Next Federal Election

Just another observation:
The "Cost of Living Crisis" doesn't seem to have harmed the tattoo industry. Some of those little aussie battlers are running around crying poor decorated with what must be $20 k worth of tatts.

As U said the LNP started the Voice .
After seeing what Albo delivered , nearly Everyone thought it Decisive and Racist ffs .
Abbott did Stop the Illegal Boat arrivals .
Customs checks planes ffs !
Plane arrivals have gone ballistic in just 2 years , 700k plus ffs .
Abbott was SOOOO Right to make the Captains Call and take the Fall , 4 doing the Queen a favour FFS !
Ever heard of the Duke Awards .
You are right , many of the Cost of Living issues , are not Albo's fault .
But , they have ALL now Come together and are highlighted by Electricity and Fuel Prices .
By Scrapping 2030 Targets , Dutton now has Everything ON the Table .
There is no room 4 detail , yet :)
That's a Local issue .

For a country that is having a cost of living crisis there’s a lot of families over in Bali having a holiday . Many families come a week before school holidays start and go back a week after they finish to avoid the jacked up air fares. Seeing surfing families of 5 getting around to various attractions, boats to surf breaks , restaurants, bakeries, warungs etc etc my mind boggles at what this month long holiday costs them . The families I’ve spoken to all comment on how everything here has gone up like food and accommodation. They also comment that they will be back next year .

Supafreak wrote:For a country that is having a cost of living crisis there’s a lot of families over in Bali having a holiday . Many families come a week before school holidays start and go back a week after they finish to avoid the jacked up air fares. Seeing surfing families of 5 getting around to various attractions, boats to surf breaks , restaurants, bakeries, warungs etc etc my mind boggles at what this month long holiday costs them . The families I’ve spoken to all comment on how everything here has gone up like food and accommodation. They also comment that they will be back next year .
Still cheaper than holidaying in Oz supa.

A Salty Dog wrote:@ashsam
Just another observation:
The "Cost of Living Crisis" doesn't seem to have harmed the tattoo industry. Some of those little aussie battlers are running around crying poor decorated with what must be $20 k worth of tatts.
Blows me away how much money some are spending on tatts, and even young crew getting tatts with permission from their folks still being in school.
Cost of living crisis for some, but not all.

Gets me when you see a struggling family on a current affair, huge 4x4 in the driveway of the McMansion, all the mod cons. Mum and dad with designer threads, air Jordans and tats. Kids in billabong t-shirts, playing their PlayStation 4 on the 80" TV. Saying it's the Govt's fault they can't seem to make ends meet.
When I grew up, if you had a roof over your head, a sedan, (manual, with no air-con),1 small TV, a record player, landline, a kettle and toaster, and a bag of mull you were styling.

Add in a tank Full of Petrol , old-dog and We were Kings of the World .
I will admit , I have gone Soft !
Air Conned me into it .

Must be all boomers or older on here lol, in the old days ;) sounds like my old man growing up, was when I was your age, made sure I never used that one on my kids.
old dog its a playstation 5 now catch up ;)
Going well albo lol ;)
People only voted labor to get rid of scomo.
No way albo will get another crack.
Biden take 2
I wouldn't vote libs either.

^^ finally, someone is saying it. The poms used be known for their whinging well they have good reason these days after 14 years of year on year Tory cuts to the NHS and other essential services. 50% of kids in Birmingham are today living below the poverty line - the UK is the 7th wealthiest country btw.

Devine Madness wrote:salty
As U said the LNP started the Voice .
After seeing what Albo delivered , nearly Everyone thought it Decisive and Racist ffs .
Abbott did Stop the Illegal Boat arrivals .
Customs checks planes ffs !
Plane arrivals have gone ballistic in just 2 years , 700k plus ffs .
Abbott was SOOOO Right to make the Captains Call and take the Fall , 4 doing the Queen a favour FFS !
Ever heard of the Duke Awards .
You are right , many of the Cost of Living issues , are not Albo's fault .
But , they have ALL now Come together and are highlighted by Electricity and Fuel Prices .
By Scrapping 2030 Targets , Dutton now has Everything ON the Table .
There is no room 4 detail , yet :)
That's a Local issue .
Divine Pop,
Albo and the ALP changed nothing about the “Voice”. What they presented was exactly what the LNP produced. It was seen as “racist and divisive” because the LNP said it was and the gullible public believed them. Stupid LNP can’t even take responsibility for their own work.
Boat People = Illegal Immigrants. Abbott may have stopped the boats but they still came on various sorts of Visas and never bothered to leave. Customs rarely refuse entry to those holding a valid visa: and even if your Au Pair is denied entry just give your mate Dutto a call and he’ll fix it personally.
Much of the last 2 years of arrivals is a carry-over from the Covid shut down. The matter is being attended to and the numbers entering are falling. But you should remember the price rises in local produce was attributed to the lack of labour to pick it. Either way Albo can’t win.
The Duke Awards are youth based. Prince P hadn’t qualified for that for over 70 years.
The current electricity prices are a product of LNP opposition to anything progressive, which started in earnest with T Abbott, and has continued unabated.
If you are going to scrap the 2030 targets you should have all the detail there; Dutton has presented nothing and telling the public to wait until after the election is treating them with contempt.

old-dog wrote:When I grew up, if you had a roof over your head, a sedan, (manual, with no air-con),1 small TV, a record player, landline, a kettle and toaster, and a bag of mull you were styling.
For sure, lifestyle creep is a thing, but a pretty small part of the picture vs the disproportionate increase in prices of essentials (vs discretionary/luxury goods).

goofyfoot wrote:Supafreak wrote:For a country that is having a cost of living crisis there’s a lot of families over in Bali having a holiday . Many families come a week before school holidays start and go back a week after they finish to avoid the jacked up air fares. Seeing surfing families of 5 getting around to various attractions, boats to surf breaks , restaurants, bakeries, warungs etc etc my mind boggles at what this month long holiday costs them . The families I’ve spoken to all comment on how everything here has gone up like food and accommodation. They also comment that they will be back next year .
Still cheaper than holidaying in Oz supa.
Have recently returned from three weeks in Cooly and Noosa.
Numbers were down a little but all the expensive resorts on Hastings St beachfront seemed fairly well patronised.
Not complaining about Cooly either: clean little peelers at Kirra with barely anyone to talk to!

ashsam wrote:Must be all boomers or older on here lol, in the old days ;) sounds like my old man growing up, was when I was your age, made sure I never used that one on my kids.
old dog its a playstation 5 now catch up ;)
Tell me giggles , do you like “ old people “ or are they the cause for all your problems ?

"'Abbott may have stopped the boats but they still came on various sorts of Visas and never bothered to leave""
But did he?
Or were they 'on water matters' that the honest scomo could not discuss ...

Supafreak wrote:ashsam wrote:Must be all boomers or older on here lol, in the old days ;) sounds like my old man growing up, was when I was your age, made sure I never used that one on my kids.
old dog its a playstation 5 now catch up ;)Tell me giggles , do you like “ old people “ or are they the cause for all your problems ?
love an oldie supre
re Bali comment above, met a guy in commercial R/E with Mrs and 3 kids before Xmas there, holiday was costing him $30K for a month, he had been on his own mid year too.

You are funny salty .
Abbott may have even started the LNP down the path to a Voice .
We could have also thrown the Medal into the Coffin , at the Princes Funeral ffs !
He spent many of his holidays , visiting FNP .
You said it was the LNP baby .
What Albo brought Out of the Delivery Room ie Nothing , was a disgrace and got voted Down by All Australia ( Canberra isn't included ) , except U .
Boat People didn't have Visa's mate , your Mob is handing out Permanent Residency at 700k p/a atm.
The LNP have gone along with 2030 unrealistic and unhelpful Targets ffs , as I sad , their dishonesty , has ALSO got us here .
Dutton's changed that by going Nuclear and Abandoning those BS Targets .
The numbers aren't adding Up , not because of Money or Political Will , no way .
The Stuff is not working Out , like WE all thought , 10-15 years ago , as it just doesn't Work Out .
It can work in Small Places , not in a Mega City like Melbourne .
Australian can't prosper , with High Energy Prices .

Is this real? Surely Dutton won't be voted in? That would be a disaster.

@ Salty
You have brought this LNP voice thing up a few times, but ive just ignored it because we spent so much time on it last year and i dont have much interest discussing it all again: but just for the record:
"The proposal for the Voice was formally endorsed by Indigenous leaders with the Uluru Statement from the Heart, delivered at the First Nations National Constitutional Convention in 2017. The statement formally petitioned the people of Australia[12] to support a voice to parliament in order to address First Nations disadvantage through giving those communities a greater influence on laws and policies that affect them. The concept was rejected at the time by the Liberal-National Turnbull government.[13]
In October 2019, the Liberal-National Morrison government discussed an "Indigenous voice to government" which would be legislated but not enshrined in the Constitution. A co-design process organised by Ken Wyatt was completed in July 2021 proposing for local and regional voices and a National Voice.[14] While the Morrison government committed to implementing the recommendations of the report, no legislation was passed between the release of the report in July 2021 and the election in May 2022.[15]"
Changing of the constitution was always the issue not the voice itself, and basic recognition in the constitution was never an issue either.
BTW. You clearly dont understand the huge difference between uncontrolled illegal immigration via boats turning up unannounced and people over staying visas they are completely different issues and barely comparable .
Visa overstays are a problem but those people still passed custom's and quarantine we know who they are and where they came from and we said yes you can come to Australia
Boat arrivals we have no control over who and in what numbers and if make landfall come with huge quarantine and security risk.
And yes Krudd trialed an open border policy that saw from memory 18,000 people arrive by boat in less than a year that saw him do something rare in politics a 360 back flip on policy going back to what LNP already had in place, it was a huge disaster that cost hundreds of millions possibly billions? and took us over a decade to resettle those people and clean up the mess..

yeh, damn those kids with tattoos...

flollo wrote:Is this real? Surely Dutton won't be voted in? That would be a disaster.
indeed it would
but albo...
farkn albo...

Pop corn anyone?
FMD what a dog’s breakfast

indo-dreaming wrote:@ Salty
You have brought this LNP voice thing up a few times, but ive just ignored it because we spent so much time on it last year and i dont have much interest discussing it all again: but just for the record:
"The proposal for the Voice was formally endorsed by Indigenous leaders with the Uluru Statement from the Heart, delivered at the First Nations National Constitutional Convention in 2017. The statement formally petitioned the people of Australia[12] to support a voice to parliament in order to address First Nations disadvantage through giving those communities a greater influence on laws and policies that affect them. The concept was rejected at the time by the Liberal-National Turnbull government.[13]
In October 2019, the Liberal-National Morrison government discussed an "Indigenous voice to government" which would be legislated but not enshrined in the Constitution. A co-design process organised by Ken Wyatt was completed in July 2021 proposing for local and regional voices and a National Voice.[14] While the Morrison government committed to implementing the recommendations of the report, no legislation was passed between the release of the report in July 2021 and the election in May 2022.[15]"
Changing of the constitution was always the issue not the voice itself, and basic recognition in the constitution was never an issue either.
BTW. You clearly dont understand the huge difference between uncontrolled illegal immigration via boats turning up unannounced and people over staying visas they are completely different issues and barely comparable .
Visa overstays are a problem but those people still passed custom's and quarantine we know who they are and where they came from and we said yes you can come to Australia
Boat arrivals we have no control over who and in what numbers and if make landfall come with huge quarantine and security risk.
And yes Krudd trialed an open border policy that saw from memory 18,000 people arrive by boat in less than a year that saw him do something rare in politics a 360 back flip on policy going back to what LNP already had in place, it was a huge disaster that cost hundreds of millions possibly billions? and took us over a decade to resettle those people and clean up the mess..
Indo, you missed the part where the Uluru Statement requested the Voice to Parliament be enshrined in the Constitution.
You also missed this bit from the linked Wiki page:
“Both parties in the Peter Dutton-led Liberal-National federal Opposition announced their opposition to a national Voice, whether legislatively or constitutionally implemented.”
This opposition took the form of referring to the Voice as “Labors Racist Voice” and claiming it was divisive. All bullshit, but people fell for it. Ask Ken Wyatt his opinion.
I’m well aware of the difference between illegal immigrants arriving by boat and visa overstays. But the end result is the same and who knows how many potential “boat people” managed to obtain a visa, enter the country and not leave. It doesn’t seem to be any concern of Dutton’s though.

GuySmiley wrote:Pop corn anyone?
FMD what a dog’s breakfast
Really imagine if they get into govt.

GuySmiley wrote:Pop corn anyone?
FMD what a dog’s breakfast
Dog’s breakfast #2

Exclusive swellnet 2025 Fence Sitter's Campaign Launch
Qldurr'z preemptive Apology to ACT...
Polls : [L] Win 2024 Qld + [L] Win 2025 Fed Election
SEQ becomes Oz Power Base
Disaster HQ / Olympics / Aukus HQ / PM HQ / [L] HQ / NP HQ / UAP HQ / ONP HQ / Red/Union HQ
ALP Shop
[Aukus Think Tanks powered by Faceless Men Thought Bubbles ]
Vote Albo Cavoodle Tags { Help Toto's Master Survive 2025 }
[L] Shop
Boomer Headstone Epitaphs : { Vote Dutto Dead or Alive in 25 }
Greens Shop
Cardboard Corflutes to surf yer...[ Green Landslide in '25 ]
UAP Shop
Really Catchy Jingle : Revive Clive in 2025
Everybody Sing same Tune...Now with even catchier more desperate tearjerker Chorus...
"That's My Kinda Revival...Vote' Clive for our Survival".
Crew : "Damn you tbb... My Brain Hurts!"
ONP Shop
Navy Blue Bonds Singlet with Rolled Up Ripped Off Sleeves [ Pauline will Strive 2 Deprive in '25 ]
New One Nation Jingle : It's Animal Life...It's Easy to See..You bring out the Animal inside of Me!
Scomo : "I wrote & sung that song & Also wish I was Bindi ...gettin' sick of playin' Bluey!"

Australia Zoo has turned into a shrine for every member of the Irwin family not just Steve.
Daughter was there a week ago.
Even have Bindis wedding dress on display lol
Rob has a photography display.
Even the shop stuff.

Spud kills two birds with one stone and announces where to go for soon to be affordable housing .

Supafreak wrote:Spud kills two birds with one stone and announces where to go for soon to be affordable housing .
Probably the most accurate thing from 9 article....
"If the Labor Party tried this from the opposition, we would have been torn apart – quite rightly... if (Dutton) can't share these details, then the Australian people are entitled to reach the view he's not serious when it comes to energy."
If Labor proposed this, they would be written off, guessing with a front-page article of The Australian claiming that they had gone insane, useless, living in fantasy land etc etc backed up by all other media including our own ABC.
I haven't looked at front page of The Australian yet, but I'm guessing editorials along the line as Dutton being courageous, visionary, statesman, fixing the future energy crisis, fixing Labor's mess etc etc. and he will be given a soft ride.
Our media really is farked that this policy is not being laughed at outright.
Geez at least get the LNP premiers on side and have spoken to the owners of the sites you wish to use.
What a debacle.

"On Monday the Nationals leader, David Littleproud, said Australia did not need “large-scale industrial windfarms” such as those proposed for an offshore zone south of Sydney."
What that Guardian article doesn't say is the LNP passed the legislation for the “large-scale industrial windfarms” - The Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 - which included the protocol to designate the area, consult with community, and the tendering process.
They're currently acting like no-one has a memory.

stunet wrote:"On Monday the Nationals leader, David Littleproud, said Australia did not need “large-scale industrial windfarms” such as those proposed for an offshore zone south of Sydney."
What that Guardian article doesn't say is the LNP passed the legislation for the “large-scale industrial windfarms” - The Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 - which included the protocol to designate the area, consult with community, and the tendering process.
They're currently acting like no-one has a memory.
Problem is that many do not have a memory, or choose to ignore it.
Remember everything was perfect in Australia before Labor got in a wrecked it.

andy-mac wrote:stunet wrote:"On Monday the Nationals leader, David Littleproud, said Australia did not need “large-scale industrial windfarms” such as those proposed for an offshore zone south of Sydney."
What that Guardian article doesn't say is the LNP passed the legislation for the “large-scale industrial windfarms” - The Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 - which included the protocol to designate the area, consult with community, and the tendering process.
They're currently acting like no-one has a memory.
Problem is that many do not have a memory, or choose to ignore it.
Remember everything was perfect in Australia before Labor got in a wrecked it.
Queue Quadzilla foaming at the mouth

“ Currently nuclear generation is prohibited by federal law, meaning the Coalition would have to pass enabling legislation through both the lower chamber and the upper house Senate.
While it may win the election and control the lower house, it would take a massive victory for it to take control of the Senate.
This means Dutton as prime minister would have to negotiate with cross-bench senators, and given the majority of those are either from the Australian Greens or are progressive independents, it's likely his nuclear plan would fail at the first hurdle.
There are also prohibitions on nuclear power in several states, and so far the leaders of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland have rejected any nuclear plants.
Building a nuclear industry from scratch would also require importing a skilled workforce of nuclear engineers and other experts, something that seems at odds with the Coalition's plans to reduce migration and its increasing anti-immigrant rhetoric.” Spud the dud unplugged .

seeds wrote:andy-mac wrote:stunet wrote:"On Monday the Nationals leader, David Littleproud, said Australia did not need “large-scale industrial windfarms” such as those proposed for an offshore zone south of Sydney."
What that Guardian article doesn't say is the LNP passed the legislation for the “large-scale industrial windfarms” - The Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 - which included the protocol to designate the area, consult with community, and the tendering process.
They're currently acting like no-one has a memory.
Problem is that many do not have a memory, or choose to ignore it.
Remember everything was perfect in Australia before Labor got in a wrecked it.Queue Quadzilla foaming at the mouth
Haha Albosleazy's top fan!


velocityjohnno wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Pop corn anyone?
FMD what a dog’s breakfast's a bold proposal with vision that can guarantee defeat from the prospect of victory.
my thoughts exactly
but there is a lot of hostility out there...
this is a year old, and this guy no friend of albo...
heard some commentators say dutton has no intention of following through with his nuclear promise... just a ruse to squeeze more years out of fossil fuels...
personally don't believe this at all
some people have a nutty obsession for nuclear... tech nerds, climate deniers, ...and people that have a general hate for renewables and anything left...
it's all a bit of an interesting dichotomy... as old as the hills...
cornicopians versus malthusians
I'm super anti-nuclear... or once was...
but, I kinda feel a little nuclear wouldn't be a bad thing.... almost inevitable...
especially with aukus, but more importantly, just to keep up with the rest of the world...
nuclear power is amazing when one considers the range and fuel you don't need to carry...
but dutton's plan just seems fuelled by nuttyness to me
and none of the rational pro arguments...
I hope oz says no

well this was all a bit too rational for modern politics...
treat yourself to 11 mins of sanity
Then slot yourself right back in to the partisan nuttery...

andy-mac wrote:seeds wrote:andy-mac wrote:stunet wrote:"On Monday the Nationals leader, David Littleproud, said Australia did not need “large-scale industrial windfarms” such as those proposed for an offshore zone south of Sydney."
What that Guardian article doesn't say is the LNP passed the legislation for the “large-scale industrial windfarms” - The Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 - which included the protocol to designate the area, consult with community, and the tendering process.
They're currently acting like no-one has a memory.
Problem is that many do not have a memory, or choose to ignore it.
Remember everything was perfect in Australia before Labor got in a wrecked it.Queue Quadzilla foaming at the mouth
Haha Albosleazy's top fan!
AM, you have to have a hero...even if hes a low life lying thieving weasel with RentA girlfriend(with a buy option)

sypkan wrote:well this was all a bit too rational for modern politics...
treat yourself to 11 mins of sanity
Then slot yourself right back in to the partisan nuttery...
That was worth watching, some of the most informative stuff I’ve heard on the subject. Good one sypkan

4 most recent West World Nuke Plants
Cost $180b ($45b / for yer avg Nuke plant )
Fastest build time = 14-18years (Allow 16 years / to build yer groovy yuppie modern Nuke plant)
Repeating...these are the fastest built least cost Nuke Plants in our Modern World right now!
Dutto's (Cut Price) Fast Track Nuke Shopping List
Finland : Start 2005 $4.8b > open 2023 $17.7b (2023 Begin Build on Hanhikivi [Cancelled] Done)
US : Start 2009 $14b > open 2024 $45b (All reckon the Last One in US)
France : Start 2007 $5.73b > open 2024 $21.2b (Last plant Start 1988 > open 2002 =14 years build)
UK : Start 2017 $17b > open 2031 $96.2b (Calls to Nuke it > all other UK plants close in 5-10yrs)
UK plant costs $16,033 per 6m households...($16,033 each buys 13 kW Free Lifetime Solar Capacity)
Exactly! If UK[L] simply handed out = Solar Rebate to 6m > all get free Power 4 life + [L] win election
+ Zero Mega Life ending Power / Heating bills + Zero Mega Death / Emergency Evacuation Orders!
Not exactly Rocket Science is it? Gromz gotta mark off Local [L] Member's Maths Homework.
Crew are free to shop elsewhere...let us know if ya can get a discount.
Global Timeline Nuke Longevity Summary :
1960's : 1/13 survives (Wait 5yrs for a Nuke Plant > they'd pull the plug)
1970's : 40/56 survive > Nearly all are in US and are nearing end of life.
1980's Boom decade 66 Built (vs) 13 Never Built in the mad scramble 3 Shut
1990's Only 15 were built > 6 of them shut
2000's End of Nuke Era 25 Built (vs) 19 closed > 11 more going gone (11 Commie pipe dreamers)
27 plants were abandoned between 5-27 year build > 3 never used sit idle > too expensive to run.
Any Pollie claiming more than 30- 50 year life is tellin' lies!
Dutto's claim of 80 years possibly refers to Phase one fall out!
Cry Cry...Wot about them stick it in a little bit warm fuzzy cute pet Puppy Love Mini Nukes
Mini Nuke Plants are regularly decommissioned first & ahead of time (Too costly for low return)
Ain't no one queuing to toss good money after bad...but what About Crazy Ted's pet puppies....Huh?
Most [L] ~ Coal Sites are built by GE/HITACHI > Mini Reactor Conversion GEH BWR-X 300 (Canada)
Note [L] Ted goes on about France / Canada + BWR-X 300's
Ya really don't wanna know...Ted's Monorail is just Puppy Love over a vat of Baby drool!
Canada are decommissioning 'Pickering' 2x 515MW in 2024 + 4x 516MW in 2026 = (3,094MW)
Canada Govt / GE-Hitachi are struggling to sell mini BWR-X 300MW 4x 2023-2029 = (1,200MW)
Reality is a -61% Nuke Fallout > going backwards if only someone could write off their Tax dodge!
Just sayin' if any buy Ted's Mini Spin then yer advocating for massive 61% Current Nuke Decline.
Yep! It's another Fucked Up half Baked Hot apple Pie to lure in brain dead boomers! "Luv Mini Nukes!"
Should we continue...just to humour [L] Boomers...Well yeah! Coz to reveal why they're hooked?
Cowardly Sickly Canada + France repeatedly shelve plans to bury Nuke Waste in Centre of our Earth.
Canada > 680m deep in Limestone (Abandoned) = 200,000 m3 waste stored over 28 toxic dumps
Get the picture...ya need more Nuke waste dump sites than actual Nuke Sites (That's the sad reality)
Communities Queue for a Nuke Plant just to be struck off the Mandatory Nuke Waste Dump register.
Pick us for yer leaky Nuke Site ...Oh please kill us slowly Master!
No joke...every Town gotta have a Nuke Waste Dump here & in France & all Nuked Wasted Nations
France > 500m deep in Mudstone (Ever On Hold) 1.8m m3
France run 825 Nuke Waste Dumps in 4 oceans + 3 Mediterranean Sites + 813 French Toxic sites
Oct 2021 (Covid) France recommenced dumping Nuke Waste in Putin's Siberian Arctic Circle
France owe Putin $3b for repairing their fucked up leaking dying dead Nuke Plants!
Without Putin ... Europe would be an Abandoned Nuke Fallout Wasteland.
Nearly all Big Nuke Corps are bankrupt...none can service their own car let alone water a Nuke plant!
China build 90% of own Plants + Russia boss 80% of Nuked Market.
Yes! Germany / France trade Power swaps as French Plants need Redos so they buy back & swap!
Impossible for Dutto to build an Oz Nuke plant for under $50b (Today!) without Russia or China!
Sure get one of Murdoch's Chinese News Crew to Bully his Chinese Newscorp chick.
Repeat of Murdoch trippin' up 9 network takeover! All gonna Cry...Sack Albo build-Chinese Nukes.
Dutto's [Zero Climate Emergency] Executive Compulsory Acquisition Order of State Power Plants.
Oz Govt signed off on Aukus Defence Nuke Waste Handling & Storage...(Mandatory Nuke Treaty)
Exactly : Dutto is evoking War Act legislation to win election & take over our Power Supply!
[Factcheck] Here's how Dutto extorts Aukus Nuke Treaty to lever UK / US to buy Oz Election Victory
Only [L] have imported & handled Nuke Waste into Oz (Twice) From France & UK
Dec 2015 [L] Mandatory import handling & storage of 20x 500kg LLW TN-81s Nuke casks from France
March 2022 [L] Mandatory import handling & storage of 4x 500kg of ILW TN-81s Nuke casks from UK
Pause...That's vital to [L] winning next 2025 Election.
Nov 2023- April 2024 ALP ratified Mandatory Handling of Aukus Nukes > Waste.
Dutto least cares of building Nuke Plants...
Dutto is Aukus appointed Nuke Waste Dump Poster Boy...Pick Me! Pick My back yard!
Only [L] will take one for the Team (Our Aukus Hero)
ASK any Question that instantly mandates Dutto's War Chest into our War Trophy Cabinet.
Who is 100% Committed to Aukus when the First of 1,000 Nuke Sub units get dumped on our shore?
Which Party is the Officially Sanctioned preferred Aukus Expert Nuke Disposal Squad.
Despite ALP signing the Aukus Mandated Nuke Dump Treaty (Ratified April starts [L] Nuke Campaign)
Oz Wartime Treaty #1 Aukus Commitment : Oz is now Official Aukus Nuke Dump!
Dutto : Ask US/UK Who they most trust as Aukus Nuke Waste Partner (Us Experts or them Cowards)
Dutto : I will mandate Aukus Nuke Waste Dumps wherever Uncle Sam bullies us to Dig!
Albo : We're watery on some kinda Nuke Thingy...Maybe after Dutto drums up & wins WW3.
That's why Dutto is doin' Albo slowly...UK / US elections may Dump Aukus Nukes...all hangs on that!
Gets the Aukus Waste Dump Tick from New Brit Labour & Trump...he's won the 2025 Oz election.
Albo ain't no Commander in Chief for Murdoch's [World War Times]
Dutto : "Not my Nuke Leader!"
NEWS : "Turf out the Cowardly Aukus Commie Traitor!"
Keating : "Shoulda listened to the Faithful & tore up the Aukus [L] Free Nuke ticket to the Lodge!"
Note : 80 yr/old near dead Electorate are droolin' to pull the plunger on the Rainbow Alliance Uprising!
Dutto 2025 Boomer Campaign : "Someone should blow up Rainbows!" Polls Skyrocket > New Messiah!
Dutto is forcing Albo to mandate his Aukus Nuke Waste Dump for [L] nukes ...Waiting!
All of Oz live in fear waiting for Albo to mark his dirty spot X your town no doubt!
All now Fear our PM's wheel of Death...Dutto's End Game..."Go see Albo about Nukes...not my Job!"
Can't enjoy nominating a UK /US Nuke Dump then yer not fit to be Aukus PM...Read the t&c Fine Print.
Should Albo fail in nominating hell hole of Pacific...he's holding up 7x $50b [L] climate investment...more if ya like!

Thanks for that post TBB , so spud reckons he can do it in 12 years and for good reasons won’t mention for how much, fark he’s a total tripper. What’s frightening is people will actually vote for this ringmaster of clowns .

If you google the topic you will find 11 to 12 years is 100% realistic and the average time for whole process.
The construction time on average is only 7 years but can even be done in 5 years or less.
Average life span is also greatly increasing 40 years but could get 50+ years out of one.
BTW. Nobody ever mentions the total cost of renewables and batteries either, so no suprise that Dutton isnt going to just give a figure that would be very hard to calculate when your talking a number of reactors.

chin wrote:sypkan wrote:well this was all a bit too rational for modern politics...
treat yourself to 11 mins of sanity
Then slot yourself right back in to the partisan nuttery...
That was worth watching, some of the most informative stuff I’ve heard on the subject. Good one sypkan
Yeah agree, balanced sensible watch.
To me it makes sense to just have 5% to 10% of nuclear in the energy mix for secure 24/7 reliable base to support renewables you would expect it would help reduce the use of gas.

it was very good and balanced
can't we just sack these morons - sorry experts - representing both sides of politics and have these two do the rollout?
I know... and I mean KNOW... the outcomes would be better...

It was just refreshing to listen to two guys who know what they’re talking about, discuss it with absolutely zero bias or political agenda.
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: