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Interesting how the dark right side crescent line is kinked
Very good, Blackers
Wow missed the snake image GF, sneaky!
seeds wrote:Interesting how the dark right side crescent line is kinked
This is a result of some of the post-processing required. The original was 4+ stops (deliberately) under-exposed. Some shadows have merged to form the "kink".
Damn I thought you might have captured some freaky space shit happening
seeds wrote:Damn I thought you might have captured some freaky space shit happening
Haha, not quite. Here is one from last night, the same perspective, showing the shadows without the eclipse. Tried a different lens this time, a bit sharper. Nothing compared to Josh Bystrom's WOTD though, moonrise being after 9 pm here. :(
That WOTD is great zoomed in. On phone. Would be awesome on a quality monitor
Bonza, aint it?
Ha, awesome!
blackers wrote:seeds wrote:Damn I thought you might have captured some freaky space shit happening
Haha, not quite. Here is one from last night, the same perspective, showing the shadows without the eclipse. Tried a different lens this time, a bit sharper. Nothing compared to Josh Bystrom's WOTD though, moonrise being after 9 pm here. :(
Blackers. Great photo, i love the two tones, the lighter highland rock is Anorthosite and the lower darker rock is mares composed of Basalt. Of course, both of those rock types are found here on Earth. AW.
How incredible is this shot by Igor Altuna for Wildlife Photographer of the year.
Like hanging on while the Titanic is sinking..
jeezuz, thats heartbreaking
Craig wrote:How incredible is this shot by Igor Altuna for Wildlife Photographer of the year.
Like hanging on while the Titanic is sinking..
Incredible, I wonder if it knows it's lunch soon too.
Yeah I also wonder if there's a chance for it to run away will mum gets eaten..
That breaks my heart. Yeah, I know, circle of life and all that but that's pretty hard to unsee.
Sad. Must happen a lot.
When watching the Alone series, you become intensely aware how constantly hunted most animals are out there in the wild. The prey animals don't nibble in peace much, they have foxes, wolverines, bears, wolves, cougars, raptors etc. all sniffing, patrolling, stalking as they need an endless stream of kills to live and fight off the cold.
Every single day is eat quickly, run fast, hide often and hope you get lucky.
And we go surfing and watch TV.
When you consider how shy and elusive a leopard is that photo is next level.
Great photo.
Nothin sad or heart breaking bout it tho unless you apply human thinking.
First storms of the season today.
Thought these had come out lacking any detail or drama. Had a play in PS and all the info is there! Stoked!
Nice work Craig.
A couple of incredible encounters yesterday afternoon, only 20 minutes from my parents home in the north-east of Adelaide.
After passing multiple mobs of kangaroos I heard the distinctive sound of a koala. I slowly ventured off track, up a hill side to stumble across these three beautiful koalas all around one tree.
Two were on the ground with the other perched up high. Notice the third photo where the younger koala is hiding in the background.
Such a special experience and so close to the suburbs.
Craig wrote:A couple of incredible encounters this afternoon, only 20 minutes from my parents home in the north-east of Adelaide.
After passing multiple mobs of kangaroos I heard the distinctive sound of a koala. I slowly ventured off track, up a hill side to stumble across these three beautiful koalas all around one tree.
incredible photos craig ,colour's are amazing ,Two were on the ground with the other perched up high. Notice the third photo where the younger koala is hiding in the background.
Such a special experience and so close to the suburbs.
Great photos, tip top!
Not a great photo, but a happy moment:
Island Bay wrote:Great photos, tip top!
Not a great photo, but a happy moment:
ib they were craigs mate , i just commented on how great they were !!! although no comment came up
Thanks guys! Special little bit of time out in nature.
Incredible shots Craig.
I thought Koalas were extinct in South Oz?
I think that's more so NSW? Can't remember seeing any there :(
SA they're all over the foothills! Which is great, they had too many on KI at one point, then the fires hit..
Wow, looks like they're an issue locally as well now..
"On Friday, South Australia's Natural Resources, Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges agency announced a "fertility control program" across the Mt Lofty Ranges in the Adelaide Hills. The agency's surveys show 150,000 koalas in the Hills and a further 50,000 on Kangaroo Island."
Same for the Otways, isn't it?
Ain't the case up here in the Tweed. I live in one of the local corridors and I've seen two koalas in seven and a half years (one of which was part of a guided tour at the local enviro park, put on by the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary folk).
Craig wrote:Wow, looks like they're an issue locally as well now..
"On Friday, South Australia's Natural Resources, Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges agency announced a "fertility control program" across the Mt Lofty Ranges in the Adelaide Hills. The agency's surveys show 150,000 koalas in the Hills and a further 50,000 on Kangaroo Island."
A fertility control program ? Why not relocate them to areas that are in decline ?
Yeah not sure Supa, must be some reason. Ie stress from relocation, cost? At least there are very healthy populations still around Australia just in case.
Supafreak wrote:Craig wrote:Wow, looks like they're an issue locally as well now..
"On Friday, South Australia's Natural Resources, Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges agency announced a "fertility control program" across the Mt Lofty Ranges in the Adelaide Hills. The agency's surveys show 150,000 koalas in the Hills and a further 50,000 on Kangaroo Island."
A fertility control program ? Why not relocate them to areas that are in decline ?
Doesn't work, apparently. Can't find a link to some research I read a few years back, but here's some info:
"Koalas tend to be faithful to their home range and will attempt to return if moved elsewhere (relocated). The relocation of mature individuals that are healthy and who are coping well within their home range is discouraged unless there has been a recent and significant loss of habitat. In Queensland, legislation prohibits the relocation of koalas so when it is considered the only option available, several key factors need to be taken into consideration and permission granted by the Department of Environment and Science (DES)."
Thanks for answering my questions , seemed bizarre that their numbers are being controlled in some ares and virtually extinct in other areas .
It is strange that the koalas seem to be doing so well in South Oz. I think one of the issues down there and in western Vic is that they go nuts in the Blue Gum plantations.
One of the problems has been with the reduction in habitat, concentrating numbers in the remnant forrest which cannot support the population. Exacerbated by bushfire and flood, they are looking fucked on the East coast unfortunately. Chlamydia is also an issue in local populations.
Missed the timber yesterday 75mm nail, lucky missed the bone and tendons, kinda weird didn't hurt that much, the boredom of waiting 4 hrs in emergency was much worse.
Goes down to where my finger is pointing.
Bloody hell! That looks nasty. Hope you're better soon ID.
I worked with a chippy on north straddie years ago that had cut 1/2 his index finger off with a power saw . We’d ask him the time and he’d hold up 3 fingers and say 2.30 . Hope ya slept well indo those type of injuries tend to throb through the night . GWS and all the best in 2023
Fark indo. Lucky!
Hope it doesn’t hurt too much and get in the way of enjoying your Xmas.
Yikes, lucky no serious damage. Time to enjoy a break from the tools. Merry Christmas.
Geez Indo, hope it wasn't your typing finger. Talk about nailin' it. Merry Xmas.
Ouch ouch, get well soon IB, Merry Xmas
From me too Indo. All the best.
Everyone else too while I‘m at it. Merry Christmas one and all.
All the best from NZ too, ID. Heal well and quick.
4 hours!
And Merry Christmas to you all.
Sorry ID it was a typo not IB but merry Christmas to you all as well
indo-dreaming wrote:Missed the timber yesterday 75mm nail, lucky missed the bone and tendons, kinda weird didn't hurt that much, the boredom of waiting 4 hrs in emergency was much worse.
Goes down to where my finger is pointing.
Aduh! Cepat sembuh Pak! Selamat hari Natal juga. :)
Yeah bud
Looks like you nailed it
Good luck cobber
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.