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Jealous much SF

AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Yes it’s been great. We went up Ben Lomond yesterday. It’s one of Tassies 2 ski fields in winter. In summer it’s a dolarite quarry(looks like)
How’s that road. Mind bending.AW
We just completed the new $3 million public shelter up there AW.
Carted 14m long trusses, steel beams and roof sheets up that road on a modified single axle vehicle. Hair raising stuff. Cheaper than using a helicopter though.

garyg1412 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Yes it’s been great. We went up Ben Lomond yesterday. It’s one of Tassies 2 ski fields in winter. In summer it’s a dolarite quarry(looks like)
How’s that road. Mind bending.AW
We just completed the new $3 million public shelter up there AW.
Carted 14m long trusses, steel beams and roof sheets up that road on a modified single axle vehicle. Hair raising stuff. Cheaper than using a helicopter though.
GaryG1412. How’s things, long time no speak ? Hope you’re well
Straight from the horses mouth. Wow, man goes anywhere to build these days.
Treacherous drive for sure, white knuckles on the steering wheel I bet. Pretty frigid outside especially when the sun disappears.
How long did it take to get all the materials to the site for the entire project ?

AlfredWallace wrote:garyg1412 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:seeds wrote:Yes it’s been great. We went up Ben Lomond yesterday. It’s one of Tassies 2 ski fields in winter. In summer it’s a dolarite quarry(looks like)
How’s that road. Mind bending.AW
We just completed the new $3 million public shelter up there AW.
Carted 14m long trusses, steel beams and roof sheets up that road on a modified single axle vehicle. Hair raising stuff. Cheaper than using a helicopter though.GaryG1412. How’s things, long time no speak ? Hope you’re well
Straight from the horses mouth. Wow, man goes anywhere to build these days.
Treacherous drive for sure, white knuckles on the steering wheel I bet. Pretty frigid outside especially when the sun disappears.
How long did it take to get all the materials to the site for the entire project ?
Alfred it was a 2 stage project over 2 summers - 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.
Although summer construction still had it's delays from snow and ice on quite a few occasions.

Tranquil. I’m getting that inner feeling you get when you experience that.

The photos once loaded and posted look very dull compared to how they look on my phone . These iPhone cameras are good but unfortunately I’m a bit of a dill in how to use them properly. They have tutorials on YouTube but I’m also a bit slack .

We have had a run of very low tides at the local reef break, took this in Nov starting running after the photo to miss the approaching storm

Supafreak wrote:The photos once loaded and posted look very dull compared to how they look on my phone . These iPhone cameras are good but unfortunately I’m a bit of a dill in how to use them properly. They have tutorials on YouTube but I’m also a bit slack .
They are very nice supa. The phone does a lot of jazzing up with the colours and contrast. Hard to repeat of your phone without using software (the lightroom phone app is pretty good if you can be arsed).

@blackers , thanks I will have a look

colours in those pics as the light goes are amazing, SF. The last 2 are especially nice. I never really got the light colours at sunset and sunrise until an art director friend took the time to educate me.

Nice shot blackers , its like there’s a all pink rainbow .

Cheers Supa, taken from one of the cliff top bars up from the beach. Great place to stop and kick back.

Nothing beats a Indo sunset...

Nothing beats a Indo sunset...

Nothing beats an Indo sunset…except an Indo sunrise.
Sunrise is so much better. No one around. Every moment is a new beginning. Dawn people - those few who are around- are good, wholesome people. Everything is unblemished and fresh.
Particularly around here where dawn has famously been described as The Morning of the World.
Most days I’ll get up a couple of hours before dawn and have a coffee, do some stretches and push ups, then go for a five km soft sand walk/ run before the morning twilight. It’s indescribably beautiful.
Everytime I do it I’m joined by a regular motley crew of five beach warung dogs. They lose their shit when I turn up. So excited to see me and go for a boundary ride on their beach that it’s like they’ve won doggie lotto. Must admit I’m just as happy to see them as they are to see me.
I love watching the doggies roam free. Tinge of sadness when I realise that their lives won’t eternally be so boundless. Indo is changing rapidly. The rules based order is upon it. Before you know it the free range doggies of Indo will be reduced to living in the same backyard prisons as their Australian canine cousins. Digging up the grass for ten ours per day whilst their master / Turnkey human endures a similarly enslaved fate at their place of busy work.
But for now they know nothing of the sort and wander wherever they please. Fingers crossed they aren’t poached for ceremonial sacrifice due to their black fur or to be eaten as a dog meat delicacy whilst they run free as the wind.
Anyway…I feel like a sweaty million dollars when I finish my run just as the sun is coming up. Most times I’ll just grab my board and get straight out there irrespective of conditions. It’s always, always worth the paddle.
This is Lala. Lala is a good dog. She’s about six months old. She loves the water. She’s the slowest cause she’s only got little legs and was hit by a motorbike a few weeks ago. She doesn’t slow us down too much but when she does she’s worth the wait.

Sounds like the existence I want on my extended trip this year. It is a life flip. A comeback. A freedom from expectations, self imposed mostly.
A realisation I want to enjoy my last couple of decades.


seeds wrote:Sounds like the existence I want on my extended trip this year. It is a life flip. A comeback. A freedom from expectations, self imposed mostly.
A realisation I want to enjoy my last couple of decades.
Awesome seeds, I am currently in Indo doing the same albeit for only a couple of weeks
Flying solo, pondering life as a bit of a half time sojourn
Make sure you carry a journal
Even maybe some thought provoking books. I have returned to Eckhart Tolle, hitting the spot at this time in my life, i have tried before and it didn’t land timing is everything

Yes cheers mate. I’ve a stack of books on the bedside gathering dust. They’ll be coming.
It’s the early to bed up 2 hours before sunrise bit gets me. I’m a night owl.
Funny I got up pre dawn in Tassie to watch the penguins hit the waves and I was too late. They be getting up 2 hours earlier. Slackjaw is one of them

ps I’m hoping you get what you need!!!

Nice Supa
Is that the moon also or some trick of the camera?

seeds wrote:Nice Supa
Is that the moon also or some trick of the camera?
Yes it’s the moon, saw a photo on Facebook of the eclipse that was absolutely amazing, was thinking some keen photographers on this thread may have some to share . Edit …..found the facebook shot . Don’t know what camera tricks were used but I thought it looked amazing .

Nice, Supa. No moon shots from here, feels like it has been weeks since we have even seen blue sky.

That eclipse pic is nuts Supa!

amazing supa.
agree re blue sky blackers..
anyone know when it's good to see saturn's rings from down south?
(fk yr a funny bastard seeds 'pissed off back into the sky', haha)

Yeah I know, just when it was his shout……pooooof goneskis

Great run of swell up here and forecast looks good, winds offshore first thing for 3-4 hours before northerlies get up . These are just iPhone pics I took but a photographer arrived 2 days ago and as soon as I sell a kidney, I will buy his cheapest package and share some pics. Crowds gone from 4 of us to 8 but alls good as plenty of waves . Pity I can’t backhand tube ride . Having a ball on these open face walls that are both fast and challenging at times . home for 3 weeks

Supafreak wrote:Great run of swell up here and forecast looks good, winds offshore first thing for 3-4 hours before northerlies get up . These are just iPhone pics I took but a photographer arrived 2 days ago and as soon as I sell a kidney, I will buy his cheapest package and share some pics. Crowds gone from 4 of us to 8 but alls good as plenty of waves . Pity I can’t backhand tube ride . Having a ball on these open face walls that are both fast and challenging at times .
home for 3 weeks
pretty envious supa, enjoy!

Looks epic Supa.

Is there room service, SF?
That wave though....sweet

Looks amazing Supra.

Awesome. That’d suit me to a tee.

seeds wrote:Awesome. That’d suit me to a tee.
+1, looks like you are having a ball supa. Jealous as. Enjoy.

Yeeew! Ripping Supa!! Hitting some high notes with style on those last two pics! Beautiful waves.

ahh nice!!! Yeah looks sick. Really need to get my hands on one. Would be perfect for down this way.

Loving life Supa!! Enjoy...

Nice. Double over on the first shot.
Some serious water flying off the rail of the 7’6 on the last.

@seeds , how’s things ? Any progress on planned trip ?

Hey looks like you’re having a great trip west.
As for me, yes but towards the end of the season.
What is the name of that camp?
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.