What's what?

Facto, Can you please direct me to the "previous post" re corporate rent.

Not sure what your point is Guy?
The women at the Dandy market was in a borqua/niqab completely different, I've never had an interaction with a women in a borqua/hijab hence why while bored i had a thought of creating an interaction, (which was only a thought i shared) because life experience is what i value highly. (i have hundreds of interactions with women in hijabs, even been with a Indo girl who wore one)
Although the hijab is seen by many as a symbol of oppression I dont really have an issue with women wearing it if muslim.
I have more an issue of a leader like Jacinta misusing it for political gain and then people like you thinking she is a great leader for doing so.
I have no idea what this womens religion is or why she is wearing it from a pic?
Even if she is not muslim its not of much importance to me at all.

How are Labor ethics any different?

Well Andy find me an example of Labir proposing a bill to ban something and then, while it is before Parliament, doing exactly what the bill is designed to ban and you might have a point. Until then the COALition is an out and out winner in the unethical behaviour challenge without even considering the barrage of lies hitting our screens on their behalf.

H20, google 'swellnet' and significant keywords from the post, you should find it.

Allied to my post on the previous page about Murdoch Uni and the 4 Corners episode this week, check this.
Gittins pretty much nails it. Though I would say that Gillard was also trying to revive VET and apprenticeships at the same time she was making the decisions as discussed regarding the Tertiary sector.
This affects Australia hugely, and thus, all of us.

Another for indo streaming

Don’t fool yourself BB, the relationships and intent are the same regardless of the specifics.
Jacinda Ardern is a more trusted Australian politician than either of our stooges.

Yeh just ignore the evidence and go with your prejudice, saves thinking.

How much evidence do you need?
You’re either taking the piss or you’re delusional, there’s no doubt about it.

Yawn, enough Smugsville for one day.

Oh my fucking god, you cant be serious?
Who did they poll the Triple JJJ listeners?
Let's hope Australia really isn't that stupid..otherwise our leaders are really going to start taking us for fools and use all kinds of props and BS.
I guess when you don't have to live under the politician you can be excused for not having a clue..my brother in lay is a Kiwi and him and his family sure doesn't think much of her or her fake antics.

Go Donald !
“Trump said if the two sides cannot make a deal, the US would go back to manufacturing products that China now makes. He didn't say how he would compel American factories to make those products.”
Keep raising tariffs till the Chinese slave labour competitive edge is eliminated. Then the profit motive will kick US manufacturers into gear.
If only Australia had half a testicle ,we’d do the same. Sell our resources to the world as completed goods with a line on quality rather than giving it to China to sell back to us as low grade shit.
Create Australian jobs and reskill our country. That way we don’t have to kowtow to the CCP and we can nip in the bud their plan to colonise us with their diaspora while we are at it.

"otherwise our leaders are really going to start taking us for fools"
That's even more naive than thinking that the LNP and Labor aren't equally compromised by backroom relations with China and other entities looking for influence and favours.

An overlooked side effect of Trump’s trade war with China is that the increased tariffs have become a proxy consumer tax on the unnecessary shit that the US buys because it’s cheap.
Isn’t this EXACTLY what is needed to curb the relentless wasteful consumption that is leading to climate change and the wholesale destruction of the environment?
How is the net effect of these tariffs any different from the consumption taxes which will be required to stem the world’s endless use of non renewable and environmentally harmfully obtained resources ?
Those cries of economic pain which the media will be amplifying in order to tarnish Trump will arrive sooner or later due to the necessity of ridding the world of overconsumption. The only way to end overconsumption will be to price it out of existence.
Give the man the Nobel prize !

I see it as a potential green initiative.
I wouldn't have picked it from Trump, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Oh the irony of indo streaming questioning a credible news source having spent years dredging the net for obscure websites to prove even more obscure theories.
Anyway, I get it, I understand why you wouldn't like Jacinda Ardern and the extraordinary level of her support. Ms Ardern is the very antithesis of what you want in a political leader and therefore she is to be criticised at every opportunity.
Look out its over here now .... https://www.news.com.au/national/federal-election/australias-most-truste...

You know you kind of have a point Blowin.
A lot of stuff is just too cheap these days, we just dont value things anymore maybe in part because so much is so cheap.
Take for instance bikes, i remember getting a new BMX in the 80s from Kmart for Christmas or my birthday it was $99 the slightly bigger ones $120.
Go to Kmart today 35+ years latter and they are still as cheap.
So is it any surprise you see decent bikes out the front for roadside pick up, and people dont even bothered picking them up because 2nd hand bikes unless a real expensive bike are worth virtually nothing.
Thats just one example.
But i still think manufacturing in Australia in generally is dead and always will be, as if we were to produce those same bikes in Australia you would need to charge possibly $500 for a Kmart bike, our wages are just way to high as are all other overheads, then all kinds of regulation and hoops to jump over, through, under.

Post deleted: really dont have any interest in talking about her, brings nobody any good.

Andy - I don’t think it’s Trump’s intention, but the result is the same.

I need to practice this trolling thing ;)

Funny thing is, if the western countries start manufacturing again the Chinese people will buy heaps of our stuff now they are all cashed up. They like our higher quality goods you may have noticed. Pollies should take note of Trumps "get stuffed China" attitude and get back to basics and become more self sufficient again.

This graph explains simply who will be affected by Labor’s economic reforms should they win the election next Saturday. Courtesy of the New Daily website. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/election-2019/2019/05/10/labor-election-...

"Im with Blowin despite his faults Trumps much more a leader, does the shit he believes needs to be done and doesn't give a shit what others think."
I think your interpretation of a leader sounds more like dictatorship indo.
"Andy - I don’t think it’s Trump’s intention, but the result is the same."
Glad you clarified that blowin, especially the intention bit.
The overall effects on consumption may be minimal at best, since goods and services will still be in demand. Any difference to reducing consumption will require that the demand 'demand' 'sustainable' sources. The problem is that Trump couldn't give a flying fuck about the environment and sustainable is not in his vocabulary.
Here's a link to more information about Go Donalds tariff adventure - Who would pay for Trumps tariff hike

"Gittens pretty much nails it. Though I would say that Gillard was also trying to revive VET and apprenticeships at the same time she was making the decisions as discussed regarding the Tertiary sector.
This affects Australia hugely, and thus, all of us."
Facty, that was a great article. What on earth has happened to our university system?!

Ask chook...
...absolutely nothing wrong with our highly esteemed university system....apparently....

"Facty, that was a great article. What on earth has happened to our university system?!"
11 years, 267 days of neo-liberalism on steroids is a hard row to hoe. Yet, another JWH legacy.
Anyway, be alert not alarmed, WA voters...

Gee there is some scary parties both far left and far right in there, just looking at the short bio's.
Makes my own views feel very moderate.

Lol indo.
So we've got indopedia, indocheck, and more recently indostreaming.
How about the indo party for moderation of the nation?

Which far left and far right parties are you talking about Indo?

either way good little run downs on that site...
It confirmed for me..
1) I'm not a really a socialist, well I possibly am, but their parties/advocates - though well meaning - do not live in the real world.
2) labor's got nothing...except pat dodson
3) the hoo haa over fraser anning just legitimised him
4) there are some loons around - some maybe well intentioned, some definitely not, but all definitely delusional...
5) 'the yellow vests' has been adopted and sodimised by some of the above mentioned loons...
6) the greens are more of the same, and not even worthy as a protest vote
7) the sustainable australia party is not a one trick pony. And they have some very smart sensible policies across the board
what a relief!
as they pretty much had my vote anyway, due to a depressing dwindling of viable options...

Volunteer at a polling booth Syppo, I'm sure they could use the help.

"Which far left and far right parties are you talking about Indo?"
Ha ha just about every party other than Liberals and Labor.
Many of these parties make the Greens and One nation look moderate left and right.

You're painting with pretty broad brushstrokes there, can you be more specific?

Westofthelake said
"Lol indo.
So we've got indopedia, indocheck, and more recently indostreaming.
How about the indo party for moderation of the nation?"
Sounds good, but i will rename it the "Swellnet Party" and appoint everyone to a position to look after.
I will deal with border control issues, first thing i will do is tell the UN we will part from the refugee convention unless its updated to this day and age, if we can do that, then i will double the refugee intake (replacing from general immigration)
I might also take foreign add, id be fair focussing on neighbouring countries both issues insure i get to go to Indo regularly.
Blowin: can have other immigration matters and trade, I trust him managing population and he has a bit of Trump about him for the trade thing.
Blindboy: can have environment i think he would do a good job there(but i dont trust him with transition to renewables, i think he would be irrational)
Sypkan: Gets energy and managing transition to renewables, also maybe indigenous issues...he is fairly well balanced.
Factotum: Gets to run campaigns etc as will make the other parties look bad, he has that nasty kind of edge.
And everyone else can fight over
Managing the budget, Health, Education,Transport...i trust you more left leaning people on these issues but just not the social issues.
Stunet obviously gets first pick though.
Im not sure who gets Defence Blowin might be a bit too Trump like, Blindboy would defund it to nothing as would most of you.

No sorry Andy...i don't really want to get in a deep discussion about politics today, it will just risk getting negative and breaking down the craziness there wouldnt be easy anyway.
Just clicking on those rough descriptions is enough.
BTW. one area though that is a bit of a hard one that is mentioned there a few times, and is not a too divisive type subject is "Live exports" it's a hard area because, most people would rather we not have it, including me, but if we ban it, we will also lose a huge market as those countries wont go, okay no worries send us frozen meat instead, they will just buy live animals elsewhere, which will hurt a lot of farmers.

Capital vs Labor
The old battle goes on and is drawn just as starkly in this election as ever before and, if Labor does not fully represent the aspirations of those who actually labour, we can be damned sure that the COALition is 100% behind capital. They can't help themselves. Every message is about money; about economic growth, about tax, about making sure the classes they represent can retire in the style to which they are accustomed (with additional overseas travel and regular updates of their luxury vehicles), fund their grand-children's education at some obscenely sandstoned private school, and all without diminishing Archibald and Eloise's inheritance.
For the rest of us the plan, as always, is to drive down our wages and cut the services we need. Their policies deliver an $80 billion tax cut to high earners, partially funded by $40 billion cuts to services. This is their favourite weapon - austerity. "Tighten your belts - while we loosen ours."
Money speaks for money. It cares nothing about workers beyond their short term contribution to the labour market. They are simply another commodity. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in welfare. Single parents are made homeless as punishment for failing to submit sufficiently to some over-educated bureaucrat's idea of ideal parenting. The unemployed are humiliated by being forced to spend large amounts of their time applying for jobs that never existed while trying to get by, with something like dignity, on a pittance that barely enables survival. All organised by private providers whose CEOs and executives collect hundreds of thousands for SFA.
Education is almost as revealing. School funding is diverted from disadvantaged areas in desperate need, to the the construction of swimming pools and sandstone gates at luxurious institutions designed, at least in part, to spare the children of the wealthy classes the experience of encountering those from less privileged backgrounds. Universities are turned over to the private sector so profits can be generated at the expense of standards.
Health care is delivered in an inverse relationship to need. Those who need it least are over-serviced. Those who need it most are under-serviced. Theoretical access to services is denied by the inequality of their availability. Our most successful musical export in decades died from a lack of the availability of dialysis where he lived.
In aged care the standard, as revealed by the Royal Commission, is appalling. Workers in the field are so underpaid they often have to work two jobs. At the same time staffing levels are so low that standards cannot be maintained. Those suffering dementia are routinely tranquillised into semi-consciousness, while exhausted, often untrained workers struggle to provide meals, toileting and showering to the rest.
In banking the COAlition fought bitterly to defend their mates by preventing another Royal Commission that when it finally came, surprise, surprise, revealed massive rorting, to the point of outright theft, to be the default industry standard. The money stolen through "fees for no service" and the other rorts targeting some of the most vulnerable, being swiftly channeled into dividends for the most privileged.
Have no doubt, a vote for the COALition is a vote, not for more of the same malfeasance, but for an escalation of the exploitation. The trolls, bots and bullshit merchants are out in force to reinforce the efforts of News Ltd. Attack ads, funded from dubious sources, are full of lies designed to convince people to vote against their own interests. Don't be fooled ....... again!

A guide to the rest of the country. Be alert not alarmed.

Here’s what’s what - when you buy ugg boots get the real thing.
Don’t even look at those synthetic pieces of shit.
Good uggies are like a snug little slice of heaven for each foot.

Forget ugg boots, don't wear your mug boots, people, when you amble down to the polling station this week.
FFS! Clive Fucken Palmer! Talk about "Guess who's back, back again? Shady's back, tell a friend..."

Here's a link to the white tablecloth, just pick your state, scroll to '2019 Candidates in Ballot Paper Order'
Links to each party website are there for further reading.

Ugg Boots - https://www.emuaustralia.com.au/home
Aussie made and of the highest quality.
They have very good reductions from time to time.

Over politics, much prefer talking about ugg boots.

Who me?

After going through 2 pairs of garbage fakey uggs in a few months , Destiny and a need for caffeine drove me to a Australiana joint on my way down south through Perth last year.
The coffee stimulated my road addled brain and the gift shop selling genuine, handmade Aussie Uggs caught my eye.
$150 for a pair of ankle high woolly bootlets is pretty steep , but they changed my fucken life.
Life’s too short to be without the sweet downy love of quality footwear in winter.

Eddie Oygur just copped a 650k fine over his fur boot scenario

Ugg boots are ladies footwear, aren't they? Well, outdoors, in public.