Climate change wankers

I'll blow whatever I want, I'm not going to keep replying in here, but you blokes really do need to get a grip.
You wouldn't hear such pathetic stuff in a school playground.
I Reckon ya better than that

So you're here abusing people for abusing people, goofy? Do you have anything to say about climate change, or do you just want to passively aggressively mimick what you despise?
Cheers, big ears lol

Yeah I reckon the weather patterns are cyclical, I haven't looked into all the research and evidence about weather patterns and climate change so I'm not going to say "this is definitely what's happening and I'm right and you're wrong if you don't agree", but I feel that it follows patterns over a certain amount of years (how many that Is i don't know). Anyway that's my opinion, not saying it's right, although it's hard to argue against the (limited) evidence I have seen that is for climate change. Who knows?

OK I'm calling it over. Any further contributions label the contributor, as the thread title says....a wanker.

Well Goofy, I reckon the climate changes over time...... But i have waffled here long enough to make my points clear, and it's pointless going on. I'll just reiterate for one last time - that a carbon tax is a bad joke, coal is safer than nuclear, countries are still tearing down forests at the greatest rate in history, renewables are a fantastic idea and instead of slugging pensioners MORE money for coal power, make all renewables tax free for eg the next ten years..Instead of punishing bad behaviour, reward good behaviour........ If climate change groupies are serious about their beliefs, they's get on board that idea, unless of course it's all about making money.
Have a good weekend.

Lol yes bb I agree. you couldn't call this a contribution but sheep poo's was and yes he is!

Hacko makes a contribution and says it's not a contribution.... Welcome to the wanker club, Hack.

Whilst we are off topic .
Here's a love song dedication !
Aren't we All !?!

Never off topic in climate wankers as long as sheep dip(president of wankers club) is posting Southy LOL

Yes, southy, we are all wankers, oh, except for lord impotent himself, hak the whack... pmsl

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've got no place to go,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
"Sweden All Time Snow Record Broken & Asia -50 F Below Normal Temperatures (256) "

This is concerning..

Is it though? From March to May there was more ice this year than in 2006, 2007 and 2011.
I'm calling it over, clearly global warming has paused.

Graig, I assume you are referring to statistical anonomly for 2016 and specifically September to November ?

Statisitcal anomlay of more than 2 standard deviations, quite an anomaly.

Yep, certainly quite an anomaly. It seems looking at the other graphs that the one above is way out. I can't see any graphs of the Antarctic east seas. Apparently ice was increasing on the east side of Antartica.
Anyway, looking at the other graphs, there does not seem to be any concern. Why the anomaly - back to checking the maths.

and meanwhile in the US a bunch of kids get the right to sue the US gov for the right to have a habitable environment:

Yeah I noticed that as well Tony, but haven't had time to look into it.
Also another interesting GIF..

It would be useful to get something for the Antarctic as this is showing contrary results.
remove the " for a working link. can someone else repost it

Done Happy and great link!

I think it's reasonably well established that there is increasing ice in the Antarctic, as opposed to the Arctic, as the warming temperatures are resulting in increased rainfall and hence more ice accumulation. Being a continent the Antarctic will have a different climatic system than the Arctic.

OK it continues:
1/4 of Eurasia 50F below normal temps
Widespread snows there already
3/4 of oceans cooling, 0.2 degree drop in 3 weeks
Greenland ice growth off the chart
Going into very low sunspot number of very low cycle, even lower cycles to come
Planetary alignment due 2024 that mimics that of Justinian plague
NOAA forced to revise winter forecast
Biggest land temp change fall from remote stations in history of dataset
La Nina begins
Interesting correlation of collapse of dynastys/civilisations, plagues and famines with solar grand minimums
The little Siberian Accentors knew it was coming, and nicked off to the UK last month:
cute little things

And today I find Australian actuaries were all over the 'conspiracy nut' solar minimum/spaceweather climate change subject 3 years ago... why did I not find this earlier? These guys are pretty smart (their business model depends on it) and to find them discussing solar caused quakes, health effects and a possible new Maunder back in 2013... interesting:

Sorry johnno, more of the usual amateur obfuscation. You might like to note that this "paper" uses the usual technique of presenting a mass of charts then drawing unrelated conclusions from them. It's a great way to fool the easily impressed but fails to stand up to anything approaching sustained analysis. Another indicator is its failure to quote relevant results from professional journals. From memory there is a graph on page 9 of the IPCC Synthesis Report 2014 which shows the effect of solar and orbital variations on the measured temperature increase. The error bar straddles zero.....the impact is as likely to have been an insignificant degree of cooling as an insignificant degree of warming. So the choice is to believe an actuary who dabbles in climatology in his spare time and seems to be incapable of mounting a sustained consistent argument or the considered opinion of the world's professional climatologists after they have thoroughly analysed all the available data.

sunspots have nothing to do with CC as we know it today. spots havent changed one bit since the end of maunder minimum when there was clearly a direct link with climate. the concept of the "grand maximum" by Brent is crap. spots arent increasing at all.

BB. did you just join the w@nker club by your own admission?

Guilty as charged.

Mr Trump reportedly told a Times journalist he thinks there is some connection between climate change and human activity and "clean air is vitally important".
It didn't take long before Trump was paid off and joined the conspiracy :)

And then it begins. so predictable.

I think I posted this previously in the wrong thread.
"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts - for support rather than for illumination." - Andrew Lang (Scotsman!)
There. Fixed it. Whomever the shoe fits.

“Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.”
― Ambrose Bierce

Disco Stu, where are yooooou?

Reckon this is the place Disco & Kochs hang out Turks?

Life at the Outpost.
Here's some hellacious quotes:
"President-elect Donald Trump disavowed an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C. over the weekend led by Richard Spencer that celebrated the election of Donald Trump.
Asked directly about the event that was widely covered by the mainstream media, Trump replied, “I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn.”
Trump denied that he had energized the alt-right, but again disavowed the movement.
“I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group,” Trump said. “It’s not a group I want to energize. And if they are energized I want to look into it and find out why.”
(As reported by Breitbart)

Bringing it back to the thread:
"Asked by the New York Times whether he would pull the US out of the Paris climate accord, the president-elect wavered on his previously stated position.
“I’m looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it.”
Questioned over the link between human activity and global warming, Trump said: “I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much.” He added that he was thinking about how the issue “will cost our companies”.
(As reported by The US Guardian)

and here's a photo of johny rotten at a certain gig in san francisco...


AGW is crap and I should know because I ran into ELVIS where they faked the moon landings and he told me, then I was abducted by Aliens at area 51 . Now I'm a member too.

The heart of darkness.

Thanks BB.
Just a reminder there are ethical / eco superannuation funds in AU for those interested.

the upshot of a potential sunspot grand minimum is that maybe it buys us a little extra time on CC action.
the downside is that our religious right wing leaders in govt will consider it all an act of god.

There's the point nick! Whoops missed it again. Let me explain. Climate change is real...even the oil companies agree. Exxon/Mobil, having determined it was true and with models suggesting extremely serious global consequences, then spent the next thirty years employing people to create doubt. This is the moral equivalent of genocide.

nick3 is an Exxon chat bot. Let me try a test. How many beans make five nick?
Now to all you fruit loops. This is the end to the biggest load bullshit of all time. The government know's it (but still won't say it ), the smart people like me know it. When will you clowns please apologise to me for your un-educated attacks.
To all the man made global warmest alarmist's suck shit losers.
Now go and do something worthwhile fuckwits.