Australia - you're standing in it

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog started the topic in Friday, 18 Sep 2020 at 11:51am

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:39am He’s been untouchable for years, one of Pells mob .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:49am
Supafreak wrote: He’s been untouchable for years, one of Pells mob .

Isn't he the same bloke who liked to hang around public toilets in London?
Had to leave the teaching profession also for some curious reason... ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 8:07am
andy-mac wrote:
Supafreak wrote: He’s been untouchable for years, one of Pells mob .

Isn't he the same bloke who liked to hang around public toilets in London?
Had to leave the teaching profession also for some curious reason... ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌

McClymont, you'd think, would know exactly what she's up against so I expect she'd have her ducks in order: something more solid than anecdotes, and witnesses ready to testify.

If it happens that she's right it puts a certain journo mate of Jones in a dilly of a pickle. He once wrote a story in Stab that ended the career of a photographer accused of doing the very same thing as Jones.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 9:51am

"the law firm Mark O’Brien Legal said in a statement: ‘Our client denies ever having decently assaulted the persons referred to in your letter and your suggestion that he has is scandalous, grossly offensive and seriously defamatory of him.’ ”

Well I don't know about anybody else but my estimation of Jones has just been raised considerably.
I mean, you have to respect that kind of honesty.
Jones is clearly proud of his standards and he's fighting to defend them.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 2:07pm

Judges Decision on this after 4 PM today :
Mr Lehrmann’s barrister Steve Whybrow has told the Federal Court he wants to recall Ms Higgins to the witness box to cross examine her over her $2.3 million compensation payout.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 5:11pm

the judge said "a disparity between the evidence she gave in these proceedings and the truth of the matter"

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 5:21pm
Supafreak wrote: He’s been untouchable for years, one of Pells mob .

Absolute low life dog. And of little surprise.
Chop his nuts off.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 5:29pm

Sorry to contradict you udo and roadcunt but it didn’t happen as the respective lawyers agreed it was a minor matter that didn’t warrant further investigation and thanked by his honour for saving the court time … but carry on please keep digging yourselves deeper

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 6:36pm


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:35pm
GuySmiley wrote:

Sorry to contradict you udo and roadcunt but it didn’t happen as the respective lawyers agreed it was a minor matter that didn’t warrant further investigation and thanked by his honour for saving the court time … but carry on please keep digging yourselves deeper

Have you done your homework on Gaza borders yet, Guy? Looking forward to you correcting your false posts… being as you are a bastion of truth.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:37pm

I thought c*** was off limits on’s not a good look for visitors.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:40pm

I might do the honours and get the C-bomb off the front page. While I'm here, anyone else wonder why Roadkill is so hard-out about wanting to see a woman publicly shamed?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:46pm

Hiccups, do you want the truth to come out?

Taxpayer $ go to a payout…we all deserve the truth. And what’s in the public domain is fair game for discussion.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 9:08pm

Come on AJ , take it to court and let’s see what happens, defamation cases are the flavour of the month .

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 9:31pm
Supafreak wrote:

Come on AJ , take it to court and let’s see what happens, defamation cases are the flavour of the month .

I reckon the Jones boy will be caught with his pants down.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 9:39pm
Roadkill wrote:

I thought c*** was off limits on’s not a good look for visitors.

I take it you didn’t watch this excellent series then you humourless little cunt


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 9:45pm

So butthurt, Guy. Lmao. What a sook you are. Funny stuff.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 9:48pm

Someone send a whaaaaaaaambulance. Guy had has dumb intelligence exposed. It’s not my fault you have NFI about Gaza’s borders.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 10:21pm

Roadkill you forgot one border. You dill!!

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 7:36am
Roadkill wrote:

I thought c*** was off limits on’s not a good look for visitors.

Nah. Not if it's used in the right context.


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 9:43am

BREAKING: ''He Touched Us All,'' Said Tony Abbott Of His Dear Friend Alan Jones.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 10:09am

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 10:35am
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 10:54am

Who else here has collectively: used the word ‘dissing’, consistently posted nonsensical rants in support of the latest far right propaganda, whinged about being (rightfully) called out in, let’s say, colourful terms and posted paywalled links to the Australian?

Awww, @info either has a mini-me SN buddy or a second SN account!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 1:48pm
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:12pm
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

Don't really care who has been corrupt, just want to the truth coming out.
When the alleged incident occurred, it was the LNP in govt so I would likely assume it has their finger prints on it as well as AFP.
Is that the same Michaelia Cash who forgot she had a $1.4 million investment property?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:19pm
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

Don't really care who has been corrupt, just want to the truth coming out.
When the alleged incident occurred, it was the LNP in govt so I would likely assume it has their finger prints on it as well as AFP.
Is that the same Michaelia Cash who forgot she had a $1.4 million investment property?

Not bias at all. The hate shines through

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:23pm

The two things police asked Brittany Higgins NOT to do
Senior Constable Sarah Harman told the Federal Court on Friday that she asked Brittany Higgins for two things - her white cocktail dress, and not to delete any photos from that night.

Bruce Lehrmann's barrister suggested to the senior officer that she told Ms Higgins she wanted the dress from the evening of March 22, 2019, and for any photos of that night.

'Yes, that was part of the conversation,' she replied.

The court previously heard that Ms Higgins washed the dress and wore it after that conversation with police.

Ms Higgins' phone was seized by police during the investigation into Mr Lehrmann, but no photos were found.

And, she said she deleted photos.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:22pm
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

Don't really care who has been corrupt, just want to the truth coming out.
When the alleged incident occurred, it was the LNP in govt so I would likely assume it has their finger prints on it as well as AFP.
Is that the same Michaelia Cash who forgot she had a $1.4 million investment property?

Not bias at all. The hate shines through

Hate?? Deluded much mate?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:24pm
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

Don't really care who has been corrupt, just want to the truth coming out.
When the alleged incident occurred, it was the LNP in govt so I would likely assume it has their finger prints on it as well as AFP.
Is that the same Michaelia Cash who forgot she had a $1.4 million investment property?

Not bias at all. The hate shines through

Hate?? Deluded much mate?

Ok, you love the LNP.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:29pm
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

Don't really care who has been corrupt, just want to the truth coming out.
When the alleged incident occurred, it was the LNP in govt so I would likely assume it has their finger prints on it as well as AFP.
Is that the same Michaelia Cash who forgot she had a $1.4 million investment property?

Not bias at all. The hate shines through

Hate?? Deluded much mate?

Ok, you love the LNP.

Sorry did not realise I was communicating with a year 8 student. Yeah, don't really love or hate any political party.
But believe we should have a transparent public service and political class. Maybe I'm just being old fashioned.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 2:39pm
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the govt and those involved with this handle this now. Based off her evidence only seems pretty lax with taxpayer money.

Has the stench of LNP corruption and incompetence all over it.
Reckon it's a cover up all the way to PM's office.
Will be interesting to see how the Murdoch media make it out to be all Labor's fault. :)

Michaelia Cash has confirmed she was never asked for her version of events before the Albanese Government paid out $2.4 million to Brittany Higgins warning there are now “serious questions” about the compo deal.

as much as you hope it is LNP corruption and incompetence...looks like an own goal

Don't really care who has been corrupt, just want to the truth coming out.
When the alleged incident occurred, it was the LNP in govt so I would likely assume it has their finger prints on it as well as AFP.
Is that the same Michaelia Cash who forgot she had a $1.4 million investment property?

Not bias at all. The hate shines through

Hate?? Deluded much mate?

Ok, you love the LNP.

Sorry did not realise I was communicating with a year 8 student. Yeah, don't really love or hate any political party.
But believe we should have a transparent public service and political class. Maybe I'm just being old fashioned.

I suggest you look back over some of your previous posts...they don't even make it to year 8 level.
Loving the new mature, Andy. Keep it up

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 8 Dec 2023 at 6:40pm

Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates…a huge conflict of interest there. That just seems wrong in so many ways.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 7:41pm

What’s wrong wazza ? Not happy ?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 9:27pm


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 9:53pm

airbus toto?

things just get weirder by the day...

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 10:21pm

Really? Who give’s a shit!
Next you’ll be complaining about a turd he didn’t have time to snap off before boarding.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 11:26pm

I give a shit, that's why I posted it

and its nothing to do with his character and the out of touchness that it shows...

it's about the cover up, and all of those involved!

the dishonesty

if australia was a different country, maybe we would celebrate that a boy who grew up in social housing had made it to the top job and can now galavant around the world paris hilton style with his own little handbag accessory dog...

but we are not the phillipines

we are australia

we don't do wanker

we do equality

and albo has sold himself and capitalised on this very fact

...but it turns out, he does do wanker...

hence the massive cover up

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 11:29pm

Cover up of what? Has Toto cost the taxpayer much? At all?
Massive cover up? Haha
You do wanker real good!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 11:45pm

shit me... totogate? man, I know we live in a lucky country, but if that is considered a thing...?
(anyone in melbs, quicksand tomorrow night, they are killing it at the cranker!)

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 7:19am

‘ … we do equality …’

Well, it was bound to happen, he’s gone and lost his marbles, smugly confusing the myth and reality.

We haven’t done equity for decades Sippy, us Australians do ‘aspiration’.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 8:40am

Smiley - We DO think Equality imho !!!

We believe we ALL are equal .

We try and Set Rules so this has a great chance of actually happening .

We do it as well as ANY country I know .

Give US a break .

We don't like Wankers , Selfie snappers , smart arses , and especially people who make a mistake and the TRY to cover it up .

We do aspiration very well to .

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 9:02am

My bad head hurts this morning:(

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 9:07am


Well don't go surfing with an aspiration to catch ALL the waves :)

I am sure U make sure , everyone is Equal in the water .

monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 12:27pm
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 3:12pm
sypkan wrote:

I give a shit, that's why I posted it

and its nothing to do with his character and the out of touchness that it shows...

it's about the cover up, and all of those involved!

the dishonesty

if australia was a different country, maybe we would celebrate that a boy who grew up in social housing had made it to the top job and can now galavant around the world paris hilton style with his own little handbag accessory dog...

but we are not the phillipines

we are australia

we don't do wanker

we do equality

and albo has sold himself and capitalised on this very fact

...but it turns out, he does do wanker...

hence the massive cover up

actually we do both yob and wanker:

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 3:19pm

Ha nice VJ, that was a blast from the past.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 3:36pm

Classic VJ.

There you go MB, another rat jumping a sinking ship.

monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Sunday, 10 Dec 2023 at 3:57pm
zenagain wrote:

Classic VJ.

There you go MB, another rat jumping a sinking ship.

What a legacy.....not one I'd be proud of. Same sentiment toward Dan. Leaders dont quit.

Waiting for the "vaccine injury conspiracies" to start.....