I heart WOTD

Funnily enough, Gary was conceived at a beach just round the corner from the wave in today’s WOTD. With the movement of sand in the area, it’s highly likely there’s a little piece of Gary at most beaches in the vicinity.

Stu, with a caption like that you certainly left yourself wide open for Gary, so to speak.

The Hook, gotta be, if it isn't it should be.

Wrong side of the continent, Pete. Though you've brought back some great memories of sessions there.

I paddled out there one day after rousting some low life lurking by the car door when I came back from the dune lookout ... I was forty years older than the crew of locals out there. Good lads they were, let me have five long waves before withdrawing the invite.
... and, just quietly, those rumours about a little calm sea slab on the north side of the island just a way south? All untrue, right?

It's a shame every punter driving the road can see it. I just got sent some very good shots, taken this morning, from a sometime reef a little ways north of it that's more obscured from passing traffic.

When asked if it was the best Honalua Bay she’s seen, NVD replied there was this one time between the semi and the final that Strider and she had to themselves. That comment pricked my ears. Does WSL have the wave on lock down at that time, or could the average Joe (me) paddle down from the top and jag one or two sets. Anyone know?

SD you can def get out there in between heats if there is time but more so the gap between the final. Mick Free did it a pumping J-Bay I think just him and Slater. Got one through the comp area and then the final kicked off.

Forget the comp. Did he bottom turn or go straight? I reckon he’s left the turn too late.

Looks a bit that way eh. Good to see him surfing waves like that again. Poor bloke was nearly dead not so long ago

Love today's WOTD.
Reminds me of an old saying,
We must learn who is gold, and who is gold plated.

Anyone on here done the paddle out there? It's not overly far but damn it'd be a lonely and spooky paddle.

Nope, wouldn’t enjoy that

Today' WOTD - Periscopes?

Not periscopes

Not Sumbawa?

its pretty obvious the south coast of lombok and sumbawa have setups galore

gunna cost ya big to stay at this joint....eh Gra

"Packages start at $USD 4000 for 10 days"
If that's the kind of thing you're after, please call Gary.
Gary will offer you lot more package in ten days for a lot less than $USD4000

Today's WOTD is sumptuous. The colour of the water and the deep
green of the dense jungle is what PNG is all about. Made me wonder
if the PNG Explorer goes on surf missions to the West Papua region ?

Incredible shot of Nic Von Rupp.

Wow! One of the best surf shots I've seen in awhile.

Incredible isn't it!

did he make it?

I almost don't wanna know, lest it spoil the wow factor of that photo.

Holy fark that full on. Ballsy cunt

Amazing photo. Is that Supertubos or am I way off the mark? Looks too big for there.

Same coast

Thanks Ray. Spent a few days in that area this time last year. Small surf but it was a great trip anyway.

Surely there's gotta be a sequence of that wave or some vid??? That is hands down one of the best surfing pics I've ever seen! That bloke must have some big nuts to go with his undoubted talent for sure.....

Today's is a ripper. Nice work Tim. Haven't seen it from that angle.

Any reason why i cant see pics?
Using the app

Got word that Nic Von Rupp made that WOTD from last week. Incredible! Seeing if there are any other shots of it.

Cool photo. I've got a board similar to that. Kind of.
Haven't got the Gabby Meds stance, but.
Then again, I'm not world champ. Huzzah!

Great photo to run on a day like today.

For those wondering about Nic's last WOTD, I was told yes he did make it. Nuts!

F*uck me...how good does that look

It just...........doesn't get any better

Sumatra today?

That is pure magic. Tough to get a size on it?

I'd say 6ft?

Otto's been on fire. The one today and the one from a few days back. Top class.

Sure has. Today's got sent to me on, from memory, Christmas Day. At any rate it was taken the day before Christmas. When I first opened the email I was underwhelmed. No explanation why, but I was.
Yet when I revisited the email the other day I thought there must've been a mistake. Same photo? No way!
Like discovering an overlooked Christmas present.

Wonderful to see the WOTD of Ellie Brooks on the single fin at Burleigh. Also nice to see the moment captured is the bottom turn, such a vital part of setting up a wave and often forgotten for all the tubes and airs. Poetry in motion. :)

Go Parko! This is the one event i would've loved to see. Swellnet, it'd be great if y'all can get on board with this one next year, could u? would ya? Couldn't get any coverage apart from the live scores from surfing queensland online, which broke down during the finals. Noth'n like watching an event on the natural amphitheatre of Burleigh Hill. Id dare say its probably surpassed the wsl events at snapper just based on the location , pure enjoyment and stoke of the spectator . Parkings a bitch, but throw in some music, sick food trucks , quality local venues, young and old local and international rippers and rideable waves and Bobs ya mothers Brother! Was working both days , Spewing!!!
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.