Turnbull rolls over "again" to the ultra right

AndyM wrote:Well, when you're that poor, coke is out of the question.
Bam !

Uhh, thankyouverymuch.

tim foilat wrote:
Ha !
There you go, already invented.
Now I'm officially my old man.
Could never wipe the memory of him at the dinner table describing a mechanised broom that he'd conceptualised.....uhh, it's called a vacuum , Dad.

Thanks Blowin ... Good reading and thoughts.

Agree. Well written Blowy.

Interesting comments, people.
Good to see any discussion on how things are run - be it offering alternatives or even just 'radical' tweaks to the seemingly entrenched monolithic political systems we seem to be beholden to in the Western democracies especially.
Engagement is all good, surely?
There are a myriad of alternatives and tweaks offered out there. Always have been. From the theoretical to contemporary 'real world' examples.
Speaking of the 'real world', realpolitik, where to from here, in Australia, on July 2nd? Which way to jump? What voting strategies to employ? Does any party have a policy platform or any parts of it that are amenable to some of what YOU believe or would like to see happen?
Or conversely, are there parties whose policies are so far removed from anything you believe or would like to see implemented in any way, shape or form?
How to process and act?
Strategic voting? Informal voting? Protest voting? The 'nuclear option'?
YOUR particular vision is best served by voting how?
Interesting and exciting times to be an Australian.

With labor odds stretched out to 3.75 in the last week I'd be putting a good sum there with a solid hedge on the liberals to cover it

Shatner'sBassoon wrote:Interesting comments, people.
Good to see any discussion on how things are run - be it offering alternatives or even just 'radical' tweaks to the seemingly entrenched monolithic political systems we seem to be beholden to in the Western democracies especially.
Engagement is all good, surely?
There are a myriad of alternatives and tweaks offered out there. Always have been. From the theoretical to contemporary 'real world' examples.
Speaking of the 'real world', realpolitik, where to from here, in Australia, on July 2nd? Which way to jump? What voting strategies to employ? Does any party have a policy platform or any parts of it that are amenable to some of what YOU believe or would like to see happen?
Or conversely, are there parties whose policies are so far removed from anything you believe or would like to see implemented in any way, shape or form?
How to process and act?
Strategic voting? Informal voting? Protest voting? The 'nuclear option'?
YOUR particular vision is best served by voting how?
Interesting and exciting times to be an Australian.
Blowie chucks in some prescriptions/suggestions. Gets a "hear, hear" from some of the peanut gallery - T (cough, cough) B & (not so) Zen. Huzzah!
I can't see a lot of correlation between what is suggested/supported by these fine fellas and ANYTHING in the 'realpolitik' world and what the LNP is spruiking for this election...In some cases, things are seriously diametrically opposed.
Huh? What gives? Cognitive dissonance?
Yeah, yeah, OF COURSE no-one votes for the LNP on here EVER...apparently. Yet Labor and the Greens are totally shit...apparently. Yep, I'm looking at you guys again.
So, in the 'realpolitik' world, what IS the strategy for the upcoming election, fellas? Seeing as the parties are all the same and NONE of 'em would even look at YOUR quaint little remedies...let alone try any of 'em out... apparently. Flip a coin? "Nuclear option"? Indy rock? Null n voided?
'Cos I reckon the LNP, as is, as always, hates you*! And yet loves you too (if you submit)! Go figure. S & M kinkarama! Australia, you're standing in it!
Now where'd I put my "real solutions" pamphlet from last time? Maybe Australia does need Tony? Again?
*Disregard if you're in the top percentile of earners and went to [insert recognised brand name] private school and a (pick a state) 'sandstone' uni. Oh, and a cynical soulless cunt to boot that's in on the whole joke.


*blowflies buzzing*

I can only assume that chestnuts like asylum seekers and climate change trump all else?

Greg Hunt's cunning stunts - it's got a certain ring to it...
Could be a laugh saying it after a few beers too.

The resurrection! Check this from pg 56, from the dear departed Shatner's Bassoon:
"With Tones being such a BA Santamaria fan-boy, here's a thought...maybe he can split the Libs like his mentor Bob did with Labor back in the day? The ultra-conservatives vs the liberals...Tones vs Mal...the new unflushable turd vs the glitterman (glitter on the same old LNP policy turds)...
Either way, such a split back then kept the Libs in power for nigh on 20 years...and Australia in a fog and playing catch-up ever since.
Funny, back then it was communists that were the bogey-men...christians versus the godless reds. Now it's the christians versus the muslim hordes (with some hippy-climate-change-probably-communist-anyway shit chucked in).
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

And even this (from the same page)! Was Shatner Nostra-fucken-damus? Uri Geller? Tommy Cooper?
"Tones may have once said to the independent Windsor that he'd sell his arse to be PM.
Malcolm has sold both his arsehole and soul to the diametrically opposed nuts in his own party to get there.
Remember that when climate-change policy is mentioned especially. Who's Mal gonna be lying to? Depending what comes out of his mouth, it's either gonna be us or his colleagues or both (at the same time??).

hey sheepdog
channeling Bill Hayden here, even a drover's dog .......
Turnbull now has 3 opposition leaders now Joyce's salacious love life has seen him off to the back bench. Joyce and Abbott will make life very hard for Turnbull and ......... today we have George Christensen is calling for an end of the coalition.

...... after 51/2 years of nothingness we now have dog whistling from Turnbull
No-one got anything to say about the loss of the car industry under a government and high viz Tony that promised to create 1,000,000 jobs?
Slumber away ........