Australia - you're standing in it

Ah well at least im trying. Maybe you two can post some things that might explain the power difference between men and women. I was just offering a chance to expand your thinking and reflect.

It seemed too University feminist woman’s studies leaning for me.
Women can get pregnant, carry a child in their womb for 9 months, and typically have all the necessary tools to nurture and raise her child, such as breast feeding her child. Men are envious of women for that very reason, they do not have the power to create life…this is wish washy rubbish. Devalues mens contributions to creating life…that’s the first paragraph. Then it went downhill fast…
Academic leaning garbage that does nothing to explain anything in reality…is how I see it.
Well done on reading the whole thing, SR. My eyes glazed over fast.

Haha fair enough roady and fair eniugh analysis. It was less about the article and more about the concepts intoduced by Horne last century...she was a bit of a trailblazer. Just a different perspective, and something to make us think. Like u i dont agrer with most of it, but i like that it made ne think, and i guess that's my point. I feel like us thinking and talking is a great positive step forward.
Cheers for reading and replying. Much appreciated

SR do you have women in your life? You always seemed to be searching on ways for how to treat them better.
I have a wife and 3 daughters 1 still at home, it’s not rocket science mate.
They get treated as equals with love and respect.
These guys killing these women if you looked into them are absolute deadbeats you wouldn’t want your daughters any where near them.

Wonder how the father whose daughter apparently married you feels ;)
& then there is this
- health, fitness and wellbeing thread page 9:
"My son lives there married a Danish girl."
- hmmmmm ;)
Sure you don't drive a red shitbox with a blue bonnet haha
On ya bike with ya bs stories ;);)

ashsam wrote:SR do you have women in your life? You always seemed to be searching on ways for how to treat them better.
I have a wife and 3 daughters 1 still at home, it’s not rocket science mate.
They get treated as equals with love and respect.These guys killing these women if you looked into them are absolute deadbeats you wouldn’t want your daughters any where near them.
My ex who i was with for 3 years and was extremely close with back then took her own life after severe physical and mental abuse from a following relationship, so yep.
What a fucked question to ask regardless. No further correspondence with you from here on. Thanks.

southernraw wrote:ashsam wrote:SR do you have women in your life? You always seemed to be searching on ways for how to treat them better.
I have a wife and 3 daughters 1 still at home, it’s not rocket science mate.
They get treated as equals with love and respect.These guys killing these women if you looked into them are absolute deadbeats you wouldn’t want your daughters any where near them.
My ex who i was with for 3 years and was extremely close with back then took her own life after severe physical and mental abuse from a following relationship, so yep.
What a fucked question to ask regardless. No further correspondence with you from here on. Thanks.
I was asking about now, that’s not good.
Well that’s why I didn’t initially answer your question, knew it would end badly, your cooked.
See ya

Jelly Flater wrote:Wonder how the father whose daughter apparently married you feels ;)
& then there is this
- health, fitness and wellbeing thread page 9:"My son lives there married a Danish girl."
- hmmmmm ;)
Sure you don't drive a red shitbox with a blue bonnet hahaOn ya bike with ya bs stories ;);)
He’s dead.
My son does live there, not sure why you are bringing that up.
You wouldn’t be such a smart arse in the flesh you little weezle

^ hahahaha
I'd fold u before u even had a chance to understood your own stench ;);)
Sing along now, on ya bike
- your anthem is up ;)

Geez what a lowlife. Crawl back in the hole u came out of.

- his own bunghole haha

Can we drop the back and forth sniping?
FFS it's boring, tiring, and boring.


^ haha, "with patterns all over you, and that.."

Stu. There's only one person sniping here.
Everyone is sick to death of him. Can't even have a fucking conversation without him poking his thick, uneducated opinion in.



No wonder you changed your name from blue diamond.
Wiping the slate clean.
It’s a forum for opinions lol
Just because you don’t agree.
To agree with BD.
All men are women haters and have issues that need changing.
And are all white privileged and don’t deserve to be here.
The end.

Which part of "... it's boring, tiring, and boring" is so difficult to understand? Time to chill.

@SR , a sham is damaged goods , best just to ignore it .

All good Supa. thanks. Pretty keen for waves. Been flat as a tack the last few days here!
Hope you're scoring over there.

southernraw wrote:All good Supa. thanks. Pretty keen for waves. Been flat as a tack the last few days here!
Hope you're scoring over there.
It was good yesterday, the wind changed 4 times , headhigh with overhead sets occasionally, today was waist high with headhigh occasionally but beautiful conditions. Tomorrow and next day getting smaller then I’m expecting solid 8ft out front and I will scamper down to a user friendly wave further down the bay . Brazilian lads did well spearfishing again today and the webber has been fired up .

Supafreak wrote:@SR , a sham is damaged goods , best just to ignore it .
Says the boomer on a tax payers holiday.

You fer real? Give it a rest. And you wonder why people call you names.

Phwoar living the dream @supa! Good to hear the ocean's healthy there and you've been getting treated to some sweet little waves. New swell on the way here o/night but looks like the wind coming with it. Enjoy the feast with the crew!

blackers wrote:You fer real? Give it a rest. And you wonder why people call you names.
You didn’t read what they said?

O’well I’m out.

Albo posted this on X….his last post.
Quote…I stand firm on my belief that free speech is a dangerous tool and must be restricted.
And then…quote…Elon Musks commitment to free speech is a detriment to our democratic discourse….
Then he quit x with Lambie…..
If you still don’t think this bloke is dangerous you must be kidding.
Time to bring in Richard Marles and give him a go.

Optimist wrote:Albo posted this on X….his last post.
Quote…I stand firm on my belief that free speech is a dangerous tool and must be restricted.
And then…quote…Elon Musks commitment to free speech is a detriment to our democratic discourse….
Then he quit x with Lambie…..
If you still don’t think this bloke is dangerous you must be kidding.
Time to bring in Richard Marles and give him a go.
No, he didn't say that. The Australian Labor Parody account said that.
Don't feel bad, many other people unable to do the simplest research and also pre-dispositioned towards hatred fell for it.

Well there you go….no hatred here but don’t like Albo ,,.he’s sus… sus leaders bother me….and as you can also see I’m no tech giant….ha ha.
Thanks for clearing that up. Learnt something new today…parody accounts???


Jelly Flater wrote:
Haha geez, he blew that!

Anatomy of a parody-

Heavy, hope these guys are found safe and well.

Optimist wrote:Well there you go….no hatred here but don’t like Albo ,,.he’s sus… sus leaders bother me….and as you can also see I’m no tech giant….ha ha.
Thanks for clearing that up. Learnt something new today…parody accounts???
You, Optimist, should probably research the internet before you use the internet.

andy-mac wrote:Heavy, hope these guys are found safe and well.
Yes I read that last night. Does not sound good.

blackers wrote:andy-mac wrote:Heavy, hope these guys are found safe and well.
Yes I read that last night. Does not sound good.
Jeez that’s scary, hopefully they’re found ok.
Their poor parents.

goofyfoot wrote:blackers wrote:andy-mac wrote:Heavy, hope these guys are found safe and well.
Yes I read that last night. Does not sound good.
Jeez that’s scary, hopefully they’re found ok.
Their poor parents.
Latest report is they have found their burnt-out car and that they arrested a women as they tracked one of the blokes stolen phone which she had.

Farrk. Sketchy joint.

andy-mac wrote:goofyfoot wrote:blackers wrote:andy-mac wrote:Heavy, hope these guys are found safe and well.
Yes I read that last night. Does not sound good.
Jeez that’s scary, hopefully they’re found ok.
Their poor parents.Latest report is they have found their burnt-out car and that they arrested a women as they tracked one of the blokes stolen phone which she had.
There was a similar occurrence some years ago. Two Aussie guys were pulled over late at night on a freeway by thieves posing as cops. Their car was later found burnt out with the two deceased.
I hope these guys are ok.

Crazy stuff. The US is nuts with their guns and stuff but then you look at the rest of Americas... I spent a fair bit of time in Chile (which everyone considered a good place). My mate was hit by a car and robbed in the middle of the street. A guy we rented an apartment from was beaten up and robbed on his way to meet us. They also broke into a car overnight, just smashed the window, and got in. When sitting in restaurants you get warned to hide all your stuff. And these were all the good areas. My good Chilean friends told me that this is nothing compared to Mexico. In Mexico, even the police might rob you.

The U.S. police laughed at my son for walking a few blocks from a venue to his hotel
He was bundled into a car by 3 guys taken to an atm and his accounts emptied with a gun at his head. Go USA. At least they didn’t kill him.

Nuts. I walk around alone when I travel but I'm very careful and rarely walk at night. And I also carry the bare minimum with me. Some streets in downtown LA felt eerie even in the middle of the day.

3 people where gunned down and killed 2 doors down from where I was living in Mexico. Another shooting occurred close by while i was there. Heard the gun shots and made a quiet retreat. It was a cartel hit. stormy rainy night power out etc. Next morning the locals were washing the blood away as if it never happened. Somewhat a common occurrence .Just another common oddity of the place. The fact you don't travel at night in mexico or flash your valuables is well known. Corruption and life is cheap there. Its people and culture fantastic. But the dark side is embedded and well known. Many a surfer has enjoyed it's fruits but the common sense risks should be listened to. I solo'd it, sketchy at times but so worth it. travel light and under the radar. Sometimes you need a guide in the heavier spots for safety but that in its self is never guaranteed, and even less for the budget traveler. Great people generally but like anywhere on it's day. When our number is up it's up.
abc news

Andrew P wrote:
Another tragedy at the hands of knife wielding thief. A sad day for his family and friends, who will live with the trauma for years to come. A terrible thing to happen. And as far as I can determine, no word from the Police on finding the attacker.
RIP young fella.

in regards to another thread. Vincent Hurley going off.
abc news

A Salty Dog wrote:Andrew P wrote:
Another tragedy at the hands of knife wielding thief. A sad day for his family and friends, who will live with the trauma for years to come. A terrible thing to happen. And as far as I can determine, no word from the Police on finding the attacker.
RIP young fella.
The talk surfing out there this morning was the attacker killed himself yesterday, there was a blew the night before at a homeless shelter/tents nearby, showed the cops on nbn news last night searching it.
Nothing confirmed on any news outlets, police, yet.

+ 1 condolences to the coffs crew
Abc news

Nutter, that’s for sure. It’s strange to think that the scripture is real but to actually believe he’s talking back to you.
It’s like the socially acceptable mental illness.
But then he sensed God’s response, brought to him via Jesus. “So Scott, your enemies are getting the better of you, are they? You think you have been unfairly treated, have you?” Jesus said.
“You may have heard about some of my experiences … my friends deserted me … my people lied about me … I was betrayed by one of my closest friends.
“Scott, I get it. I’ve been there and worse, and you know what? I did it all for you, because I really love you … just follow me. Just believe in me and trust me.”
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.