Show us your photos

That would have been special!

Great sequence Craig.

Hi Craig nice clean shots mate ,but jeez there's been some whales coming thru lately...was up at a local lookout on sunday and ive never seen so many whales cause everywhere you looked were spouts or jumps or just humps coming out......was a bloke in a fishing kayak having a front row seat to this whale doing the old tail slapping some 30 meters away from him ......awesome stuff

Pics aside which are awesome mind you, I would imagine how amazing to see with your own eyes.

Nice pics and what a great vantage point.
Whale watchers seem to also be on the increase around here, especially around the rocky outcrops and headlands. It's crazy how animated and loud some people get when they spot them, even if they're miles away.
One of my favourite fishing rocks sounds like a grandstand at a footy match lately.

Thanks guys, yeah Zen, so special seeing it B-line straight towards where I was positioned. Like a mini-sub..
Also it's the most I've ever seen as well, there'd be thousands of them.

Over 5000 to be correct Craig ;-)
There was an annual whale count last Sunday for NSW and 5092 were seen. Apparently more than 1000 were seen going past Port Macquarie on the day which is nuts.
When I lived in Sydney as a kid, literally did not see one for years.

Does anyone know if the migration north includes NZ east and west coastlines and just open sea with no coast lines ?

Simba. Water temperature plays a huge role in determining where whales calve. I doubt much occurs in frigid waters anywhere. Clearly evident with migratory patterns that move away from the poles in the relevant hemisphere Winters.AW

Aw ,so what i mean is do they just head north from whatever part of Antarctica there in at the time when migration say 1500 ks east of NZ and head to Hawaii etc
Last year i saw buger all but this year ive seen heaps ....

Yeah right, 5,000 +
I wonder how they work out the numbers, and possible double-ups etc.
Regardless there are shit load out there.
I think there are different populations that go up the WA coast, into the Bight, off SA/Vic and then up the East Coast to Qld and off the Barrier Reef?

Surely the almost non-stop westerlies and lack of swell for the last few weeks have to be factored in? So much easier to see them, especially out to sea, in those conditions.

We all know they love Hervey Bay on the east coast, great shape for calving, mild to warm water, basically the turnaround point after giving birth and then the long trek back to the krill laden Summer feeding grounds of the Antarctic shelves. AW.

Article in The Conversation shows the Humpback migration routes in link below.
Heard recently that when the whales are in the Antarctic the different populations mix and they hear other whale songs. Some parts of those songs are then incorporated into their own songs when they sing and display up north.

Thanks Distracted thats what i wanted to know..

There are 7 different humpback whale populations in the southern hemisphere. In East Oz the majority calve in an area offshore from Mackay. The sheltered waters around Hervey Bay to the Goldy are their favoured migratory resting spots.
I had to learn that for some fisheries thing years ago.
This PDF may address some of your queries regarding East coast Oz and NZ migrations.

tubeshooter......thanks mate very interesting

We have had some unseasonable weather down here of late. Makes walking the dogs even more enjoyable.

The Lord’s house in that top one.
That second one is just fantastic. Water mirror and those angles of the sand and the land on the horizon cutting through it.

Cheers mate. The bit that makes me laugh is that dog is usually a complete waterphobe. A country lad who's first walk on the beach was hilarious, didn't likethe feeling of walking on sand.

Wish I was there. Where is this Middle Kingdom?

none other than the mighty 中国

Now I’m stuffed. Can I Google those last two words?

So many good photos. Good work, gentlemen.
Spent a week at Craigieburn, which is pretty much skiing heaven for me. Empty, big, fast - and the views aren't bad either.
Good morning:
Middle Basin, Castle, North Peak. All just a traverse or short hike away. 600-700m vert.
Waimakariri Valley
More backcountry
Three turns down Castle
Ticket office

Shit! Is it winter somewhere
We haven’t had it.
Awesome photos


gsco what quadrant of 中国 are these dreamy waters?

Near Shenzhen

I was thinking of doing a hike to what was supposed to be a beautiful beach in that area when I was in Hong Kong few years ago. Maybe that’s it.

Yes IB!
Heard the snow pack is super sketch over there right now, can see that huge Avalanche in your fourth photo.
How was it up where you were?
I also went for a beautiful hike in the Blue Mountains on Saturday, perfect hiking weather.

Magnificant Craigo

Epic shots Craig.
Loved the cycads.

Very nice, Craig. It's a beautiful place.
Avy risk ok in the Craigieburn Range. Snowpack with isothermal recently, and we've only had small refills that have stabilised nicely. There's not a lot of snow, but it's like a blanket covering most rock.
Mt Cook/Main Divide has a sketchy persistent weak layer.

The cyads were huge Steve!
And that's good to hear IB, I've said it before but I need to get over there to the club fields!

Craig wrote:Yes IB!
Heard the snow pack is super sketch over there right now, can see that huge Avalanche in your fourth photo.
How was it up where you were?
I also went for a beautiful hike in the Blue Mountains on Saturday, perfect hiking weather.
Craig. Love your shots. Am i going blind, i cannot see one Cycad anywhere, please enlighten me. Thanks AW.

Moody GS.
Thanks AW, looking up through them.

Coupla minutes ago:

Good one. Hope you have a brolly.

Great Stu!

holy cow - pearler stu!

That is an incredibly beautiful shot, a lot of energy in varying degrees..,AW

That's a poster shot Stu.

Cheers all. Was one of three strikes I captured while waiting to time a dry run back home.

Cracker of a shot, pun intended. I'd be framing that first one.


basesix wrote:triptych
Clever. AW
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.