I heart WOTD

Josh Bystrom related to Chris?

Thought it might be.

Indeed. When I was going through the 2001 magazines for the TC Sose photos I recently posted in the forecast thread, the news in each mag included the untimely death of Chris. Spared a thought for Josh when reading them.

Sorry to ask you to explain, Stu, but is today's caption insinuating that the car drove across the seaway?

It was very early when I wrote it.

If there was a bridge over, how much do you think the crowds would increase?

I guess my actual question is - how much does the seaway deter people even though, dare i say, pretty easy crossing (from memory)?

Been a long time since i surfed TOS but was my local for years and the seaway definitely put off a lot of surfers, days when the water taxi wasn't going were much more uncrowded than days when it was going.
I expect surfers up that way would have got softer rather than tougher in regard to the paddle.
Not the hardest or longest paddle but a decent paddle and still sharky and tidal current would freak some out and then you often ended up with a few scratches from the rocks, worst conditions when a decent size swell and paddling across on a outgoing tide and you would end up needing to time a scramble up the rocks where the left broke.
Loved and miss that spot though even with the crowds its such a unique spot and such perfect little peaks, for that kind of two way peaks beachie they don't come any better..
Sucks the goldie is a city, the place would be epic if it was somewhere remotish,

The biggest hassle/danger doing the paddle is the boating threat .Glare and traffic early in the morning can be horrendous.

Good to see Swellnets favourite most featured WOD back again :D

Been a while!

nice though

Yeah looks a sick little mechanical user friendly barrel, although pretty short.
Wish they would show us some of the other waves in the region though

I'd give anything to be in this guys position right bout now

Same for todays pic Goofy
Is this chap riding a wide tail fish ?

What a wave and yes I was wondering whether he was on a fish of some sort.

Looks like it eh. I was actually dreaming of Kirra last night. Image overload :-0

Yep, 'twas on a fish.

“Ppht . Fish. Twins. They’ll never be any good in solid hollow waves “ someone said.

"Guess who's back, back again
Yes, he's back, tell a friend.
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?"

King of the surf safari road kill.
Easy on the eye...Salute to swellnetonian stalwart Andrew!

Todays WOTD will be bringing back some memories for the Swellnet hierachy I'm sure.


Nice pic. I've never come over the hill to see it looking like that though!


There is a similar photo[better day I think] in Surfing Life's "Visions of the Australian Coast" taken by Mark Sutton. Except the road is dirt which Stunet would like. In it you can just make out my mate Phil standing on the cliff top. Taken around 91/92.

Loving the colours and crispness of today's WOTD. You can just taste that autumnal goodness.

That lineup shot is epic. Big too, has to be a good 8-10 ?

Way bigger I reckon.

Board probably at least an 8'0, If you try an estimate the rail line and where it would end it looks like about a 25foot wave face. So 12+ swellnet scale.

Agree. 12 foot +, or you could call it 15 foot depending who's within earshot.

Great shot, bummer the photographer climbed up on the fragile revegatation dune system that has been struggling since the 2011 fires to get it and exactly the reason the contest plans by the wsl were shut down there.

How do you know he was in the dunes? From that angle, and with that spatial coverage in the frame, I reckon he was up on the ridge way back from the coast (with a long lens).

"Nah 6 to 8 ft" remember surfing size in the 70's only 3 or 4 out talking to a bloke in the car park next day me saying it was bigger than 8 ft not wanting to put a number on it and he said nah 6 to 8 haha.

Hope your right Ben but angle and foreground might say different. Apparently it takes 6years to regrow after being walked on one time, same stuff has been going on all around Gracetown with guys seeking a new angle, ignorance is bliss

FYI - I was on the track that people use to walk their dogs that leads up to the great big tower that's east of Wallcliffe road that runs past the great big fire break. Cheers.

Thanks Pete.
Campbell, if you're reading this, appreciate your local concern but you've gotta get facts right before throwing out an accusation. Especially to someone who's using their real name.

That looks very nice. 8'6 - 9'0 DS territory.
Good photo, Pete.

the wave is big and a big gun board necessary to catch one of them launching pad waves

Campbell, his real name, has been a brave voice for the silent majority of surfers who live in the capes region that are understandably frustrated with a few big factors that have affected the area for the worse.
Over exposure through surf media which is now mostly social media.
The growing amount of competitions being run and heavily promoted with surf breaks/carparks/beaches/towns etc access being cut off to ratepayers and others for extended periods of time at the best time of year.
The large amount of long-term-visitor #vanlife tourists clogging up carparks and line-ups with a staggering lack of awareness and respect to their surroundings.
The helicopters, alarms, dumlines, boats, buoys and $$$ spent on the sacred shark insanity.
And the crowds increase with every swell, each more hyped than the last.
I know we’re not alone here in the southwest to have these problems and there’s not much you can do about it. Fucken frustrating sometimes though.

I thought he was Mike Hunt 207?

Hey fellas keep an eye out too! Touring the secret spots...

That looks incredible

Excellent photo today..even better comment with it..............
“in between sea levels”

Or "the gold at the end of the rainbow".

Magic photo. Would love to see the sequence.

Currumbin Creek flow chop is like a gravel road on a Bodybasherz unit.
Creek fuels the biggest faced wave on Gold Coast but one hell of a bumpy ride.
Deep inside is smoother with tremendous up draught ruling out Barrel rolls here.
tbb salutes brave manhandling that tames this Sea Serpent.
Raise your shields & stick to the rails folks or cowardly stir the beast as tbb does.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.