Given all this, it is probable that also, Hell* has frozen over.
*Hell, Michigan.

Auckland has been breaking records left right and centre.
And the amount of moisture in the atmosphere and intensity of the downpours in a small amount of town has been very very significant..
"Between 8pm and 10pm on Friday night, more than 131mm of rain fell in Auckland. By 1am, the region had recorded 249mm of rain, exceeding the previous 24-hour record of 161.8mm set in February 1985."
Around 1:5000 annual probability on the reported 24-hour rainfall, historical basis. How many more of these completely crazy numbers do you need to see, before you're convinced?
— Glen (@Gergyl) January 28, 2023

Sea ice extent is at record lows across both the Antarctic and Arctic, pushing two standard deviations away from the 1981-2010 average..

Sea ice extent is at record lows
That's way out of wack and from pole to pole ! Does anyone know what's driving it ?
Old Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai ?

No, just the continued warming of the poles.
Have a scroll of Zacks' page..

And this also just happened..
🔴Finally happened‼️
— -- -- --------- (@i_ameztoy) January 24, 2023
Northern rift of Brunt Ice Shelf (West Brunt) fully cracked in the Weddell Sea sector, #Antarctica. My preliminary calculation throws an estimated area of 1640 km2 | h/t @BAS_News: "It has the size of Greater London"@CopernicusEU #Sentinel3 22&24 Jan. 2023

Incredible @ Craig
Little update:
— -- -- --------- (@i_ameztoy) January 29, 2023

Wow, that's incredible Supa. There's also a research station Halley 6 which is just inland of the recent location of shedding and is in the firing line when it next sheds..
Iceberg on on the move!
— British Antarctic Survey 🐧 (@BAS_News) January 24, 2023
Our team at Halley VI on the Brunt Ice Shelf in #Antarctica have shared this animation from their GPS equipment over the last 36 hours, showing the separation of the huge new iceberg.

Woah that's immense. Was it being battered by a storm or something? Can see the current or whatever puts pressure on the coastline and crack, there's another massive chunk just above it let's go first. That's.... Dunno.
And what happened in 2016? Antarctic Ice cover plummeted and well, Zach's going to need a new graph. Thx again
I put the phone down today and went surfing. If you ride your waves in a tube stance they seem bigger