That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill started the topic in Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 7:04pm
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 3:50pm



ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 3:53pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

- haha quick wun away now lil wabbit


you want me to stay belly, keeping your YouTube skills going

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 3:58pm

....hypocrites ay
- haha, carry on ;)

Remember how it turned out for u looking in the mirror trashcan (same as gsco)
- on ya bike ;);)



ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 4:18pm

get off the meth it really is making you a jellybrain

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 4:27pm

- trashcan you've already tried that one ;)
......keep clutching at straws tho haha, and throwing out more pathetic false accusations

- now be true to your word and hop along lil wabbit ;)

Your deranged messiah complex is just a sad incessant display of loneliness ;);)


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 4:32pm

if not meth one sick puppy then

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 4:55pm

....the garbage projector cooking on high now ;)

'Ol trashcan is repeatedly the truest gauge of fraudulence and filth here
- it's obvious for all to see, yet clear as dogshit to you ;);)

Carry on..... till the bitter end ;)


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 4:56pm

See a dr please, bye

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 5:01pm

- hahaha, off u go now, thyme to take out the trash!
...on ya bike lil hector the projector ;);)

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 5:03pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:02pm
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
bonza wrote:

Standard stuff from the useful idiots here and elsewhere who hate Israel . Attack condemn and deny everything Israel says at every opportunity in accordance with Hamas social media propaganda. Remain silent when the evidence proves otherwise. Wash rinse repeat.

The useful idiots here will be on right side of history mate.
You would have been calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist and encouraging them to nuke Vietnam.

Opposing genocide does not make you anti semitic, your failure to understand this simple point says more about you and your heartless mates....

Anyway I'm out... This attitude is sickening to me. Look at the footage coming out of Gaza and you are going on about figures of 1000's of people being butchered with no where they can go, journos and aid convoys being deliberately targeted, and famine already taking hold.
But hey it Hamas's fault.

Right side of history what garbage.

If you had been around in 1930s you would have been saying stop the war too many people are dying, they cant go into Berlin, you would have allowed hitler and the nazis to survive and remain in power.

And that was a true genocide of nine million Jews in Europe SIX MILLION Jews alone were intentionally slaughtered.

Gaza is in no way a genocide.

1. Civilian's deaths are not intentional, if Israel could im sure they would only kill Hamas fighters, this would mean the world would have very little issue with the war, but its just not realistic and its made worse by how Hamas have imbedded themselves and military infrastructure all through the civilian population.

2. Israel has the capacity to wipe Gaza of the map in weeks it hasn't, there is even one water line still open from Israel to Gaza.

3. If Israel intention was to kill civilians it just would have gone in without any effort in getting civilians out of the war zone, but no military in the history of man kind has gone to the efforts Israel has to seperate population from fighters.

4. If we are generous and round things up to 40,000 deaths minus 15,000 fighter dead we get 25,000 dead out of a population of 2.4 million people so just over 1% of the population.

Its not a genocide because the intent clearly isn't there and its not a genocide based on figures/reailty either.

But yay we have one more English word that completely lost its meaning from constant miss use

""The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part.""

You really have no clue do you mate?
People are starving and getting bombed relentlessly. Look up the definition of genocide and ethnic cleansing and explain how it is not happening here.
No measly shite about it being the God given homeland to the chosen ones.
Israel is being run by far-right extremists, and if it was any other country in the world doing this shit, it would be sanctioned, and they would be sending in international peace keeping force.
And finally, in regard to this
""If you had been around in 1930s you would have been saying stop the war too many people are dying, they cant go into Berlin, you would have allowed hitler and the nazis to survive and remain in power."'

Idiotic comment... Was going to add more, but getting pissed off over an anonymous individual here is not worth it.

"The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part.""

And obviously thats not the INTENT at all, the aim is to destroy Hamas and their military infrastructure, again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.

I dont have a clue?

FFS you are completely clueless about wars, you live in an ideological naive fake bubble that is completely removed from the real world, you havent bothered to educate yourself on this war or the history of the land or about wars and military operations.

You have this naive dumb arse view point, of why cant Israel just go in and kill Hamas only or fight the war a different way, and it doesnt matter how many times its explained to you why its not possible, you just dont want to know.

You just re hash slogans like a dumb 19 year old uni student.

It's a war, war isn't pretty but sometimes governments have no choice to fight wars, if any country was in a similar position they would do the same, and they would have no choice but to conduct the war in the same manner.

The current government in Israel is right wing but compared to every other country in the middle east its really the most progressive by no small margin.

Israel is by far the most democratic country in the middle east every person of voting age can vote, or enter politics there is a number of Arab politicians there is even a pro Palestine political party.

Women's rights are the highest by no small margin, even abortion is legal, LGBTQI rights are the highest by no small margin, gay marriage even recognised there are gay bars and a yearly Mardi Gra parade.

Of course alcohol is legal, but even cannabis is decriminalised and a world leader in medical cannabis.

So yeah maybe a right wing party is in power but the same party has been in power the majority of the time for the last 30 years and hasn't changed all these things. (although they did make prostitution illegal)

The reality is Hamas the government and most governments in the middle east are far far far more right wing from a social view point, they are extremely nationalistic, are extreme Islamic conservatives that will put you in prison for drinking alcohol, being gay, having sex outside of marriage etc or worst the death penalty which is still regularly used in Gaza but hasn't been used in Israel since the 60s

And no Bibi did not create Hamas, Hamas grew out of the Muslim brotherhood and while Bibl has been PM before, he wasn't PM when Hamas formed and he wasn't in power when Hamas formed government either, there is similar radical islamic groups all thorough the middle east political and just down right terrorist and he or Israel didn't create any of them and im sure they would exist without Israel.

I suggest you go listen to the ABC podcast from late last year that dives deeply into how Hamas was formed.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:14pm

- haha farkn geez louiz peppercheez
.....someone put a leash on el karenoinfo ;)


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:27pm

That’s all the jellybrain could come back with lol ;)
Dumb as a door nail ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:33pm

- haha you're back!
......the trashcan still lingering in full gerbil mode ;)

- off u go ya lil tunnel rat ;);)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:34pm


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:41pm

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:43pm

Indo. Hi. Hope you’re well.

I can’t be bothered with this thread, the accumulative human toll is disgusting as is the Ukraine/ Russia conflict.

I have a question for you, it’s not a smart arse one, baiting you or anything stupid.

You have been so fluent and consistent with your comment ( I can go back and find them all) that Palestine fired the first shots in anger at Israel resulting in deaths.

You go onto say that Israel has the right to defend themselves.

So, based on that premise, if Israel had fired the first shots and killed innocent people in Palestine…..

Would you personally state on this thread that Palestine should have the same right to defend itself and would you back Palestine in the same manner in which you’ve been backing and defending Israel ?

I’d be interested in your thoughts and response.


soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:49pm

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 6:59pm

ashsam will be spending some time in the confessional booth after today.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 7:08pm
burleigh wrote:

ashsam will be spending some time in the confessional booth after today.

That would be head down arse up, nervously awaiting a scolding ‘update’ from the guy upstairs. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 7:12pm




ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 7:23pm


You don’t need that dumbo lol just post the video ;)
Tip for the day belly

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:01pm

- ummmmmm ;)
....still can't read the room trashy, no one is listening to any of your bs haha

- keep trying tho..... coz being trash, you're familiar with tips ;)

...go back to playing 'just the tip' with ya gerbils
Scurry along now ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:02pm



indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:05pm
AlfredWallace wrote:

Indo. Hi. Hope you’re well.

I can’t be bothered with this thread, the accumulative human toll is disgusting as is the Ukraine/ Russia conflict.

I have a question for you, it’s not a smart arse one, baiting you or anything stupid.

You have been so fluent and consistent with your comment ( I can go back and find them all) that Palestine fired the first shots in anger at Israel resulting in deaths.

You go onto say that Israel has the right to defend themselves.

So, based on that premise, if Israel had fired the first shots and killed innocent people in Palestine…..

Would you personally state on this thread that Palestine should have the same right to defend itself and would you back Palestine in the same manner in which you’ve been backing and defending Israel ?

I’d be interested in your thoughts and response.


Its more complex than who fired the first shot.

Israel gained Gaza in 1967 in what is called the six day war a war with all its Arab neighbours that ended with Israel gaining the Gaza strip that was under Egyptian rule and the Egyptian Sinai peninsula. (an area of land three times the size of Israel and rich in oil and gas)

In the 80s Israel did a deal with Egypt, in the return for peace Israel gave back the Sinai Peninsula, Israel also tried to give back the Gaza strip to Egypt, but Egypt basically said no thank you.

The peace deal had been quite successful so in 2005 Israel tried to do a similar deal with Gaza , Israel said we will give you Gaza to rule yourself and all we want in return is peace, and to help you get on your feet we will even provide energy and water until you get self sufficient.

This was done because Israel wanted peace and overseeing Gaza with a military presence was costly and a headache and historically while there has been some Jewish presence through the last few thousand years in Gaza its been minimal, its the complete opposite of the West bank (Judea & Samaria) which is the heartland of jewish history and culture and historically Gaza was never part of ancient kingdom of Israel it was always a seperate region ruled by the Philistines (sea people from Greek Islands)

In 2006 Gaza had their first election Israel and USA hoped and expected Fatah a more moderate political party to win, but sadly the people voted in Hamas (who even after winning went on to murder many of the Fatah opposition party members) and a few months latter the peace deal was broken and Israel was attacked with rockets from Gaza and as you can see from this graph below rockets have been fired on and off ever since.

The point is Israel has no motivation to fire first, they dont want the land, they dont want to control the place, im sure they would much prefer Gaza was peaceful and thriving so Gaza could buy goods and supplies from Israel.

And while this current war is about 7th October its also about 20+ years of being attacked and the last straw.

If Israel had attacked Gaza first, yes of course they have the right to defend themselves, like Iran the other week they had the right to attack Israel after Israel taking out key leaders.

But no i would never back Palestine or Iran, anyone who does is a complete traitor Israel are our allies and Israel and jews have shaped western society and culture and i would never support a extreme Islamic jihadist group like Hamas

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:24pm
soggydog wrote:

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

So smart arse tell us exactly what military in what war has a country gone to the effort's Israel has to seperate civilians from the war zone and minimise deaths?

USA has done similar operations like in Mosul in Iraq but not to the same extent and they had the luxury of being able to move civilians right out of the area because there was large open areas away from the fighting.

Something like 10% of IDF deaths are from friendly fire, it obviously doesn't mean they are intentionally killing their own, it just means that its a complex war zone where decision's need to be made in split seconds and mistakes can be costly.

As for rape im sorry but it has been shown that it was a tactic of war, even the Guardian reported on it.

"Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks"

Anyway cant say the shit i wish i could about you here id get banned, and id also be scared of saying what i want to say just for karma, but to me you are the lowest of low and a traitor call me fascist but kunts like you id kick out of the country, ideally to Gaza.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:23pm


ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:28pm

Bellyfat def not smart enough to contribute to this topic, drongo ;)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:33pm

Oh sorry AW i forgot to include that graph of rockets fired at Israel so you can understand the history of attack's and the last straw factor. (and you can see why Israel built the iron dome) and there has been over 10,000 rockets fired since 7th Oct

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:38pm

- trashcan pls quit interrupting continually without contributing anything ;)
& of course ' built the iron dome ' haha

Good to know strength and power and trashcan intellect abound ;);)
- & below, iron dome diplomat of peace


soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:50pm

@Indo”Anyway cant say the shit i wish i could about you here id get banned, and id also be scared of saying what i want to say just for karma, but to me you are the lowest of low and a traitor call me fascist but kunts like you id kick out of the country, ideally to Gaza.”

Imagine what he’d feel justified to do if I was Palestinian child.

Also @Indo “
“i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

Such self reflection deserves recognition.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:45pm

few-ee.. topic at hand.. what is it? general pokey fracas? RK.. guidance?

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:48pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

- trashcan pls quit interrupting continually without contributing anything ;)
& of course ' built the iron dome ' haha

Good to know strength and power and trashcan intellect abound ;);)
- & below, iron dome diplomat of peace

Says the tool who gets their answers from the tube, lmaf

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:49pm

At least @indo can write a paragraph not like eltubo lol

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:51pm

But ummm
- u don't own the joint ;)

...and u got two warnings here (which spells it out)
Ummm, onya bike ;)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 8:53pm



bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 9:05pm
soggydog wrote:

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

any of you pretenders wanna call this out - you all went after indo for posting a meme stating fact. Yes confronting, distasteful it may have been if seen without context to the intent of the response (i.e you are swallowing Hamas fed bullshit and here is a slap in the face) but you chose to ignore that.

here is soggy:

" It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false."

Hyperbolic ! ?? wtf

so the raping was ok cause it wasn't systematic. wow. just wow.
and the 40 odd babies that were murdered by hamas and supporters is hyperbole because we don't really know if their heads were removed during before or after the actual butchering event that occurred on October 7.

what a fkn weird sick argument to make. the moral stupidity is baffling.

look at the lot of you tripping over your corrupted reasoning, foaming at mouth to think that those who do intentionally kill women and children- HAMAS and those who unintentionally do - IDF - despite IDF efforts above and beyond any current or previous modern military unit to avoid that...... are somewhat equal.

anyways as you were.. jelly has got good taste in tunes gotta say

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 9:11pm

Geez Louise
How’s sameaswas and more so Indo teaching us how to suck (historical) eggs!
JF that overdub my ass(arse) joke clip this morning has had me lol ing all day. I think I’ve outdone giggles in private today. Good stuff!

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 9:35pm
bonza wrote:
soggydog wrote:

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

any of you pretenders wanna call this out - you all went after indo for posting a meme stating fact. Yes confronting, distasteful it may have been if seen without context to the intent of the response (i.e you are swallowing Hamas fed bullshit and here is a slap in the face) but you chose to ignore that.

here is soggy:

" It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false."

Hyperbolic ! ?? wtf

so the raping was ok cause it wasn't systematic. wow. just wow.
and the 40 odd babies that were murdered by hamas and supporters is hyperbole because we don't really know if their heads were removed during before or after the actual butchering event that occurred on October 7.

what a fkn weird sick argument to make. the moral stupidity is baffling.

look at the lot of you tripping over your corrupted reasoning, foaming at mouth to think that those who do intentionally kill women and children- HAMAS and those who unintentionally do - IDF - despite IDF efforts above and beyond any current or previous modern military unit to avoid that...... are somewhat equal.

anyways as you were.. jelly has got good taste in tunes gotta say

Here you go Bonza

Gives you the whole story. Check out who Yossi Landau. Very important person in your story.

Then we can talk about “ Useful Idiots” and the rest.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 9:55pm
soggydog wrote:
bonza wrote:
soggydog wrote:

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

any of you pretenders wanna call this out - you all went after indo for posting a meme stating fact. Yes confronting, distasteful it may have been if seen without context to the intent of the response (i.e you are swallowing Hamas fed bullshit and here is a slap in the face) but you chose to ignore that.

here is soggy:

" It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false."

Hyperbolic ! ?? wtf

so the raping was ok cause it wasn't systematic. wow. just wow.
and the 40 odd babies that were murdered by hamas and supporters is hyperbole because we don't really know if their heads were removed during before or after the actual butchering event that occurred on October 7.

what a fkn weird sick argument to make. the moral stupidity is baffling.

look at the lot of you tripping over your corrupted reasoning, foaming at mouth to think that those who do intentionally kill women and children- HAMAS and those who unintentionally do - IDF - despite IDF efforts above and beyond any current or previous modern military unit to avoid that...... are somewhat equal.

anyways as you were.. jelly has got good taste in tunes gotta say

Here you go Bonza

Gives you the whole story. Check out who Yossi Landau. Very important person in your story.

Then we can talk about “ Useful Idiots” and the rest.

Twisted & dumb soggy. Useful idiot was being kind. Your (lack of) principles - corrupted because you lack a spine to speak out against your tribe. Now where’s my YouTube?

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 10:21pm

"As another commentor claims, Hamas have 80% support from regular Palestinians"

Andy before the Hamas attack I think a poll showed Hamas support was around 30% hence one reason they just strolled over to Israel and started killing people (allowed by the Israeli defense minister a convicted criminal) greatest failure in Israel's security ever.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 6:49am
bonza wrote:
soggydog wrote:
bonza wrote:
soggydog wrote:

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

any of you pretenders wanna call this out - you all went after indo for posting a meme stating fact. Yes confronting, distasteful it may have been if seen without context to the intent of the response (i.e you are swallowing Hamas fed bullshit and here is a slap in the face) but you chose to ignore that.

here is soggy:

" It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false."

Hyperbolic ! ?? wtf

so the raping was ok cause it wasn't systematic. wow. just wow.
and the 40 odd babies that were murdered by hamas and supporters is hyperbole because we don't really know if their heads were removed during before or after the actual butchering event that occurred on October 7.

what a fkn weird sick argument to make. the moral stupidity is baffling.

look at the lot of you tripping over your corrupted reasoning, foaming at mouth to think that those who do intentionally kill women and children- HAMAS and those who unintentionally do - IDF - despite IDF efforts above and beyond any current or previous modern military unit to avoid that...... are somewhat equal.

anyways as you were.. jelly has got good taste in tunes gotta say

Here you go Bonza

Gives you the whole story. Check out who Yossi Landau. Very important person in your story.

Then we can talk about “ Useful Idiots” and the rest.

Twisted & dumb soggy. Useful idiot was being kind. Your (lack of) principles - corrupted because you lack a spine to speak out against your tribe. Now where’s my YouTube?

Thought we couldn't trust the UN?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 6:49am
I focus wrote:

"As another commentor claims, Hamas have 80% support from regular Palestinians"

Andy before the Hamas attack I think a poll showed Hamas support was around 30% hence one reason they just strolled over to Israel and started killing people (allowed by the Israeli defense minister a convicted criminal) greatest failure in Israel's security ever.

It’s not another poster’s claim. It’s an easily proven and verified fact. That andy and others choose to avoid acknowledging this or even educating themselves is no surprise. It’s the same as Hamas and nearly all Palestinians want the total eradication of Jews… uncomfortable truth that the same people fail to acknowledge. Blaming Israel for everything is far easier than holding Palestinians to account for their hate.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 6:51am
I focus wrote:

"As another commentor claims, Hamas have 80% support from regular Palestinians"

Andy before the Hamas attack I think a poll showed Hamas support was around 30% hence one reason they just strolled over to Israel and started killing people (allowed by the Israeli defense minister a convicted criminal) greatest failure in Israel's security ever.

Yes huge security failure, or was it? Seems to have kept Bibi out of jail??? Conspiracy maybe...
And now great recruitment campaign by the IDF for Hamas.
What a shit show.....

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 7:01am
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
bonza wrote:

Standard stuff from the useful idiots here and elsewhere who hate Israel . Attack condemn and deny everything Israel says at every opportunity in accordance with Hamas social media propaganda. Remain silent when the evidence proves otherwise. Wash rinse repeat.

The useful idiots here will be on right side of history mate.
You would have been calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist and encouraging them to nuke Vietnam.

Opposing genocide does not make you anti semitic, your failure to understand this simple point says more about you and your heartless mates....

Anyway I'm out... This attitude is sickening to me. Look at the footage coming out of Gaza and you are going on about figures of 1000's of people being butchered with no where they can go, journos and aid convoys being deliberately targeted, and famine already taking hold.
But hey it Hamas's fault.

But hey it Hamas's fault….well, it is.

The inability of andy to even acknowledge the lies is no surprise.

Who created Hamas Einstein?
Hint, he now runs Israel.

That's your defence?
Next week you will be saying Hamas attack on 7 October didn't happen.

Ok I'll bite.
Yes, the Hamas attack happened, but did not happen in a vacuum.
Hamas also had a bit of help financially and politically from Bibi himself ey.
I have said from the start that there needn't to be a response. However, an indiscriminate invasion/ occupation will not have any winners or good outcomes for Israel or the Palestinians for the reasons we are exactly seeing unfold now.
Israel cannot win this war or occupation any more than the USA could in Iraq or Afghanistan, they have now strengthened Hamas support in Palestine, and are becoming an international pariah.
This will only get worse for them as it drags on and more and more imagery of dead or starving kids come out of Gaza.
It will probably bankrupt them as Israel's economy cannot handle continual war, and how long will the USA keep the weapons and funds flowing?
Also, how long can people and families in Israel put up with their reservist forces and regular IDF coming home in body bags?
They have created a generation now who will be looking for revenge for this carnage, great recruitment drive for Hamas and other Islamic extremist forces.
The Palestinians will not be going anywhere making a peaceful outcome or 2 state solution extremely difficult.
What is their solution?
As another commentor claims, Hamas have 80% support from regular Palestinians which I have no idea if true or not.
They cannot destroy Hamas as stated as their end goal.
If that being the case Israels only end game can be to move them off the land or kill them all, and that is genocide.
Is that what you are suggesting?
If not, what do you see as a viable solution?

I don't know the solution tbh. But I do think Israel should cease military operations and negotiate to get the hostages released.

andy, do you think Palestinians have the ability to know right from wrong? are they able to know murdering someone for religious reasons is wrong? do they comprehend that the extermination of all jews is not a valid outcome for their future? Because it seems to me that you are blaming Israel for all future outcomes and the poor Palestinians get a free pass to carry on their Jihad of death and destruction.

Yo, andy. Are you taking the cowards route again? Remain silent?
How about you answer this?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 7:02am

."" It’s the same as Hamas and nearly all Palestinians want the total eradication of Jews… uncomfortable truth that the same people fail to acknowledge"'

Yep that's it!
It could never be they just want a normal life where they could bring their kids up in peace and safety ey.
They must be sub human or something to be that evil, kind of like the Germans are hey...
Yeah you have convinced me, better to kill as many as possible and drive them off their land, ooops I mean Israel's God given territory bestowed by Yahweh...

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 7:11am
andy-mac wrote:
bonza wrote:
soggydog wrote:
bonza wrote:
soggydog wrote:

@Indo” again Israel has gone to efforts no other military has in history to minimise civilian deaths and get civilian's out of the main war zone, but the problem is there has never been a group who has gone to so much effort to put civilians in the line of fire, even ISIS didnt go to the lengths Hamas has with this tactic.”

Yet anyone can see that this statement alone is factually incorrect. In fact quite the opposite with Aid organisations, medical staff, medical facilities, education facilities, children, fleeing civilians, children and even their own hostages targeted.
It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false.
With no skin in the game our resident warmonger proves again he’s the ultimate tough guy. As long as he doesn’t actually have to be a tough guy.
In summation Indo and his merry band of fuckwits, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. Nothing more. And no point debating them. Let them be fucked in the head. At least we know who/what they are.

any of you pretenders wanna call this out - you all went after indo for posting a meme stating fact. Yes confronting, distasteful it may have been if seen without context to the intent of the response (i.e you are swallowing Hamas fed bullshit and here is a slap in the face) but you chose to ignore that.

here is soggy:

" It’s also been revealed that much of the hyperbolic othering to manufacture the consent of the cretinous such as beheaded babies and systematic rape ( there was rapes but no evidence that it was systematically promoted as a war tactic) have since been proven to be false."

Hyperbolic ! ?? wtf

so the raping was ok cause it wasn't systematic. wow. just wow.
and the 40 odd babies that were murdered by hamas and supporters is hyperbole because we don't really know if their heads were removed during before or after the actual butchering event that occurred on October 7.

what a fkn weird sick argument to make. the moral stupidity is baffling.

look at the lot of you tripping over your corrupted reasoning, foaming at mouth to think that those who do intentionally kill women and children- HAMAS and those who unintentionally do - IDF - despite IDF efforts above and beyond any current or previous modern military unit to avoid that...... are somewhat equal.

anyways as you were.. jelly has got good taste in tunes gotta say

Here you go Bonza

Gives you the whole story. Check out who Yossi Landau. Very important person in your story.

Then we can talk about “ Useful Idiots” and the rest.

Twisted & dumb soggy. Useful idiot was being kind. Your (lack of) principles - corrupted because you lack a spine to speak out against your tribe. Now where’s my YouTube?

Thought we couldn't trust the UN?

Typical childish response except in this case particularly disgusting. Like I said When shown the facts - Wash rinse repeat.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 7:15am
andy-mac wrote:

."" It’s the same as Hamas and nearly all Palestinians want the total eradication of Jews… uncomfortable truth that the same people fail to acknowledge"'

Yep that's it!
It could never be they just want a normal life where they could bring their kids up in peace and safety ey.
They must be sub human or something to be that evil, kind of like the Germans are hey...
Yeah you have convinced me, better to kill as many as possible and drive them off their land, ooops I mean Israel's God given territory bestowed by Yahweh...

You choose the cowards route as expected. Not man enough to even attempt to answer properly.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 7:25am
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

."" It’s the same as Hamas and nearly all Palestinians want the total eradication of Jews… uncomfortable truth that the same people fail to acknowledge"'

Yep that's it!
It could never be they just want a normal life where they could bring their kids up in peace and safety ey.
They must be sub human or something to be that evil, kind of like the Germans are hey...
Yeah you have convinced me, better to kill as many as possible and drive them off their land, ooops I mean Israel's God given territory bestowed by Yahweh...

You choose the cowards route as expected. Not man enough to even attempt to answer properly.

Mate, get stuffed.
You are the one 'othering' people which causes shit like what happened in 1930's Germany.
You gaslight what I say here continually.
I have never been critical of the Jewish people as know and have met quite a few, actually had a business partner once.
Am I critical of their govt ? Yes and try to understand a situation that is extremely complex.
You're simplistic world view of goodies and badies, and if you are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians you are automatically anti semitic nonsense is tiresome.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 7:40am
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

."" It’s the same as Hamas and nearly all Palestinians want the total eradication of Jews… uncomfortable truth that the same people fail to acknowledge"'

Yep that's it!
It could never be they just want a normal life where they could bring their kids up in peace and safety ey.
They must be sub human or something to be that evil, kind of like the Germans are hey...
Yeah you have convinced me, better to kill as many as possible and drive them off their land, ooops I mean Israel's God given territory bestowed by Yahweh...

You choose the cowards route as expected. Not man enough to even attempt to answer properly.

Mate, get stuffed.
You are the one 'othering' people which causes shit like what happened in 1930's Germany.
You gaslight what I say here continually.
I have never been critical of the Jewish people as know and have met quite a few, actually had a business partner once.
Am I critical of their govt ? Yes and try to understand a situation that is extremely complex.
You're simplistic world view of goodies and badies, and if you are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians you are automatically anti semitic nonsense is tiresome.

I know it’s hard when real questions are harder to avoid…Mate, get stuffed is as good as you have?

You are an apologist, and give Hamas and Palestinians a free pass on everything. Zero responsibility directed at them and you never acknowledge their part in the whole shit show.

Run away and hide your head in the sand, andy.