
Furry freak brothers.

Lamb chops.

Shats..... fraser..... WTF!!??!?! Oh well, if ya can't beat'em......

off chops

Legend -

Just can't get my head around Neil Young with a bob cut. I thought he was born with a shoulder length bum part.
Anyhoo, ain't no solo like a flute solo. Done by a hairy dude in dungarees, no less...

Roll up, roll up:
Junior Brown & Red Simpson!
Deke Dickerson (feat. The Lucky Stars):
Los Straitjackets
Deke Dickerson & Los Straitjackets (live)

If your going there, why not some Wayne Hancock as well:

Time for a red dot... or a brown dot.... Or a superman..... Or even a few blue meanies.....

Don't go here.

These were the days lol

This tune thread has had some good moments... But what about the worse songs ever? The top 50 worse songs that were worldwide hits? There have been some truly hideous moments in music history...
Here are 10 songs I'd like to nominate for the "swellnet 50 song compilation, only cd on board during a sadistic indo boatrip"....
10 -
9 -
8 -
7 -
6 -
5 -
4 -
3 -
2 -
1 -

Any chance of writing what the song is before we click? Don't want some of those URLs in my history.
And if anyone nominates Safety Dance things are gonna get real ugly 'round here.

Pussycat- Mississippi

Sunglasses at night- Cory Hart.

You'll be paying me to stop this-
Agadoo- Black Lace.

I've warned you-
Friday- Rebecca Black.

That Rebecca Black video has had over 69 million views!
I'm with Blowin, there's no hope for the human race.

Alright, now I'm making myself angry.
No more.
Chinese Food- Alison Gold.

How do you know these songs Zen???

Stu, I think we need songs like these to remind us of how truly wonderful real music can be.
Seiji Ozawa (poor fellow, now riddled with cancer) conducting the Berlin Philharmonic, Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers from the Nutcracker.
Truly beautiful.

I don't know Stu. Probably the same reason why a car wreck stays in my mind.

Beautiful music indeed, but I'm gonna restore some order here. Click on this, turn it way the fuck up, then watch every dwarf and crazy eyed blonde in the village come out and shake it.
Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance

And if this doesn't make you want to go on a shooting rampage, nothing will.
Puppy love- Yuikaori.

In the early 80s, I was on a prawn trawler in the Torres straight for 6 weeks.... Cassette player was all there was..... Only 2 tapes on board.... Eagles greatest hits..... And Bat out of hell by meatloaf..... Urgghhgggrrrrghhhrrhrrggggrhhh ........ PTSD...... On a dark desert highway.... Cool wind in my hair....... Let me sleep on it..... I'll give you an answer in the mor...or... or...ning..... AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

O...M...G.... How could I forget this guy!!!! Just for you zen... Oh... and you too stu

Geez fellas, living in the past...?
Zenmon, Love the little Japanese girls in puppy love, little cuties they are, I loved Japan it was like puppy love again.

Welly, Keisha was 2013.... Gangnam aint that old.... Or who let the muts out.... A shit song is a shit song mate..... What's your shittiest song of all time "bro"? And Zen - its gotta be a world "hit" to qualify lol ;)

Touche' welly.... Touche'.... I did ask for it ;)

There's such a fine line between clever and horrifically & perversely stupid (warning contains ear worms of DUNE proportions):
Trio (duh?)
Word up!
Skatt Brothers (ha ha!)...I think Tones Abbott posted this one on youtube:
Blurred lines (80s style)...I think he posted this one too!

and it's hip, it's happening, it's the NOW (plenty of 'hits' on offer here, kids)...
SOD (not Stormtroopers of Death):
or howzabout some prime sexy back:

Shatner'sBassoon wrote:and it's hip, it's happening, it's the NOW (plenty of 'hits' on offer here, kids)...
SOD (not Stormtroopers of Death):
Zenmon have you check them out over there...?
Gold SB..
Just showed my wife, haha she thought was so cool and so cute...???? Unreal

...glad I clicked on that link!

Ha! It was the only clip I watched to the end.
Bravo Shatner.

What? No Sabrina till the er, finish? Oh, the innocent days when a glimpse of 'dinnerplate' was enough to fuel a young man's imagination for weeks!

I fast fowarded through the Sabrina clip and only watched the parts when her bikini was wet;)
Gold bless those little brown-nosed puppies.
That clip stands out and the uncut 'Girls on Film' clip by Duran Duran in terms of fueling my schoolboy lust all those years ago.

Ha if your going to take the piss.

Speaking of taking the piss... James Blunt ponders the question, where does an international pop star get milk when one runs out? He looks for advice....

Classic. F-G
Did you realise Danzig mentioned Ding repair, fiberglass and resin;)
Apparently. ....?

Please Lord, let this draw a line under the wretchedness on here...

Speaking of wretchedness and James Blunt, gotta admit, the dude's got a sense of humour at fact, he's pretty friggin' on it

Shats - double platinum in the USA alone..... That's just the single..... I reckon even I'd have a sense of humour.......

Another cool chillax song for a cold foggy saturday morning...

This clip is all about the visuals, and the pure poetic spectacle of destruction. Spike Jonze knows his Antonioni.
Enjoy the miasma.

How did the Gurge put it, I like your old stuff better than your new stuff.

playing quite a bit of radical face at the mo'....... Some might remember this track from the Robbie williams ad where he gets everyone in the crowd to take a photo...

Jake Bugg shangri la

Good morning wake up call.

Although your world wonders me,
With your majestic and superior cackling hen
Your people I do not understand,
So to you I shall put an end
And you'll
Never hear
Surf music again
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.