I heart WOTD

Probably best that way. Agreed the water certainly does look particularly wet around those parts!

Did he make it?


Nathan's wave..

Flogged..got the location now tho

Gaz was asking about yesty's.

Looks way too crowded to be South Oz Craig so that more or less answers it for me.

Today Clay Marzo returned to the land of flies and red dirt road, surfed this spot by himself which is a lot more hefty than it looks. This photo he did an under the lip takeoff but the shot was taken a little late.
More photos and sequences here

Crazy WOTD , the title is a clue?

Nup, not there.

I'm going to stop guessing, I'll just settle for the fact it's quite likely the best WOTD I've seen, heavy water! And if the fella didn't make it he's lucky he didn't just clip his nails a wave like that would just about cut your toes right off

Then theres the frequently spotted whiteys in the channel.
One of my favourite south coast nsw waves is near there, 1 hour walk in though i called it heinekenpoint as the blue water turns to green as the waves hits the green moss on the reef down the point.Similar to guillos but less people around.

I miss the NSW south coast :(

N74, the wave your thinking off is heavier at half the size than the wave pictured, good guess though.

And a nice walk it is GS.

"N74, the wave your thinking off is heavier at half the size than the wave pictured, good guess though."
Yeah I dunno about that.

I do.

Is that a different one to wotd a few days ago?
Crikey he has a crack eh

Different photographer, same wave, half a second later.

That can't be good ...

It looks a lot bigger side on

Love today's photo, a great reminder to us all that it should always be about fun ....

Today’s shot...
That’s a big craft he’s on!

He's blind as a potato.
Got clubbed too.
Sequence to come.

Potatoes have eyes.

Haha, doesn't mean they can see though :p

1/11/17 What a beautiful shot,sums it all up.Fuck ,had some great times in the West back in the day ,cheers.

Ugh my gawwwd
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a wave resembling anything like that

Beautiful photo.
Just one of nature's many wonders.

I think I've walked down the cliff to that beach, great shot.

walked or scrabbled on all 4?

If it is where I think it is, then walk is a loose term which in reality was a clamber down and worse back up, sometimes with the loss of some bark on the toes on the jagged limestone!!

reckon we are talking about the same place then .... a cracker of a wave

Today's photo almost said something magical, until my eyes focussed on this, the most ugly of shapes, looming out of the picture like a smear that cannot be wiped, some middle-aged bloke in a wetsuit. Just awful, a terrible photo and a dumb choice for WOTD.

That photo's really thrown you into a spin, hey Halibut? You must have a tough time down the beach.

I'd certainly have a tough time down at that particular beach if that's what passes for a standout image. Are you saying you disagree Stunet?

It's a photo that makes me want to surf, to check the weather and keep a good eye on banks. Bloke in the foreground adds some composition and I don't really understand your level of reaction to it.
So in a way, yeah, I disagree.

Fair enough. It's probably Woonona or someplace similar in which case it's probably as close as you gonna get to an idyllic shot. The photog hesitates for a sec to get old mate out of the frame and 50 more pop-up to take his place.

It's a strange complaint Halibut.

I can't help it if I'm just another outmoded ogler from another era. If we must have bodies in the way, give me fantasia, postcardia, empirically ethnographic beauties in grass skirts in my wave of the day, anyday. And if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right. Keep ya waddling wallies in wetsuits to yaselves. That is not composition. That is poor timing or careless shooting. The world's gone upside down.

Gary G, reporting for duty.
Will send the full contract via email, but general conditions are that Gary provides the beefcake and the photographer provides the coconut oil. Mankini is the standard attire but other options are available for the right price.

You might be onto something there Gary G, they seem to go in for that knuckle-dragging machismo look here. Who needs hula girls or pristine waves when one can ogle ungainly gibbons in neoprene?

X10 overhead?

didn't i see todays word very early yesterday? very nice wave and image it is

Yep, had to do a quick switch when Tim Bonython's shot of RCJ came in.
Thought no-one would catch me.

I notice Tim omitted to include the requisite foreground image of some cumbersome oaf waddling about in his wetsuit.

An oversight that'll be corrected next time around.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.