I heart WOTD

WOTD wrap with compliments 'Swellnet Bums'(support crew)
Burleigh Heads 22nd Single Fin classic 2019 (Thanks -Mitch Crews/Stab).
[WARNING] Explosive gifs & Insta Pics from our Fav' Andrew + thanx Shayne
Swellnet Stu started the Fire here:

Yesterday's Banzai Down Under WOTD was pretty awesome.

Todays WOTD is artistic gold.
Heart it

Westofthelake same... Messin' with our minds, Tim!
Reminds me of oldschool murals at Wet'n'Wild Wavepool Gold Coast

One of the most dynamic shots I've seen. Chippa is doing stuff few others can.

It’s a beauty isn’t it, scary thing is he probably made it!

Today's shot of Keito Matsuoka at Pipe brings back memories of a similar shot of Sunny Garcia in the early 90's (?).
I'm sure Stu already know which magazine, volume and page number.

The video is on FB. Talk about getting blown out!

Crackin' photo.
For some reason it made me flash back to a picture of Chappy Jennings at Pipe I had on the back of my school folder. (There is a colour version somewhere)

Good read Blowin, what happened with the pteregyium?

Great read, and wow a few minutes, hectic!

So did you have the lens replaced?

Cool story Blowin. Hope your eyes are good now. I've had a pteregyium since my late teens. Every doctor who has ever looked at it has told me it is going to grow over my pupil. Never has.

Thanks Blowin, good reading. Summed up the madness of that wave so well. It always pulls me back, maybe once a year. I’ll pick a day, if the storm has a name all the better, and if I get one like that, then I’m happy. Regarding your eye, have you tried not getting any older? Maybe that could help haha

yeah shoulders,neck,lower back......but all worth it ..........the not so .old saying 'only a surfer knows the feeling'......creak creak.

Great story, Blowin. I grew up surfing Snapper to Greenmount. Now I just go out for a pleasant nostalgic paddle and maybe snag one. It's still a nice activity once you reduce your expectations of actually getting a wave.
Cataracts. Get it done. It is generally considered, of all elective surgeries, the one with the most guaranteed, very positive outcome. Haven't needed it myself, but friends have had it. A game changer. “Why did I leave it so long?”.

Great story blowin thanks for sharing.
"I've had a pteregyium since my late teens. Every doctor who has ever looked at it has told me it is going to grow over my pupil. Never has."
Exact same thing for me bb.

One eyed and half deaf...and whinging about it. Makes sense, Blowie.

Thanks for the story Blowin (as all ways) get the cataract sorted deaf not so bad blind you're fu(ked.

You’d hate this joint blowin, crowded and cold

Yep, I haven’t surfed it for a long time.
50+ guys out over the Christmas period, but I’m sure you can still score little pockets of (semi) uncrowded sessions

NZ for WOTD on Straya Day! That's almost treason, and I love it!

Oz day was yesterday
PS- what a glorious lineup shot. On my bucket list

Sorry. Close enough, though :-)
Hope you all had great waves and some shade. It was pumping over here, thank you very much.

Looks too good to be true...

That left getting a fair run on the WOTD

Two shots in a week. Last time we ran a shot from there was August.

Last saw that wave late last year, slight cross shore, inconsistent, one guy out, boat parked in the channel no-one aboard, just him caught inside chasing a smaller wave and getting hammered by a 4-5 wave set. Sets well overhead. Gutsy or crazy brave?

Probably having the time of his life, but yeah a bit can go wrong out there

Wonderful wave of the day today with the groms riding the shoulder of a spilling wave. They look stoked. Let's hear it for actual shape to grow up with! So much better than closeouts! (We will remove all the Marram grass in time...)

I can’t, but I remember the time when I thought right that’s it, no more tennis, footy, basketball... surfings the only thing I want to do

Sure can! It was backhand too. A little A frame beachy, at a beach that is now a suburb and all the A frames are now closeouts. I was so stoked, it looked so amazing.
Goofy, once I had board and car, I don't reckon I picked up a sportsball for about half a decade, until I had little people running around my legs wanting to kick soccer balls around.


How inviting does that look

Dutto's ~ Zodiac Surfgrom Academy
*Surf Negotiation Skills!
Sgt Tom: "Today we're up against rough conditions contending Rips & 7ft swells."
"Honing our amphibious capability on RIMPAC with our US partners...[over & out]
Power up Sharksheilds > Rubber Duck...Cowabunga! Let's surf the shit outta them!
(Top Secret Surf Flick "Somewhere in Hawaii" )

That's an amazing frame today nice work Tim as always

Feels like Tim B and Andrew S have been getting a good run lately, any young up and comers submitting pics that you could be running instead?

Yeah, I guess they have, though there's a few reasons for that:
1) It's been a mostly terrible spring and summer around the country so there hasn't been much to shoot. Of the two guys you mentioned, one has a large back catalogue, the other is often on the road chasing swells.
2) I've just had a few weeks off so I had to tee all the WOTDs up in advance, and
3) There aren't as many surf photogs as there were 5 -10 years ago. A decade ago surf photography exploded in the wake of technological leaps and dropping prices - even schoolkids could afford a Canon 5D - however, as we know, the surf industry collapsed and so did print media - two reliable outlets for photographers. On the 'net, we're the only site that pays for photographic content every single day, but one site cant sustain the photogs so they've largely vanished. Many who are still in the game (mostly young'uns I should add) work as personal filmers for pros to post Instagram clips.

Oh, and GF, I do have some shots from your neck of the woods. Might post one of 'em tomorrow.

No Exposure!
Fair enough, all good points you’ve made. I wasn’t criticising, just seems like it used to be guys you haven’t heard of on wotd a lot more, which makes sense with your 3rd point.

Nah, didn't take it as criticism, but there's been large changes that a lot of people wont be aware of. Worth explaining why.

Better not be of the circus. Hopefully it’s of somewhere else along the coast with the tag line “This sucks.”

Eerie colours. Set up looks like Hawaii.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.