I heart WOTD

Single huh? I knew there was a reason why I dug this shot! Nothin like pushing some cumbersome ungainly single into a place it was never designed to go. Makes my knees ache just thinkin about it. Truckloads of folks who can wriggle their thrusters around in waves like that any old day. Rage maintained.

Im guessing those things don't have leg ropes?
Can you imagine if you went over the falls with that thing, that foil could seriously kill you.

Inertia had a story on Foil injury a while back an Evil head injury
Kai Lenny insta for a paddle in up into the pocket pit at Jaws

I'm not aware of any restrictions on their use at the moment but it strikes me as a pretty bad idea to have them in the line up with the rest of us.

Commentary on their danger and place in the line up aside...that's a great shot. In twenty years time what will be its place and point of reference in the evolution of how we ride waves. Setting aside opinion, I always can't wait to see what Kai Lenny does next.

Agree crg.
Wonder if Kai will ever take it to Nazare? Seems like one way of avoiding the inherent chop problems there.

I hope so Stu...I think Nazare is the only big wave that hasn't had its potential fully explored. There's a paddle limit there which they've reached and it appears due to the chop a tow limit as well. But from what I see and hear there is still bigger waves there that have been unridden or are considered unrideable due to the surface conditions. Bring it on Kai...bring the foil !


Gary wonders if instead of using 'Bound By Heavy Water' in today's caption you may have considered 'Girt by Sea'?

I missed an opportunity there. IMO 'girt' simply isn't used enough these days.

It also has a linguistic proximity to Girth, which is enough to get Gary a little hot under the collar of his work attire: a tuxedo shirt with the sleeves ripped off, in case you were wondering.

..... are you always beside yourself Gary?

Gary is only beside himself when looking in the mirror, which is to say frequently.
He is also occasionally girt by a court-imposed exclusion zone, quite unfairly it's fair to add. Gary just popped down to K-Mart in his work-out-gear to pick up a slip'n'slide and all of a sudden the cops are there screaming indecent exposure.
Admittedly Gary was a bit sweaty and oily at the time, but surely the vast majority of the public would agree that the real crime would be covering up Gary's frame during his training sessions?

I have great empathy for Gary, tormented like that, the world is indeed a cruel place.
I'm thinking Gary's physical attributes would be better appreciated at my local shopping centre that has 2 pilates and 2 yoga studios. 30 year old mums walk around before and after class in bum hugging active wear. Nothing more attractive than someone that has had chakras recently re-aligned.
Just a question on Gary's family. Any relation to Mary G from up the Kimberley way?

Yew!!! Paul rad might come and visit haha.

Cheers legend. These reefs were made for you!!!! Big hollow lefts. So perfect! Always inspired by your charging and style mate. Big inspiration. I'm outta here in March but might see you over that way for a few Coopers and fun ones sometime soon. Yew!

Todays shot is a good one, got me humming the Cat Stevens song....."Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy"

He’s just a grom , but definitely a happy place.

Not if JJF is healthy, fit and focussed like the last two years.

Gabby was doing damage and making friends in Ballina today.

Agree with Blowin, Gabs has it coming, a knock 'em dead season like Pottz '89 or KS '96, and it just feels like this wil be the one. The winning double trot through Europe late last year only to be denied at Pipe, that's the kinda motivation he needs.
On another topic: what age is it appropriate to stop travelling with your dad?

I saw a vid of him today ripping at D-bah and not one single claim?
I think if both are at their best JJF is still the better surfer, he is just the complete surfer, air game in small or solid waves, full rail power surfing in solid to big waves and the ultimate tube rider. (i mean he even won a Eddie)
Medina is way up there and improved in solid waves but only area i think he edges JJF out is maybe on variety of airs and his backhand reos.
End of the day though i honestly think it comes down to who gets that little push from the judges?
Third in line and maybe a smoky though is Filipeo

"cave-man" surely..

“Here the cavemen singing, good news they’re bringing...”

WOTD....Hell sequence of Mr Brokensha on his Instagram
WTF are you doing Craigie ?
Ha Ha...GOLD

Haha yeah a good laugh that one! Thought I was gonna nail it but face planted hard and Ray was there to capture it. I gave it a second crack, same result..

I'm calling that 3ft. You cant get lip crash on waist high waves.

Very small and very shallow. Makes for a nice pic though!

When I first saw it I immediately thought small day GBR. Agreed it looks waist high max. Be fun unless you fell off!

It is small but it may be much deeper than it looks. I've surfed up there and the water is so so clear you think you are surfing in only a few inches and its way way deeper. Given the season is so short that coral is so alive and the smallest of scratches can cause serious infections if not thoroughly cleaned.

Looks so nice though just the set up and shape, double the size and it would be super fun.
And here i was thinking PNG only had one wave a short hollow right? (Sarcasm)

Today. Steph. Style. Insert love heart emoji

Check out Steph channeling MP in today's pic. She is down low on her board with her left foot planted, though nowhere near as big, like MP's - and that flailing arm that looks like it is about to go into the wood chop.

yeah today's a cracker .... great surfer and always smiling - great stoke.
going back to yesterday's if its the wave I think it is it will break for at least 200 metres like that, perhaps double that, but haven't surfed it as like some above have suggested it was too shallow and small to give it a crack when I was there but some local kids were onto it bare feet and all.

Long long's?

could be, you surfed it?

Been there a bunch of times but never surfed it. Seen it at the size in the WOTD a few times - needs a decent swell to get like that - but when it's like that everywhere else is twice the size so I've never bothered with it. Assuming it is Long-longs...

Yeah, agree there are plenty of other options nearby but the whole area is fickle

Looks like Laura Enever has been thrown out of the airlock with today's WOTD wipeout.

Slaying this one..

Searing off the top by Connor in todays WOTD.
I've dumped 2 surfers to get him on my Fantasy surf team for Bells.

Tahlija Tuff- The most underated female surfer in the world.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.