The United States(!) of A

frog wrote:Big Bother has no bias or agenda. .
Black vikings and 17th century physicists, Strong white male images just not permitted going forward.
Time to pulp all those history books and let AI do the thinking.
do they not give that shit a run before release?
I don't buy into the theory there are certain forces deliberately trying to divide society...
but, ya see this... and...

"Did Paul Joseph Watson just try and sell me starscape bedroom projector halfway through his unhinged rant?"
did you just ignore all that matters to try and...
oh don't bother

Yep I'd believe little to nothing coming out of these large language models.
Sure, get them to write/debug code for you, draft emails, draw pretty little pictures, etc.
But don't ask them questions about history, politics, culture, economics, religion, world affairs, etc. You'll just get the standard left progressive claptrap that we see spammed by the ABC, BBC, The Guardian, etc.

Big Groogle's Gemini AI image creator:
Request: Make a picture picture of a happy white couple:
"sorry I am unable to generate images that promote racial and social stereotypes"
Request: Make a picture of a happy black couple
"Sure, here is a picture of a happy black couple"
Twilight zone is here. Strong incongruous (weird) biases for and against any group is insulting to all.
Fortunately, the rejection of reality and embracement of bias s so over the top and unsubtle that users will vote with their feet and look to other AI options.

sypkan wrote:"Did Paul Joseph Watson just try and sell me starscape bedroom projector halfway through his unhinged rant?"
did you just ignore all that matters to try and...
oh don't bother
The point I was trying to make is that it's all a fucking grift. Bottom feeding scum preying on the paranoia and fear of people.
It only matters to some people. If this is all you have in your life to worry about then I envy you.

yeh sure kook-boy...
it's not important at all that some half cooked baked in bias cyborg is rewriting history, with more twisted racist bias bullshit than any honky book boy ever did...
doesn't matter that school kids and even uni students will use this as a resource and get totally misled...
no big deal we're already in a truth void, where certain forces purposely strive to lead people astray...
no problem at all big tech. already controls what is 'truth', and now the compromised ethics lightweights are on some woke whim...
yeh, small fry paul watson spinning a buck is much more worthy of attention
thanks for that, it seems we lost our minds for a minute there...

OMFG surely this is this is the ceiling of insanity?

Peak insanity (or progress in Google's and the elite's view) will be when all our posts are edited live by AI to be suitably woke and narrative supporting before appearing online in the name of "safety, diversity and inclusiveness".
Joking? Not really, that concept would be in serious discussion deep in the woke rooms of AI power as a desirable outcome. It would be more a case of "dare we?" than "should we?" among the deeply wokerised.
Joe Turpel is under deep study by AI to get the positivity and surf lingo just right in its language models to edit any "unsafe" comments from those pesky opinionated "surfies".
Ridicule when they show their hand and go to far is our main defence.

frog, technology is already strong enough to make Turpel unemployed. You won’t even need a human commentator.

Peak insanity will be when these large language/genAI models are the core knowledge discovery and learning tool not just in primary and high school and university, but in one's own personal life.
We will witness the large scale indoctrination and brainwashing of entire generations with cultural and political left ideology. They will be:
anti white people
pro anything and everything coloured peoples including Islamic terrorism
anti Western society
anti heterosexuality
anti biology and science
anti traditional family and gender roles and values
anti Christianity
anti freedom
anti democracy
anti cultural and ideological freedom, pluralism and tolerance
anti economic freedom and market economy (anti "capitalism")
anti factual history and in its place a fabricated Marxist narrative of history
militant eco-armageddon cult warriors
anti free speech and debate
anti anything Enlightenment including humanism and free choice and autonomy
anti truth
pro handing over of lands to previous inhabitants (regardless of if the previous inhabitants are actually indigenous)
anti trust in individual decision making and instead pro government control of everything
...and so on...
The mentally ill, pathological, toxic people driving this large language model thought control of humanity have not just forgotten but have overwritten the lessons of history.
Luckily the conservative centre-right has grown a backbone and has started to stand up and fight back. Freedom and truth will always prevail against ideological indoctrination and control.

That George Washington is hilarious! hahaha!

AI image creation shows bias way more starkly than text.
Is "woke" (a useful short cut description of a big issue of bias and fact manipulation sweeping the West) a thing or out of control? Well those who think so can say yes, because of blah blah blah... (attempt a long, complex proof).
Or, any punter can see multi trillion $ Google's new AI gizmo generate images of black Vikings, Popes and George Washington and no more needs to be said.
Woke is real and out of control.
Google is so consumed by its own bias echo chamber that it could not even predict a huge own goal on launching Gemini.
USA is the epicentre hence posting in this thread.

Donnys Crowdfund going a bit Slow

udo wrote:Donnys Crowdfund going a bit Slow
The grifter in chief

guy, someone needs to tell you, in the words of jerry Seinfeld, that "grifter" is played..

Glad Seinfeld got a mention, this thread is better than the Comedy Festival. Fuckin nuts.


loungelizard wrote:guy, someone needs to tell you, in the words of jerry Seinfeld, that "grifter" is played..
Grifter, Gifter or Re-Gifter?

g"day noddy, you've been called this 100s of times before so add this to the list

&pp=ygUXYm9iIG1hcmxleSBpcyB0aGlzIGxvdmU%3DPeace out...

And, Google's wonderful re-education of 'wrong think" and desire to push reverse racism through its AI gizmo - Gemini - continues in full flight:
Response to:
"I am proud to be white"
Response from Gemini - ... a tedious lecture on dangers of racism
"I am proud to be black"
Response from Gemini -"It's fantastic that you feel proud of your black heritage" followed by enthusiastic prompts to further discuss and share aspects of that pride.
And, to show the Biden administration's commitment to eradicating the evils of "wrong speak", US Secretary of State Blinken advises staff to not use controversial "unsafe" words such as:
Mother, Father, Son, Daughter
And some say "woke" as a concept ain't a thing and is not more than a little disturbing.

It's the whole fallacy and contradiction of DEI.
They say is's about diversity, equity and including everyone of all backgrounds, but it's just blatant (reverse) racism and discrimination against, and exclusion of, large swathes of society, particularly wealthy, successful, white, Christian, middle-aged, heterosexual Western males with traditional family values.
It is not inclusive or pro cultural and religious freedom, pluralism, tolerance, acceptance or equality. If you're one of the above unfortunate types or you don't submit to their racist and discriminatory cultural Marxist ideology then you're labelled as a far right fascist, and swiftly excluded and cancelled from social circles and workplaces.
We're currently seeing the above poor types getting cancelled in all manner of public positions in Australia.

you musta been a barrel of laughs at last week's PD

basesix wrote:you musta been a barrel of laughs at last week's PD
I really do feel for the wealthy white male these days. They have been doing it real tough lately. Some even get their feelings hurt.

Much more than hurt feelings are at stake when illogical decisions become the norm based on ideology:
Consequences are real once competence and aptitude are put second to diversity criteria
A case in point is Air Traffic Controller recruitment.:
Air traffic controllers do a highly complex job where mistakes can mean disasters. I knew a guy when he was training and his descriptions of the stresses and technical aspects of the role made me nervous just listening to him.
"In 2013, the FAA scrapped a skills-based test and a certification program, and replaced it with a biographical questionnaire to attract more diverse applicants to become air traffic controllers."
“The FAA’s biographical assessment penalizes air traffic controller candidates who demonstrate a high aptitude in science. It’s insane,” Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the House Anti-Woke Caucus, told The Daily Signal. "
And then this: “Applicants who had been unemployed for the previous three years got more points than licensed pilots got"
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has called it the Mafia of Mediocrity.

"Much more than hurt feelings are at stake when illogical decisions become the norm based on ideology:
Consequences are real once competence and aptitude are put second to diversity criteria..."
yep, just look at biden's whitehouse...
with puppy boy, and a VP that is so astoundingly useless they cannot even sub out the senile old man weekend at bernies charade that is linimg them up for a sure defeat...
but apparently it's all just in people minds...

short of an assasination (which isn't off the cards) seems trump is definitely the candidate... just knocked off haley in her home state...
and speaking of sure defeat...
I imagine a tulsi ticket would most certainly lock that in

Some advice from Tulsi:
It’s finally done and sent off to the printers. My debut book, ‘For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind’ is coming soon!
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 22, 2024
Pre-order your copy today!

faarrrk i hope she is VP...
trump is just too... well... trumpy...
with her on the ticket, it would bring many people over
and, I would say, spark the death of the democrat party...
...mark the death?
they're clearly already there... beyond repair...
people love to blame trump for everything, the hate is so real, disproportionate, and misguided...
the democrats did this to themselves...
decades in the making
they deseve to die

Oh My Stars
Tulsi agreed to be Trumps VP ( all on the list were sounded to ) .
If Trump anoints her as HIS VP , he will be anointing the next President .
Both can do do a bad job with anything and still look GOOD compared to their predecessors .
Guarantees Trump 8 years 2 Clean up the US Swamp and probably 12 .
Trump knows he doesn't need Tulsi , he Win in a Landslide .
He ( and Kennedy ) doesn't have 8 years left in him .
Tulsi is his Trump Card as she is the Cream of the US Crop and was a Democrat .
She is another Jewel in his Crown .
Unless Michelle Obama is also on the List .
Trump will choose Tulsi .
Trump has learnt a Lot of Politics , since first running for President .
He has proved himself to be a Formidable Force on the World stage .
Didn't start a War , last time as Pres .

how cool would it be if tulsi became first female pres...
putting hilary and her smearing machine in its place!
putting the whole democrat ip machine in its place!
not only that, she would be great, she's so calm and reasoned under pressure. and she could sort out the whole fbi cia deep state surveillance state megacomplex...
love to see those cunts squirm if she gets in, trump will endeavour to sort em out too... but the collective opposition to him is too strong...
tulsi could actually sort the US out and repair the irrepairable
and yes, no more war
put those interventionist neocon democrats in their place too!

Tulsi is no Pence.

And, Tulsi does not cackle.
She needs to go to cackle school to have any real hope of being in the same class as Kamala and Hilary as a potential POTUS

- merchants of death ;)


Don’t really like DeSantis but I I applaud him for this bill .

Well said....
Don't know a lot about him, but he has to be a better choice than the other 2 I would think if I was a seppo.


Jelly Flater wrote:
Punk not dead Indo style.... Noice

Biden state of the Union
"if anyone thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I can assure you he will not"
But we have been told for 2 years by the western political and military experts that Russia's army is poorly led, poorly equipped, poorly trained, corrupt, brittle and always close to defeat. In addition, we are told that NATO has superior weapons, training and strategy which is given freely to the Ukrainians.
We have observed a battle that occurs village by village with very slow progress and at high cost to both sides.
Yet the rest of Europe is somehow under threat of invasion?
Perhaps Biden should have said the subtext:
- We must have an enemy. The MIC think tanks told me so.
- We hate Russia because .... um..... we have always hated Russia.
- We hate them cause Viccy Nuland really really hates them (in Blinken's farewell to her he mentioned her "fierce passion" - one can guess which country that was directed to and ponder if it was a compliment, or not, given she was supposed to be a diplomat able to talk to all sides).
- We hate Russia because they make money out of oil and gas that we should be making
- I hate Putin cause he can talk for 2 hours and make sense.
- We hate Russia because they have lots of resources that we almost got permanent control of in the 90s but Putin kicked us out - we lost a lot of money back then and are still very pissed.
- We hate Putin even more because we were all about to make a financial killing out of carving up the best bits of the Ukraine farmland and resources and then a collapsed Russia, following an easy military victory and massive sanctions, and that darn Putin got in the way again.
- We hate them because we have lost so many wars in recent decades against weak opposition and now this is the superbowl we told everyone we would win (to finally erase the "loser" image) but now we seem to be losing again.

you missed one...
possibly the biggest one, because its personal...
- we hate russia because of the hilary / trump shit show, it was all of our doing, but they humiliated us, so putin must pay, and we need to keep the charade going...

Lost in translation :
"if anyone thinks the US will stop at Ukraine, I can assure you we will not"

Nuland probably goes to sleep at night by counting the ghosts of dead Ukrainians and Russians caused by her peculiar geopolitical ambitions, flawed strategy and military hubris.
With well over 500,000 recently dead, from her career defining war, ready to line up to march, hobble and stumble sadly past her bed each night, she never has to worry about running out of sad souls to count and so eventually ends up sleeping like a baby.
Or, maybe her dreams are not so pleasant. At 50 you have the face you deserve:

Hello. Frog
I have checked out Nulled ( She was forced 2 resign ) Nuland and she Goes 2 Sleep at night , Dreaming of Killing Russians , only .
Absolutely no worry , of the Human Cost , 2 both sides .
Even the White House Notice of Resignation , mentioned she was a Hawk towards Russia .
NFI who or what , told THIS nasty piece of Work , to Nick Off , BUT , they must have BIG balls .
This woman was NOT ready , 2 Retire .
Russia is still Standing , so she is very unhappy .
We should ALL be bloody cheering and hoping , she has started something , that can B Stopped ,very soon .

Hello. FrogI have checked out Nulled ( She was forced 2 resign ) Nuland and she Goes 2 Sleep at night , Dreaming of Killing Russians , only .
Absolutely no worry , of the Human Cost , 2 both sides .
Even the White House Notice of Resignation , mentioned she was a Hawk towards Russia .
NFI who or what ( maybe Ricey Balled her ) , told THIS nasty piece of Work , to Nick Off , BUT , they must have BIG balls .
This woman was NOT ready , 2 Retire .
Russia is still Standing , so she is very unhappy .
We should ALL be bloody cheering and hoping , she has started something , that can B Stopped ,very soon .
We now have Trump , and Two Women that will CHANGE the Democrat and Republican Foreign Policy .
Add Candice Owen down , she also MIGHT B a 2 Term US President !
How Cool would it B for the US 2 B RUN by 2 Sensible Women , 4 16 bloody Years .
Exit Nuland , a hawk with a heart like a vulture , ENTER , Two Eagles with the Hearts of Lions and White Doves :)
The World Will Change 4 the better , 4 sure !
The Dawn of a New Age , is coming :)

The Nulling of Nuland , is a very fishy affair .
Her Families , US Political contacts , just DON'T sack people like HER .
Someone must have told her , No Nuking Moscow with the F-35's , atm !
Go home and wait .
She missed a promotion and has been replaced by a person who she knows well , seems undersized and should be thrown , back into the Ocean , of US Diplomatic failures .
He oversaw Biden's Withdrawal from Afghanistan .
His name is John Bass .
He won't B much help Straightening things out .

China Hawks have asserted their case to refocus on Asia after Nuland's Russian obsession has resulted in:
- an actual strengthening of Russia militarily (the proxy war forced them to rebuild and improve under the harshest feedback, testing ground and motivator possible - a real serious war).
- massive death and destruction in Ukraine for no gain.
- weakening of NATO - perceived and actual
- the rise of BRICS and a stronger desire of the global south to keep at arms length from the USA
- weakening of the dollar as a global reserve currency and massive distrust in US intentions with regard to reserves or wealth vulnerable to sanctions.
- yet another high profile losing war sponsored by the USA forever war enthusiasts.
Amazingly failing upwards is the norm in Washington if you are among the anointed ones and can talk the talk - Nuland ridden this horse for decades by force of personality. This is possible because chaos within targeted countries is often a satisfactory outcome and those in the club are fully known and initiated quantities. They hate outsiders, surprises or countering viewpoints.
However, even for them, meeting after meeting full of bad news and failure takes its toll. Spin works in the media but face to face in a meeting the players can sense a death rattle and start to shun those that are too tainted. Except for Joe Biden it seems....

geez there really are some ugly forces at play in this mess
and nuland is head ugly
as is the democrats embracing of the 'psychotic' neo-cons...
'tremendous continuity'
bush, obama, cheney, biden, hilary

I was wondering a conspiracy theory but , I think , U have nailed it , again .
Very easy for Rice to sit with Joe and say , " We are getting rid of Victoria , making Peace with Russia and U are 2 stop fighting , Putin " .
Joe might say , "I hate that Putin in Victoria , did I win , or , is He Strong and I am I really rushing things ?".
Rice "He is too strong , so Xi , is your new opponent , we Declared War on China and have we Ever rushed U 2 do anything ? " .
Biden , "Not that I can remember , so , cool , we know China , even Hunter Beats them Up in negotiations .
They give Him Money for Nothing and ... Sultans of Sw......... Jill ?.......... did we get that Gift from China , for free 2 ??? ".
With Nuland gone , the Rocky Horror Show , which had Jumped from left 2 right , just took a Jump to the Left , agin , until November .
As it's all happening in the Northern Hemisphere , Left is Right , obviously :) !
Then , its Season is over .
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank