Turnbull rolls over "again" to the ultra right

udo wrote:Never underestimate the power of Transfield.
I'm hearing ya...Haliburton is just one example I was using to simplify the discussion.

Now I may be straying a little off topic here but in the interests of light humour I have noticed lately that Abbott's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop looks remarkably like Terrance Stamp's character from Priscilla Queen of the Desert?

Funny, yorkes.... But doesn't help ;) Leave the "ditch the witch" abuse to the right.... Now yorko, go find a photo of yourself surfing, and upload it to http://www.swellnet.com/forums/wax/132351
Cmon, mate....I know you got one somewhere ;)

Woa there boys. I'm quite enjoying the status quo if you don't mind. Air travel , lording it up over insignificant foreign cultures , don't forget who is in charge....us. Maybe we are not in the top 1 percent of the worlds elite, but we are definitely in the top 5 percent ( ! ) of the worlds chosen few.
Maybe you want to roll the dice and cross your fingers for a more equitable distribution of the worlds wealth...go ahead. But don't be disappointed when the dice stop and we are relegated to the shitpile of history.
We are living in a golden age and that includes clean water freely available , clean air ( you flown into KL or Jakarta lately , let alone any where in China ? ) and sovereign security. As for the last, well at the moment there is a state of Marshall law going on around me and whilst interesting, it's not something I would recommend .
Halliburton ? Maybe the clandestine masters of the world but...they are on our side. Well , not explicitly our side, but we benefit from their success.
Wish for a world without Halliburton and their ilk and you are wishing for a world where we are mere footnotes to history and our inviting land is beset by all kinds of foreign hordes that covet our sweet home.
So when our days consist of waking up, working, surfing , laughing with friends and loved ones then sleeping peacefully with maybe only the abstract concerns of the frightfully well off ( onshore winds, maybe our kids can't live on the present high tide line in 30 years time ,maybe we will have to bunk in with the kids when we retire and grow our own veggies ) lets not be too down on the Industrial Military Complex that got us in this quite comfortable situation.
Because the alternative ain't too pleasant yet no less real for all it's unimagined possibilities. Because there exist entire nations that don't subscribe to our free range , let's all be friends and get along world view. Nations that are maybe biding their time waiting for a fall in vigilance from the avaricious, yet ultimately beneficious men behind the curtains.
Don't forget who our friends really are. Everyone has a mate that is always forgetting their wallet or dodging their shout. Yet we know if push comes to shove they will back us to the hilt.
I'm not advocating an eyes wide shut , give 'em the keys to the till ignorance .
All I'm saying I suppose is .... I enjoy eating Chinese, I just don't know if I would enjoy it exclusively.
Or to put it in the parlance of the economists amongst us - I would rather have 85 percent of a growing concern than 100 percent of nothing.

Steve Keen's " Debtwatch " . Interesting site for a view on Australia's economy if your into that kind of thing .

@ fezz, no wonder you are so attuned to all this.

wellymon wrote:@ fezz, no wonder you are so attuned to all this.
I've been in the mining game for 20yrs, and had the pleasure, or displeasure as it may be to work for companies in various locations around the world, not all of them pleasant. With that, I've been privy to information that would make ya skin crawl, and with that info, I've had to sign some heavy confidentiality clauses, above and beyond the normal shit ya sign when joining a mining operation. Let’s say I've had to make some fairly heavy compromises to my ideals at times...I'm not a man to have regrets but these come very close to regretful decisions as I'll ever come to. It is what it is and there's no going back.
It’s easy to see how guys like Hockey get wrapped up in the dirty game of politics under the influence of real devils like Abbott (and the faceless men above), and before they know it they are far too deep down the rabbit hole to get out. Just look at Hockey's face of late, he's a man going through serious inner turmoil and torment, but he's made his bed and he knows it, there is no escape.
I'm actually one degree of separation from Hockey; I got to see what he was getting up to (private photos and stories) leading up to the election on Facebook through Hockey's best mate, who is an old mate of mine through circumstance. The closer the election got, the more obscene the behaviour got. Not long after the election I couldn't hold my tongue any longer, let's say since that day my friend and I are no longer on speaking terms – but I still get to see the photos, and the behaviour is just as obscene as ever. The most disgraceful thing is my ex-mate is now on the LNP gravy train, making massive dollars off the tax payer for doing fuck all. Mates in the right places and all that jazz.
Reading is my key, or more so knowing how to search and follow leads and ideas from one source to the next...gotta love the internet for that alone. Pity so much of the online world can't see past the next episode of reality shite, as all the info is right at ya finger tips if inclined to expand ya mind.
The one book that made "it" all fall into place and connect the dots was Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, which is available online in PDF form from a few sources. Both enlightening and frightening…this is when I came to realize we are truly fucked until a major shift in current “accepted” developed societal behaviour occurs.
Manifest Destiny: American Expansion and the Empire of Right by Anders Stephanson is a reasonable read too, it puts the whole notion of US global domination through various means into perspective.
With human nature being what it is, we are far too trusting, and easily led down our own rabbit holes for a little comfort over substance. Unfortunately the merchants of cool have been running this program for a long time, and are very successful in spreading the “good” word of comfort, forsaking substance.
I’ll make it clear though…I think the world is a wonderful place, full of beautiful people and culture and amazing places to venture. It’s just a pity we have a minority that think they have Manifest Destiny to rule the earth and use it as their personal stomping ground, at the expense of the beautiful people and place therein.
Maybe if man had a little more of this kind of Stompin’ Ground in life, he may find a way to live that doesn’t require Manifest Destiny to feel fulfilled.
Abbott and Hockey, are you listening? Do you even care?

Well, TGF, this is why I started "the new golden age of fear" thread.... Our time mimics the 1950s, which was the "golden age of fear"........ People sidetracked, dancing to "rock around the clock", consumer madness, whilst the men in grey suits did as they pleased..... Their tool in the 1950s was the "talking picture box", a new invention in every loungeroom..... The current equivalent is "the net".......
It took nearly 20 years back then for a "dawning"..... Napalmed vietnamese children made the masses choke on tv dinners, and a movement was born.. But "they" have guaranteed that wont happen again, via censorship of frontline war footage....
What will be the dawning trigger this time? Who knows.......

At the risk of running off topic ( Abbot ) to expand on this current discussion :
Rather than viewing Halliburton et al as an absolute negative to our society can you recognise that every culture has had and does have its imperialists , capable of varying degrees of success and that these people act as a necessary foil to their counterparts in opposing nations.
Seen what Russia has been up to lately ? Don't forget we existed in a state of volatile stalemate with this very powerful and historically aggressive nation up until very recently and the only thing that saved us from their own notions of expansionism was the military might ofthe US accumulated through several decades of industry lobbiest driven arms acquisition by the US government.

Good point blowin. Winston Churchill said in a speech "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

The convoluted state of existence..... Just spent an hour in the garden picking late season raspberries..... Birds.... Bees..... Life..... This is why surfing, gardening etc is so good..... For a small amount of time, you're "off the train"...... In the moment..... All the peripheral white noise fades, and "now" is the only thing that matters.......
Everyone has to "get off the train" sometimes..... Take a look around at "now"..... Cos the train will sure enough pick you again to it's nowhere destination......

Just caught the abc... Abbott and co's lies continue - Hockey stated on Q & A that the average Australian visits the doctor 11 times per year.... Well, actual stats from AMA show the average is 6.9........ Now that's a big difference......

Talk about chalk and cheese Sheepy, I'm sitting surrounded by armed men and a sea of Russian tourists.
The guy opposite me is wearing a T shirt that reads - I don't get drunk, I get awesome.
Not to mention the 2 dozen Chinese behind me that are apparently travelling together yet talking so loudly and aggressively that I'm waiting for a knife fight to break out.
How are those strawberries tasting ?

Strawberries ended ages ago.... Raspberries, mate...... Delish..... Save them for tonight with vanilla ice cream...... Roast local free range organic chicken for main......Port v hawks...... Open fireplace...... Record Bellator if it's on and watch in the morning.... Not too shabby, blowin.... Not too shabby indeed.....


“There can be no acceptable future without an honest analysis of the past.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Back to old mate Abbott; his and his illustrious LNP achievements so far...grab a drink, get comfortable and prepare to sit awhile.

Yikes tripper thats one hell of a list, all documented too

mick-free wrote:Yikes tripper thats one hell of a list, all documented too
And growing by the day.

floyd wrote:Good work Tripper .... not that you would read any of this in the Murdoch press ..... its like a parallel universe is out there. Goes to show who the conservatives are answerable to.
Here's a good take on the status quo of the media stakes right now.

Couple of nights ago I happened to catch Chris Kenny (faux news) with that piss weak excuse for a journalist Janet Albrechtsen on Kenny's LNP apologist show.
Janet goes on to admit Tony had broken one promise (debt levy) - no new taxes....oh wait she says, I can conceded maybe two (fuel excise increase). Then she and Kenny go onto saying what "hysteria"(repeated over and over) the ALP and left wing media are drumming up with ALL these other "broken promises" that Tony is supposed to have done. They were calling bullshit on it all of course, as honest Tony had only broken two promises in their paid off viewpoint.
I would never voluntarily watch faux news but it happened to be on the mess TV when I went for dinner.

How's this little gem, straight from Urbandictionary.com...
RIGHTARDED - "ruy'tahduhd", adjective
1. suffering from rightardation, a neurological condition that renders one terminally insensible to reason and the notion of social justice.
2. Prone to acts of extreme violence in the name of imperialism.
3. In favour of suppressing basic human rights (i.e. health care, education and the presumption of innocence) - unless you're rich.
4. Opposed to organised labour on the basis that it allows fat-cat unskilled workers to rip off downtrodden employers.
5. A complete and utter cunt.
BOY: Mummy, who is that woman?
MOTHER: That's conservative columnist Janet Albrechtsen, honey.
BOY: And why is she putting her tongue in the Prime Minister's poopie-hole?
MOTHER: Because she's rightarded.

Here's a cool browser extension for those who are sick of seeing Abbott's face, I've been using it since not long after the election...who doesn't love pictures of cute kittens?

Huzzah, go the cockroaches! And beam me the fuck up...

Shatner'sBassoon wrote:http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-05-30/bowen-abbott-free-to-push-his-nort...
Huzzah, go the cockroaches! And beam me the fuck up...
Abbott's Weltanschauung indeed...and never the twain shall meet.

TGF, intrigued by your 'insider' (one degree of separation) FB access to Hockey. A moral/philosophical query: screen-dumps on here, unethical? (In whose universe??)

Shatner'sBassoon wrote:TGF, intrigued by your 'insider' (one degree of separation) FB access to Hockey. A moral/philosophical query: screen-dumps on here, unethical? (In whose universe??)
Alright, had a think about unethical (in who's universe)...how can anything I put here be worse than what's being delivered by those LieNP bastards of late.
So I go to the page of Rohan to dump some pics of the two of em living it up...well, looks like Rohan's had a directive, get rid of anything that may be compromising....like a certain fat bastard is in damage control. I could only find one photo left on Rohan's page to do with Hockey, which tells a story in itself.
Bit of back ground, Rohan is a travel package wholesaler. So all those travel packages you see advertised through travel agents, blokes like Rohan have put them together, been out and tested them, stayed at the hotels, lived it up free of charge. Then he will sign off on the travel package and on sells it to the agencies, that is how he makes his cash.
The AOTHotels shown behind Hockey in the below pic is one of Rohan's biggest clients...very nice plug by Hockey. Also when I mentioned about Rohan being on the gravy train, have a guess what he now organises for the LNP for a tidy fee, yep, politician travel deals. Having a guess at this, but I wonder how much business AOT are getting from putting up politicians these days? (refer to edits below)
Rohan and I had a bit of a public stoush a few days ago on FB over the budget emergency lie, he was backing his buddies of course, so I posted a link to Steve Keen (econimist) setting the lie straight, all went quiet after that.
Steve Keen was one of the few to predict the GFC, and when he went public he got shit canned by the conservatives of course. When Keen's prediction came true, not a peep of recognition was forthcoming from the same crowd that rubbished his prediction.
Sorry guys, no cigars and lobster lifestyle shots to be had.
Edit: After a quick Google, I've realised who AOT actually are:
https://www.aothotels.com.au/index.php Man, the tendrils of nepotism run deep.
Edit #2: Another quick search, Rohan is now the AOT Group General Manager - Government Services.

Good piece on the fight against the TPP, of which if Abbott and Co. have their way we will be signed up to in short fashion.

I was actually driving to Sydney yesterday and decided to take a detour into Canberra and take a peak into the 'rats lair'!
It's amazing that anyone can just rock up there and check it out. You gotta love democracies!

Here is a good article delving into Abbott's masters, the IPA.

Thanks for that tripper, the reality, I suspect, is that Abbott, and most of his budget, are dead meat. The libs will leave him in power just long enough to collect the backlash and then hope the electorate is stupid enough to believe whichever of their fine selection of arrogant arses, they switch to.

Oh and yorkes, I was once forcibly ejected from that chamber in what I still think of as the proudest moment of my life!

Nice one blindboy! I was eating a banana on my way in to Canberra and wondered if I could hit Bronwyn Bishop in the head with it from the public gallery. Unfortunately I'm not that good a throw or it could of been the most famous banana in Australia this week;)
I have actually written to the two independent senator's in my state, Nick Xenophon and Bob Day asking them not to support the changes to Medicare and cuts to hospital funding in the budget. This is an issue dear to my heart after having my life saved from a medical crisis in my younger years.
I got a response from Nick Xenophon who said he won't support the changes but I never got a reply from Bob Day confirming my suspicions that he is a lacky for the Coalition and will be a rubber stamp for whatever Abbott and his henchmen want to inflict on poorer Australians.

Great work yorkes it is definitely time to make yourself heard. There are a lot of worried backbenchers and senators out there.

I’ll try and keep this train of thought as short as possible.
The way I see how the LNP program has been played and will continue to play out – toe cutters 101.
The Audit of Commission (the toe cutters) produced the productivity and rationalization study on the current state of the Australian economy. The AoC was setup as a body under the direct influence of the Institute of Public Affairs.
The AoC has come to findings of which it was scoped to find – proving the solution, as the IPA / LNP ideology required. Proving the solution is a means of knowing the solution to a problem already, whether justified / factual or not and fixing the data / metrics to prove that solution.
Once the solution has been proved, which in this case is made to fit the agenda of corporate privatisation of government institutions / utilities and delivering the right of access to numerous sectors, e.g. natural resources / land holdings, the big sell to the Australian public takes place. In the IPA / LNP ideology, the Australian public is considered commodities and employees of the nation, not free citizens. Just as the Australian economy is seen as a business bottom line, with one purpose only, that is delivering dividends to shareholders of the corporate elite.
The next step is the big sell, of which the toe cutters know is the hardest part of the plan. So then it falls to psychology – this entails putting out an overwhelming array of measures such as cuts, measures and “carrots” to the public, then sit back and wait for public opinion to rise. Then reading this public opinion, rein in the worst of the measures (let’s call these distractions) and you end up with a public that thinks, “Phew, those measures were not as bad as expected, I can live with that” And then the public go on with their My Kitchen Rules and State of Origin inspired lives. Next time round the screws will be tightened just a little bit more, with the same relief at the end.
It’s about seeing how far the public can be pushed, and each push becomes greater over time in the same way the attempted watering down of industrial relations pushes the rights of employer over employee in a gradual bias to the employer, until the employee is left with nothing but total agreement in personal exploitation.
What the public don’t see due to these “distractions” is what the real agenda is, and that is as mentioned above, corporate privatisation, watering down of industrial relations in favour of the employer to exploit and access rights to Australia’s greatest assets, e.g. terms of trade in the TPP.
However this time around, because the LNP have their heads so far up their own arses, they severely underestimated the solidarity in public opinion against their ideology, and that the Australian public will fight much harder for their rights than the LNP could ever have imagined.
This is a quote from a comment on Independent Australia to an article regarding Hockey which sums up the attitudes of many Australians right now.
“Abbott and Hockey simply represent the ideology of the entire Liberal party and that party does not understand that; Australians are not stupid, the elderly are not stupid, those who fought in wars are not stupid, and the general population of Australia are not stupid. Everyone that will be hurt by this budget is not stupid.
We love Australia and what Australia stands for. By trying to re imagine and re-stamp Australia with liberal ideology, an ideology that belongs in the past, and does not apply to current economic circumstances, will predictively be their undoing.”
The reason behind this train of thought is I’ve seen the exact same modus operandi used by big mining companies in times of restructuring - truths, half-truths, rumour and innuendo to get the desired result. Take a little less than rumoured or first tabled and everyone is thankful to still have a job.
In fact, I’m watching this happen at BHP right now, with Macquarie Group running the razor gang.

I agree tripper. In fact the conservatives have handed the left back their traditional fighting ground, the bosses vs the workers. A ground that had been undermined by the success of the Hawke-Keating reforms in creating an effective welfare system and the Howard era middle class bribes.
The conservatives error was handing control to a trio of Jesuit trained overgrown school-boys with no experience of the world most Australians actually live in. They then indulged in a round of echolalia to the exclusion of all other opinion. You would have to laugh if it wasn't so tragic.
The Jesuits say " give me the boy and we will give you the man". Maybe the Board Of Studies should look at what they are actually teaching behind those over-privileged sandstone gates!

Tony Abbott - Happy

BB, from memory there are five Jesuit overgrown school-boys on the LNP front row; Abbott, Hockey, Morrison, Joyce and Turnbull. Don't forget old mate Shorten, he did his time with the Jesuits too.

What about Pyne? I thought he did too. It's not so much the Jesuit influence as the narrowness that comes from so many from such a similar background.

Anyone who thinks the art of wedge politics, class warfare, deception, smokescreens and mirrors, ideology masked as "policy", and religious involvement are purely the domain of "the right" are kidding themselves..... Both party's have pandered to the religious..... Even the "non believer" Gillard publicly stated she was against gay marriage, purely for the 15%..... But it backfired.... The internal powerplays and transparent hypocrisies in the Labor party is why we are now stuck with a heartless hardline far right regime... The sheep people have spoken.... But now the sheep people are off for slaughter....
I'd just like to put on the record, in regards to my political and global warming opinions, that I am in NO WAY a member...... OR affiliated.... with any political party...... I'd like that to be very clear......
I have seen so many cases in the blogging world where people pretend to be "independent" in their opinions, but are actually members of political partys..... I find that slightly dishonest..... I have seen bloggers ( and have caught some out) saying they are a "pensioner upset with "krudd", when really they are a liberal staffer.... Seen it with the Labor/greens too.....
I am not one of those people.... I am truly independent...... I would like to know if some of the "regular" political bloggers here are independent as well, or if in fact they are "fighting the good fight" for their party.

blindboy wrote:What about Pyne? I thought he did too. It's not so much the Jesuit influence as the narrowness that comes from so many from such a similar background.
Forgot about the Poodle...he is the perfect example of that narrowness - make that six Jesuit front rowers.

Sheepdog wrote:Anyone who thinks the art of wedge politics, class warfare, deception, smokescreens and mirrors, ideology masked as "policy", and religious involvement are purely the domain of "the right" are kidding themselves..... Both party's have pandered to the religious..... Even the "non believer" Gillard publicly stated she was against gay marriage, purely for the 15%..... But it backfired.... The internal powerplays and transparent hypocrisies in the Labor party is why we are now stuck with a heartless hardline far right regime... The sheep people have spoken.... But now the sheep people are off for slaughter....
I'd just like to put on the record, in regards to my political and global warming opinions, that I am in NO WAY a member...... OR affiliated.... with any political party...... I'd like that to be very clear......
I have seen so many cases in the blogging world where people pretend to be "independent" in their opinions, but are actually members of political partys..... I find that slightly dishonest..... I have seen bloggers ( and have caught some out) saying they are a "pensioner upset with "krudd", when really they are a liberal staffer.... Seen it with the Labor/greens too.....
I am not one of those people.... I am truly independent...... I would like to know if some of the "regular" political bloggers here are independent as well, or if in fact they are "fighting the good fight" for their party.
^ +1 SD - I am as independant as you, I have never had, and never will under the current model of politics have any affiliation with the two party system.
At this current time, I'm totally uninspired and unimpressed than ever with the the Left, but happen to be even less uninspired and unimpressed, to the point of total disgust with the Right.
The ALP, LNP, NATs, PUP or Independants are equally deserving of my scorn or praise as I see fit - an opinion that maybe completely at odds with any other political commentator at the time which is cool by me.

yep, disgusted with the right...... BTW, tgf, I am very "middle the road", with a smidge of bias to the left ( in regards to essential services - should never privatize essential services)..... They are called essential for a reason....cheers...

Where would you guys place the ALP on the political spectrum?

It seems most people are generally in the middle when it comes to politics, then they are swayed from side to side when a government fucks up, or when an inspiring leader or and idiot comes along (think Abbott).
Personally I think the whole left/right thing is getting a bit dated, like me for example I would be very left on environmental issues, work place relations, essential services etc. but when Labor come up with grandiose ideas like NBN, NDIS, a laptop for every school kid etc. I think they are off with the fairies and I tend to agree with the Libs. These are worthy causes that in an ideal world I would support, but things are just becoming too expensive in the modern context to think that the government can supply everything, and this is where Labor are blinded by their ideology as much as the right.
Take Gonski for example, yeh private schools have all this funky stuff that gives their students unfair advantages and Gonski wants to even up that playing field. It is kind of essential in a way that we try to do this, but who is willing to pay for it all? And can any country really afford it? I kind of work with the public school system and disability, and to be honest I cannot believe the good stuff most schools have. Yet apparently this is not enough. The private schools must have some really good stuff!!
This is where ideology fucks things up again. I will be labelled a miserable bastard for raising this, and I apologise in advance to parents with kids with disabilities, but I cannot believe the money that goes to these kids, yet Gonski says its not enough. I know of a school where there is one teacher, three education assistants, and a psychiatric nurse looking after eight kids everyday. No matter what resources you give to these kids, none of them are likely to get any significant employment. Yeh it shouldn't always be about the economy, but money does not grow on trees. I believe in the Buddhist principle that no person is anymore significant than any other person, and working with these schools I cannot help but think how many people (like 100s possibly 1000s) I could help in a poor country with the budget that is dedicated to these eight kids. The idealism that gains the funding for these kids says 'that all children should get the means they need to meet their full potential'. A noble and worthy mantra, but to be brutal, their potential is very limited, and are their lives really improved that much by all this effort? No way am I saying these kids don't deserve a good life, but are we making them feel better? or making us feel better? I don't know the solutions to these issues, but it seems the whole idea of equal opportunity is a bit dated in the modern world.
All anyone does is complain that they pay too much tax, at the same time they request more and more services. Personally I am happy to pay more tax for more services, but if I was to run for parliament with that as my agenda I wouldn't have a hope in hell. The right wants to strip everything back with user pays, and the left will throw away huge amounts of money supporting their ideology with little regard for the budget. Can't we have something in between? does it have to be either/or? Cant the right run the show and try and be nice? can the left run the show and balance a budget? It seems not. Too much ideology I reckon, ideology that is dated in the modern world. People all have their own ideas and concerns now that are not left versus right, liberal versus conservative. As Waleed Ali said once, aren't environmentalists the ultimate conservatives? We need a new system that makes sense.

Sypkan, you are a miserable bastard ;). BUT, at least you have the gut to air your opinion... So well done SK.
I have no problem with the government spending money on disabled children.... Even if these children do not get "real employment" when they grow up..... A society without empathy is a society without a soul... But SK, this is what I do have a problem with re MY taxes..... OUR taxes...
$8 000 000 a year on spin doctors.... In one dept'....

lost doggy, they lurched to the soft right of centre under Rudd/Gillard/Rudd.... However it seems Shorten is pegging it back.....
No-one got anything to say about the loss of the car industry under a government and high viz Tony that promised to create 1,000,000 jobs?
Slumber away ........