Next Federal Election

I just said Im not wishing for the alternative...
I'm wishing for them both to fail!
"...Fark most of the problems facing Australia have their roots in previous administration..."
this is your perspective
mine is they are both equally to blame
they are both in on the worst of it
the decades long hollowing out of australia
they are the uni-party!
labor has corrected course a little... but I fear too little too late
they are so aloof and out of touch they seem incapable of representing anything resembling the traditional left
and albo's a lying shit bag
the cunt's got to go
people just don't like him
they don't trust him
and he's burnt the blackfellas and women's groups with his mix of arrogance, lies, and wishy- washyness
taditional labor territory
seeing the younguns on qanda last night, seems he's burnt any love there too...
mr. 'genuine'
just comes across as anything but...
I don't think he's the bad man some portray him as... but I do think he's a hoax...
people just don't like him
yeh, he can win a 'prefferred pm' poll...
but geez... look at his competition!

yeh, the australian...
but spot on
he's mr. wishy washy, no conviction, jumping at shadows
piss weak

"I'm wishing for them both to fail!"
That's not an option with our preferential parliamentary democracy...
If the media did not attack any semi progressive policy the ALP may care to run with, we might not be in this situation.
""and he's burnt the blackfellas and women's groups with his mix of arrogance, lies, and wishy- washyness"
Disagree there, was concerted effort by LNP and groups such as Advance Australia that wrecked the voice. In hindsight, yes he should never had run with it without bipartisan support. He did show ignorance thinking that the LNP n mates could be reasonable and he could appeal to their better nature. Definitely a misjudgement.

sypkan wrote:yeh, the australian...
but spot on
he's mr. wishy washy, no conviction, jumping at shadows
piss weak
Chris Kenny of The Australian
Ffs, some balance there haha

andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:"A LOT of Stuff needs to B Urgently debated , decided and Acted Upon !"
and labor still think they can just shut conversations down...
they're wrong
so so wrong
whether they facillitate it or not...
the public is having these conversations
being so mind-blowingly aloof and ignoring the public will, is not serving them well
Yeah and dog whistling Dutton with his msm mates will be better. Fark most of the problems facing Australia have their roots in previous administration. By every measure Labor are outperforming previous govt. Yes they are not perfect, far from it, but wishing for alternative, ya got to be joking.
Labor not supporting McBride and dropping case is a disgrace...
Yes Handy, out performed the previous Guvment in interest rates...RENTS...cost of everything a person buys...real fkn good aren't they!

Optimist wrote:Thoughts on WA’s waste to energy generators that take landfill garbage which reeks of methane and burn it in super efficient furnaces to produce power.
Maybe this combined with our renewable program is a cheap temp fill in until we get the rest sorted.Any CO2 from the furnace is probably temporarily better than the methane from the tip , plus the garbage is gone and cheap power produced.
Hi Opti,
The practise of extracting landfill methane has been around for many years, but I’m not sure if it can make a substantial contribution overall. The land fill at Rye on the Mornington Peninsula is relatively small but produces enough methane to run a generator which can power approx 1200 homes. The landfill at Lyndhurst which is substantially larger than Rye also uses methane powered generators, I can’t recall how many though. Either way as a greenhouse gas, methane is 28 times more potent than CO2, so burning it to power gennys is a good move from an environmental aspect.

flollo wrote:andy-mac wrote:andy-mac wrote:Quad might get his wish and have Dutts as PM with our msm...
And remember the figures used above are from the IMF, a notorious left wing commie organisation.
The last 2 budgets were excellent. There should be no doubt about that. Financially, we are in a very good spot as a country.
Maybe, but what sort of position are we in as a society?

quadzilla wrote:andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:"A LOT of Stuff needs to B Urgently debated , decided and Acted Upon !"
and labor still think they can just shut conversations down...
they're wrong
so so wrong
whether they facillitate it or not...
the public is having these conversations
being so mind-blowingly aloof and ignoring the public will, is not serving them well
Yeah and dog whistling Dutton with his msm mates will be better. Fark most of the problems facing Australia have their roots in previous administration. By every measure Labor are outperforming previous govt. Yes they are not perfect, far from it, but wishing for alternative, ya got to be joking.
Labor not supporting McBride and dropping case is a disgrace...Yes Handy, out performed the previous Guvment in interest rates...RENTS...cost of everything a person buys...real fkn good aren't they!
You can’t seriously be blaming all that on Labor??

quadzilla wrote:alboSLEAZY...460 mill blown on referenDUMB
Now 450 million on a couple of private jets....
Best part of a billion that should be spent on housing the people who LIVE here.
Call an election now KOONT!
25 rebate from power after the cost has tripled in 2 years...KOONT!
35 a week after groceries are UP by 50%...Mortgage payments DOUBLED and everything else that flows on ...KOONT
So out of touch with reality that this period will go down the history as SleazysTales, times when Aussies did it tougher than the disaster of the worlds worst treasurer P Koonty KeetEGO.
The referendum was part of the ALP’s electoral platform. Albo kept his promise.
The two new 737 jets were ordered under the previous LNP Government.
It was Howard and Costello who changed home ownership from a purchase to an investment.
And the practise of importing people to bump up your GDP took a firm hold under Howard without any consideration to accommodation.
Put the two together and here we are.
As for power prices, the continued frustration of the move to renewable energy by the LNP over the last 15 years or so is a large contributor.
Also, we import much of what we consume and Covid threw a spanner in the works with shipping costs rising dramatically.

andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:"A LOT of Stuff needs to B Urgently debated , decided and Acted Upon !"
and labor still think they can just shut conversations down...
they're wrong
so so wrong
whether they facillitate it or not...
the public is having these conversations
being so mind-blowingly aloof and ignoring the public will, is not serving them well
Yeah and dog whistling Dutton with his msm mates will be better. Fark most of the problems facing Australia have their roots in previous administration. By every measure Labor are outperforming previous govt. Yes they are not perfect, far from it, but wishing for alternative, ya got to be joking.
Labor not supporting McBride and dropping case is a disgrace...
As for immigration, it seems the LNP have some recent history.
Laura Tingle explains it better than I could.
Also, Dutton’s opposition to the ALP’s Critical Minerals Plans, seems at odds with the LNP’s previous policy.

AndyM wrote:flollo wrote:andy-mac wrote:andy-mac wrote:Quad might get his wish and have Dutts as PM with our msm...
And remember the figures used above are from the IMF, a notorious left wing commie organisation.
The last 2 budgets were excellent. There should be no doubt about that. Financially, we are in a very good spot as a country.
Maybe, but what sort of position are we in as a society?
In a very good position. We have challenges but luckily we also have an abundance of resources to solve them. And I see a lot of good happening on daily basis.

Salty, WA’s waste to energy furnaces are to avoid the methane altogether by burning the landfill in high temp ovens and produce electricity. CO2 better than methane. They are doing 700,000 tons of landfill a year.
You can also convert plastics back into fuel as they are petroleum based…
Non recyclable plastics can also be added to road tar to produce better roads with less pot holes due to the long chain polymers.
There are lots of solutions that can cheaply can get us through while we advance in renewables and put the bloody trees back. …where are the trees?
We just have to get the sluggards like the Government's ( all sides) on board…
Let’s also not forget the $100,000 blocks of land. Easily done by Govt without developers involved and an easy solution to ALL of Australia’s housing problem. It’s so simple it’s ridiculous.

Hey Opti
I think U are spot on and most Councils should have Furnaces , powered by Gas , to dispose of Garbage !
An Old client tried to get the Warnabool Council to approve one 20 years ago and was told to piss off .
Bhutan has a rule that you can cut down one tree a year , but HAVE 2 plant 2 more .
Such bloody Simple Stuff , get rid of garbage and plant tress FFS !
SOMEONE forgot to Plan 4 these Simple Tasks !
Another Issue where we need a PM that takes the Lead , has Policies and WORKS to implement them !
What Policy , in any area , does Albo PUSH hard ??????
He Stands 4 Nothing , unfortunately .

So is Dutton stealing Shorten's ideas? haha

velocityjohnno wrote:The qatar/gas comparison is a good one andy-mac. The energy cost issue for the east coast is a manufacturing-eradicating problem, and one pushing up people's cost of living. It took time, but our household is now off gas as per AW's excellent recommendation last year.
I missed it. What was AW’s recommendation and the reasons for it?
Maybe from the horse’s mouth, Alfred?

Good question Seeds .
My mouth is Wondering how Alfred :) , cooks a Thick Piece of Steak or some scollops .

I can’t imagine not cooking with gas especially with a wok @PopD
Only gas use in our house.

All sounds good.
What has to happen to run car on E85. Just valves changed or extra? Where do you get E85

#V8s for climate
Hahaha now we’re talking.

I couldn’t see an explanation on how u cook , without Gas !
BBQ with wood does the trick !
I like big cars and big tires , 4 some reason .
I want one I can sleep in , but not too high or Hearst looking .
Chuck the boards in and Drive off with a full tank of petroleum !
I love a long hot shower and really starting 2 dig baths !

Optimist wrote:Salty, WA’s waste to energy furnaces are to avoid the methane altogether by burning the landfill in high temp ovens and produce electricity. CO2 better than methane. They are doing 700,000 tons of landfill a year.
You can also convert plastics back into fuel as they are petroleum based…
Non recyclable plastics can also be added to road tar to produce better roads with less pot holes due to the long chain polymers.
There are lots of solutions that can cheaply can get us through while we advance in renewables and put the bloody trees back. …where are the trees?
We just have to get the sluggards like the Government's ( all sides) on board…
Let’s also not forget the $100,000 blocks of land. Easily done by Govt without developers involved and an easy solution to ALL of Australia’s housing problem. It’s so simple it’s ridiculous.
Hi Opti and Pop
The incineration process solves a number of problems but they don’t come cheap, in both capital and running costs!
I recall some talk about a plant some years ago in the Mornington Peninsula Shire but it never went anywhere. They aren’t the sort of things Local Government can do and there needs to be a concerted effort at Federal level in all aspects of Waste Management.
Things started moving under the previous government:
And on top of that the current government have asked for submissions in regard to waste reduction and recycling policies.
As always years too late but at least some thought is being put into the matter now.

Thanks Salty
Great to hear there is some , Movement at the Station .
It should B a National Program 2 Deal with Waste !
I thought the Little Furncey Things could Produce Power , when properly Fired Up .
We need 2 Clean Up OUR act , dispose of the Shit and Plant lots of Trees !
Time we set an Example 4 our Kids !

seeds wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:The qatar/gas comparison is a good one andy-mac. The energy cost issue for the east coast is a manufacturing-eradicating problem, and one pushing up people's cost of living. It took time, but our household is now off gas as per AW's excellent recommendation last year.
I missed it. What was AW’s recommendation and the reasons for it?
Maybe from the horse’s mouth, Alfred?
Seeds. Hi mate. I’m hoping you are well.
I’ll just throw the saddle of my back, put my head in the feed bag and back out some ploppity plops, I’ve just noticed, one of those nails from my horseshoe is poking through my hoof, better be off to the equine pedicurist ( is that a word) in the morning, Ney, oops, just farted, phew. Ooh GAS.!!!!, get off it.
Now , energy.
I think it went something like this, when I was 40 years old the then wife and I looked at our energy bills, annually, roughly $3,000, way more today I’d imagine.
We postulated that if we lived to 80 years the both of us, say another 40 years of energy billing, well we’d be screwed over by energy companies.
At a flat rate then, it would $120K of your hard earned going to energy companies.
Who wants to give that kind of dough to energy companies?. Not me/us.
See, when you pay bills as they arise, you rarely think of the greater cost, it’s not until you think in decades do you actually realise how much you’re spending/wasting.
It’s astronomical really for what you could otherwise invest in and contribute to a cleaner planet atmospherically.
This is what we did, all state governments have Green Energy Systems incentives scheme. In Victoria we paid $2,200 for our first Solar Energy set up, government paid the rest.
Updated 4 years ago to a 5KW system, we paid $3,600. Government paid the rest, about $8K.
We then installed an Apricus (Aussie), evacuated glass tube hot water heater, amazing hot water, we paid $4K , no incentives on that system
Today, a slightly better system, that has just been mentioned by others, a Heat Pump for heating water, fantastic and economically and clean, incentives available from government also.
Point being, you can invest a little, have a completely clean system, guilt free and not waste your hard earned money, it’s very easy, it’s just a change of mindset.
I have NO bills, have own septic, own water storage , 80K litres on hold and my annual rates totalling $1,980, that’s it, it’s not rocket science.
Edit, for those who think or get disappointed about their system not making them a profit, well , you’re in it for all the wrong reasons.
Free clean energy should be your motivation, I feel very sound knowing I don’t pollute anything to make my energy and couldn’t give a fuck if it doesn’t make me more money.
I’m just setting up on a 9m pole a twin blade small wind turbine which will send energy to the inverter and into my two storage batteries.
VJ, so happy to here you’ve come across to the ‘light’ side and are enjoying your better energy system.AW

Pop Down wrote:Good question Seeds .
My mouth is Wondering how Alfred :) , cooks a Thick Piece of Steak or some scollops .
Hi pal. Hope you’re cruising.
Easy answer, the energy I generate is converted to electricity, I have a very new induction cooktop on top of oven setup, one complete unit. Nice and wide 900mm.
Great for cooking anything. Cost $1850
The efficiency of induction heat, for example, it takes 40seconds to boil water in a small saucepan, high intensity for a short period , not a long dragged out 4-6mins like old cooktops or gas, where it seems to take for ever.
Cooking in the oven, well baking roast veggies or if my son is having meat, it’s so quick, the heat is consistent and circulates easily, all done in 20-25mins, not the old slog of 40-60mins or more. Todays cooking wares are amazing.

Farrier with a respirator?
We have the septic and tank water.
You store your solar in batteries. Seems the only way. Are you more off grid 12v set up or have one of those big battery/inverter set ups like Tesla

seeds wrote:Farrier with a respirator?
We have the septic and tank water.
You store your solar in batteries. Seems the only way. Are you more off grid 12v set up or have one of those big battery/inverter set ups like Tesla
I’ve two systems . One 240V, the other, 12V.
Im still grid connected because it’s a head fuck dealing with them to excise from them. Im never in the red , always sending energy into the grid.
In addition I have wall storage unit, similar to a Tesla, to dump our excess.
In addition to what I described previously, I’ve three solar panels straight solar going through a small inverter to 12V storage battery, it powers all the 12V LEDS in the house and 12V fridge . The new small turbine will also send its energy into a lead acid battery.
It may sound complicated but it really is not at all, very basic and efficient.
Basically the same as any car/camping set up, no Sparky needed at all. AW

That’d be my preferred setup. 12v led is great lighting these days as are 12v fridges.

12v is the way to go. And self managed solar lights outdoors. There are some fantastic, affordable options out there.

flollo wrote:12v is the way to go. And self managed solar lights outdoors. There are some fantastic, affordable options out there.
Follo. Hi mate, you bet.
In reality, we fall asleep as a society, we accept what’s given to us, we do what’s the norm , gotta step outside of others ideologies , which is milking us financially for them to provide us with crap energy.
Start thinking on our own two feet, anything is achievable, small scale home energy systems are rewarding in several contexts, time and effort that’s all thats required. AW ‘Not competitive’: Coalition slammed over nuclear as data reveals eye-watering cost. ……….spud the dud .

Hello Alfred
Gosh U are more like a Dudley Do Right !
U have got the Right Attitude with Things , mostly :)
You should B an Energy Consultant !
NFI what U have Set Up , but its Robust and Works !
U have Planned and Invested in a Sustainable and Sensible Household Energy System .
Our Planners need to do the same eg Opti's Waste Disposal Furnaces .
If I was PM , U would B in Charge of This Stuff and Planting Trees !
Great work , pal :) !!!
I am cruising and girding the loins for some Big walks .
Heading off on Monday 2 the Land of the Thunder Dragon .
Going 2 try and get 2 a Tigers Nest , on the last day .

""While many issues influence markets, within 72 hours of the Federal 2024-25 Budget being delivered, the stock market rose to within a whisker of an all-time high; the Australian dollar rose solidly and money markets went from pricing in a high probability of an interest rate increase to pricing in two interest rate cuts.
This is a reaction that would warm the heart of any Treasurer.""
Let's not talk about Angus at the Press Club...

If you think the market reacted 2 Chalmers Budget and gave it the Big Thumbs Up , you think pigs fly .
Markets , look at the US , go Up when rates are going up , generally .
The ASX had priced IN the Budget , ALL the big Stuff is released , before it was delivered .
Our Finances are a Mess , like Most places .
The US might declare War on China , 2 enable it 2 default on it's debt ffs !
Money is moving Out of Bonds and into Stocks , as people are loosing Trust in Governments .
Somehow , Albo has lost the Trust of Australians .

^ ha, @PoppaD, you divine madman, the 7-dayer? when you said you'd be tackling an everest of your own, I thought you meant taking a short board out at harold holt's monument or something!
what a Thimphutan I am : )

""If you think the market reacted 2 Chalmers Budget and gave it the Big Thumbs Up , you think pigs fly ."'
Not me, the author of the article....
@Pop do you think Angus Taylor would be a better treasurer?

Don't let these stubborn Ol' Cow Cockies out nuke y'all...
These cow pokes invented the Solar Powered Sun Dial.
Sure! They want ya to think they're stupid to cover the fact that they're just as selfish as the rest of us!
Big Beef is over "Big End" Securing Swathes of Farm Access that defaults 3rd party rights.
Currently a Farmer can sell out lease to Bully Magnates without "Big Bro" interfering.
As Renewable National Grid encroaches faster & closer day by day ...
The State assume access > Now yer Fucked...yer Dreamy Sell Out to a Magnate is not worth 2 bob!
NP are fighting Govt Leased thru access over the Farms...they don't give a Rats wot it's for...F.U. All.
Naturally they will fight to the death to ensure least Poles'n'wires will impact on their legacy.
To these Farmers...Monster Ocean tidal Sucking Beasts spare the Family Farm Sell Off Legacy.
Coastal Nuclear answers their Prayers ...( Closer to the Grid + Less Paddocks are resumed )
Majestic Outback Plains stretch Forever & Ever without the Man staking his Claim on Govt Farm Leases!
tbb will prove that Country Party were once lead proponents of pioneering Renewable Emission offsets.
1980 NT Country Liberal Party Election Policy [ Confidential Cabinet Decision ]
[ Solar Rebate Scheme ]
14 July Initiated > 30 July Approved > Commencement Date 1 July 1981
This being the earliest Oz Policy that tbb can trace that offsets Annual Zero emissions targets
Includes Fully Costed 300% Energy / Emission reductions over 5 year Annual Targets.
[Solar Rebate Scheme] Certified Purchase & Installed rebates
Solar Conversion ~ (Hot water / Heaters / Air Cons) For Businesses & Houses
Conversions = 66/yr + New Installs = 1st Year hooks up 129 > Increasing to 5th (Final year) 156 installs.
(Note!) Wotz most unusual for the Time Period is the scheme never included existing Trade-In deals.
Any Hodad worth his salt knows that was mandatory bread'n'butter back in the 1970's
eg: Bottle Returns / White Goods / Shit box trade ins...(Any ol' Iron..etc)
Where is the plan for New local Toxic Waste Tip to Dump Old Hot Water Systems...well durr!
Aside from that Major Recycle Fail Anomaly...the rest of the Scheme ticks all Today's Green Credits.
Here's the Archival [Back Up] link source!
As far as tbb knows...these records were only recently shared with the Public
Happy to share.
Shining new light on Coalition Policy Flip.
1972 Gough Nukes Joh's Bribie Island Nuke Plant
1980 CLP World Renewable Pioneers
2007 Howard stupidly runs Election on Joh's Bribie Is Nuke Plant (Get's his arse kicked)
Allow 15 years to build
2022 Libs proposed Gold Star Bribie Island Nuke Plant gets eaten up by the sea!
2022 Dutto campaigns on Nuking the very same Disappearing Nuked Island
C'mon People...This wins prizes in every category for biggest dumbarse Cluster Fuck Shitfuckery!
Top 3 Oz Dictators & World's Biggest Liars queue to Blow Up #1 Fastest Growing Pacific Hell Hole
SEQ would now be a wasteland with all rapid growing East Coast Trade detoured over Great Divide.
No need for Aukus Nukes...coz [L] Dumb fuck Sell Out Traitors already bankrupted Oz to Nuke Brisbane.
How the Fuck are idiots still considering blowing up what's left of endangered Majestic East Coast.
Perhaps that's the Policy...Nuke The East Coast to save on buying out whinging Sea Change Boomers.
Just Nuke the Boomers...that'll win an election! Greens / Teals / Socialists queuing to Vote #1 Dr No!
Poor Little Mussolini Dictator Davy is havin' kittens...99.98% Poll Lead in [L] Mayors Olympic Ideal rort.
Voldemort's Vomitron Poll 99.99% on the nose in 99.99% of all Mystery Nuke Site Swing Seats

Reckon this lady could be worth listening to.....

I rate Chalmers as a Treasurer , he has a good handle on the Numbers .
Not sure about Angus , but he has a good reputation .
The Treasurer is like the Financial Controller of a Company and just deals with the numbers a business spits out .
Our Current Government are running The Business of Australia terribly atm .
Its the CEO - Albo and Board - Government , that needs to change what they are doing , or , get voted out .

Pop Down wrote:Andy
I rate Chalmers as a Treasurer , he has a good handle on the Numbers .
Not sure about Angus , but he has a good reputation .
The Treasurer is like the Financial Controller of a Company and just deals with the numbers a business spits out .
Our Current Government are running The Business of Australia terribly atm .
Its the CEO - Albo and Board - Government , that needs to change what they are doing , or , get voted out .
Ok cheers Pop.
Don't know about Angus's reputation however. The list of his accomplishments on betoota isn't made up...
I like the lady's ideas on my above post.

I watched the video of the Lady and got 2 4 minutes and had 2 stop .
Gee She can Talk the Talk and is so Verbose , she had me 4 the first minute or 2 .
Then she thought WE should All go back 2 the Stone Age and reduce CO2 , even more .
Just Do some Tech Parks ( powered by who knows what ) and Tax Woodside 4 being Lucky lol .
What a Dill .
It's the fact that New Energy has been Slow to Come On , closing Coal Power Stations , high World Oil prices etc etc , that keeps our power prices rising in a Tide of more people ffs .
Sorry Andy , unless U want to stop driving and Flying , this woman is not the answer and believes Pig's can fly 2 .
Let's Build Stuff , starting with Homes ( with AW's Energy System + BBQ ? ) , a few Gas Projects and Plant some Trees !
Then do a Big Audit on everything !
Let Real Number Crunchers , go through government books .

Pop Down wrote:Andy
I watched the video of the Lady and got 2 4 minutes and had 2 stop .
Gee She can Talk the Talk and is so Verbose , she had me 4 the first minute or 2 .
Then she thought WE should All go back 2 the Stone Age and reduce CO2 , even more .
Just Do some Tech Parks ( powered by who knows what ) and Tax Woodside 4 being Lucky lol .
What a Dill .
It's the fact that New Energy has been Slow to Come On , closing Coal Power Stations , high World Oil prices etc etc , that keeps our power prices rising in a Tide of more people ffs .
Sorry Andy , unless U want to stop driving and Flying , this woman is not the answer and believes Pig's can fly 2 .
Let's Build Stuff , starting with Homes ( with AW's Energy System + BBQ ? ) , a few Gas Projects and Plant some Trees !
Then do a Big Audit on everything !
Let Real Number Crunchers , go through government books .
Did you watch the same video??
I like the line of thought of picking the willing over winners line. Govt and industry working together and not just socialising the losses, but the wins as well. Now we socialise the losses but corps keep all the wins.
Ah ok well, I agree to disagree with you pop ...
Have a pleasant evening.

@pop” Tax Woodside 4 being Lucky lol .”
LOL indeed. Don’t you think we the lucky Australians should receive a mor equitable return on our finite resources.
Check this vid out Pop. The mining companies don’t need anymore free rides mate. Time to pay.

"Not sure about Angus , but he has a good reputation ."
In regards to looking after his clients interests, ie the taxpayer, I'd put him on par with Bernie Madoff

Our governments , Libs and Labor , are crap at picking Winners and Losers !
Always have been , always will B .
Then soggy wants 2 give Governments power to Tax more heavily Industries they dislike , not that are making excess profits .
Woodsides shareholders Invested the money 2 Develop Projects 2 Sell Gas ffs .
They are Australian ffs !
Gas , as humans needs are defined , is infinite ie will last Humans Lifetime !
Did U call 4 Big Pharma to get taxed more , during covid ?
Instead of taxing Woodside more , let their competitors Build a Project and get more supply On Line .
Fliplid - Madoff sure knew a Balance sheet ,much better than Chalmers !
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: