Australia - you're standing in it

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog started the topic in Friday, 18 Sep 2020 at 11:51am

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 7:45am

And yet natural gas burns clean and can replace all other fossil fuels including automobiles in Australia until something better comes along.
LPG is the same…propane burns clean and all petrol cars can be converted as the new advanced systems are amazing…..See Prins as an example….
All petrol cars , LPG and natural gas homes can then adapt to the new bio LPG and bio natural gas in the future without any modifications….but hey let’s make Chinese electric cars with slave labour instead. Chris Bowen drives one so we all should too…..why start a prosperous new Australian enterprise converting millions and millions of cars to gas and cleaning the air while doing it.
Let's leave em all on imported petrol while we sit in our hands and talk about it for another 10 years…..let’s phase out clean burning gas cars as well as LPG servos and import Chinese junk because that makes perfect sense.
The euros are all over it building new LPG cars and LPG hybrids because bio LPG and bio LNG is the future….can someone explain this to Bowen as he doesn’t seem to get it……or is he on the take from Tesla….China etc….

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 8:31am

So we Burn Fossil Fuels 2 make Electricity for a Tesla Car to charge it's 60kg Lithium battery , to replace a Car that just used fossil fuels in the first place .

Then we build a whole New Grid of Electricity ALL around Australia .

It sounds stupid to me , EVEN if it was a Long Term solution .

Toyota , the Biggest car company , thinks it is stupid as well .

I will follow the Japanese on this !

Keep it Simple !

monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 8:39am

Not sure Norway is a good model for Australia. Completely different demographics, geographics and so on.

They are however an incredibly smart energy exporter (and located to a huge population lead by incredibly dumb EU politicans).

Might be a great country to move to.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 9:05am

Hey Monkey

We have Gas underground , almost everywhere !

We built Gladstone and the North West Shelf , and know how to be an Incredibly Smart Energy Exporter ( and have Cheap Energy prices at home !!! ) .

All we need is the common sense to say , let's do it .

Albo , PLEASE take the Hand Brakes off .

China , Japan , South Korea etc are desperate for Long Term Gas supplies and are Next door .

We are a Perfect Long Term supplier as we are a Stable Country will good laws .

There is NO reason , I can see , why we can be a MUCH bigger Energy Exporter than Norway .

Australia should dominate in this area imho !!!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 9:56am

Woodside are Australia's Biggest Fossil Fuel Producer .

To grow it had to buy BHP's Oil and Gas Division in the USA and recently took over Santos .

It is now one of the BIGGEST players in the World .

They can NOT do ANY new major ( they don't do minor ) projects in Australia atm .

They have to go overseas or buy existing producers .

With ONE call to the CEO of Woodside , Albo could get Australia moving to become a MAJOR Natural Gas user and exporter .

Can make OUR Electricity cost the cheapest in the World !

How good would that be for our Economy !!!

Albo wants 2 piss off the CEO , make the Greens happy and Tax Woodside more for doing their business in Australia .

Always the opposite of what should be done .

Take the Leash OFF Woodside , let THEM do their business safely and profitably , as they WILL grow and take us 2 a much higher level .

All the building blocks are in place !!!

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:01am

I wouldn't normally do this Pop Down, but your facts are so incorrect.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:03am

Fact One: They did not take over Santos, they called off the potential merger as it added no value to Woodside's shareholders.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:05am

Scarborough Energy Project currently underway by Woodside

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:12am

Not even in the top 10 by market capitalisation, maybe around top 50 haha

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:24am

Hey Seaslug

Great to hear I was wrong on the Santos bid not going ahead ( I thought that assumption was doubtful ) .

I was telling shareholders that the Santos assets were not worth it .

Also thought the regulators would knock it on the head .

It does prove the point the Woodside has no NEW major Projects in Australia to grow their business here .

Scarborough has been on Woodside's plans for ages and the Economies are great .

We Should have 10 Scarborough Type and Gladstone Type Projects on Woodsides and Santos's 10 year plans , at least !

Woodside would be in the top 10 Listed Energy companies in the World Seaslug ( could be wrong :) .

What's funny about a $50b market cap ???

Just checked and it's $60.5 !

Dividend still around 6% tax free ( not financial advice :) .

They are not BHP ffs !

If anywhere has good gas or oil , Woodside can get it safely , no problems .

They are one of the best in the world at doing it .

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:46am
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 11:31am


U posted that crap previously and it still stinks .

Norway's Oil and Gas Business's were encouraged by their government and grew to become the Driving Force of their Economy .

This Industry then grew and was able to Fund their Future Fund and the Education Systems for decades into the Future .

FFS U are vague ( put a fn opinion up 1 day , maybe ) !!!

Are U expecting our TINY Gas and Fuel companies to Fund our Education ???

Imposible ffs !

Subsidies haha lol lol - Wind Farms ffs !!!!!

The Government are subsidising their competition .

U also expect BHP to pay for YOUR lifestyle .

Our Electricity costs are already way 2 fn high .

U , Albo and the Greens just won't let us Grow a decent Energy Future for our country .

Until its done , we all are being held BACK and are NOW , going backwards , due to high inflation caused by expensive Electricity !

Let Woodside do what the Norwegian Companies were able to do .

Grow and become a Powerhouse to Power Australia .

Then they can Fund our entire Education System ( think Aramco )

Get a brain !

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 12:53pm

IF Albo just made a simple statement tonight , nothing else needs 2 happen as the Stock Market will Fund the development of Our New Energy policy tomorrow .

"I have agreement from Qld , WA , NT , SA State Premiers that we are NOW looking for Gas projects 2 Fast Track ( from 10 to 5 years ) . Go looking urgently ! " .

NSW will follow quickly and f..k Victoria ( we are brain dead on this ) .

Within 10 years we can Double the NWSelf and we will have enough CHEAP gas for ourselves and all of Asia .

Only Udo type's don't think that is a good idea ( I can't work out why ? ) .

Our Gas and Oil Industry , like their partners in North America definitely don't feel like governments have done them ANY favours over the last 20 years .

The World Stock Markets agree with the Energy Companies ( look at their share prices ) .

Look at how little they have invested in their OWN businesses in the last 10 years ( that's why the WPL div is so big atm ) .

Look at how hard it is 2 get anything approved !

It is MUCH harder for them to run their business's safely ( Woodside has an amazing record ( think Qantas ) so far , touch wood ) .

They have stopped looking for new Reserves !!!

Give them a break ffs and take their handcuffs off .

I don't own any Gas or Oil shares and have my eggs in one basket in a nice and friendly sector liked by Udo types ( stupid stuff as would love a 6-8% tax free income now ) .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 1:22pm

agree with all comments above re. gas

Im a renewables zealot btw, but it is obvious to all, gas is a good energy transition source, and has certain applications even beyond the transition stage

europe and smart asia seeking / maintaining gas is very telling. they've gone back to it! ...for many reasons...

oz and US seem to be the only anti-gas zealots... why? ...makes no sense...

labor have fucked up the gas debate at every angle!

fucking over mum and dad consumers

destroying businesses, futures, and investments

hobbling the energy transition

and making us vulnerable on many fronts

it's pure environmental populism from my petspective... ie. not well thought out policy, appealing to a certain cohort at a very base level, and putting all eggs in one basket

...and all that is without even considering the e-waste, land clearing, and carbon footprint of their current policies and mindlessness...

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 1:52pm


It does seem common sense to have a plan to boost our Gas production and give our people and business's a break 2 , by stopping outrageous Electricity price RISES .

Our Current Plan will require the Old Coal Fired Power stations going for decades longer than expected imho !

Woodside's market cap is 60b and Santos 23b .

BP and the Overseas Multinationals are hardly playing in Oz ( few JV's) !

It's our locals who are doing all the employing of Australians .

BHP is 230B and RIO is 180B ( then there is FMG and Gina ) .

Japanese and Chinese Multinationals have JV's with all of them 2 .

We saw what happened when Labor tried to Tax those guys ( went to Water ) .

Nuclear Energy is not a good fit for our country .

IF Solar and Wind are good long term solutions , they WILL work here , as we have plenty of sun and wind .

Natural Gas is a perfect fit , it's everywhere on our Big Beautiful Abundant Continent ( even in Vic ) !!!

Australia having Cheap electricity , is a lot more important than China getting Cheap Iron Ore !!!

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 2:19pm

@sypkan. you said

oz and US seem to be the only anti-gas zealots... why? ...makes no sense...

labor have fucked up the gas debate at every angle!

fucking over mum and dad consumers

destroying businesses, futures, and investments

hobbling the energy transition

and making us vulnerable on many fronts


The only ones who have screwed Australia over in regard to energy is the LNP.

And it goes back to the Whitlam era when Rex Connor wanted to develop the NW Shelf reserves. He was brought undone by the financing proposals exploited by the LNP, but anyone with half a brain could see the potential. Anyone that is except the LNP. But they had other motives.

Had Connor been successful with his plans we would have had 100% state ownership of gas resources and access to cheap energy to power our industries and any surplus sold into export markets.

Instead the LNP gave it away, and nothing any subsequent government could do was going to change that.

So we now find ourselves paying exorbitant prices for energy which has often been in short supply because the owners decided they would rather give it away to the Japanese etc for stuff all.

The Liberal Party have been a total disaster for Australia ever since Menzies as Foreign Minister in the UAP Govt in 1937 sold 300k tonnes of scrap iron (despite Union objections and resistance) to Japan, who gladly returned much of it a few years later.

Menzies was a disaster as PM during WW2 and lost the 1942 election to the ALP (Curtin then Chifley) who set the country up for a post war recovery.

Menzies returns to office under the new Liberal Party banner in 1949, and allows the Brits to conduct nuclear testing here complete with human guinea pigs. That worked out well.

A drovers dog could have run the country in the 1950's and probably done it better than Menzies. And the idiot is best remembered for two lines of inane prose about another nation's monarch. FMD.

The LNP are completely useless. No Plan No Policies and No Idea. Nothing has changed in 80 years.

The ALP are the only people who have made an attempt at correcting some absolute clangers of mistakes by the LNP, and are always persecuted for it by the media. But we have now reached the point where the ALP are reluctant to do what they know has to be done.

God help us if the LNP ever return to power.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 2:51pm

nice history lesson salty one

and Im not saying any of that is wrong...

however, labor had a chance to not screw over mums and dads and businesses at the start of their term

they chose the gas cartels...

labor have a chance to do a sensible energy transition and set us for the future

they've chosen big end of town - new dudes in town - renewable zealotry...

I'm sensing a theme

labor are bought clueless arseholes

yeh, the other side is worse.. but geez that margin is slipping away... fast...

the uni-party sucks all round!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 3:07pm


U are right and a lot of parties have been in power over the last 20-30 years and have got us 2 where we are .

Up until the last 10-15 years Australia has been in the Worlds Cheapest Energy Producers .

We had Coal !

Huge Coal deposits just sitting next to Melbourne ( Gas is there 2 ) , that were easily plugged into and could last a lifetime or more .

Our Country was built on this !

Not now !

In Victoria we have been under Labor Rule mostly .

We banned ALL Gas exploration years ago .

Turned off a few Coal Fired Power stations and invested in some Renewables .

The result is a disaster as people can't afford to pay their Electricity Bills .

We are NOW at risk of Black Outs just because of NO supply !!!

So , will Labor make the easy announcement to let Gas companies go explore and IF they find something , give them Fast Track Approval to build it ?

Trump is Conservative and he will do it , again !

Does Albo have the courage to make this important decision ?

If not , throw him out and lets find someone who will .

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 3:20pm
Pop Down wrote:


U are right and a lot of parties have been in power over the last 20-30 years and have got us 2 where we are .

Up until the last 10-15 years Australia has been in the Worlds Cheapest Energy Producers .

We had Coal !

Huge Coal deposits just sitting next to Melbourne ( Gas is there 2 ) , that were easily plugged into and could last a lifetime or more .

Our Country was built on this !

Not now !

In Victoria we have been under Labor Rule mostly .

We banned ALL Gas exploration years ago .

Turned off a few Coal Fired Power stations and invested in some Renewables .

The result is a disaster as people can't afford to pay their Electricity Bills .

We are NOW at risk of Black Outs just because of NO supply !!!

So , will Labor make the easy announcement to let Gas companies go explore and IF they find something , give them Fast Track Approval to build it ?

Trump is Conservative and he will do it , again !

Does Albo have the courage to make this important decision ?

If not , throw him out and lets find someone who will .

Hi Pop,

That was a moratorium on On Shore gas exploration which was lifted in 2021 I believe. It started in 2012 under a LP Govt, (Ballieu).

I understand the Coal Fired Power Stations were at the end of their life, renewables were an obvious choice but time will tell how effective that is.

I’ve reduced my electricity bill a few months ago by about $30/month. I found a new plan and reassessed the way we use electricity and gas in our household. The savings on gas are far greater than $360 pa I would note. Maybe others should try a similar approach instead of blaming the government.

Albo needs to find the courage and support to do what has to be done, though there will be huge opposition from the vested interests via the LNP. If he (ALP) can’t achieve that, then there is no hope.

As for Trump, he is the complete idiot.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 4:27pm
sypkan wrote:

nice history lesson salty one

and Im not saying any of that is wrong...

however, labor had a chance to not screw over mums and dads and businesses at the start of their term

they chose the gas cartels...

labor have a chance to do a sensible energy transition and set us for the future

they've chosen big end of town - new dudes in town - renewable zealotry...

I'm sensing a theme

labor are bought clueless arseholes

yeh, the other side is worse.. but geez that margin is slipping away... fast...

the uni-party sucks all round!

They only just returned to government after 10 miserable years: maybe they weren't prepared to rock the boat early in the first term, not to mention the likely massive short term costs involved. Maybe Albo will reveal all in his memoirs, or the next series of Nemesis, or whatever it may be called.

History is an excellent teacher: we need a vaccine for amnesia however.

I must admit I placed the LNP before the ALP on the last election (Vic), for a number of reasons. I'll have to vote again shortly in the Dunkley Byelection and I won't make the same mistake.


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 6:29pm
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 7:17pm

Nemesis has proved to me , Morrison was a thief and a liar .

Worst PM EVER !

Barnaby is a nice bloke and needs to stop drinking alcohol for his young family .

If he is found in the gutter again , he has 2 resign .

A horrible look !

Dutton is bagged on SN relentlessly .

So , I like him :)

He has the Liberals United .

Came out looking much better than Albo , after the REF .

Looked calm ( opposite to Abbott ) telling the ABC off .

Rang rings around Albo by agreeing to the Stage 3 Tax Cuts .

Albo would be much more worried about his job than Peter .

Everyone underestimates the Metal in this Man imho !

When U are a Minister , U are told what to do and what to say .

As a Leader , U can say whatever U want .

I am going 2 listen 2 him more closely , now .

NFI what his approval rating is , but expect it 2 be very low , considering the view of SN !!!

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 7:35pm
Pop Down wrote:

Nemesis has proved to me , Morrison was a thief and a liar .

Worst PM EVER !

Barnaby is a nice bloke and needs to stop drinking alcohol for his young family .

If he is found in the gutter again , he has 2 resign .

A horrible look !

Dutton is bagged on SN relentlessly .

So , I like him :)

He has the Liberals United .

Came out looking much better than Albo , after the REF .

Looked calm ( opposite to Abbott ) telling the ABC off .

Rang rings around Albo by agreeing to the Stage 3 Tax Cuts .

Albo would be much more worried about his job than Peter .

Everyone underestimates the Metal in this Man imho !

When U are a Minister , U are told what to do and what to say .

As a Leader , U can say whatever U want .

I am going 2 listen 2 him more closely , now .

NFI what his approval rating is , but expect it 2 be very low , considering the view of SN !!!

Why did Ken Wyatt resign from the LP Pop?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 8:12pm

I thought , due to Ken's support for the Voice .

He thought it a Political issue and not a personal choice .

His mum is a FNP .

Albo's idea , that was supported by Wyatt , that proposed giving our FNP a Voice was resounding defeated at a Referendum .

Thats why Dutton came out of the horrid debate looking better than Albo .

Mundine hasn't resigned and can still make an important contribution .

monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 8:38pm
AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 10:06pm

Big lessons there, not least of which is the fact that Australia needs to invest in itself.
That article laughed at Germany for keeping copper in its Internet connection but what have we done?
Germany’s ranks at 36th for Internet speed Australia’s ranked 61st in the world.
Absolute disgrace.
We’re so dumb, corrupt and incompetent that we keep moving forward as a primary producer.
We rank 91st for economic complexity.
What a bunch of dummies.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 12:20am

If you really want you can go through this interesting paper on economic complexity:

We rank poorly due to trade data. Our exports are simple and monotonous + we are geographically isolated. Economic complexity index is traditionally unfavourable towards geographically isolated countries due to formula being driven by trade data. However, not all is black and we rank quite high in certain fields. We could do better but we are also not bottom of the barrel as some would indicate. We need more R&D money from both government and the business over the next decades. We are good with infrastructure investments but it needs to be more diversified.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 9:26am
Pop Down wrote:

I thought , due to Ken's support for the Voice .

He thought it a Political issue and not a personal choice .

His mum is a FNP .

Albo's idea , that was supported by Wyatt , that proposed giving our FNP a Voice was resounding defeated at a Referendum .

Thats why Dutton came out of the horrid debate looking better than Albo .

Mundine hasn't resigned and can still make an important contribution .

Firstly, Wyatt produced “The Voice” while in Government, not Albo or the ALP.

Albo and the ALP committed to supporting the proposal and take it to a referendum in their first term, if they won government.

By his refusal to support “The Voice” and referring to it as “Labor’s Racist Voice”, Dutton delivered a vile insult at Wyatt, and committed an act of betrayal: one which would win the admiration of Judas Iscariot.

So it’s plainly obvious why Wyatt found himself unable to continue as a member of the LP.

Albo came out of the “debate” with his integrity intact. Dutton on the other hand simply confirmed again he is just a low class thug devoid of any moral fibre.

As for Mundine, he’s only in it for the money.

Again, the LNP have no plan, no policies, no idea and now no morals.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 9:30am

Putin translated into Australian

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 12:58pm

Hey Salty

Just saw your helpful hint re getting my electricity bill down , thanks mate !

Not sure why Baillieu was against Gas ( he probably didn't own a farm with Gas under it and he was a windbag ) and interesting the moratorium was lifted in 2021 by Dictator Dan ???!!!!

ARE U SURE ? lol haha (A Dan Moratorium MUST be BS , even if it happened )

I was in the market and heard no Companies cheering and go looking for Gas .

All I know is ALL the Big Projects were stopped , years ago , in Vic and NSW .

Narabrie ??

The Big Coal Basins all have Gas 2 ( Gladstone ) .

All the new Thermal Coal Projects that the Japanese and Chinese plan on using for the next 20-50 years ( still building plants ) were stopped and NO new projects will be approved , EVER .

If the Japanese and Chinese are building these new Cleaner Power Stations , WE can 2 !

Helps will diversity of Power sources .

Maybe it's the fact that No one thinks they will get approval and exploring , even if U find something , is not worth it .

NO Big New projects are on the drawing board .

Please prove me wrong , again :)))

We need to get moving !

Any Old Thermal Power Stations can have their lives extended , if necessary .

I have already stated that our Existing ones will need to have their lives extended 10-20 years or we are Stuffed in Melbourne !!! imho .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 6:57pm

Nothing to see hear... The Australian and its journos (use the word loosely) would never try to influence the courts...

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 7:11pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hey Salty

Just saw your helpful hint re getting my electricity bill down , thanks mate !

Not sure why Baillieu was against Gas ( he probably didn't own a farm with Gas under it and he was a windbag ) and interesting the moratorium was lifted in 2021 by Dictator Dan ???!!!!

ARE U SURE ? lol haha (A Dan Moratorium MUST be BS , even if it happened )

I was in the market and heard no Companies cheering and go looking for Gas .

All I know is ALL the Big Projects were stopped , years ago , in Vic and NSW .

Narabrie ??

The Big Coal Basins all have Gas 2 ( Gladstone ) .

All the new Thermal Coal Projects that the Japanese and Chinese plan on using for the next 20-50 years ( still building plants ) were stopped and NO new projects will be approved , EVER .

If the Japanese and Chinese are building these new Cleaner Power Stations , WE can 2 !

Helps will diversity of Power sources .

Maybe it's the fact that No one thinks they will get approval and exploring , even if U find something , is not worth it .

NO Big New projects are on the drawing board .

Please prove me wrong , again :)))

We need to get moving !

Any Old Thermal Power Stations can have their lives extended , if necessary .

I have already stated that our Existing ones will need to have their lives extended 10-20 years or we are Stuffed in Melbourne !!! imho .

Hi Pop,

The ban on fracking continues and I believe there are quite a few hoops to jump through for on shore exploration.

Off shore the issue is with the use of seismic waves to search for reserves.

As for energy costs, there are only two in the house now and there is no point using gas ducted heating in winter as we can’t zone areas off.

Instead we use the r/c aircon to heat the kitchen meals living area. What we found was the gas usage dropped dramatically obviously!!(hot water and some cooking only) but the electricity bill also dropped. It appears the blower/fan on the gdh uses more power than the aircon on heat cycle! Also don’t sit there in shorts and tshirt with the temp set at 26, dress a bit warmer and set the temp at 21 or 22.

And look around for a better plan. All up we have cut energy costs by $750 pa. Running a house with 3 kids could become an extremely expensive operation!

The planning for energy security over the last 15 years has been a dogs breakfast. Some pollies need to pull their heads in and adopt a sensible progressive approach. They have to understand coal is dying and all energy producers are reluctant to invest in it.


monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024 at 8:25pm

Gas ???? Natural Gas is fetching 1998 prices in the market. Not very economical to "mine" I imagine at these prices.

Coal is in huge demand still. Not dying...yet.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 8:03am
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 8:28am


To build a big project and to get Funding , Off Take Agreements are needed .

The Gas is sold Forward at agreed prices so a Bankable Feasibility agreement can be signed .

Woodside has a hurdle on the Economies and projects DO stack up .

Australian consumers are NOT paying the same GAS price as those in OTHER countries eg US .

Asia and Europe are desperate for LONG TERM Gas supplies ( Nordstream like ) .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 8:57am

I love Whales as much as anyone .

Seismic Testing for Gas and Oil deposits have been happening for 30 years .

Whale populations have boomed in the last 30 years .

They migrate , so they can handle more Seismic Activity .

Fracking was so maligned as was going to destroy our Water Tables around Gladstone .

Never happened and the Industry has developed a great track record here and in the USA .

Humans are usually good at coming up with a Sensible Vision for what we will need in the next 10-20 years .

Our Military say they NEED 1 .

Our Energy Policy ATM , can't guarantee us Power tomorrow .

In Melbourne , we really only need 2 things , ALL the time .

Water and Electricity !!!

Into said somewhere that Victoria had a 50% Blackout yesterday as it was hot .

He said we have one Power station which was running at 50% , 4 some reason .

I checked and We have 3 Thermal Power Station, still running .

Lots of Small Gas Powered Stations feeding Regional areas .

Let's BUILD more , urgently !!!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 10:18am

People like UDO want 2 make it even harder for the Oil and Gas Industry 2 do business in Australia .

The Industry is maligned and abused like the fn Tobacco Companies , by Udo's like .

The Banks aren't even WILLING to give them any money to do a new fn project , ESG shit !!!

When oil was discovered and used ( instead of Whale Oil !!!!!!!! ) the number of humans beings able to LIVE on our Planet , exploded UP !!!

Great news !

If U are an Engineer in Oil and Gas , they think U are a traitor 2 Humanity ffs !!!

Probably the same for all mining engineers .

Our Iron Ore and Coal Exports ( I wish we built more stuff here ) keep our Countries Finances in OK order .

The US now produces 13 million barrels of oil every DAY .

8 million comes from SHALE Deposits ( Fracking !!! ) .

Our Electricity Prices are killing our country .

We need MORE people 2 want 2 work in this important industry .

Why BAG Kids who might want 2 help get our country moving , and who might like 2 go 2 Uni and study Engineering FFS ???

Sir John Monash studied Engineering and became a Nation Builder .

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 11:41am

Just a bit of context on what Australians get from the sale of our mineral resources by the biggest players. I don’t think they need you to defend or advocate for them Pop.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 1:10pm
soggydog wrote:

Just a bit of context on what Australians get from the sale of our mineral resources by the biggest players. I don’t think they need you to defend or advocate for them Pop.

And then there was this:

Killed off by you know who.

Who???? The party who always looks after Australia's best interests.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 1:44pm


Look at our Current Account Figures .

Our Mining Companies are already paying their way .

Woodside and BHP pay FULL tax at 30% so they CAN pay Fully Franked Dividends .

Have paid fully franked div's for 5 plus years !!!!

By definition , this means that EVERY dollar Woodside declared as a profit , they paid FULL tax @ 30% !

The Guy was mentioning Shell and Exxon ffs Chinese and Friggin Indian Companies .

He should have given a surf report ffs !

A Goose !

We don't have many other Golden Goose's !

Stop picking on them !

All their employees pay tax Federally and they pay State Royalties .

Their competitors overseas need to be at least matched by OUR guys .

No one can say that our Miners didn't save us ( thanks China ) from recession in the GFC !

Ok , Tax all the Miners EXCEPT the Oil and Gas guys .

Cheap Electricity is more important 2 me , than getting our books balanced ffs !

gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII's picture
gsco mkII Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 2:00pm

your superannuation and other ETFs etc you might own probably hold shares in these companies so you're likely getting something out of them

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 2:16pm

2 think that RIO escaped Scott Free for blowing up a Scared Site is just wrong !

They looked like Clowns on the World Financial Stage and Shareholders were outraged and SURE let management know .

The Chances of RIO making this type of mistake again are almost ZERO ( Heads Rolled ) .

They are nearly a $200b company .

Of course , any financial penalty is a glancing blow , but if fn hurt them and sure made them sit up , alright !!!

My super is not in Mining Companies but in an Udo friendly sector .

ALL Big Australian Superfunds and ALL ETF's of our Index , HAVE 2 own BHP ( same with CBA and CSL ) !

It's about 8-9% of our Index .

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024 at 2:29pm

Australian fossil fuel tax could raise $100bn in first year alone, Rod Sims and Ross Garnaut say
"A tax on fossil fuel production could help fund Australia’s transition to becoming a carbon-free energy giant, lower the cost of living and assist the world to cut greenhouse emissions, according to two veteran economists.

Ross Garnaut, a leading economist during the Hawke government, and Rod Sims, a former head of the competition watchdog, say a so-called carbon solution levy would raise $100bn in its first year alone if introduced in 2030-31 and set at Europe’s five-year average price of $90/tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Silhouette of a helicopter over an offshore oil rig at sunset
Woodside dramatically expands oil and gas exploration spend despite net zero pledge
Read more

This tax combined with other steps – including deploying the levy to subsidise as much as half the cost of new carbon-free iron, aluminium or fuel production plants – would allow Australia to exploit its abundant renewable energy resources to revive an increasingly moribund economy, they will say.
“The global transition to net zero is Australia’s opportunity,” Garnaut, the founder of the Superpower Institute, will say in a speech to the National Press Club on Wednesday. “We can use it to raise productivity and living standards after the decade of stagnation.”

Taking a cue from the Albanese government’s reworking of the legislated stage-three tax cuts, Garnaut will say shifting politics could prompt politicians to alter course and rework policies such as reintroducing a carbon price scrapped a decade ago by the Abbott government.

“We know that the constraints from the climate wars make the implementation of the [carbon levy] impossible,” he will say. But it “is not as impossible as living with our failure to play our full part in the global effort to stop the bushfires and cyclones and denudation of our beaches getting worse. It is not as impossible as being unable to pay for our ageing population, and unable to pay for our submarines.”
Sims, chair of the Superpower Institute, will tell the National Press Club that some of these ideas “may be rejected immediately”. Still, it is important to keep “tilling the soil” to nurture them, noting that past changes such as cutting import tariffs were initially very unpopular.

“Basic economics means you must price the damage that fossil carbon imposes on us all,” Sims will say. “Not to do so is to make it essentially impossible for green products to compete with currently cheaper fossil fuel products.”

Garnaut is also optimistic that “strong bipartisan support for good policy on energy and climate in all the states” will provide a foundation for a national shift. “The dysfunction is in the commonwealth parliament,” he will say.

“In the zero-carbon economy, Australia is the economically natural location to produce a substantial proportion of the products currently made with large carbon emissions in Northeast Asia and Europe,” he will say in his speech. “So not only are we looking after the prosperity of Australians, we’re making it more likely that the world will succeed in dealing with the problem of climate change.”

Garnaut will dismiss the view that imposing a levy on the finances of the fossil industry creates “sovereign risk” for the investments.
“Was it sovereign risk when the coal and gas industry and others funded the political campaigns that led to the abolition of carbon pricing?” Garnaut will say. “That was a huge change of arrangement that fundamentally changed the business prospects of a lot of investments made in expectation of legislated arrangements continuing.

“There’s been expectation of constraints on carbon dioxide emissions … for 23 years.

“Anyone who does not anticipate what is good or necessary policy coming in at some time hasn’t absorbed any of the reality around them.

“In the end political judgments will have to be made about whether restoration of rising income standards … and productivity growth and prosperity for the Australian people are more important than preserving the profitability of the oil and gas companies.”

Wednesday’s speech will also call on the federal government to revise its new capital investment scheme that would support 23 gigawatts of new solar and windfarms and 9GW of additional storage such as batteries.

The current auction proposal to lure investors by promising a minimum generation price could cost the budget heavily and “drift into central planning”, he will say. Instead, the commonwealth could underwrite 80% of the costs of a project and rake in 40% of the profits once the investor has got their money back."

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 9:01am


Must have been an academic as has NFI how the REAL world works !

Was listened 2 by Hawke and dismissed as a Dim Wit .

Name just 1 good thing , he has suggested and was implemented !!!

Even he has no idea what he is talking about with lures , incentives and innovation .

The Disfunction is in his brain .

A wrecking ball Economist , always was and still is .

Provided NO sensible solutions and is a reason why our Energy Policy now is a wreck !

A Tax or Carbon Trading System on CO2 lol .

A recipe for disaster and manipulation .

Just give the Market the OK to build some fn GAS projects and STOP all the BS debate FFS !

We don't have years to set up anything !

One statement from the PM today , can start a New Energy Plan , tomorrow .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 9:30am

A Fossil Fuel Tax will also raise our Electricity Costs !

My head spins just trying 2 imagine ANOTHER tax on FUEL !

It is probably already at 50% ffs .

Lets just ban Fuel ffs .

I think Electricity Prices should come down , as they are strangling our country and really holding us back .

Tax something else Ross and Rod , or even better , retire gracefully .

U2 had your chances to help , when U were in your prime .

We need some new ideas !!!

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 9:27am

Less income tax, increase taxes elsewhere. Don’t really care where.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 9:33am
Pop Down wrote:


Must have been an academic as has NFI how the REAL world works !

Was listened 2 by Hawke and dismissed as a Dim Wit .

Name just 1 good thing , he has suggested and was implemented !!!

Even he has no idea what he is talking about with lures , incentives and innovation .

The Disfunction is in his brain .

A wrecking ball Economist , always was and still is .

Provided NO sensible solutions and is a reason why our Energy Policy now is a wreck !

A Tax or Carbon Trading System on CO2 lol .

A recipe for disaster and manipulation .

Just give the Market the OK to build some fn GAS projects and STOP all the BS debate FFS !

We don't have years to set up anything !

One statement from the PM today , can start a New Energy Plan , tomorrow .

Hehehe, Knew you'd like that one big fella.
Put it up for your enjoyment yesterday so you took your time.
Nothing to say about Rod Sims the old ACCC head?
Thought he'd be on your radar too.
I'd never heard of the "Superpower Institute" Garnaut founded.
Sounds like they all sit around in capes wearing their undies on the outside.
Anyway on a personal note, our old mate Doug K in Currumbin rang me yesterday and had a good catch up and he mentioned you, said he checked your facebook and was impressed with the photos of you surfing, think he friended you and wants you to get back to him. He sounds good, funny how the years roll back and it's like the late 70's/early 80's again when you speak to guys from that era now. He's a pensioner now. Fuck we've got old. Bill S. visited me just after he called so it was like old boys day yesterday. Small caf days. I know you remember them. You were a fit good looking rooster back then, me too. I'm an old balding chook now, still swinging though. Some good waves recently. Gonna be up your way soon so might ring you.
Edit. Sorry, not supposed to be talking to you on here, I'll go now

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 10:02am

Pop space .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 10:00am

Adam 12

Seeing your piece gave me no enjoyment this morning , at all .

U poking bears again , last night ?

Brought back some bad memories and was an Opening Salvo and zeroed in on Ross and the Fuel Tax .

As Simms had a real job and was the Head of the ACCC , I don't have the time 2 worry about him 2 much , and will let my old resentments die .

Was also a Wyvern of the Year 2 , so respected at Queens College for his work .

san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 10:02am

"The rental property sector in Australia is not a net taxpayer. The deductions actually exceed the income. "