Australia - you're standing in it

"Silence" is all a pastie deserves. Never a fan myself.
Freehand hot pie consumption whilst operating a moving vehicle is a uniquely Australian skill set that should probably be taught in schools, or maybe driving schools. After many decades of pie consuming and countless pie consumption injuries and mishaps and messes I developed some perfect pie consuming techniques as many of us do. I always travel with a teaspoon, that's all you need to avoid pie burns, mess and create the right mix of meat and sauce.
South Australia has good pies, most of Australia does. Some of the good things about this place remain.
We just need to stop these people and States that call a potato cake a "scallop" and things would be ok.

In defence of pasties. A good pastie is good. The most important thing is the base can’t be burnt and the filling can’t be dry.

Yes, A good pastie is a thing.

Uppercrust at Collaroy was always a pie stop post surf on the NB's, except on weekends when the line would run up Pittwater Road.
Pasties? Who the hell eats pasties?
Oh adam, you just had to mention potato scallop/potato cake debate........

Roadkill wrote:A good pastie is good.
And a good meat pie is fucking unreal.
That's the difference.

A pastie is only worth thinking about eating if the person selling it to you refers to it as a cuttand

A pie getting washed down with a sausage roll works

- b6 mentioned the herbert adams variety earlier
...sous vide beef in gravy are a go ;)

Yes they are pretty good for a frozen supermarket pie.
Potato scallops for sure

I was in the Villies cafe early one morning stocking up for the day when a gang of aboriginals held it up. Standing at the counter wallet open in hand when all hell broke loose and a bloke was screaming at the chick to open the till waving a crusty old sawn off shotgun around. He then looked straight at me with a confused look in his eyes and pointed it straight at my head and said don't look at me cunt. Meanwhile one of the others was belting the manager bloke with his rifle butt for looking up at him. I should have known something was up when I saw the beat up commodore in the middle of the street with all four doors wide open and no one around, I had even flashed my high beam at them as I drove into the car park as it was still dark before work as they were casing the joint. Anyway I turned around and walked out half expecting to get shot in the back leaving my iced coffee on the counter. As I left I told the forklift driver to call the cops and stopped a customer from going in and then went to the corner deli to get my iced coffee. Haven't been back since.

Wash your mouth out with soap Stu

AndyM wrote:Island Bay wrote:Here's the aforementioned pork pie
You had me at crackling.
Is there anything better than pork crackling? Fat, skin, salt somehow ending up almost divine.
You can buy little paper baggies of it at Danish butchers, and it's the biggest treat when we go back there.

In S.A. all bakeries sell almost as many pasties as pies. From the basic plain pasty with mince, carrot, potato etc. to cheese and spinach with cracked pepper, pumpkin and ricotta, the list is endless and the flaky pastry is to die for. Just saying, but yes I'll admit pies are better.

there's no such thing as a good pasty outside of SA
they are truly disgusting
coupla pie shops popped up in bali of late, one on bukit looks pretty busy
never tried it, too many better options

Holy cow!!!! Too much wasabi
edit…. A couple of ;);) required

Wow, there are some things to process about that photo.

Pastizz/pastizzi is slang for vagina/pussy in Malta.

Is that true LD???
Nanna made the best off those.
Mum and Dad could never replicate.
Re: pic
Do we get in trouble for thinking it or just saying it these days???
either or ... it's still funny.

It is true.


That's a good lookin menu, Ash. I am liking the Tuna Mornay, but i dunno what i am talkin about.. never having had an Aussie pie. I might hafta order something from the Colorado place that sells em that Base mentioned, so i can try one. (or four, or ten).

Yeah, good pies.
Used to stop in their factory shop opposite west Byron IGA.
Noticed it was bulldozed the other day.
I would challenge any man, woman or child on Earth to eat a piping hot Tuna Mornay pie and drive a vehicle.

wax24 wrote:That's a good lookin menu, Ash. I am liking the Tuna Mornay, but i dunno what i am talkin about.. never having had an Aussie pie. I might hafta order something from the Colorado place that sells em that Base mentioned, so i can try one. (or four, or ten).
Had the tuna mornay for dinner tonight :)

freeride76 wrote:Yeah, good pies.
Used to stop in their factory shop opposite west Byron IGA.
Noticed it was bulldozed the other day.
I would challenge any man, woman or child on Earth to eat a piping hot Tuna Mornay pie and drive a vehicle.
Didn’t know that, looks like Moved to 18 Ascot Road, Ballina, on their website.
We buy them from a shop in Bellingen frozen, in the esky and back in the freezer.

"I would challenge any man, woman or child on Earth to eat a piping hot Tuna Mornay pie and drive a vehicle."
Like nuclear fondue in pastry, to be avoided when in charge of heavy machinery. Just like hot jam doughnuts and apple pies from Macca's.

Oh sweet, they have moved to Ballina, hope they still sell out of the factory front door.

The tuna mornay pie with mash made in a thermomix (nothing like it), and coleslaw :)

Apple pies, Blackers! Now your talkin Seppo Pie. An apple pie with a thin slice of cheddar melted on top. (Or a thick slice of cheddar, if you are me.) I can talk pie all night. I remember bein a youngster at one of my first jobs. Carpet cleaning. I was riding in the work van with my boss, lookin out the window and not really paying attention. My boss always listened to NPR radio. I heard the radio say that "today is national pie day..." I perked up and exclaimed something about how awesome that is, cause i love pie! My boss eye rolled and said "they're talkin about math. You know... pi?" Shit. That was a total letdown.

Ever had a cauliflower mash made in the thermi?

freeride76 wrote:Ever had a cauliflower mash made in the thermi?
No, good?

Humble pie co at Billinudgel used to have great apple and blueberry pies.

the recipe is on there.

peas are the bomb with a pie. as an adelaidean, i've never understood the floater, and as a uk frequenter, never understood mushy peas.. frozen peas run under hot water are absolutely fantastic with a pie. no carrots required.

Haha run under hot water? Along with your pasties you’re a weird mob down there.

ha, maybe just me.. bit of a blancher.. if fresh frozen, don't add additional degradation.
(but we tots are a weird mob down here, it's friggin glorious, don't tell anyone..)

Pie floater, now you're talking my language, meat pie in a bowl of thick pea soup covered in tomato sauce. That type of pea soup was only found at the pie cart, you can't buy it anywhere. Great at 3am after a big night on the piss.

Don’t go the Pom version with cream. Just butter, salt and pepper. Just a light mashing with a potato masher. Keep it chunky. Stays on ya fork basesix!

is it still there old-dog? should be heritage, that van..
(best quote on food @seeds: "the taste makes you enjoy the first bite, the texture the last.." I'll try your way, but them little green pops pimp up a pie for me!)

@basesix, no idea, used to be one at the railway station, one in Victoria Square and one at Norwood. I haven't had one since the 80,s.

Where was this old dog?
Funny, the only hand eaten pie I’ll put tomato sauce on is a pie and peas where the peas are under the pastry top. Flavour combo required.

the victoria square one would still be there, surely old-dog? seeds needs to come to adelaide for a coupla weeks, he'd freakin love it.. pie floater, ha, what a thing!

@ seeds, the pie floater used to be an Adelaide icon, known world wide. Dad used to bring them home from the cart in take away containers. They are impossible to replicate as must be certain type of pie, soup and sauce to be any good.

Wow Google tells me pie floater equals Adelaide. Images tells me I don’t know if I’d like that. Too runny, but pissed at 3am, birdy num nums!

I just googled it and the only ones available are through, you guessed it Villies cafe which has a cart to rent for parties and events. I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole.

Ha! I just now realized that what y'all call "tomato sauce," i call ketchup. Things are becoming clearer.

Haha Wax yes there’s no ketchup here. Although some brand does sell it. Slightly different flavour.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.