Vaccinate or not

"Labor and Greens Senators were the only members present to vote against further transparency on the excess deaths taking place in Australia"

Receptionists know shit but the tea lady is all seeing

It’s all slowly unfolding. Let’s see if the swellnet gritters like Toadkill, old mutt and co still try and defend the jab now.

From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.

Richard Cheese wrote:From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.
If you wanna draw parallels between a vaccine rollout that has been overwhelmingly safe, and genocide, particularly when there is an ACTUAL genocide happening, then you might wanna take a long hard look at yourself.

Hiccups wrote:Richard Cheese wrote:From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.
If you wanna draw parallels between a vaccine rollout that has been overwhelmingly safe, and genocide, particularly when there is an ACTUAL genocide happening, then you might wanna take a long hard look at yourself.
Vaccine mandates ruled unlawful by QLD courts. and this is your reply.
Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
The gritters are very quiet on here. I'm surprised you showed your head hiccup.

Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
And Paying...

burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Richard Cheese wrote:From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.
If you wanna draw parallels between a vaccine rollout that has been overwhelmingly safe, and genocide, particularly when there is an ACTUAL genocide happening, then you might wanna take a long hard look at yourself.
Vaccine mandates ruled unlawful by QLD courts. and this is your reply.
Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
The gritters are very quiet on here. I'm surprised you showed your head hiccup.
I'm more surprised this thread showed it's head again.

udo wrote:Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
And Paying...
We’re already paying.

burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Richard Cheese wrote:From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.
If you wanna draw parallels between a vaccine rollout that has been overwhelmingly safe, and genocide, particularly when there is an ACTUAL genocide happening, then you might wanna take a long hard look at yourself.
Vaccine mandates ruled unlawful by QLD courts. and this is your reply.
Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
The gritters are very quiet on here. I'm surprised you showed your head hiccup.
quiet? LMAO.
No one really gives a fuck....get on with life. :-)

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Richard Cheese wrote:From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.
If you wanna draw parallels between a vaccine rollout that has been overwhelmingly safe, and genocide, particularly when there is an ACTUAL genocide happening, then you might wanna take a long hard look at yourself.
Vaccine mandates ruled unlawful by QLD courts. and this is your reply.
Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
The gritters are very quiet on here. I'm surprised you showed your head hiccup.
quiet? LMAO.
No one really gives a fuck....get on with life. :-)
Human rights violations and suddenly you dont care. very predictable Dill. Lucky millions of people still do care.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:Richard Cheese wrote:From memory one of the last stages of the '10 stages of genocide' is the perps having to admit what they have done.
If you wanna draw parallels between a vaccine rollout that has been overwhelmingly safe, and genocide, particularly when there is an ACTUAL genocide happening, then you might wanna take a long hard look at yourself.
Vaccine mandates ruled unlawful by QLD courts. and this is your reply.
Bring on the lawsuits. I'll be watching and smiling.
The gritters are very quiet on here. I'm surprised you showed your head hiccup.
quiet? LMAO.
No one really gives a fuck....get on with life. :-)
Human rights violations and suddenly you dont care. very predictable Dill. Lucky millions of people still do care.
Hang on, let me check

I checked and still no fucks given.

You’re still a bedwetter, burleigh.

Covid Antiviral Trials were all pre Vax Rollout only tested & approved for Unvaxed Patient recovery.
Oz Govt ordered 500k + 300k of each to treat unvaxed...(Not a Substitute for Vax!) Have to say that!
VIP Folks got pissed off that Antivaxerz were getting Special AV Drug treatment...
Fed Govt exploited Anti Vaxerz to both order the respective supply to List as High Risk Drug on PBS.
In order to research this tbb needed a missing link not readily available...
Only knew that all research led to a reverse Status of High Risk Unvaxed to No Risk.
Sounds near impossible to even imagine that any expert would take the boot off antivaxerz neck!
Can attest this did happen but media never dared share such...
Almost stopped believing then there it was...popped up all alone a sore thumb!
tbb was adamant such a cue or switch needed to happen to Rollout our record AV Crisis!
Happy to share #1 swellnet exclusive that stems from one astonishing well buried directive!
Changes the whole game & all falls into place! Sounds far fetched but assure the crew it's gospel!
1st of May 2022 (High Risk Unvaxed Priority extended to Vaxed "Multi (2) Risk for Vaxed PBS access
Despite AV unvaxed drugs never being tested or approved anywhere for Vaxed Patients.
Feds deal out contraband drug to VIPs > No fucking idea or clue as to what might happen...
Fuck Science Books > Fuck Best or any half decent Health practice > Just swallow the Pills Fuck Ya!
2022 Mass Vax Fail Rolls out more infectious GOF immune escape Mutant Strains
1st May PBS (Unvaxed Highest Risk Priority extends 75+ 1 Risk > 65+ 2R > 1stN 50+2R > Imuno R
Feds needed Unvaxed orders to neutralize Wards of Aged Care vaxed, drowning in repeat infections.
Star Chamber Mass [+] RAT Trap orchestrates record Low turnout for Flooded [+] AEC Poll Day. Done!
New Vax Dictator refuses to Don Masks in Med centres & refuses to follow Vax incubation Laws.
Not too keen on any Vax rules either way...Cheap Suit not gonna ruin my Honeymoon.
Albo Says [L] only prescribed 12k + 40k AV scripts...Fuckin' useless shits...We'll fuckin' sort this shit!
New Plan Kill the Unvaxed & Steal their Drugs & Dope out Vaxerz to neutralize Vax Mutant Outbreaks.
Experts say that's so fuckin' devious...Win! Win! Finally! We got a Scientific Humanitarian! ONE OF US!
July : ( Unvaxed > No longer deemed a Risk) You can all Fuck off...can leave yer AV Scripts here thanx!
This is the Clanger...
Albo downgrades highest Risk Unvaxed to Zero Risk > Least Risk...Go! Just Go! Fuck off!
Just like if it were a fuckin' game all along! Don't need ya now! Got what we wanted!
*"Not being vaxed has been removed as a Risk Factor from the Criteria for Prescription under PBS!"
Unbelievable as that a Harry Potter Cartoon...Thanks for yer Brew > Can fuck off now!
Like Wot! Do we get our AV drug Stash...Nope! Confiscated! Fark...this Kook is seriously fucked up!
Let's Roll out the New beaut Mass Vax Mop Up Bucket...gotta Doobie Wacker & thingamabobber!
Vaxed or ' 75+ PBS > 65+> 50+2 risk > 1st Nation 50+ > 30+ 2risk > Imuno risk + Prev Hosp risk
19th Aug : 75+ (No Risk > Just shoot the fucker up...put a few in their tea!)
Just make this bad dream go away!
1st Nov : 1st Nation 2 risk > 1 risk > Get Stuck into it...
1st April 2023 > 60-69yrs 2 risk > 1 risk (Paxlovid)
1st July : Govt boast 102 new Meds for Chronic Immunity Attacks > Blood / Kidney Disorders etc...
50-59yrs 2 risk > 1 risk > Gotta Cold (Pop a handfull & have a lie down!)
New Younger Groups 18+ (No risk) Hospitalized / Reinfected whatever...seaweed even Seaweed!
Enough is Enough...Stop this Fuckin' Shit!
Jan 2024 Bond Uni plea to Stop the Failed Mass Vax AV Mop Up.
Now $1b/yr AV Mop Up 22/23 Albo pimped Oz #1 Drug $650m + Oz #7 Drug $350m
Endless Vax > Boosters > AV Scripts > Covid Drug addicted Nation pissing out record Waves of Covid
Can Suck up the Moon if ya like...Ya fucked Up! So Wot...just quit the $Gazillion Drug Habit.
Cough yer guts up...Woteva! The Drugz don't work! Never even designed for GOF VIP Strains!
Either tighten the Criteria or get generic brands...stop suckin' from Gates' sour Teet!
We're dead in the water Paddlin' backwards...Sack every Fake Expert Yes Man...Start afresh!
[Factcheck] tbb can share Maths if ya like or even easier to check for yerselves...
Covid is not getting better...23/24 AV drug habit is gonna dwarf Albo's contraband 22/23 $1billion fix.
Again...Purely only 100% Vaxed # 1 Drug Addicted Crisis ( Unvaxed are mandated out of this shit..)
Ya fuckin' Stole Unvaxed Drugs...that's some kinda new low Desperate addicts!
Unvaxed : "Keep the fuckin' shit...we don't need it or want it...Have all of tbb's Scripts...being serious!"
Shh! Just sayin' tbb is coming alive...House is Gettin' Tidy..
Bare handed picked up Whole [+] Town's 1000's of Tissues / Masks / Gloves / Spew - Wee Bottles.
Never felt more alive...although feel more sad each time my vaxed family get Covid again & again!
Xmas 23/24 Hospital Cases are still way higher than any pre vax so called Hospital Crisis.
The patients are sicker for longer & now under 80's die faster than Over 80's.
Expert's tried to kill off unvaxed, pimp our drugz, to illegally hook unvaxed on Oz #1 Drug...Fuck Me!
Most illegal Gianormous anti scientific Health experiment goes from bad to worse...Please wake up Oz!

TBB you should research the shedding issue which Pfftizer notified us of early in the Plandemic.

U are a bloody legend doing the work U do , to keep us informed and up to date .
Covid is still causing havoc , morphing and we are NOT being informed by our Government , what is happening as they have NFI what 2 do , FFS !
And there are people who say I am a Bedwetter , for worrying , so fn much .
Most would be the Bedwetters that Shat themselves when Covid first appeared .
The Panic types , now with heads stuck in the sand , refusing 2 look at realty and being ready and willing to take it up the b.m , again .
Terrible and ridiculous imho !

Cheers crew...Pandemic / Rollout not something ya can hide nor investigate...
Exclusives possibly need explanation...these expose themselves to land in tbb's lap.
You'll find many Mandates / Expansions / Exemptions are locked in during Zoom Casts.
Salute to small bit players leaving miserly crumb trails to keep the bastards honest.
Not read that Highest Risk downgrade to No Risk Unvaxed PBA bump anywhere but that one link!
tbb never went looking for that No vax 180* Flip...The record AV Rollout exposed it...
Ask! If unvaxed reduce in number then > How could more Vax = More (Record) AV doses
Backtrack to ? moment where such improbable re brand explains such reverse record anomaly!
Was gonna include more AV trickery...swellnet not got enough gigs!
Crew might recall the original Fed 'Weekly' AV graph exposed Govt fast tracking of Expired Doses...
tbb explained how Weekly data exposes ramped AV Doses > but were just past '2nd expiry Dates' (Use it up!)
Re : tbb then exampled that reason being primary need to morph (past/new) Monthly AV Updates.
Usually takes Data crew about 2 weeks to notice or 2 weeks in a month to head off Spikes...Get on it!
Monthly Update Switch was needed to wash the expired Weekly Doses over dual / Monthly spike.
One can no longer detail the 1/2/3 Weeks Expired AV doses > all absorbed into Monthly Data (Sorted!)
So! In tbb's mindset any massive flip & more is possible...Govt reversing directives is bread'n'butter!
Finding the crumb trail...near impossible!
Crew notice how Govt backed Cruise industry bury / swipe / redo & swap criteria with the wind!
tbb reported on many similar Delays / Redos / Cyclic = No +1/2/3/4 Dose Bundling to reduce spikes.
Approx 2-4 / month (Panic Data Wipes / Delays / Padding / Combos / Redos) It's a Global Thing!
As said...Most Feds / States censor it or rebrand > tbb also promised to Salute Open DATA (Always)
Crew will see tbb will always respects Open Data > Some "Experts" have come good of Late!
Currently often salute ( US CDC / Vic Health) Good Job Guys!
Not Us (vs) Them (All in this Together!)
All Unvaxed families are Vaxed...Unvaxed dearly Love Vaxed people...can't hide that fact nor wish to!
Should tbb offend with Pollie Death Wish order that can't be explained...
Not my PM! Sorry! Simply call it as it is!All heard what these Dictators said about us normal Folk...
They wish us any executive order that implies that...Well! Hardly shock the swellnet crew!

This STUFF shocks me TBB .
Not sure what 2 think .
Melbourne seems 2 be functioning , normally .
Mum just recently went on a Cruise .
I hate any Industry getting preferential Treatment .
What do we do ?
Seems like we should JUST get on with business .
Masks won't work for Kids , so are useless for the mums and dads ( Medical Use great ) .
Maybe all our effort should be in just Coping , with Covid fall out ?
We all know its out there , we all know we can catch it , just like a Common Cold .
Gosh , if we were Lied 2 again and Just told Covid was a type of bad fn Cold at the start , WHAT difference would it have ALL made , 2 Melbourne FFS !
The Stats EVERY Day , almost KILLED the entire City !
The Government has NOW decided , we don't need to know them ffs .
I had Government Supplied Stats thrown at me Every day , by my family , to get me to do something .
Getting some real figures now , is not needed ,as the Government wants me to Forget their F Ups and DO nothing ffs !
I am NOT having another Covid Shot , for a VERY long time !

burleigh wrote:It’s all slowly unfolding.
Yeah slowly right, several years in the making. Decades even?
Also saw the word plandemic has made a show on this page as well now. LOL.
My prediction for the foreseeable future is all this noise made by the ultra conservative freakshow around vaccines and covid will carry on as if the big truth is about to come out. May run out of puff in a few years, but so many idiots are just lapping it up, it's just too easy of a dead horse to flog, particularly if you're an irrelevant dumb One Nation senator.
Eventually though, even the most steadfast will realise there's no big lie, or plan, it's just the usual shit show of humans reacting to a significant threat.

What do we do! Wow! That's that right Question alright!
Wish tbb could answer that...
Only it's hardly fair & just on Crew to hand out scripts thru a swellnet health forum.
The only fair dinkum site that tbb can refer ya to is well & above Expert Level but requires warning.
If Vaxer's wanna know of immune changes within their bodies...can share the most insightful theory.
Often referred to a Doomsday Prediction that none are smart or game enough to disprove.
tbb has linked site few times but is not fully across the science as many experts aren't either!
Recommended recent Vids...are not light science...very taxing on best students!
Geert runs courses for this very reason, as this is GOF Vaccination that ever changes within bodies.
tbb is an online Web cast viewer of all vids from day one...Geert tries to simplify as he goes...OMG!
These 2 vids are more recent / refined in general scientific context > although none would believe that.
eg: Never seen Geert waste precious time drinking water...mind never rests...every word more vital!
Believe it or not...these are entry level...tbb is fine to share these concise workings within' Vaccinated!
Sure! A prescription of sorts...
As Vax defences are failing to combat evolving Vax mutated strains from mounting assaults on Vaxerz.
So! Come the point of time the Virus tweaks enough to repeatedly infect deeper within targeted hosts.
Vaxerz mRNA breach overrides natural defences > gonna need & scream for makeshift back up!
Geert: Recommend Vaxerz pre dose or dose with ready available / Cheap effective AV = Ivermectin etc!
Similar to Oz Mass Vax AV mop up for (1/2 Risk) Mass Infected > 'Mass Vaxed' age groups!
As tbb shared ...This AV was only ever trialled on & scripted for Unvaxed ...
Albo then banned Unvaxed from AV PBS > Stole Unvaxed Drugs to Mop up Mass Vaxed Outbreaks!
These 2 Vids are next level entry level for groundbreaking GOF studies within' mass Vaccinated!
Ironically mostly viewed by Unvaxed like tbb, that fear for the safety of Vaxed Families / friends as here!
These are not Anti Vax Promos...Geert has not time for WHO / Experts / Anti Vaxerz > Just the Science!
Geert stands alone sweating out highly respected well evolved scientific theory the likes of no other.
Not for the fainthearted...nor for Kids...Please don't alarm the Kids unless you can explain this science!
Most experts can't keep to have a crack...
[ IPAK EDU Directors Science Webinar]
[ Potential Clinical Implications of Geert's Viral Shift Predictions].
Ok! Bonus...If vax is working then Pfizer Shares are doing wot...
Plummeting to 10 Year record Low ...they need a boost!
Some say 2015 "Year of the Covid Outbreaks" we never needed to have?
Well we do now, or much sooner...before Pfizer flat lines!
Pause : If Pfizer Fails then it's likely due to mRNA Vax fail...
Ask! How does a failed company recall their shonky Vax that bankrupted them...well durr!
Liquidators with Jaws of Life crash VIP parties...
Open wide Knee on chest ...Yank out their mRNA Spike...Mine...Precious!

Stok wrote:burleigh wrote:It’s all slowly unfolding.
Yeah slowly right, several years in the making. Decades even?
Also saw the word plandemic has made a show on this page as well now. LOL.
My prediction for the foreseeable future is all this noise made by the ultra conservative freakshow around vaccines and covid will carry on as if the big truth is about to come out. May run out of puff in a few years, but so many idiots are just lapping it up, it's just too easy of a dead horse to flog, particularly if you're an irrelevant dumb One Nation senator.
Eventually though, even the most steadfast will realise there's no big lie, or plan, it's just the usual shit show of humans reacting to a significant threat.
Don't forget the irrelevant LP Senator Rennick, who believes he is the smartest person in any room. He's giving the subject a real flogging in Senate Estimates only to be put back in his box each and every time.

Burleigh those 3 People you know that had Strokes within 2 weeks of Getting the Jab
How are they doing Now ?

Explains a few things on this forum..
"....psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin magnified the disturbing parallels of mRNA effects on the human mind to the effects of lobotomy.."
St. Augustine: “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
Mark Twain: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"
Aristotle: "A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything"
Carl Jung: "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge"

"The Truth is like a lion : you don't have to defend it . Let it loose : it will defend itself " .
St. Augustine .
Thanks mate !

Hey, Pop Down syndrome, Which truth? the actual real-world truth or todays internet "my truth." ;)

old-dog wrote:Hey, Pop Down syndrome, Which truth? the actual real-world truth or todays internet "my truth." ;)
Receptionists truth old mutt. Is that how you get all your news?

Richard Cheese wrote:Explains a few things on this forum..
"....psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin magnified the disturbing parallels of mRNA effects on the human mind to the effects of lobotomy.."
St. Augustine: “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
Mark Twain: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"
Aristotle: "A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything"
Carl Jung: "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge"
Great stuff R.C.

Hey Old Dog
Just saw U mentioned Down Syndrome , really ?
As U know , there is just one Truth ffs .
I have often found that there are 3 sides to most stories .
Maybe my view , your view and the Truth , somewhere in the middle .
It always , eventually , comes out and is easily identified .
It's the Lion tearing up the Un Truth tellers !
The Lion , is now tearing Fauci , 2 shreds , for us all 2 C .
He was thrust into the Coliseum , the Lion is now playing with him , slashing at him , whenever it feels like it .
Fauci is Now the Fool and the Lion isn't finished with him yet , no fn way .
The Lion will eat him and a lot more of his mates , its just starting !
Much easier try to tell the truth , helps avoid lying and looking like a fool in the future , imho :)

udoFRIDAY, 1 MAR 2024 at 4:32PM
Burleigh those 3 People you know that had Strokes within 2 weeks of Getting the Jab
How are they doing Now ?

I am not sure what point U are trying to make , again !
So much damage was caused to Millions of people !
Why are U focussing on 3 people ffs ???
Your view on things would help me work out things , am thinking !

udo wrote:udoFRIDAY, 1 MAR 2024 at 4:32PM
Burleigh those 3 People you know that had Strokes within 2 weeks of Getting the Jab
How are they doing Now ?
Sorry nocludo, i missed it.
It was 2 people actually. who knows how a stroke effects peoples health and we know that you can not trust the medical industry to be truthful about adverse reactions to an experimental jab they forced onto millions of people.

No it was 3 People
I hope they are Doing Well.

Old Dog
U mentioned my Name and a Human Condition that , luckily , does not affect my immediate family .
A dear friend I went 2 school with has two wonderful kids that are great adults .
Her Eldest daughter , has Down Syndrome .
Please , don't do it again .
That stuff really Pokes this old bear .

Yes, sorry about that, my bad. Carry on.

This is sobering stuff to read:
A lot of detail by a Senator who specifically sought re-election, against opposition from the pharma lobby and "lawmaker"and media group think, to be in a position to investigate the "covid cartel" and vaccination mandates.
Excess deaths spike coinciding with vaccine release.
365 COVID lots had more than 100 adverse events. Only 10 flu lots had more than 100.
Poor manufacturing processes with side effects that seem much more prevalent in some batches than others.
Risks to children of vaccination way over that of covid itself (30x)
Just not simpistically "safe and effective".

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

Wow Frog, lots to take in and digest there

Appreciate U keeping a watch on Zero .
As I used 2 work in the Financial Markets , I had 2 be abreast of Big News .
If I heard a whisper of something big , I would always check out what Tyler @ Zerohedge , had on his site .
If it was Big , it was Always found and covered by Tyler , who is a bloody marvel ( machine ) .
Sites like his , help so much and are GOLD imho .

udo wrote:No it was 3 People
I hope they are Doing Well.
Definitely 3…
Burls is rewriting history?

An article was posted on ZeroHedge , that DOES rewrite the Wrong History of Covid ( there has been heaps recently ) and gives the Truth .
The Lion of Truth , just had another swipe at Fauci , causing more damage 2 the Big Fool that , possibly , killed millions .
And U like to highlight ONE persons Death , as a Possible major revision of History ?
IMHO , your vision is impaired , on this issue .
Have U ever had a Clear view of Covid and its real implications on Humanity ?

From ZH above. Excess death spikes and age group shift to younger ages not so at risk from covid post vaccine roll out:
"To quote part of Dowd’s testimony:
When analyzing the excess death human cost…in 2020, there were approximately 458,000 excess deaths, of which 73% were aged 65 and older and 15 to 64 comprising just 27%. However, in 2021, with the rollout of the “safe and effective vaccine,” there were approximately another 500,000 excess deaths, but a mix shift had occurred from older to younger. In 2021, the 65 plus age category was [only] 57…while the 15 to 64 cohort increased to 43%."
Specific Vaccine adverse events are rare but there are so many different ones with MRNA vaccines from heart problems to reproductive problems, to deafness etc. that cumulatively it is way above flu vaccine levels.
That spike protein goes all over the body doing weird stuff
Benefit / risk is not within acceptable boundaries for most. Definitely not justified for children. But the push to vaccinate children was / is so strong.
That is telling as to the agendas at work.
Group think
Lobbiest power

Good job frog...Vic Death by Age sounds warning.
Victoria Under 80yrs Deaths (see in context below)
Nov 2022 = 26.5% > Aug 2023 = 29.6% > Feb 2024 = 52%
As Covid locks into a solid will need to expect more younger Covid deaths!
#1 swellnet exclusive Covid Data Reveal > Formulates Living with Covid Reality Check.
Current Aged Care Charts Jan 2022 > March 2024 (See Below)
Please Examine > Each Outbreak peaks less but for with 'ALL' Covid Health data charts
Note current Covid wave refuses to back down & is already rising again, on eve of Seasonal Outbreak
Exactly the same constant medium Covid wave thru Aged Care - Staff / Hospital -Staff / Wards - ICU.
Oz is living with ever rising constant influx of Weekly Covid Patient Care thru whole Health System
Each Year's Peaks < > Troughs merge into a constant slowly building moderate Covid wave
eg: Welcome to New Normal Living with ever rising Covid Lulls...
Min Vax Rollout = 15,000wk (Note > To feed exact same number of "Vaxed Only" AV scripts!)
Min [+] AV Scripts = 15,068 wk (Average Wkly '[+] Vaxed Senior / Vaxed Risk Only) July 2022-2024
Note: tbb shared Non Vaxed were removed from PBS Risk Criteria @ July 2022.
Cases :
Note: (15K Base average [+] Risk Covid patients/wk) Tiny portion of actual Mass Vaxed Wkly [+] cases!
Min [+] Cases = Test 0.5% Emergency / Procedures only! Experts > 20x Peak Outbreak 5% Testing.
Min Hospitals [+] = Emergency / Procedures only 200 [+] Patients wk (Experts = Wards likely...4x)
Min [+] ICU = 50wk
Min Aged Care [+] Outbreaks = 250 wk (Current Min Average)
Min Aged Care [+] Residents = 1,500 wk (Current Min Average)
Min Aged Care [+] Staff = 800>1,000 wk (Current Min Average)
Min Vic Deaths under aged 80 = 50% ( Experts Deaths approx...3x)
This 50%+ under 80yrs Age bracket is reducing monthly > 75yrs > 70yrs
Vic data shares more Younger loved ones at higher % risk each Wave.
Crew can clearly see all this data outs itself in no time at all...all are free to trip over it 24/7.
Ask! How long before Experts / Govt / Media tackle Covid head on...instead of continually ignoring it!
Mass Vax Failed & we gotta mop it up more each day...suck it up & get on with it!
As said tbb & unvaxed care not how just please look after our loved ones...sooner we do this the better!
Why! Coz 15k Mass Vaxed AV scripts/wk are #1 Health Impost on Medicare PBS...well durr!
= #1 Mass Health Prescription failure ever in Oz History!
Health Crisis of our own making growing by the day...Unis say $1billion/yr is enough already!
Claw it back or restrict or switch to generic AV...Dump the Big Pharma rort.
Govt/s will need to Timetable this Minimum rising Covid Cost for any / all Season on the Calendar.
Few Experts / Pollies wanna Share or Cost this weekly rise into current Covid Health Crisis!
Honestly ask yourselves! Why Govt is contriving a Past Covid report while Covid impost is still rising?
Failing to address Covid Crisis is not Healthy & cost is soaring with Experts waist deep in past fails!
Heads in the sand > Burn ya Science Books > Good Health Practice long forgotten! No end in sight!
Wake Up Australia > Drowning not Waving!

Legend again !
It's all in your numbers and they are MUCH worse than I expected and are totally freaking me out .
The Biggest Health Failure in Australia's History .
We continue to PAY a horrible COST and it's breaking Medicare PBS .
We are STILL being Lied 2 and I can't work out WHY !
Big PHARMA are STILL making a fn killing .
This Covid Crap is still WTF !
The Truth has been Released and it's tearing apart the Chief Covid World Expert .
Seems like the MSM doesn't think THAT Spectacle , is worth Us watching , I love it !
Thanks so much for alerting this Old bloke to this Critical data !
The question must be asked of our PM , " what are U doing about all this , Albo ' ?
He has 2 LEAD us out of this fn MESS , now ffs !
Keep UP the great work , mate !!!

Pop Down wrote:Roady
An article was posted on ZeroHedge , that DOES rewrite the Wrong History of Covid ( there has been heaps recently ) and gives the Truth .
The Lion of Truth , just had another swipe at Fauci , causing more damage 2 the Big Fool that , possibly , killed millions .
And U like to highlight ONE persons Death , as a Possible major revision of History ?
IMHO , your vision is impaired , on this issue .
Have U ever had a Clear view of Covid and its real implications on Humanity ?
I still have nfi what you are on about :-)

Hello Roady
That is Clear and I am Opaque .
I will try and be a lot more Clear and U , perhaps , a little Opaque on Covid .
Hoping U , like me , are NOW worried about our Current Covid Crisis , as pointed out by TBB .
We are all in this , together !
I hope U got some Ocean time , yesterday !

Pop Down wrote:Hello Roady
That is Clear and I am Opaque .
I will try and be a lot more Clear and U , perhaps , a little Opaque on Covid .
Hoping U , like me , are NOW worried about our Current Covid Crisis , as pointed out by TBB .
We are all in this , together !
I hope U got some Ocean time , yesterday !
No Ocean time…I’m sitting where it is -3 outside…about to go to (terrible) Starbucks for my morning coffee as nothing good opens until about 10. Then I am off to walk some trails.
Ps, Covid is in the past. Get on with life and less worrying about it is the best option. Pps, there is no conspiracy at play.

Any Coffee is good coffee imho , Roady , especially if it's Cold .
I also thought Covid was in the Past but was dreadfully worried about a Future Bad variety and how we SHOULD react , next time .
TBB has shown me that Covid is still in the Present , 2 .
FFS , this Stuff does worry me ,
I will be fine but Australia is VERY sick and I won't stick my Head in the Sand , no fn way .
It might not be a conspiracy Play , but it IS the biggest F Up , in our Medical History .
That should be looked into , surely !
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?