Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 9 Jun 2024 at 7:32pm

[L] Bully TV Captain Costello gets sin binned ... ruled outta Origin 2.

Rupert's fall guy baits the dopey [L] Bully & jets in his Sky West origin Super Sub.

Recall Murdoch sold off his 7 shares to Fairfax > not sure if any know of the murky nature
Fairfax part of Costello's Mongrel [L] 9 empire!

Murdoch + UK Sky boss now mop up...TV stations 7 / 9 + ALL [L] Newsprint + ALL [L] Shock Jocks

Why are Govt silent on Murdoch takeover of 7/9+Stan/Shock Jocks/Fairfax Tabloids/www Magz.

Recap...Murdoch politely stood down his Fleet of newscorp ABC Chair / Heads / Journos

Then Murdoch allows Albo to parachute in Gough's son in law as new ABC boss!
Correct : Murdoch holds fire & stays silent on ALP ABC takeover...but why...wotz the deal..Huh?

Ok! That sure don't sound like Murdoch...(Honeymoon Nice Guy Period) Maybe!

Albo then exempts Rupert's take over of [L] TV 7/9 Mastheaded Super Shock Jock Empire.
Crew might expect the other half of the deal was to cut the Head off Costello's [L] Beastly Empire.
All crew & All of Oz saw the set up & fall Guy...just enough to fool the flock...Like! Sack the Bully...
Replace him with a Chick & Rip the Balls off 9...All say Aye! Too late Rupert's Angels Network!

Watch 9 Skyfall one by one > ACA-News / Tabloids / Jocks run outta bad things to say on 9 Girlie TV.

Skyfall Girl Power...exactly wot Albo is bankin' on...
e Harmony Commissioner ticks off on her 1st Bully free Network & Go Go Girls boost Albo's polls?

Barkin' mad Toto : "...the Poll needle starts twitchin'..good boy! That's a Good Boy!"

CGTN will still order Newscorp to go 'fetch' Russian Nukes + Hot Wire [L] Ai Eddie's Flip Tops.

Bonus : { Nine Hodad hangs Ten }

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 5:35pm

absenteeism to be a big winner in the coming UK election:

for those who haven't heard, Labour landslide predicted after 14 years of bumbling Tory rule and crippling austerity

Rishi Sunak, Tory PM has recently made the election campaign's biggest gaffe, leaving the 80th anniversary D Day commemoration early, to do a TV interview. This has caused even more fury, if that is possible

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:08pm


meanwhile look what's happening in europe...

macron calls snap election, due to EU 'far right' results

belgium dude resigns due to 'far right' results

UK going left due tired government and nothing else...

they be wise, to be wise...

(unlike albo...

don't do an albo...)

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:10pm

You're all over it Sypkan

EU Elections this weekend and a big win in France for Marine Le Pen's RN. Macron has in the aftermath, now called a snap parliamentary elections:


More generally, Europe is turning right (as Britain goes left; giving rise to the delectable irony of an EU-friendly Labour government working with a right wing EU parliament, lol):

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:21pm

Also, Farage has joined in, and boosted the Reform party's polling:

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:26pm

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:40pm

how's the numbers!

macron party < 15% vote

'far right' party > 31%


in the old context...

in the new context... not so much...

ie, none of it is really surprising

and, the term 'far right' has been made essentially meaningless...

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:34pm

Yes and no, people will vote more right wing, but as a reaction to declining standards of living.
Seems like in a modern democracies, the sensible and moderate centre only holds in times when most people are prospering.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:43pm
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

Think quote by Bill Clinton is the best summary of the main reason. And not referring to you personally.
"It's the economy stupid."

Interesting times, as last time Europe went to the right , well say no more. Now there are nuclear war heads.
Never mind NATO and Russia... Then the totally horrendous situation in ME.

Ah well, try and get some waves and hug your loved ones...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:49pm
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

I think it is definitely a factor

or at least has become one...

I believe it's more the feeling of lawlessness and general 'vibe' of seemingly no plan, and definitely no balance...

I actually think it's more a failure of over accommodating multicultural policies rather than multiculturalism itself

the writing's been on the wall for decades, but an obtuse cohort of one side of politics live in a dangerous form of denial

that, what andym says, and georgey soros and friends have a lot to answer to...

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 6:58pm

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 7:15pm
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

Yep hard to argue with that.

In Europe it's also got to do with the lack of control of borders and influx of refugees too, but yeah most are muslims.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 7:17pm
AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 8:45pm
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

“Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.”
People can handle all of that, as long as the wealth maintains.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 10 Jun 2024 at 8:53pm

cool and courageous post by @ashsam today, good on you;
NRL is the Islam of the footy codes.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 4:21am
AndyM wrote:

Yes and no, people will vote more right wing, but as a reaction to declining standards of living.
Seems like in a modern democracies, the sensible and moderate centre only holds in times when most people are prospering.

I think you underestimate the reaction of voters/citizens to the last ten years of Left gonzo fest. It's more than the cost of living crisis, I'm pretty sure.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 4:23am

Needs more powerlines :-)

So good, zen.

zenagain wrote:

It's a huge rabbit hole to dive down to VJ. But I thank you for the heightened awareness. Just after watching that vid, so much more made more sense. I used to think the Japanese way of thinking and doing things was at times incomprehensible and often totally illogical. Now I just see it as different.

Edit: here's the pic. Sorry about the reflection. I just think it's so sweet what can come from a childs imagination staring out a window. As for Japan- I reckon he nailed it ha ha!

share your photo

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 4:31am
AndyM wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

“Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.”
People can handle all of that, as long as the wealth maintains.

Keep believing that if you want.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 4:59am

If one is engaging in exclusionary thinking, one is engaging in Binary Thinking. Let me repeat that.


Who here thinks binary thought are where the solutions lie?

It’s not that immigration concerns are not legit concerns… it’s that nothing of substance will occur towards a solution until this new Hard binary thought goes away.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 6:42am
Roadkill wrote:
AndyM wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

“Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.”
People can handle all of that, as long as the wealth maintains.

Keep believing that if you want.

Haha Gold
All who were bitching about Laura Tingle's comments are now proving themselves to be the very thing she accused them off.
Couldn't make this shit up..
Carry on, make sure ya checking under ya bed, be afraid!!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 7:34am
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
AndyM wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

“Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.”
People can handle all of that, as long as the wealth maintains.

Keep believing that if you want.

Haha Gold
All who were bitching about Laura Tingle's comments are now proving themselves to be the very thing she accused them off.
Couldn't make this shit up..
Carry on, make sure ya checking under ya bed, be afraid!!

Here we go. no relevant comeback or any ability to prove me wrong..go straight to the racism squawking.

weak but expected.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 7:40am

andy-mac, how is what I said racist?

Please educate me?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 8:37am
Roadkill wrote:

andy-mac, how is what I said racist?

Please educate me?

""A Self-Reflection Definition. Simply put, self-reflection (also known as “personal reflection”) is taking the time to think about, meditate on, evaluate, and give serious thought to your behaviours, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires.""

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 8:51am
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

andy-mac, how is what I said racist?

Please educate me?

""A Self-Reflection Definition. Simply put, self-reflection (also known as “personal reflection”) is taking the time to think about, meditate on, evaluate, and give serious thought to your behaviours, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires.""

I asked you to explain how what I said was rascist?

And you post a useless bit of garbage that means nothing, but must make you feel smug..actually you come across as a dickhead that has zero ability to back up what you claim.

Your post is little more than ABC lefty wank woke crap.

Throw out accusations, back it up? is what I said rascist?

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 9:34am

You are correct Roady. People do not want to see themselves disappear in their own indigenous homelands. I've seen it firsthand.

Most crucial is the numbers of female population 18-45, look into those stats to see the future of a country. I have a chilling vid that forward forecasts the Irish population to be a minority in Ireland (!!! after 900 years of fighting for their independence, it will be 100 of peace and multiculturalism that does them in, the video seems to infer), baked in, within 6-8 years of current policies continuing. I haven't yet brought myself to watch it, such is the implication - but will.

I'll link it up for you with the caveat haven't watched it fully yet so cannot vouch, make up your own mind.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 9:40am
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

"Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem."
U.K, Sweden?
I know I live in a regional backwater but I see no real evidence for this in Australia.
I feel there's much more walking on eggshells so as not to offend the terminally outraged and offended.
We've had crazy immigration for a while now, we've know for years that a third of our country was born overseas.
So what's changed, why the big discussion now?
Changing economic circumstances, unaffordable housing.

Don't get me wrong, I think things are totally on the nose - way too many people and our obsession with diversity means that as a country or a society we have stretched any common threads very thin.
Then again, so has self-flagellating post-modernism.
30%+ of people born overseas??
Fucking hell.
But back to the point, I think the primary driver of a political swing to the right will be economic.
The populists come out, the empty promises and the scapegoating.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 9:46am
AndyM wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

"Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem."
U.K, Sweden?
I know I live in a regional backwater but I see no real evidence for this in Australia.
I feel there's much more walking on eggshells so as not to offend the terminally outraged and offended.
We've had crazy immigration for a while now, we've know for years that a third of our country was born overseas.
So what's changed, why the big discussion now?
Changing economic circumstances, unaffordable housing.

Don't get me wrong, I think things are totally on the nose - way too many people and our obsession with diversity means that as a country or a society we have stretched any common threads very thin.
Then again, so has self-flagellating post-modernism.
30%+ of people born overseas??
Fucking hell.
But back to the point, I think the primary driver of a political swing to the right will be economic.
The populists come out, the empty promises and the scapegoating.


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:06am
andy-mac wrote:
AndyM wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

"Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem."
U.K, Sweden?
I know I live in a regional backwater but I see no real evidence for this in Australia.
I feel there's much more walking on eggshells so as not to offend the terminally outraged and offended.
We've had crazy immigration for a while now, we've know for years that a third of our country was born overseas.
So what's changed, why the big discussion now?
Changing economic circumstances, unaffordable housing.

Don't get me wrong, I think things are totally on the nose - way too many people and our obsession with diversity means that as a country or a society we have stretched any common threads very thin.
Then again, so has self-flagellating post-modernism.
30%+ of people born overseas??
Fucking hell.
But back to the point, I think the primary driver of a political swing to the right will be economic.
The populists come out, the empty promises and the scapegoating.


Where zackly was my post rascist?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:12am

The good ole boys and girls of the LNP dropping the 2030 Paris Accord and going all in with fossil fuels and nuclear for 2050: vote getter or election oblivion?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:19am
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

Think of what you have written here Roady.
Now change 'certain religious beliefs' to 'Jews' and tell me its ok.

My original comment was referring to Tingle, and her comment which was taken out of context and was referring to Dutton's dog whistling. Trying to blame the present economic situation on immigrants is racist and was initially started in the modern age with Howard and his boat people campaign, thrown overboard etc.
By all means discuss reducing immigration, but singling out certain ethnic or religious groups is straight up bigotry.
Post war it was the wogs.
Vietnam was the refugees.
Swamped with Asians ala Pauline.
Now it's the muzzies coping it while we take a break on the Chinese.
Always a go to for right wing populists' party's and what Dutton and co are doing now.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:21am

^^ in my opinion it’s going to be both

The Libs will continue to lose votes in the cities and large regional areas while the QLD LNP and the Nationals will retain their % of votes thereby increasing their hold over the coalition more generally.

Dutton’s strategy of appeasing the FRWNJs will not end well for moderate Liberals nor the once liberal party.

We shall see soon enough.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:22am

Hard to believe that in the last year net immigration is almost as much as the population of the Gold Coast. Where do all these bastards go. No wonder its peak hour traffic all day long.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:46am

From memory prior to Howard opening the floodgates the long term average was about 60,000 migrants a year (excluding the post war intakes). What is the number you people would be willing to accept and how willing are you willing to accept the risk of recession? I’m up for it but it not affect me as much as others? Serious question: zero? 100,000? What’s the number?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 10:48am

^^ come on, what’s your answer?

I don’t have one!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:00am
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

Think of what you have written here Roady.
Now change 'certain religious beliefs' to 'Jews' and tell me its ok.

My original comment was referring to Tingle, and her comment which was taken out of context and was referring to Dutton's dog whistling. Trying to blame the present economic situation on immigrants is racist and was initially started in the modern age with Howard and his boat people campaign, thrown overboard etc.
By all means discuss reducing immigration, but singling out certain ethnic or religious groups is straight up bigotry.
Post war it was the wogs.
Vietnam was the refugees.
Swamped with Asians ala Pauline.
Now it's the muzzies coping it while we take a break on the Chinese.
Always a go to for right wing populists' party's and what Dutton and co are doing now.

you are free to criticise judaism as much as you like, it isn't racist, just like criticising islam isn't racist...or criticising Catholics is racist...but feel free to twist something to suit your narrative. Trying to shut down a discussion by throwing out racist accusations is poor form. Good try though.

btw "Trying to blame the present economic situation on immigrants is racist"
I never blamed the present economic situation on immigration, I didn't even mention it..again, you add what you think I said to suit your narrative. It was andyM who brought up the economic situation, not me.

I said “Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.” is the main driver of the rapid rise of European far right politics.

Again, feel free to prove me wrong.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:10am
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

Think of what you have written here Roady.
Now change 'certain religious beliefs' to 'Jews' and tell me its ok.

My original comment was referring to Tingle, and her comment which was taken out of context and was referring to Dutton's dog whistling. Trying to blame the present economic situation on immigrants is racist and was initially started in the modern age with Howard and his boat people campaign, thrown overboard etc.
By all means discuss reducing immigration, but singling out certain ethnic or religious groups is straight up bigotry.
Post war it was the wogs.
Vietnam was the refugees.
Swamped with Asians ala Pauline.
Now it's the muzzies coping it while we take a break on the Chinese.
Always a go to for right wing populists' party's and what Dutton and co are doing now.

you are free to criticise judaism as much as you like, it isn't racist, just like criticising islam isn't racist...or criticising Catholics is racist...but feel free to twist something to suit your narrative. Trying to shut down a discussion by throwing out racist accusations is poor form. Good try though.

btw "Trying to blame the present economic situation on immigrants is racist"
I never blamed the present economic situation on immigration, I didn't even mention it..again, you add what you think I said to suit your narrative. It was andyM who brought up the economic situation, not me.

I said “Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.” is the main driver of the rapid rise of European far right politics.

Again, feel free to prove me wrong.

Not criticising any religion mate, people have the right to believe in anything they like as long as it is not impacting others in a negative way. However, all religions can be guilty of pushing their views, morals etc.

""I said “Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause.” is the main driver of the rapid rise of European far right politics.""

Disagree, I believe it is economic hardships that is causing the friction, and the non-integration is being stirred up as a useful tool by far-right parties in Europe. Kind of the same thing that happened in 1930's in Germany.
So yes, I believe this kind of language should be called out as bigotry, racism or whatever term you wish to use.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:12am
AndyM wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

The economy is an excuse. The issues have become greater with an ever increasing Muslim population. Through good expanding economic activity and declining economic activity. Economic activity runs through many cycles of expansion and contraction and expansion etc etc. Non integration and countries losing their identities is the cause. Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem.

"Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem."
U.K, Sweden?
I know I live in a regional backwater but I see no real evidence for this in Australia.
I feel there's much more walking on eggshells so as not to offend the terminally outraged and offended.
We've had crazy immigration for a while now, we've know for years that a third of our country was born overseas.
So what's changed, why the big discussion now?
Changing economic circumstances, unaffordable housing.

Don't get me wrong, I think things are totally on the nose - way too many people and our obsession with diversity means that as a country or a society we have stretched any common threads very thin.
Then again, so has self-flagellating post-modernism.
30%+ of people born overseas??
Fucking hell.
But back to the point, I think the primary driver of a political swing to the right will be economic.
The populists come out, the empty promises and the scapegoating.

"Citizens having to curtail their lifestyle to fit and not offend new citizens religious beliefs is the problem."
Gawd, are you that blind? (it seems you are)

over 50% of England's muslims want Sharia law.

There are around 30 Sharia “councils” in the UK

Ontario in Canada allows the use of sharia law in civil disputes on things such as divorce, contract law

Islam does not allow free speech....muslim populations advocate for limited free speech

etc etc

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:22am

just a little point...

the discussion was about europe and now has been conflated with australia's outrageous immigration numbers

though you could draw parellels... europe and australia are very different regarding the changing social factors we are talking about...

europe is cooked

a moderate commentator referred to paris already being essentially 'fully locked down' for the olympic games (kinda takes any joy out of it...) and referred to germany being the same last week due to a convention

fuck that

who wants to live like that?

two different conversations and very different places getting mixed up here

but both worthy of discussion

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:27am
sypkan wrote:

just a little point...

the discussion was about europe and now has been conflated with australia's outrageous immigration numbers

though you could draw parellels... europe and australia are very different regarding the changing social factors we are talking about...

europe is cooked

a moderate commentator referred to paris already being essentially 'fully locked down' for the olympic games (kinda takes any joy out of it...) and referred to germany being the same last week due to a convention

fuck that

who wants to live like that?

Australia is already going down that path.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:29am

Ok, Europe.
First question.
Is a desire for a coherent national fabric really "extreme" or "radical", and how far can a nation go before that desire becomes ugly, exclusionary and racist?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:37am

"Traditionally, far-right parties have been openly "authoritarian, anti-Semitic and racist", Ben Wellings, professor in politics and international relations at Monash University, said.

But these days, many have been through a process of modernisation that has made them more respectable than they once were.

"Some of these parties have far-right antecedents, but we now call them radical-right parties," Professor Wellings said."

I think I like professor wellings...

though 'radical' still seems a little mis- placed...

what's 'radical' ...when you give the public nowhere else to turn?

it ain't jews that are gonna blow up the olympics!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 11:47am

the use of the term radicals, and as we have seen here today, just an easy way to try and shut the discussion down.

When you have fall back on attacking the messenger.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 12:34pm
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

More and more countries will become more and more far right.

Common denominator in driving the emergence of the far right is immigration with certain religious beliefs.

If anyone can prove me wrong, I would love that. Happy to be educated.

Think of what you have written here Roady.
Now change 'certain religious beliefs' to 'Jews' and tell me its ok.

My original comment was referring to Tingle, and her comment which was taken out of context and was referring to Dutton's dog whistling. Trying to blame the present economic situation on immigrants is racist and was initially started in the modern age with Howard and his boat people campaign, thrown overboard etc.
By all means discuss reducing immigration, but singling out certain ethnic or religious groups is straight up bigotry.
Post war it was the wogs.
Vietnam was the refugees.
Swamped with Asians ala Pauline.
Now it's the muzzies coping it while we take a break on the Chinese.
Always a go to for right wing populists' party's and what Dutton and co are doing now.

It doesnt matter what you say the reality is there is certain groups of people be it an ethnic group of a religious group that fit in better with Western culture and values.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 11 Jun 2024 at 8:41pm
Polls should be taken with a grain of salt, but these are some interesting findings.....

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 12 Jun 2024 at 6:23am

Ignoring a problem or being scared to confront it doesn’t work. The left thrives on this and use it to their advantage.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 12 Jun 2024 at 9:15am

The way it's going now if you are around in 2070 there will be 45M population, 20 more than now.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Wednesday, 12 Jun 2024 at 9:42am

It took 200 years for our population to reach 12 million, and then 50 years for it to more than double to 25 million. The population increased by 660,000 in the past 12 months to 27 mill. Hopefully they will open a couple more hospital beds and fix up a few roads before 2070. With climate refugees from the pacific and a world in turmoil, I'd say 45 million is a very conservative estimate.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 12 Jun 2024 at 10:31am
old-dog wrote:

It took 200 years for our population to reach 12 million, and then 50 years for it to more than double to 25 million. The population increased by 660,000 in the past 12 months to 27 mill. Hopefully they will open a couple more hospital beds and fix up a few roads before 2070. With climate refugees from the pacific and a world in turmoil, I'd say 45 million is a very conservative estimate.

Dont mean to be woke, but really it took 60,000 years to get to 12 million.