
have a chill-out, and tell us about your wet lili gig @PopD! Where are you staying?
(a very good performance, live from built-in-robes studios)

Hello Base 6
Chilling in the QT in Bondi Beach .
Lili was Red Hot at Low 302 and is really thriving with her new band .
A mate ( the Greek one ) finally decided 2 come with me .
He is more a muso than Adam 12 , and was Blowin away by her .
Kept saying she is a Rock and Roll Chick .
Lili is on Insta and there are some clips of her .
At 19 , she also Does Operatic Diva , very well .
Her dad got the flick as drummer , but Tom is younger ( not quite Pierre's beat ) .
Live music is SO much fun and I was first on the dance floor , as usual .

ha, dance like there's no-one cringing, good on you, yr a long time not-dancing.
1st bath in 20years?? I trust you've showered in that time @PD ; )


Anyone going to see Codeine next week?
Not everyone's cuppa, that's for sure, but one of my faves.
Trying to pull strings to get over to Melbourne, fingers crossed.


Jelly Flater wrote:
Is it just me or this one of the most moving songs ever?
Every time i hear it, i get all these mixed feelings of nostalgia, sadness, but still a strong feeling of satisfaction and it's all totally mirrored by the way Hope sings it and just her whole presence and look.
Definitely a top 100 of all time song.

Best new song for 2024 and from an Aussie band, nothing new style wise but done perfectly.

Haha, that was fun. Definitely not ground breaking but they are good for a laugh. Nice to see the Ted Mulry mullet getting a re-run.

indo-dreaming wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:Is it just me or this one of the most moving songs ever?
Every time i hear it, i get all these mixed feelings of nostalgia, sadness, but still a strong feeling of satisfaction and it's all totally mirrored by the way Hope sings it and just her whole presence and look.
Definitely a top 100 of all time song.
IndoDreaming. Hope you’re well.
On this occasion I 100% totally agree with what you just wrote. It simply takes you away to other places and times. AW

^ not just you, indo, sums up the moving/mellow side of early 90s alt perfectly.

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:Is it just me or this one of the most moving songs ever?
Every time i hear it, i get all these mixed feelings of nostalgia, sadness, but still a strong feeling of satisfaction and it's all totally mirrored by the way Hope sings it and just her whole presence and look.
Definitely a top 100 of all time song.
IndoDreaming. Hope you’re well.
On this occasion I 100% totally agree with what you just wrote. It simply takes you away to other places and times. AW
Have a read of the comments on that YouTube clip.
I’m laying on the couch trying to not start balling! Heavy stuff in there

R00ney wrote:Anyone going to see Codeine next week?
Not everyone's cuppa, that's for sure, but one of my faves.
Trying to pull strings to get over to Melbourne, fingers crossed.
haha! what the hell's going on? Similar legends 'June of 44' were brought over this time last year by pedestrian sound-nerds 'a Broken Sail'.. hazard to say, the Sailers have done it again, what an interesting model.. I guess we are the beneficiaries! good luck getting there R00.
(C&Anchor in Adelaide will be an incredible little place to see them on the 11th!)

Heavy but beautiful hey goofy. I’ll plus one that. Nice post Indo! Edit… the Mazzy clip

goofyfoot wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:Is it just me or this one of the most moving songs ever?
Every time i hear it, i get all these mixed feelings of nostalgia, sadness, but still a strong feeling of satisfaction and it's all totally mirrored by the way Hope sings it and just her whole presence and look.
Definitely a top 100 of all time song.
IndoDreaming. Hope you’re well.
On this occasion I 100% totally agree with what you just wrote. It simply takes you away to other places and times. AW
Have a read of the comments on that YouTube clip.
I’m laying on the couch trying to not start balling! Heavy stuff in there
Goofyfoot. Hi mate. Powerful for sure. Normal human reaction fella.
just spent the last twenty minutes reading their entire history, wow.
I’ve now played Fade Into You about 10 times, it’ll be rattling the grey matter when I finally hit the pillow. All the best.AW



- and something for daylight savings adjustment ;)




Whaaaat???? The CRANKER to become OS developer student accommodation?????
(I think there's links at the bottom of the article)
yeh, there is:

the fine young cannibals cultural party band

@basesix - good clip! Have seen some great Blood Sucking Freaks gigs over the years.


your reference is noteworthy @PD
mine is most certainly not : P

On that note…

Almost the weekend.


All this talk of goats, weird. There are better things down on the farm.

It's remarkable how many different uploads of goat noises there are.


Some catchy riffs and tight pants outta Melbourne:

Real metal

ha, penn & teller in a run dmc clip, cheers kaipo

An old tune, pop even.

Thanks for that Blackers - you sent me on a google wander through Gary Numan's world and I came across this article....kinda the point I was trying to make a while back.......
AndyM wrote:"It's all just sound"
I expect there's a lot more to it than just that.
Gary is much more eloquent than I can hope to be.
The next time you hear put-downs of Auto-Tune, or see a “Drum Machines Have No Soul” T-shirt, it’s worth considering the dark side of that philosophy. While railing against electronic music can be seen as a win for organic art-making, it also dismisses large swaths of forward-thinking creators. Taking the brunt of it in the late 1970s was Gary Numan, the electronic-rock maestro responsible for hits like “Cars” and “Are ‘Friends’ Electric?”

icandig wrote:....kinda the point I was trying to make a while back.......
I get what you were saying icandig, and agree. While not a huge fan of GN or even his style of music there is a clear pop sensibility and musicality in that track that elevates it. The combination of sound; vocals, harmonies and electronic noises combine into something far greater than its parts. As the man himself says in that article: " is essentially melody. The heart and soul of anything are the harmonies and the tunes you write, be it on guitar, keyboard or whatever it might be..."

blackers wrote:" is essentially melody. The heart and soul of anything are the harmonies and the tunes you write, be it on guitar, keyboard or whatever it might be..."
Whatever that may be....

nice, icandig, check out clara rockmore,
Imagine devoting a life of musical talent to an electronic instrument that can sound like a crying mezzosoprano, or a bowed saw, but will forever be remebered as a wacky sci-fi effect.. (mine was a cheap etherwave kit from bob moog's big briar..)
super interesting conversation you and blackers are having : )

"magine devoting a life of musical talent to an electronic instrument that can sound like a crying mezzosoprano, or a bowed saw, but will forever be remebered as a wacky sci-fi effect.. "
Ha yes, not for me as such but whatever floats your particular boat is a grand thing (as long as no-one gets hurt).

All died too young, saw them once though.

@B6 - I'm impressed...not so much by Clara Rockmore; (how's her name given the conversation?)...I'm more impressed that you owned an instrument which to me sounds like two tomcats squaring up - can I find you on Spotify?

@AndyM while I'm taking the piss.....this one is for you

@indo....this one's for you.....(It's all noise)...

Okay thanks, i do have a soft spot for crazy rockin Asian chicks.
I like these girls better though, still noisey, still crazy.

And Melbourne band with Indonesian girl Karina Utomo, i like it when she sings more than screams though.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.