
Now that's a throwback Fraser-Gordon.

What can I say, I was 10...

Joy Division.

Yeah... I was a kid......

It's not technically a music album, but it is vinyl, and it got a thorough going-over in our household:
Speaking of vinyl, a lot of bought pre-pubescent music (not cassette taped off the radio or mates) was heard on singles. Singles, like this (see a theme?!):
(the B side was a ripper too...Establishment Blues)& for us Scottish-ingrained fitba-obsessed bairns:

And while I'm on an early electric buzz -

Rod Stewart, shats? hehehe........ Yeah up there cazaly was awesome,and cmon aussie..... But Rod Stewart?????? Well... I must shamefully admit I was known to belt this out..... Even when I was a bit older, nothing like getting pissed with the boys and belting this out "British football crowd style"... lol

Well, I was a youngster! 1978 was THE year for Scotland in the World team they ever had. It did not come to pass. Except for this highlight (as celebrated in Trainspotting):

First album crush - War of the worlds soundtrack
First single bought with own ( pocket ) money - Every little thing she does is magic : Police
First rock album to have a pubescent crush on ie The This Changes Everything Album - Head Injuries : Midnight Oil
Wait a minute....what do you mean this isn't Rockwiz ?

This used to scare me when I was a tiny grom.

This used to scare me when I was a tiny grom.

funny, this part of the oldies vinyl scared me:

Hmm, blowin... First ever album ( at the age of 4) - The monster mash lol ( it was a graveyard smash!!).... Then just listened to my big sisters crap..... Until....
First ever "real album"- Kiss - dressed to kill
First ever single - TMG - Jump in my car
The "crossover album" - Acdc - Dirty deeds.... They were never the same after Bon....... Don't care what people say...

First record I bought was in Liverpool but it was a band from another town I spent some of my childhood in......Newcastle-on-Tyne's finest, The Animals. It was an EP with House Of The Rising Sun, Gonna Send You Back To Walker, I'm Crying and Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood.
First gig, no coincidence, The Animals at the old Sydney Stadium.

Belatedly caught up with this. Cool trip down memory lane.
Stu, cool story about your unposted Kiss letter.
First album bought with own money- Simple Minds 'New Gold Dreams'
Next, Icehouse- 'Primitive Man'
And then I bought a good one- ha ha! Oils '10-1'
But as a young fella, this song really spoke to me-
Sheepy, good call on TMG.

Blindboy, that's so strange. My parents had that EP , at least I'm think that's the one, on cassette. Only they never knew where it came from and as their musical tastes were diametrically opposed to The Animals it remained an oft puzzled over mystery in our household. The subject arose quite often as my brother and myself loved the brooding nature of The House of the Rising Sun . We only listened to pop radio and our parents tapes were more of the same so to hear The Animals was our very first foray into harder, darker edged music that I would later love. Good call.

Blowin' The Animals were the real thing. They made the Stones look like the middle class prats they mainly were, ( Mick the dick with his satin scarves and narcissistic self obsession). Listen to the early Animals stuff and then the Stones from the same era, chalk and cheese. It was a tragedy they broke up before they achieved all they were capable of, but still, a great legacy .

As I got older this scared the bejesus out of me no more going to the local pool by myself.

And this just scared the bejesus out of me generally;)

Zenagain , you are aware that Gavin Rossdale - the lead singer from Bush and Gwen Steffani's husband - had an affair with Marylin aren't you ? Sweet Jesus....tell me it ain't so champ.

No I'm not aware of that blowy:)
How the hell would you know something like that? Are you some kind of music savant? (or just an avid reader of Womans Day?)
I do know that somebody slapped/punched Marilyn in Kings Cross once during his/her Oz tour though.

@zenagain- If you find Marilyn scary this 80's popstar will positively give you nightmares!

Ha ha ha ha Yorkes! Classic.
Pass me another chicken leg.
Fuck it, pass me the bucket!

blindboy wrote:Blowin' The Animals were the real thing. They made the Stones look like the middle class prats they mainly were, ( Mick the dick with his satin scarves and narcissistic self obsession). Listen to the early Animals stuff and then the Stones from the same era, chalk and cheese. It was a tragedy they broke up before they achieved all they were capable of, but still, a great legacy .
Always liked this tale about Eric Burdon. Animal!

BB, I think the stones are more revered in music circles because they wrote nearly all of their own stuff... House of the rising sun - cover..... Don't let me be misunderstood - cover..... We gotta get outa this place - written for them..... It's my life - written for them...
Don't get me wrong, love the animals.... Saw Eric live in adelaide back in the early 90s... Fantastic....
But the biggest accolades go to those who write their own stuff... Quite a few pages back here, I posted an animals track that they actually did pen.... Funnily enough, it's one of my favorite animals songs...Rock, blues, and an apache undertone.........

Saturday cruise... Time for reflection.... Time for the heart.....

I hear you Sheepy. Time for reflection EPIC.

Speaking of childhood early teen times.....These days it's one direction/ rihanna/ Beiber/ Pink/ Beyonce/ Bruno mars..... Urgghhhh.

And this -
Or this -
And this -
Or even this -
Fuck it's good being old sometimes...... :)

one for you Sheepster... W.O.W!

Back at ya shats...

Now, back to that "pre puberty" conversation...... I remember "ch ch" being pretty big ;)

Whole lotta whitebread on here, but where's all the brown, in particular, the hip hop? Not floating our collective (goat) boat?
Yeah, there's smatterings of reggae here of course, ska even, maybe some funk n jazz, but little or no mention of the biggest and baddest of our black/brown/beige brother's musical gifts to the world, THE HIP HIP HOP?! We no like? (Correct me if I'm wrong, sniffer dogs)
Now, there's plenty of punk on here, so howzabout some hybrid crossover stuff to get us all started in digging this sheeeeit:
Afrika Bambaata & John Lydon:
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy (one of Michael Franti's old outfits) with their take on California Über Alles:
White rappers Beastie Boys sampling Black punks Bad Brains!
Ice T sampling Jello Biafra on his album THE ICEBERG!
(as for the sparsity of females on here, well, that's another kettle of lime-scale...)

whoah, nearly forgot my fave!
Mudhoney & Sir Mix-A-Lot:

Hip enough for ya.

Black enough for ya.

Mehhhh........ Anyway, you never hear commercial radio stations playing this track..... Strange....

In the days before bogans, when it was yobboes that bore the burden of being the armpit of the Aussie nation , I despised these fellas despite them ruling all before them.
As the years have passed I've let go and embraced their definitive Aussie rock vibe.
I'm talking Cold Chisel and I'm talking Bow River as all the encouragement you need to get some Red Earth underfoot.

fraser-gordon wrote:Black enough for ya.
Funny, was listening to that driving to work this morning.
T.G.I Friday! I'm in love! Next thing you know, I'll be back in Margaret River again!
Gotta stop at the bank first though...

Jay Z solo, meh...Kanye solo, better than meh...stick em together and they produce some good shit.

Some old school Motown by a new school white boy.

Desert Sessions + PJ Harvey

Lets dance Happy Man.

Hmmm... fraser...... I think u need a refreshing holiday u in the north west.... Or perhaps a west coast tassie adventure..... Or a week in northland NZ...... I think you are retrograding ;p

This has to played on a Dual 1210 circa late 1970's turntable run through two AWA Radiola speakers at high volume to get the full fresh/retro affect Sheepy.

the funken wagnalls sheeeeeeit, kids

fu schnickens kunts
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.