Turnbull rolls over "again" to the ultra right

TGF - just sent link to the age to confirm.... hehehehe........

Sheepdog wrote:TGF - just sent link to the age to confirm.... hehehehe........
Sweet...I got that pic sent my way, but no confirmation with it.
I figured we'll know if it's legit on the next news cycle.

Sweet... What a scoop ! Show us the picture. It would really make my day, and the next news cycle ...of coarse.
The Age will love it, being a leader in the important breaking stories.

You think that's a scoop? "Prime minister gave court reference in 1997 to alleged child abuser John Nestor, describing him as 'upright and virtuous"

trippergreenfeet wrote:
Is Mercedes really a symbol of Nazi Germany in 2014?

In 1944 Hitler entered France in his Mercedes Limousine. 70 years later to commemerate D-Day Abbott apparently did the same. How sensitive?

Yorko, as much as I despise Abbott, a random tweet is not proof..... i emailed that tweet to the age days ago, actually spoke to a certain reporter..... When factual evidence is submitted, we can then pursue.....
My link above (9/6/14, 9.27am) is on record..... I am surprised that mainstream media isn't running with it....

I'm also surprised the link you posted about Abbott's character reference to that disgraced Catholic priest who's appearing before the royal commission hasn't been mentioned on the MSM either?
I think Abbott's been kicked around so much lately the mainstream media are giving him a break?
I don't have a problem with them laying off him personally. The public will become desensitised to too much Abbott bashing and will mentally switch off.
In the words of Paul Keating I'd rather that they "do him slowly".

Fair point, Yorko..... Fair point indeed...... Let the masses enjoy their state of origin,world cup, etc..... And when July comes (senate), back into it....... Fair point indeed, yorko......

yocal wrote:trippergreenfeet wrote:
Is Mercedes really a symbol of Nazi Germany in 2014?
Sign and Signifier - the method of making a statement without words... still as relevant as always.
I have seen two more references, actual photographs of Abbott alighting a Mercedes, but no factual context was given of the D-day arrival.

Even former Liberal leader John Hewson is critical of Abbott's budget attack on the least well off in Australia!
He also suggests areas where real reform and savings could be made to return the budget to surplus without attacking the elderly, the poor, the sick and the young in this article and soon to be released book.
Most surprising is this quote from him on dole payments;
“Australia’s unemployment benefit (currently called Newstart) is the lowest of all Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries."
Who would have thought in the 'Lucky Country'?

yorkessurfer wrote:In 1944 Hitler entered France in his Mercedes Limousine. 70 years later to commemerate D-Day Abbott apparently did the same. How sensitive?
I see the issue now.

And to answer the last question of what noddy put him there

The Labor party put him there, you can blame Abbott being prime minister on the worst government in Australia's history.
You know , the one that inticed 2000 thousand men women and children to their death and gave Australia 650 billion gross debt in a time when we had record revenue through the biggest mining boom in Australia's history.
Abbott , Abbott ,Abbott , Abbott, Abbott....... And on it goes.

Any update on that 'scoop' rape allegation you made against Bill Shorten grocer? It's been 6 months now and I haven't heard a thing about it in the main stream media?
Agree with you about Labor putting Abbott in the top job though, with more than a little help from Murdoch. Dumb dumb couldn't have done it on his own, that's for sure!

Bob Kernohan had some pretty damning things to say about Dolly Shorten today . Shouldn't he stand down until he is exonerated by the RC?

Nah standing down in the face of allegations is reserved for honourable politicians like Arthur $inodino$ and Barry O'Farrell I guess?

So it seems. The rape allegations were made by a 17 year old labor volunteer not me.

Oh that's right. A teenage Bill Shorten is alleged to have felt up a teenage girl at a school camp or something? But it only came out last year after the election when Shorten took over the leadership of the Labor Party? You guys just can't win a decent argument without diving into the gutter can you grocer?

Ha. Sorry if Ive offended you Yorkessurfer but you brought it up. it's a serious accusation against a person who could become the prime minister one day. Look at what's coming out about Gillard and her old partner in crime Wilson. The prime minister needs to have integrity ,not a history of ripping off lowly paid workers .

Integrity? Like the current PM who was charged with indecent assault in his uni days. It took a QC to get him off that one. Or punching the wall either side of the head of a young woman who beat him in student council elections? The bar isn't set too high for integrity with Abbott.
But keep swinging wildly grocer, you might land a hit sooner or later......

grocer wrote:The Labor party put him there, you can blame Abbott being prime minister on the worst government in Australia's history.
You know , the one that inticed 2000 thousand men women and children to their death and gave Australia 650 billion gross debt in a time when we had record revenue through the biggest mining boom in Australia's history.
Abbott , Abbott ,Abbott , Abbott, Abbott....... And on it goes.
Grocer, if ya gonna talk numbers, at least be honest about it...the 650 billion that you have thrown about here is not the total debt of the ALP...that number is the Treasury projections for 2023-24.
ALP left office with ~300 billion debt, not to be down played but at least if you want to play, be fucking honest in the game.
Grocer, have a look at Data - Chart 3.4.
Gross debt is measured by the face value of Commonwealth Government Securities (CGS), you will find CGS for 2013-14 is $313 billion and the 2023-24 projection at $667 billion.

Please , your pathetic argument is a house of cards . Abbott punched a wall next to a uni student 30 years ago that no one witnessed? I couldn't give a shit about Abbott. But has he been accused of rape? Has he been accused of setting up slush funds so his partner can syphon hundreds of thousands of union members money . Your Abbott hate has effected your ability to think properly.

Better get back to polishing those rotten apples grocer. Someone might buy them tomorrow.....

Ok , I stand corrected . Labor turned a surplus of 20 billion into a debt of 300 billion in six years, even though we had the biggest mining boom in our history.They weren't so bad after all.

It gets worse. After totally fucking the country, they now intend to stop the democratically elected government from fixing up their mess they left behind.
And all you clowns can do is bitch about how bad Tony Abbott is.over and over again.
It's a bit pathetic really.

AAA AAA AAA. That's the sound the three credit rating agencies make when passing judgement on Labor's handling of the economy through the GFC. That's what Abbott inherited grocer.

Gday, grocer..... What is your opinion on the link I provided, where Tony Abbott gave a character reference to an alleged child molester, an alleged child molester that the vatican struck off the clergy list in 2008 because of , in their words "grave concerns"?
And, grocer, Gillard stood in front of the Australian people and told a lie, just to get elected...... Abbott rightly castigated her for it...... But Tony Abbott then stood in front of the Australian people, and didn't tell one lie, not 2, not 3 , but 4 lies
1 No cuts to education
2 No cuts to health
3 No change to pensions
4 No cuts to the ABC
I'm a floating voter, grocer.... I just want good government..... If you look through the thread, I have even defended Abbott re' "mercedes"...... I have spoken to a newspaper, and there is no proof.... So the story re' the mercedes must be quashed until proof is found.... otherwise it is a smear....
In the oil rigs for S.A forum, I pointed out that the situation is as much Labor's fault as it is the coalition...
Just though I'd fill you in on that before you try to wedge me as Labor bias....
So, Grocer, in final, I take it through your venom that you are obviously a dedicated coalition supporter, and more than likely a member of the party, doing "members work" by trolling in your chosen web areas..... Pretty obvious...
But as a member of the coalition, how can you justify Tony Abbott blatantly lying to the Australian electorate not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 times on the eve of an election, when he gained so much mileage out of rightly attacking Gillards dishonesty?
How can you justify that?
Cheers...... The dog......

Following on Dog in the vein of dishonesty for political gain...Press Council finds Fairfax fabricated AWU Gillard stories. I'm no lawyer privy to fine detail so I'm not commenting on Gillard's level of innocence or guilt, just pointing out what we already know - Thompson, Slipper, Hanson, Ettridge stitch ups for political gain, now we can perhaps add Gillard to that list.

That's right Yorky, we all seem to forget how dire (the GFC) that was to the rest of the world... Now we are told that as a country we are in dire straights???? What did the Labor Gov inherit, GFC, think Wolf's on Wall Street to fill out the picture.

Fishlegs wrote:That's right Yorky, we all seem to forget how dire (the GFC) that was to the rest of the world... Now we are told that as a country we are in dire straights???? What did the Labor Gov inherit, GFC, think Wolf's on Wall Street to fill out the picture.
I've had debates (OzPolitic) with several rusted on LNP supporters who actually deny the GFC ever happened, in turn calling everything the ALP had to do ecomnomically total bullshit, ruining the Australian economy on a big lie.

AAAhhh well that's it, isn't it, the left of center or the right of center, I am on the left by the way, but it seems BeCause of our beliefs we are unable to bring the mongrel to the table to do our bidding. If you play there game your no better right......Abbot's a mongrel!

But I would prefer to be centered.

Fishlegs wrote:But I would prefer to be centered.
Or as I like to put it - Steady State.
If only our dear leaders could run the country (economy and services) on the theory of steady state, instead of wild swings to the left and right which in turns creates the large fluctuations in spending on the economy and by default, services.
It's that old chestnut of control charts again that I've spoken about elsewhere, keeping the control line between the high and low bars. But what we have is LNP driving the line below the low bar, and the ALP driving the line above the high bar due to several factors in idealogy, and resultant factors from the previous incumbents fiscal decisions (which leads to loosening or tightening the purse strings).
Unfortunately, idealogy does not lead to good business management.

Jeez china plate, I'm bamboozled by that. But I think your saying that we are fuxtaposed under the current government:
This is my reality check via the Liberals (Far Right)
DEAR MR ----------------------------,
We are writing to you regarding the current NBN Satellite service. You may be aware that the NBN Satellite recently reached the limit of its capacity and is now operating in a congested mode.
Activ8me would like to apologise for any inconvenience or frustration that this issue has caused you.
We have been working with the NBN to try and relieve network congestion and improve the user experience for all Activ8me customers.
As a result, we will be altering our existing NBN Satellite plans to regulate the amount of traffic flowing through the network and improve your overall NBN Satellite experience.
Importantly, we will not continue with your "Anytime" plans and will need to replace them with a corresponding "Bonus" plan. There will also be a change in the monthly price for the new plans as shown below.
Your current NBN Satellite plan is listed on the table below next to the new equivalent plan and its new price.
Current Plan Name Current Data Allowance New Plan Name New Plan Price New Data Allowance
60GB Anytime 60GB Anytime 60GB Bonus $54.95 30GB Peak/30GB Off-Peak
80GB Anytime 80GB Anytime 80GB Bonus $64.95 40GB Peak/40GB Off-Peak
100GB Anytime 100GB Anytime 100GB Bonus $74.95 50GB Peak/50GB Off-Peak
Peak Time 8:00am - 12:00am, Off-Peak Time 12:01am - 7:59am.
We hope you understand the necessity for these plans as we are trying to improve the NBN experience for all of our customers.
These new plans will take effect on your next anniversary date after June 30, 2014.
If you have any questions about your new plan, please call our support team on 1300 760 219.
Yours Sincerely,
The Activ8me Team
So there you go, my data allowance has been halved at an enormous saving to me of $5.05 a month, how does a company halve their service and reduce their cost by 11.8% I'll tell you, you kill the NBN. I live in the bush the Sat Inet provider is all I have for comms. So I wanna fuck them by using my consumer rights but then I checked out the changes to the NBN, and guess what I don't have any rights.

Buld a bonfire .......Politics on the top......

Sheepdog , I don't read the Guardian, it's a shit rag only good for wiping your arse with. But when it comes to paedophiles the Labor party is the chosen political party of the paedophile. There has been seven labor MPs jailed for paedophilia. Quite a lot of covering up by their fellow MPs.
Did you do maths at school? All the money that the labor Party promised for education , health, NDIS was never there it was all promised but not budgeted for . All beyond the forward estimates .They only did it to set up the incoming government. That imbecile Swan promised 6 surpluses and we ended up in 300 billion debt.
The NBN has been the biggest financial disaster in Australia's history. The Labor party are financial vandals Look back through history , state and federal Labor have left government in ruin. Remember the previous NSW state Labor party? Eddie Obeid ring a bell? Remember the Last Queensland state government ? Remember the Keating Government? 18% interest rate and 12% unemployment.
Sure Abbotts not perfect but fuck look what the alternative is. A bunch of corrupt union stooges and industrial lawyers .
Im not a member of the Liberal party , I just love giving it back to the lefty hypocrites. I think Yorksurfer and Floyd are probable good blokes but if they wants to dish it out why can't I give a little back ?
It's all good .

Abbott and Hockey are really showing their true colors to all the dumb sheep who voted for the clowns.
They are spoilt brat private school pounces born with gold spoons up their anuses, had everything handed to them on a silver plate all their lives and have no interest or understanding of how the peasants live. If you don't agree with their view they take their bat and ball and chuck a hissy fit. The Libs are like programmed robots repeating the same few lines over and over until the general public are brainwashed into believing their spin, classic conservative ploy like Reds under your bed, the commies are coming. Their negative scare tactics and total incompetence could drive the country into recession.
Having a dishonest, sneaky pompous twit for P.M. is an embarrassment and makes us a laughing stock on the World stage. Abbott should be in jail for deliberately misleading the Aust. people for his own personal gain. Cheers.

Aaahh, your taken the piss now grose, unlike you I don't live in Bondi and I don't sip latte's and play with an I phone while I wait for my Eggs Benedict at the corner cafe. I can't blame you for having such a narrow view , it's who you are. White, tight jeans, collard (Saint vinnies) shirt with a poofy cropped haircut. Well done. Without the NBN all of us rural Australians would be up the creek and stuck with a monopoly that can't provide a service or can at an exorbitant price. I could say something like check your facts before you speak, but you can't remember what happened 5 seconds ago............ Unless you are the privileged few at the LNP round table, this government is NOT looking out for YOUR best interest. That includes you grose!

Old -dog, I agree with everything you said and would just like to add that virtually every labour minister is a career politician with about as much real world experience as the silver spoon Liberals. Fuckers would not work in an iron lung. Agitators and professional divisives. I know too many union officials aka labour enforcers that have chosen to attend union meetings in lieu of work, not due to ideology rather due to the fact that they were flat out lazy cunts.
Too much left . Too much right . No middle option....Democracy, Ha !
The media is owned to the point of true democracy being a fantasy.

Ex Labor president Micheal Williamson , and ex labor MP Craig Thomson really looked after the workers interests didn't they fish legs.

grocer wrote:Sheepdog , I don't read the Guardian, it's a shit rag only good for wiping your arse with. But when it comes to paedophiles the Labor party is the chosen political party of the paedophile. There has been seven labor MPs jailed for paedophilia. Quite a lot of covering up by their fellow MPs.
Did you do maths at school? All the money that the labor Party promised for education , health, NDIS was never there it was all promised but not budgeted for . All beyond the forward estimates .They only did it to set up the incoming government. That imbecile Swan promised 6 surpluses and we ended up in 300 billion debt.
The NBN has been the biggest financial disaster in Australia's history. The Labor party are financial vandals Look back through history , state and federal Labor have left government in ruin. Remember the previous NSW state Labor party? Eddie Obeid ring a bell? Remember the Last Queensland state government ? Remember the Keating Government? 18% interest rate and 12% unemployment.
Sure Abbotts not perfect but fuck look what the alternative is. A bunch of corrupt union stooges and industrial lawyers .
Im not a member of the Liberal party , I just love giving it back to the lefty hypocrites. I think Yorksurfer and Floyd are probable good blokes but if they wants to dish it out why can't I give a little back ?
It's all good .
Cheers, grocer, but you didn't really answer my questions.... However I think your spiel sort of answered it for me.....
Instead of answering the abbott child molester question, you said "well labor are into child molestation", and you lambasted the guardian......
That's exactly the same tactic used by Abbott in regards to pre election lies and budget..... "Well Gillard lied, but my lies are different, and dont trust the abc....
BTW, the guardian aren't the only one to cover the story.....
So as a voter who is sick and tired of blatant pre election lies (I mean even howard didn't lie bout the gst - he took it to an election), I'll ask you if you would like to actually answer the questions above..
If not, that's cool...... A non answer would be a type of answer.... cheers
ps - Liberal party in W.A blows debt out to 27.5 billion......

I may be corrected here, but hasn't the Abbott LNP party diverted funding away from the Child
Abuse Inquiry? Hmm. Another question you might be able to answer grose, is; Is George Pell a major player in the policy direction of the LNP? seeing he is apart of the think tank that has forged the policy that Abbott has followed! you know the hidden men, yadda yadda yadda. It's no wonder he was whisked off to Rome....Too hot in the kitchen, if you know what I mean......wink wink.

Thank god you blokes aren't a reflection of real hard working Australians. I think it would be very appropriate if people like dumb floyd tell us there what they do for a living.
I think you find it is the hard workers that get slugged not the fucken low income earners of welfare receipents.
No-one got anything to say about the loss of the car industry under a government and high viz Tony that promised to create 1,000,000 jobs?
Slumber away ........