Turnbull rolls over "again" to the ultra right

Tripper. I did grow a backbone and have worked since I left school. I could of joined you on the dole for a few years but decided working would give me more self-esteem. Plus I needed to since I wanted to leave home and be self-sufficient.
I have no problems my tax's paying welfare for the deserving . So stop throwing that shit about me not caring for the old and disadvantaged.
Ship dip I am sorry that I called you name's but is sheepdog a real name to start with.

nick3 wrote:Tripper. I did grow a backbone and have worked since I left school. I could of joined you on the dole for a few years but decided working would give me more self-esteem. Plus I needed to since I wanted to leave home and be self-sufficient.
As long as you're not earning at the expense of other, your al'right with me nick.
I was never a real slacker, got my first paying job away from the family farm at 12, left home at 15 with an apprenticeship, finished early with credits and prior learning. That's when I jumped on the dole for 12 months - I never lost my self esteem, I left SA and went surfing in warm water. Then straight back into the workforce ever since, only taking a break to be a house dad for a while. I know all about self sufficiency.
Just like you will find the majority of the young who will need assistance, they know how to work, be self sufficient, but by taking away the safety net before 30 will completely destroy many before they even get started away from the nest, then watch how many become unemployable. The ongoing cost to society after the fact will be immense, and more than just financial.

@TGF Yeah well said .The libs are doing their best to get rid of the few manufacturing industries left, and making it easier to bring in O.S. cheap labor, so where are all these jobs for these kids going to come from? When they cut the dole it's the parents who get slugged. The best couple of years in my life were spent on the Bob Hawke surf team, but I have since repaid it in taxes a thousand times over. Everyone deserves a couple of years of guilt free bludging.

Is it just me or does everyone cringe when the media refers to Tony Abbott as "our surfer P.M." It's disgusting how Abbott uses surfing for political gain. I'm surprised his people haven't told him to bleach what's left of his hair and drop a cowabunga into every sentence.They showed him gifting the BB mal to Obama and cut to the footage of him nearly catching a 2ft. wave on the Queen Mary before falling off the back. Abbott is not as good at surfing as Howard was at cricket yet no-one called Howard a cricketer.
Hopefully it will put off a whole new generation from getting into our once precious lifestyle. These days
I haven't got much time for serial killers, rapists, cowards, pedophiles, junkies, necrophiliacs, cannibals
used car salesmen and Liberal politicians. What a turkey. Cheers.

stunet wrote:Anyway I woke up this morning and figured out who George Brandis looks like. Bang! Just like that it hit me: Gilbert from the UK art duo Gilbert and George. Shown here on the left.
They even share similar beliefs; a liberal approach to the arts and humanities counter-intuitively mixed with conservative politics. "We admire Margaret Thatcher greatly," said Gilbert and George and they weren't being ironic.
Meanwhile Brandis compares himself to Voltaire...
I was watching an old disturbing classic the other day (as is my wont), 10 Rillington Place. Here's a pic of Sir Dickie Attenborough as John Reginald Halliday Christie. Quite a resemblance, but in all departments?!
As for Brandis comparing himself to Voltaire, one of the Volt's quotations instantly springs to mind (no, not THAT one):
"Once a philosopher, twice a pervert."

The day before the verdict, Abbott came out brimming with confidence (as did Bishop)..
Abbott/Greste - fail....
Abbott/ Tassy forests to be delisted - fail....
Abbotts/ minister changes holy lands to "disputed" from "occupied"- fail....
Abbott/ Carbon tax repeal - fail....
Abbott/ fuel excise blocked - fail.....
Abbott/ family tax changes july1 blocked- fail....
Abbott/ pension indexation changes july1 blocked- fail....
Abbott newstart changes july1 blocked- fail.....
Abbott/ high income tax/levy - pass...... lol.......
And yet the polls show a 2% swing back to Abbott...... still behind 48/52..... But Shorten should step down and let Albanese off the leash.....

Tony A.B.B.A (anyone but bloody Abbott)...see how that plays in Queensland, NSW & WA...y'know, the redneck states.

Jeeez Sheepy, what's so funny about the high income levy ? It's not making me laugh.

Abbott's worst nightmare......

It's freakn hilarious, floyd, the whole situation.... Bizarro world.... Big Clive and Abbott are "negotiating" as we speak..... And we have the "inconvenient guy" and "Mr titanic" forming an alliance.... It's the soap opera that just keeps giving......

Great point Floyd, i think the mining tax should stay, maybe even increased, no more selling the mining rights lease them,
And why should a industry that makes massive profits get any tax breaks / subsidies,

I read that too floyd, meanwhile the Reinhart's squabble in court over control of their $billions. I've always been surprised at how Western Australian's laud over Gina Reinhart and oppose more state and federal taxes on her and the other big miners?
I lived over in Perth in the early 90's and have done quite a few surf trips to W.A over the years. Last year I went back after a 10 year break. Everyone said it had changed and grown so much, and it had. Places like Mandurah were almost unrecognisable with Legoland housing developments as far as the eye could see!
But landing at Perth Airport, it would have to be the worst and most dated airport of any capital city in the country. Driving into the city the place looked unfinished and trashy, I can't imagine what overseas visitors must think after landing in the most resource rich state in Australia?
The amount of $$ that have been ripped out of the ground in that state over the last 20 years, you would think the place would look like Dubai?
As she's one of Abbotts' biggest supporters of course he would be rewarding her by removing the Mining Tax and certainly won't be taking away her billions of taxpayer dollars in diesel subsidies.

Hmmm. Newman became Premier in 2012.... The report shows this has been going on since 08/09.... Labor were in power then... So in Qld, both sides are to blame....
But in W.A it is more clear cut.... Barnett assumed power in 08.....

Ok floyd I'll bite......

Hitler created probably the worst policy and authorised some of the worst actions in written history .
Regardless of that wartime Germany created the footprint for engineering that has seen it still maintain itself a economic ( until the euro ) powerhouse , but most importantly the most respected manufacturers and designers in the world . Japan only manages to come a distant second .
Obviously in no way to I defend their actions , ideologies or all out uncompromising push for power during those years in the early it middle part of last century . But in saying that " shit " got done , and built properly from this or some watered down version of it .
On the counter arguement without the world wars , we'd only be entering the " morning if the earth " era ...
But no doubt the beaches here and abroad would be far too populated to get near the water let alone surf through the crowds ...
Aaah the thoughts of a different world , in which with some singular persons' decision being different the chain reactions of such would have delivered us somewhere else entirely .

Not sure why I clicked on this thread from the main page but reading the last couple of messages, this stood out:
"As she's one of Abbotts' biggest supporters of course he would be rewarding her by removing the Mining Tax and certainly won't be taking away her billions of taxpayer dollars in diesel subsidies."
Not condoning Rinehart's model of corporatism, nor stating that the following was was your direct intention BUT its important to watch the way people use the term "tax payer subsidy" when referring to the diesel fuel rebate. The fuel tax was brought in to maintain public roads. If you don't use your machinery on public roads then the tax is not applicable, so you get it back in the form of a rebate. It seems to be claimed as a tax payer subsidy simply because you first pay it at the bowser, then claim it back off the government, but it was not applicable from the start (so perhaps the govt. should pay interest on the funds while they hold it??) This rebate applies to farmers, coal miners and your local lawnmower man. Green groups use this little trick a lot and personally, I think it detracts from their argument.
Rant over. Carry on.

It's a nice theory that fuel subsidies are spent on roads however most of it (approximately 75%) goes into general revenue so it's really just another tax in my opinion?

What the government do with the money is a different issue.

The pigeon holing of minorities by this current government has no equal... Now it's those "disabled bludgers" turn....Yeah, you get the odd rorter, just as you get the odd tax evading rich person, the odd scamming financial adviser... But to demonize poor people purely for the middle class aspirational vote takes us as a society back to Salem....

sheepy, at uni i had a lecturer who was Malcolm Fraser's Press advisor. He told how when that Govt was faced with stagflation- high unemployment and high inflation- they didn't know how to fix both. So they orchestrated a pr campaign to take public focus off the issue. They knew they had to distract and divide the community so they created THE DOLE BLUDGER Campaign. Because the workers were already concerned about high inflation, the govt knew that this anger could be turned if they sensationalised those on welfare living a carefree beach existence at the expense of the working taxpayer. Hence this same old scenario gets dragged out when govts don't know how to fix an issue or cant keep pie in the sky election promises. Divide and conquer, get the plebs fighting amongst themselves so the media can sensationalise it and the govt shifts the real responsibility from actually acknowledging their incompetence and biases.

Downward envy is an emotion the Coalition is capitalising on to appease their supporters. They will not be satisfied till they can experience that warm fuzzy feeling you get when walking past raggedly dressed beggars and young people selling their bodies on the sidewalks of our cities.
The Germans have a word for it- schadenfreude; delight in another's misfortune. It's not surprising that the country which embraced fascism more enthusiastically than any other nation in the Twentieth Century would actually have a word for such a human emotion.
The truth is that Australia is a country where it's hard to determine someone's economic status when you walk past them in the street. Many poorer/sick people put on a brave front, dress neatly and are too proud to talk about their problems.
The sacrifices poverty stricken people make aren't always visible. A poor diet, skipping meals, going without heating/ airconditioning, the insecurity of being constantly under threat of homelessness and the mental anguish of being targeted by the media and government as unworthy.
No wonder the suicide rate goes up under conservative governments, and this may privately be seen by them as a desirable outcome for the so called "Useless Eaters" amongst us?
I hope Australians are evolved enough to realise that anyone could find themselves in a position to need welfare support due to an accident, economic crisis leading to mass unemployment, physical or mental illness, a relationship breakdown or simply bad luck.

Well said yorkesurfer, well said.
Sadly though, I fear that the 'average' Australian is nowhere near evolved enough on many levels, not just the one you point out. Far to much 'she'll be right mate' and 'can't happen to me' attitudes out there.

Yorko, where does Labor stand on all of this now? Considering Labor not only inherited Howards grossly unfair and racist "intervention laws" (where welfare cash was taken away and replaced with "food stamps" to "protect the children lol - what an emotional wedge that was lol), they also introduced ((wedged) this policy to "problem whites" in working class areas, and now the coalition wish to make it common practice. Considering Labor also increased the retirement age to 67, and put single mothers on the dole (less money for hungry kids), where does Labor sit now?
Can they honestly get any traction in this area?
If Labor win the next election, will they do what the previous Labor Gov' do - not only keep the libs new policies, but wedge them into the mainstream like they did with the intervention?
No wonder the independent and donkey vote is through the roof.....
Ohh, and cheers Dave the rave.... My old man walked out on the Libs in the 70s.... Stood with the great man Donny Chipp and formed the Democrats (RIP)....

Yeah Sheepy it's a hard one and I would like to think that Labor could undo some of this mess but who knows, maybe they are letting the Coalition do the dirty work for them too? I will continue to support Labor as long as I perceive them to be looking out for the interests of all Australians. If they go too much further to the right they will lose my support too. I have to say that I'm not a huge fan of Shorten although I'm willing to give him a go. I was one of the majority of Labor Party members who voted for Albo but it seems that Shorten may have broader appeal to mainstream Australia so I can only hope the party has struck the right balance by selecting Bill?

I'm an Albo man too..... Couldn't believe the guy with the blood of 2 pm's on his hands got in..... Still can't believe it..... I think that new way Labor votes leaders has to be scrapped....

I thought the intervention laws were encouraged by the communities that utilised them ? No ?
Something certainly had to be done. I guess your damned if you do and damned if you don't .

Is that supposed to have any relevance to my post ?

Mate, if you don't mind telling me what she said it would be unreal, I don't really have the data or the inclination to sit through it all right now.

Fair enough. Did she put forward an alternative solution to the rampant domestic sexual and physical assaults and societal dysfunctions that were being reported from these communities ?

It was reported on tv..... Must be true ;)

Damn TV. Just when I was starting to trust it again.
How's Tassie Sheepy ? I'm in NSW at the moment. Amazing blue sky today. Citrus on the trees, loving it.

Few sly ones at the point too - unreal.

Blowin... Here's what it's like...... http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDT60801/IDT60801.94961.shtml
I'm working on my winter coat today.... Home brewed lattes, for lunch -Toasted ham and cheese sandwiches with creamy cauliflower and pumkin soup (out of the garden of course).... Roaring fire..... The only part of me getting wet today is the old fella..... :p

I was in your 'hood yesterday Stu , passing through and stopped to catch up with some mates. Flat as a tack then , beautiful over a couple of schooners of new and a countery . Shit it gets cold when that sun goes down behind the escarpment.
Really nice part of the world .

Thirroul cam looking pretty at the moment.

I mustn't be reading that chart right Sheepy, it looks like the temp is lucky to clear single figures !
Sounds like your killing it though, your a lucky man. Go the winter coat ! I tell you what Sheepy, the thought of toasted sandwiches and your garden harvest soup next to the fire stokes the imagination . Fuck, I'm hungry now.

Got the best Mrs in the world, blowin........ Been together for 23 years.... Her pan toasted sandwiches... hmmmmmm....... Tonight it's Tassie porterhouse with Huon valley mushrooms...... :p

Must Say I never followed politics very closely until Abbott got into power last year(perhaps also a sign I am getting a bit older!)
This current government is quite honestly shocking to me. I’ve been living overseas for a few years now and watching the antics of Abbott from a distance is almost amusing until I remind myself, that it’s actually my own country! Take my word for it, that with these guys behind the reigns we are an international embarrassment. The world is moving one way, and Abbott seems intent on dragging us back the other.
Initially I was angry at the swift attacks on our environment but after the budget etc, I can’t believe what they are actually trying to put in place. If even half of their proposals were put through, it wouldn’t be the Australia I know and love. If this continues I won’t be coming back any time soon.
On a brighter note, Sheepdog, seems like your living the good life down there. Haven’t been to Tassie since I was about 13, but loved it. Next time I am over, I definitely will be paying another visit…. Perhaps keeping my eyes out for a nice little piece of land ; )
No-one got anything to say about the loss of the car industry under a government and high viz Tony that promised to create 1,000,000 jobs?
Slumber away ........