Australia - you're standing in it

Haven’t seen anything as lame since the Morrison fireman handshake. On par for stupid and self serving.

"now just imagine if that was morrison...
the reaction would have been ten fold"
That's the point you don't seem to get.
Morrison did and said far worse, he stood up in parliament at the time of the last women's rally and said, basically, they were lucky they weren't being shot.
The MSM and ABC let it through to the keeper.
No searing headlines or analysis, no front page Oz outrage, Ben Fordham said nothing, Annabel Crabbe didn't write an op ed about it.
You didn't come on here and call him a fraud or said "he fucked up".
If it was Morrison there would not have been any of this rubbish.
There is plenty to be critical of Albanese and his government, (some good runs on the board worthy of praise too), this matter is not one of them. Bigger fish to fry.
Confected outrage, and a bit of an overeaction from you Syppie IMO.
Stu's post was great
Hope he keeps on his roll.

soggydog wrote:Supafreak wrote:Who’s the victim here ?
She got high on her own supply and all we saw was the crash.
So if, as a journalist, you ask probing pertinent questions, you can be shut down with accusations of "victim blaming" and not being "trauma informed"?
Not a good direction for open, transparent discussions to be heading.

sypkan wrote:^^^
I don't disagree, but none of that changes the fact albo fucked up...
and it wasn't just a little fuck up
now just imagine if that was morrison...
the reaction would have been ten fold
I may have missed something, but how has he fucked up?
By not dropping everything and hugging/consoling the event organiser and almost certainly risking being labelled patronising?
I'm still not sure I get it (as I contribute the momentum of the rolling shitstorm).
R.I.P. young fella
What is it with the knives these days? How many people are carrying? Scary stuff

Andrew P wrote:
RIP. Terrible. I surfed there this morning at 8am, my local, sometimes I park there mostly the car park bit further north.
Heard it on the radio but didn't say he passed away.

AndyM wrote:sypkan wrote:^^^
I don't disagree, but none of that changes the fact albo fucked up...
and it wasn't just a little fuck up
now just imagine if that was morrison...
the reaction would have been ten fold
I may have missed something, but how has he fucked up?
By not dropping everything and hugging/consoling the event organiser and almost certainly risking being labelled patronising?
I'm still not sure I get it (as I contribute the momentum of the rolling shitstorm).
There was no fuck up basically.....

seeds][quote=Andrew P wrote:
R.I.P. young fella
What is it with the knives these days? How many people are carrying? Scary stuff
Just said exactly that to my Mrs, my daughter 21 surfs there too early before work sometimes.

AndyM wrote:soggydog wrote:Supafreak wrote:Who’s the victim here ?
She got high on her own supply and all we saw was the crash.
So if, as a journalist, you ask probing pertinent questions, you can be shut down with accusations of "victim blaming" and not being "trauma informed"?
Not a good direction for open, transparent discussions to be heading.
No victim blaming AM, I watched the video and my comment was along the lines of. She whipped herself into a frenzy, possibly because of lack of experience and naivety and all that was broadcast was the melt down. Which watching the above clip seemed inevitable.
I have to agree with comments on her appearance/dress. Want to be taken seriously then present yourself as someone who would like to be taken seriously on a serious issue. Not some half baked bogan with a list of unreasonable on the spot demands.
I probably need a bit of clarification on your comment above.

She accused the interviewer of victim blaming her and not being trauma informed, which I thought was over the top and unhelpful.
At the same time, how is a young person supposed to navigate that frenzy, especially with a thousand unquestioning supporters in your ear.
Christ, even Jo Average social media user needs a media advisor these days.

Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.

Andrew P wrote:
That is horrible.

AndyM wrote:She accused the interviewer of victim blaming her and not being trauma informed, which I thought was over the top and unhelpful.
At the same time, how is a young person supposed to navigate that frenzy, especially with a thousand unquestioning supporters in your ear.
Christ, even Jo Average social media user needs a media advisor these days.
the blaming... victim blaming... blaming...
is ugly and pathetic
A new shutdown
much like the old one...

andy-mac wrote:AndyM wrote:sypkan wrote:^^^
I don't disagree, but none of that changes the fact albo fucked up...
and it wasn't just a little fuck up
now just imagine if that was morrison...
the reaction would have been ten fold
I may have missed something, but how has he fucked up?
By not dropping everything and hugging/consoling the event organiser and almost certainly risking being labelled patronising?
I'm still not sure I get it (as I contribute the momentum of the rolling shitstorm).There was no fuck up basically.....
as I said, it's a litany of fuck ups
but the most recent was government showing no interest in the women's groups' concerns...
until it became un-ignorable / politically convenient
and, as indod pointed out re. andym's DV graph... there were clear jumps it times of economic insecurity
albo has obtusely and callously ignored current cost of living crisis - for two years... (after making a big hoo haa in election campaign)
ignored housing / rental crisis
'fire hosed' million ++ migrants in exacerbating both
then gone on a scomo rant at women's march telling us how good his governmet is...
way to read room!

and the response to his billion bucks redemption package can only be described as frosty...
here's a billion bucks... shut up for a little while... and we'll reconvene in 3 months to talk shit again...
after gawwwd knows how many more deaths
$5k for women to relocate ($3.3 of it in vouchers...)
WTF... $5k... that would barely last a month in current economic climate...
...that's if the women have somewhere to move to!
housing crisis...
all the advice they've been given is to focus on perpretrators
both in terms of laws, bails, and moving...
albo hasn't heard a word
seemingly exactly the same as cost of living crisis, alice springs (1 and 11) housing crisis, rental crisis, migration, the voice...
and now this
this government is the definition of an ivory tower!

WTF is the rest of it going?
you know where...
(maybe not)
I do...

sypkan wrote:$5k...
WTF is the rest of it going?
you know where...
(maybe not)
I do...
Seems a hastily made captain’s call.

Roadkill wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.
Dunno mate, stats say otherwise.
Household crime is also down over the last 15 years.
All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change.
Shame we can't say the same about domestic violence.

AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.
Dunno mate, stats say otherwise.
Household crime is also down over the last 15 years.
All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change.Shame we can't say the same about domestic violence.
Domestic violence is violence
I said way too much violence…including knives, one punch, violence against woman
etc etc
you want to use stats to say it’s down? DV would be included in the stats? Yet you choose to make what point? Or just disagree with me for something to do?
Stats are down? So we do nothing?

And stats are misleading…as the small print on your graph shows.

And Australian violence is cultural not generational…imo

Dom is good?
Dominic Perrottet joins cross-party call for royal commission into violence against women.
He said a federal royal commission would guide “meaningful action”. “I'm supportive of a royal commission because, whilst we need immediate action now, violence against women is such a complex issue that having a holistic inquiry can only be beneficial,” he said.

Imagine how many will die before a Royal Commission concludes. And non binding recommendations ignored and/or argued over……….

They never do much good anyway do they?

The killers seem always to be repeat offenders. They should sort that bit first.
The $5000 is a good idea. You could get yourself and family across the country with that if needed or start fresh in a quiet country town. All good as long as the justice system doesn’t feel obliged to tell the guy where they are.

surfer dies after stabbing at Coffs Harbour

Edit: delete Coffs stabbing already been mentioned

velocityjohnno wrote:surfer dies after stabbing at Coffs Harbour
Sounds like he may of caught someone breaking into his car. Others were broken into.

"...All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change..."
I think its the nature of the street violence now over the numbers
the sheer brutality of it all
the sucker punches
the girl on girl violence
and the pile ons
where I grew up we always heard of gang violence, even weapons... but it seems there was an 'honour among thieves' they didn't beat up, pile on, gang up, and kick a person in the head on the floor until the person passes out...
seems now the goal is to totally incapacitate your opponent
the gang vids on SM seem to have created a monster within. and desensitised people to violence generally

Meth. I'd b stamping that out of society first and foremost in any discussions about violence.
From now on, you take meth even once, you get sent to the Neptune islands to live. Swimming to escape is optional and encouraged.
You have the choice to take it or not. And you now know the consequences will be sent away to a deserted island to rot with other meth heads. Line in the sand.
How much longer do we have to dance around the amount of ice related crimes that are destroying the lives of innocent people.
(note. not assuming this was the case above....just on topic of violence).

Optimist wrote:The killers seem always to be repeat offenders. They should sort that bit first.
The $5000 is a good idea. You could get yourself and family across the country with that if needed or start fresh in a quiet country town. All good as long as the justice system doesn’t feel obliged to tell the guy where they are.
that latest DV case in point
apparently he was already out on bail for violent crimes
addressing bail, and monitoring perpetrators was one of the key reccomendations... but...
also data sharing between states... (seriously, how is that not already a thing?)
yeh, laws are a state issue... but... come on, this shit is so basic...
and, as chick on abc said this morning re. moving women out... it is much easier, cost effective, and just... to remove the man out of the house than the woman and kids...
especially in a housing crisis!

southernraw wrote:Meth. I'd b stamping that out of society first and foremost in any discussions about violence.
From now on, you take meth even once, you get sent to the Neptune islands to live. Swimming to escape is optional and encouraged.
You have the choice to take it or not. And you now know the consequences will be sent away to a deserted island to rot with other meth heads. Line in the sand.
How much longer do we have to dance around the amount of ice related crimes that are destroying the lives of innocent people.
(note. not assuming this was the case above....just on topic of violence).
If they were breaking into cars they were looking for cash or stuff to sell.
Not hard to figure out what they want the money for.

dead right there southern...
meth is a different beast
and I've seen it widely reported that our strategy for dealing with it is well out of date
we currently use a 'harm minimisation' method adopted for heroin and the like (injecting rooms etc.)
suitable for a sleepy low energy junkie that can't even find his zip to take a piss... whereas methheads are just a plain danger to everyone...
both on the gear, and the comedown

SR all meth dealers and synthetic drug dealers to get 10 years mandatory prison sentence and everything they own gets sold and put into rehab centres.
.. That'll stop it and pretty quick.

Whole eshay culture is toxic.
Glorifies crime and violence.

Agreed Opti and crew above.. There needs to be severe deterrents. Enough is enough. You choose you lose.
Pages 23,24,25 highlight the violence associated with meth use below.
If you choose to take a drug that is evidenced to increase the likelihood of you becoming a violent member of society, that may harm an innocent person, and you're aware of that, as you should be considering it's proven, you should be treated as someone with intent to cause violence.

I’d target the dealers 10 years mandatory and lose everything as above….then the users can dry out as it’s not their fault.

Roadkill wrote:AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.
Dunno mate, stats say otherwise.
Household crime is also down over the last 15 years.
All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change.Shame we can't say the same about domestic violence.
Domestic violence is violence
I said way too much violence…including knives, one punch, violence against woman
etc etcyou want to use stats to say it’s down? DV would be included in the stats? Yet you choose to make what point? Or just disagree with me for something to do?
Stats are down? So we do nothing?
My point is, don't be some easily-led nanna.
Before you clutch your pearl necklace, shit your pants and descend into a moral panic, keep things in perspective,
One break and enter, one bashing one homicide is too much, but when you talk about "these days", you've just taken a step closer to nonsense.

AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.
Dunno mate, stats say otherwise.
Household crime is also down over the last 15 years.
All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change.Shame we can't say the same about domestic violence.
Domestic violence is violence
I said way too much violence…including knives, one punch, violence against woman
etc etcyou want to use stats to say it’s down? DV would be included in the stats? Yet you choose to make what point? Or just disagree with me for something to do?
Stats are down? So we do nothing?
My point is, don't be some easily-led nanna.
Before you clutch your pearl necklace, shit your pants and descend into a moral panic, keep things in perspective,
One break and enter, one bashing one homicide is too much, but when you talk about "these days", you've just taken a step closer to nonsense.
Like you did with covid vax lol??

Hahaha, you flog!


ashsam wrote:AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.
Dunno mate, stats say otherwise.
Household crime is also down over the last 15 years.
All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change.Shame we can't say the same about domestic violence.
Domestic violence is violence
I said way too much violence…including knives, one punch, violence against woman
etc etcyou want to use stats to say it’s down? DV would be included in the stats? Yet you choose to make what point? Or just disagree with me for something to do?
Stats are down? So we do nothing?
My point is, don't be some easily-led nanna.
Before you clutch your pearl necklace, shit your pants and descend into a moral panic, keep things in perspective,
One break and enter, one bashing one homicide is too much, but when you talk about "these days", you've just taken a step closer to nonsense.Like you did with covid vax lol??
And you did with global conspiracy about control? And paperbags full of cash for bought corrupt politicians? And Bill Gates being part of it? And you’re still bedwetting whereas most of us are getting on with life.

Roadkill wrote:ashsam wrote:AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:AndyM wrote:Roadkill wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Jesus, way too much violence these days.
Dunno mate, stats say otherwise.
Household crime is also down over the last 15 years.
All the bouncers I talk to say there's been a major shift in the street violence they have to deal with these days compared to the 90s.
The reckon it's a generational change.Shame we can't say the same about domestic violence.
Domestic violence is violence
I said way too much violence…including knives, one punch, violence against woman
etc etcyou want to use stats to say it’s down? DV would be included in the stats? Yet you choose to make what point? Or just disagree with me for something to do?
Stats are down? So we do nothing?
My point is, don't be some easily-led nanna.
Before you clutch your pearl necklace, shit your pants and descend into a moral panic, keep things in perspective,
One break and enter, one bashing one homicide is too much, but when you talk about "these days", you've just taken a step closer to nonsense.Like you did with covid vax lol??
And you did with global conspiracy about control? And paperbags full of cash for bought corrupt politicians? And Bill Gates being part of it? And you’re still bedwetting whereas most of us are getting on with life.
The roaddill was controlled like a puppet for 3 years, locked up and forced to juice up, and now get's on with it lol, you'll be right to go next time.

One for the ladies who no longer have voices.
Interesting read.

Far out the stuff on that website lol cooked

to the post i shared @ashsam?
That's all you can offer in reflection?

The article i shared (if that's the one you're referring to) definitely has some pretty extreme ideas. No doubt. It's outdated by a century and goes back to a time when studying human thought was less empirical with objective measures, and more based on observation. That said, i think theres elements of truth if you look hard enough that may contribute to male attitudes to women.
I also think, it's important on a male dominated website, that has been talking about womens violence from a males point of view for the last few days, to take a step back, and hear some things from the point of view of women. And from that maybe reflect on our own thoughts and actions to women. I think that's the least we can do for the 25 women that have been killed in Australia this year alone, as a very small step,...don't you think?

I thought cooked was being generous.
Gawd, what garbage.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.