
I wonder why no one has posted these guy's before with such a cool name for a band.

Tommy Ramone R.I.P.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other band where all it's original members are dead. All of 'em! of a kind.

Shats...... here you go - original members all dead -

Great version.

Great cover version. Hadn't ever heard much of Tim Rose 'cept Long Time Man, which incidentally isn't a cover but has a great cover:
And fuck eh? All the Brothers are dead....1, 2, 3, 4.

There was a time when young Gregory could snarl and he could swagger.
"I'm gonna drag you through the shit/
Gonna rub your nose in it."

I brought back a souvenir
All the way from Kampuchea
A plastic bag up my ass
And soon the goods will come to pass.
"Chase the Dragon" Beasts of Bourbon. Gold.
Beasts, Cruel Sea, Tex solo. Love em all. Tex is partial to a bit of Tex. He's definitely got a lot of time for himself.

I'm with you Stu. Tex was great with the Beasts, I saw them a stack of times, but after that the honeymoon was really over. Still it was great while it lasted. I think the best gig was You Am I, the Beasts and Iggy Pop at Selinas. Beat that!

"Interested in Apathy" by TISM.
Funny, catchy, a piss take....what's not to like ?

There's cool then there's Kool with a capital K.

Awesome, Fraser...... Here's another legend -

Nice one. And here's another lead man who looks Kool with a cross 'round his neck (and his sisters pants on):
Tear it up Lux.

Jesus, Stu, forgot all about them........ Here's some chick forgotten in time....

IMHO (humble...hah!) Link gets out-cooled & out-manouvred by another one of our clan in this red hot clip:
Now where's some Panther Burns?

...not all lead men are cool. In the humble words of Hank, "I could never work out why lead singers weren't just up there losing it, and then I saw HR from the Bad Brains. Here was a guy who was just on the roof."

Ha yeah what a string of classic's all of them.

Saw Bad Brains a few years back. HR was front & centre with some weird head scarf on that obscured most of his face and a big pair of womens style sunnies on. He also had a beatific smile that never wavered. Never moved from his spot the whole gig and crooned every song in the same crooning style. He also had a guitar slung on that wasn't plugged in but that didn't stop him strumming it throughout the entire gig. The rest of the boys were cranking it as per usual. Strange, sad, unsettling, funny, uplifting, bloody bagus on reflection.
Anyways, start 'em young:
& here's some Tav:

mcbain wrote:If your going there, why not some Wayne Hancock as well:
Wayne 'the train' Hancock is comin' to a town near you

Can you paint a classic using just three colours?

Old vinyl day.... This song reminded me that there is always somewhere in the world where people are being torched..... Different time, different war, same bullshit....

love my vinyl good stuff Sheepy.

^^ Dig that lead singer's look - very natty.
I also dig old guys who've done well for themselves financially, that don't need to create further friction and could be eating pleasant lunches at the country club while reading their investment portfolio, but instead of gin and cucumber sandwiches they plug in a Marshall and point the fucking finger.
Took a 60-year-old rocker to speak out against Iraq and Afghanistan? For shame, for shame...

One for the Eyre Highway drive.

coming from Perth, going across, you want some of this Aussie twang to start:
Then by the time you hit Kimba?

Fraser - another one for "eyre"......

Keep driving don't stop.

Classic Ben, I will assume that they will do some shows in Qld (hopefully). Haven't listened to them in years. Motivated now to dig out through my CD's. Cheers

Maybe at the Crown for old time sake's Ben?Ha

So... Before you were "cool".... You know, that prepubescent period between grooving to semame street, play school, Patsy Bisco etc, and becoming a teenager right up with jjj and sneeking into gigs underage, what did folk here listen too? Now I just wont believe anyone who says they were onto The stooges when they were 8 years old, or tripping to Brian Eno whilst eating fairy bread...... Who's got the balls to be honest?
I'll admit, when I was a young tacker playing with my GI joe, riding my green machine, setting up my matchbox race track, I used to love jamming along to this..... I was an ace man....

I used to lose my shit to Mental as Anything. Berserk Warriors especially. Then years later I was all over Reg Mombassa's Mambo artwork. .... Hallucinogenic anthropomorphism it's known as. A simultaneous lambasting and venerating of the Oz / NZ culture and landscape. Personal favourite being the Australian Jesus series : Bestower of beer and pies to the masses. Taking the piss out of a culture whilst simultaneously contributing to it. Gold.

Woulda been 10 when this came out....... Remember jamming with my primary school mates to this

Classic Sheepy.

Yep, Sheepster, if you're of a certain vintage, then KISS were the shit. I remember my mum taking me & my brother to the cinema to see their flick "Kiss in the Attack of the
Phantoms". Mental! Though never forgave her (well, took a coupla decades) for not letting me go to their concert with my bestest primary school mate and his big sister. Woulda been a Rockwiz killer to be able to claim that as a first gig!
Oh, and I was a Peter Criss kid.

Cool, shats..... salad days..... No bay city rollers in our house ;)...... Loved this one too..... Good old countdown - even watched the repeat on sat' arvo from the week before....
Yeah,,,and mentals rocked!!!!!

About ten years ago I pulled out my copy of Dynasty, the one I owned when I was nine years old. Went to listen to 'I was made for loving you' on the turntable and an envelope fell out from inside. Twas a small envelope with a crude crayon scrawl on the front addressing the envelope to the KISS Army in New York City. Fucken Mum never posted it! Not that I could even remember writing it...
I slit it open and there was a letter from me to Gene Simmons bemoaning the fact I couldn't go and see him when they toured Sydney plus a bunch of other stuff that I thought might've impressed Gene: I knew all the words to the songs, I owned heaps of KISS stuff etc etc..
I've still got that letter, it's still inside my copy of Dynasty, and I still know all the words to the songs.

Sheepdog wrote:So... Before you were "cool"....
I really don't know what I was into as a real young tacker, none of that sesame street or playschool stuff...we didn't have TV until I was 7. Once that TV set hit the house I became an avid watcher of Count Down so probably was digging some pretty bad top 40 crap of the day.
But, the first album I really got into was given to me for my 10th b'day.

Ha Ha I don't know why I liked this when I was a grom but I do now. Two big reasons why.

This next one is the first album I bought with my own money, not long after the Talking Heads album came my way.

O...M...G!!!! Fraser!!!! I nearly posted that 10 minutes ago!!!!! Sooooooooo funny lol!!!!

Eddy Grant was big around my place for about three weeks:

...and WTF is a dutchie?

This was the crossover band for me...... I still remember hanging out for their latest song..... Mum knew she had a problem child when she heard this stuff in my bedroom... She hated Kiss, but absolutely despised this... That made it more cool..... And I remember molly intro'ing this single..... I thought I had gone to heaven (or hell)..... Wasn't much of a step from this to the pistols, Dk's, etc

Blowin wrote:I used to lose my shit to Mental as Anything. Berserk Warriors especially. Then years later I was all over Reg Mombassa's Mambo artwork.
Mental's and Reg for sure...I was at my parents awhile back, going through some boxes of crap and came across a bunch of my year 8 school folders, most of em were covered in Reg's mambo adds.
Here's one...

Dutchie is a big scoob..........or large cooking pot.
2 large jugs ...yeh baby its you fuck I remember them.

Alice Cooper's Poison...I bought this album thinking I liked it, but after a couple of weeks on high rotation I decided it was fuckin shit and sold it to a fellow classmate for $5.
I think it was the naked chick in the Poison vid that sold me early on.

Used to like this as well for some reason.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.