The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 at 2:43pm
Supafreak wrote:
AndyM wrote:

No one can seriously say that the Republicans are looking after the working class.

This seems to be spuds new angle also , LNP the working man’s party and spud see’s himself as a man of the people. Labor’s far from perfect but what’s the alternative ? If you have a parliament full of independents, then who leads them ?

I think there's definitely a political opening there, the strugglers in the mortgage belt are ripe to be manipulated and bullshitted.
I don't think we're ever going to have a parliament full of independents but the more checks we can have on the two majors the better.
I'd rather have a weird awkward coalition than continue to get blatantly fucked over like we are at the moment.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 at 8:52pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
flollo wrote:

Initially, I didn’t have high opinions of Biden but he first impressed me with his Putin response. He was saying that Putin will attack for weeks before it occurred and many ignored him. Well, he was right. And it is due to his overwhelming support that Ukraine war is based in few eastern provinces rather than on NATO borders.

Also, his prompt response to the Gaza conflict was very good. Instantly mobilising two aircraft carriers to the region was a great, decisive decision. It keeps others in check and hopefully prevents wider scale conflicts.

Many will see this as imperialistic moves but I personally don’t. They are strategic moves to prevent out of control, large scale conflicts. It keeps the combats localised rather than wide spread. It can be dirty work but someone has to do it. I really can’t see that fool Trump in this role. I hope he doesn’t get in.

I agree Biden seems like he isn't there a bumbling old man, but i cant fault how he has handled the Gaza incident , every action and word he said was spot on and going to Israel too.

But i expect he is really just being told what to do and say by a whole heap of advisors, but still, the worry is Trump wouldn't listen to those advisors.

...that's because he is a bumbling old man...

and, its pretty obvious he's being told what to do and say... geez, the bumbling old fool even lets it out of the bag from time to time...

the big guessing game is who is actually calling the shots?

with the rumour being obama is is still the big boss, and that's why he is still living in washington

so when you say 'they' have handled gaza well... I don't totally disagree, however, one has to consider how much 'they' fucked up to put the world in this position in the first place?

ie. obama backing iran, trump winding back iran, ...only for biden to rush right back there again...

and, the abraham accords...

(which I've got to be honest, terrified me at the time - but seemed to actually turn out ok...)

one thing that was pretty clear when trump got in, was widespread islamic terrorism, which was pretty prevelant at the time - like really really so... seemed to stop almost overnight...

now look where we are...

the same can be said re. russia...

I don't intend to give trump too much credit... but just prior to his election, I remember a quote from australian counter-terrorism expert david kilcullen who was asked about trump's possible election, it went something like this...

'...well to be honest, they have stuffed up pretty much everything, and it is hard to see how trump could possibly do any worse...'

(that kind of talk was unheard of at that time)

my point is more about 'they' than trump...

and I really have no desire for trump's return

but geez, you have got to wonder...

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 at 10:30pm

Biden competent?

Not sure whether the husbands, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers of 500,000 + dead Ukrainians would agree that Biden / US did a good job given most of these have died n a futile attempt to retake the eastern oblasts with strong encouragement from the US and NATO after they told Zelenski not to sign the March 2022 treaty.

Russia could never have taken over the whole of the Ukraine with their 2022 force of 190,000 nor threatened western Europe. That was fear mongering to rally the billions of $$$$s and equipment from NATO.

Putin's plan was most likely to secure the Russian speaking east and hopefully head off the Ukraine's move to join NATO and possibly to replace the goverment Things got messy but a peace treaty in March almost achieved two of the above before US told Z not to sign but to fight. We got your back.....

The US thought:
- that heavy sanctions would lead a rapid collapse of Russia - wrong
- Russia was weak, poorly equipped, poorly led and incompetent and easily defeated - wrong
- Superior NATO standard equipment, training and tactics would easily defeat Russia - wrong
- Russians would not rally behind Putin and they could work internally to create some form of coup or colour revolution - wrong.

Some huge miscalculations.

Gaza ain't going well for US credibility in the wider world and its diplomatic efforts have been tokenism and sort of shunned by the Arab nations. Blinken is not taken very seriously. Biden hugged Netanyahu and flew home. Moving a few aircraft carriers is not that hard. The hard parts are very hard and yet to come.

Biden and his team have proven incompetent where it counts - in the real world - at home and abroad.

He is deeply unpopular at home and derided around the world.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 at 10:48pm



...frogman is right...

'they' are fucking hopeless...

putting out fires rather than 'managing' anything

one really needs to wonder if there is any cohesive plan at all

for anything...

this dude makes a good point

the age pyramid is a disaster

no 'sustainability' for the current 'stategy' in those numbers...

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 at 10:56pm

Simpleton time
Not a enough fighting age?

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 at 11:44pm

Average age of Ukraine soldiers is now 45. The young ones are dead or incapacitated.

Heaps of old greybeards well over 50. Not that fit, not that well trained. Many last about 4 hours on the frontline. Sent out day after day against deep carefully structured defences and minefields and well placed artillery. The map of the frontline has barely changed in 6 months despite 500,000 lives being thrown into the minefields and at trenches trying to make breakthroughs WWI style. But with drones watching and targetting everything so there is no element of surprise and sense of safety anywhere.

Many surrendering and being treated well by Russians - so the word filters back that there is food and safety. Leaflets dropped with a number to call etc.

Some discussions of going deeply into the younger teens next to find some more "heroes".

A tragedy that could have been stopped before it started or, if not then, in March 2022.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 12:26am
frog wrote:

Biden competent?

In comparison with Trump I would say yes. There are only 2 options - Trump or Biden. I believe there are many who are better than both of them but sadly, that is not an available choice.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 12:42am
sypkan wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
flollo wrote:

Initially, I didn’t have high opinions of Biden but he first impressed me with his Putin response. He was saying that Putin will attack for weeks before it occurred and many ignored him. Well, he was right. And it is due to his overwhelming support that Ukraine war is based in few eastern provinces rather than on NATO borders.

Also, his prompt response to the Gaza conflict was very good. Instantly mobilising two aircraft carriers to the region was a great, decisive decision. It keeps others in check and hopefully prevents wider scale conflicts.

Many will see this as imperialistic moves but I personally don’t. They are strategic moves to prevent out of control, large scale conflicts. It keeps the combats localised rather than wide spread. It can be dirty work but someone has to do it. I really can’t see that fool Trump in this role. I hope he doesn’t get in.

I agree Biden seems like he isn't there a bumbling old man, but i cant fault how he has handled the Gaza incident , every action and word he said was spot on and going to Israel too.

But i expect he is really just being told what to do and say by a whole heap of advisors, but still, the worry is Trump wouldn't listen to those advisors.

...that's because he is a bumbling old man...

and, its pretty obvious he's being told what to do and say... geez, the bumbling old fool even lets it out of the bag from time to time...

the big guessing game is who is actually calling the shots?

with the rumour being obama is is still the big boss, and that's why he is still living in washington

so when you say 'they' have handled gaza well... I don't totally disagree, however, one has to consider how much 'they' fucked up to put the world in this position in the first place?

ie. obama backing iran, trump winding back iran, ...only for biden to rush right back there again...

and, the abraham accords...

(which I've got to be honest, terrified me at the time - but seemed to actually turn out ok...)

one thing that was pretty clear when trump got in, was widespread islamic terrorism, which was pretty prevelant at the time - like really really so... seemed to stop almost overnight...

now look where we are...

the same can be said re. russia...

I don't intend to give trump too much credit... but just prior to his election, I remember a quote from australian counter-terrorism expert david kilcullen who was asked about trump's possible election, it went something like this...

'...well to be honest, they have stuffed up pretty much everything, and it is hard to see how trump could possibly do any worse...'

(that kind of talk was unheard of at that time)

my point is more about 'they' than trump...

and I really have no desire for trump's return

but geez, you have got to wonder...

Trump proved that he is trigger happy when he assassinated Soleimani. The fact is (regardless of what we think about Soleimani), he assassinated a top ranking official of a foreign country in another country and in a very public space.

If someone did this to the US we would be in world war 3.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 8:04am


frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 1:32pm

The US version of good economic policy or (any policy it seems) - gaslight the people:

“Democrats can’t just hammer people over the head with an insistence that the economy is great,” said Green

"Voters blame the administration for the sharp rise in basic expenses like groceries, gas and housing, and they remain fixated on the cost of living even as inflation has moderated."

Inflation moderating does not mean prices fall.

Damn that thing called reality!

Same with "Ukraine is winning" ....

Ukrainian soldier "The Russians are superior in every way" - not quite weak and poorly equipped and led as the NATO / US office based advisers told them to motivate them to sacrifice 500,000+

Credibility just drips away into the dust.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 9:45pm

1976 Carter Govt ~ Jews trial block secured a 10 seat slab of US Power.
Very close to holding power...

1996 Clinton Govt ~ Jews secure senate & lock in US control (Forever)
Jews only need maintain 10/100 seats to own & rule US as a State of Israel.
10 car yard salesmen steal candy from a baby...Toying with pissweak US democracy.
Jews rotate US control like clockwork...last 25 years Israel own US.

2000 Bush Govt ~ Jews secure House of Reps & lock in US control (Forever)
Jews only need 25-40seats & strangely know when to up their Quota.
Exampling :
Smallest election wins results in Jews easily bossing both Parties.
Largest election wins results in more Jews to somehow still control of both parties.

Jewish Pollies create New Israel State then Head up all US Justice from top down to appeals
CEO American Jewish Committee...Total ownership of Free World HQ in just 20 short years!
US voted for many is irrelevant...could be 1 vote or 30 the fact that they did is all that matters!

US weakness lies in their nostalgic Elephant (vs) Donkey Clown Show!
Any Religion of 1%- 3% pop can run rings around them to secure 5%-10% Power block to own US.
All it takes is a Quality Colour Printout of yer Ai Prom photo...all will vote for that!
Jews were first to capitalize on this Massive Power Vacuum loophole
Since 2000 Jews have controlled USA for the cost of a handful of Dodgy Car yard stickers!

Aint nothin' Dumbarse Christians can do to claim back USA from their beloved Holy Land!
tbb explained if US could run breakaway Gun Lobby / Green Parties / Chix parties...
This would break up the middle Gap > resulting in Jews needing to up their Quota.

As it stands US is Israel's bitch forever & ever...aint nothin' they gonna do 'bout it!
Just sayin' if ya see US forever doin' Israel's bidding...ya know's as plain as day...they rolled over!
US is now forever known as a bastardized Rogue State of Israel...Kill Kill Kill is their business model!

Before ya laugh & say that sorta shit can't happen here...
Oz elected Jews / Muslims hold sway over current Mid East crisis.
Albo has no choice than be governed by Foreign religious balance of power extorting our Sovereignty.
Exact same thing as minority Religious power of 0.4% pop is running our Govt.
How! Ask Albo...don't do as his Jewish Lawmaker/s say... (Yes! #1 Lawmakers!) They'll cross the floor.

As ya can see...this is the easiest laziest world wide take over model power grab...
Mini Bus + a handful of Glossy stickers and a Trendy sandwich board to own the freeworld.

Here's a few Israel news clippings...that very much recognize wot Aussies fail to notice!
Can share that Israel does not miss a is us that are asleep to the World!

{ Record Number of Jews Elected }

{ 5 Jewish Lawmakers elected to Australian Parliament }

See how Israel > skips over the Representative Honour > The emphasis is on Law Makers.
Same as US model...
Exploit the lack of any foreign Religious Quota > Extort Govt to redraft Israel compliant Power Base.
Then race to lock in Jewish Power base into Law across the land!
Only takes a few Pollies & jobs done...Lock Oz in as Jew slaves within 10-20 years so easy...
Again...Aussies queued to vote to be loyal citizens of Israel...Are Aussies really that stupid...seems so!

As tbb is saying...Minor radical foreign Religious Party bosses Oz Govt & it's not even a registered Party!
Israel's Commander in Chief Dutto rubber stamps their new Holy Land.
All the US/Oz people gotta do is stand in a Queue & Vote 1 Israel to hand over their Soverienty!
Pretty sure Aussies are just as stupid as yanks & will Vote for that without a second thought...All Over!
That's Oz Hodads greatest gift to Gromz...not if but when...

When! That'll be very soon for our Grom Troops to man up...but as with US it won't be on yer telly!

views from the cockpit's picture
views from the cockpit's picture
views from the ... Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 9:56pm

Very perceptive about the all pervasive.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 16 Nov 2023 at 10:34pm


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 3:33am

views from the has a special gift...thanx by the way...
tbb was bamboozled on how you dissected all of that into a hip phrase.
Man...we bipolar sufferers simply drool over insightful a Beatnik poem that is.

Being honest here...tbb had to check out yer meaning behind that & it blew my tiny mind.
Yes! Yes! & Hell do you get that better than tbb does!

This rude awakening of the Jew's own unwelcome influential effect as they unleash untold powers!
Like So sorry...we're trying really hard not to be evil...please forgive's just know! (Luv it!)

Yes! Exactly that...they never saw that when ya dust yer fav' cone...just drooling...Oh man!
Give it to me...gotta have it now! Super Powers kick in & yer flying around the this for real! Yep!

It's just astounding at how innocent & full proof this stealth-like invasion plays out like an evil fairytale.
Almost like if a tree falls in the forest does any one hear....then awaken to a barren landscape! Bummer!

There are several layers to this stealth takeover...
tbb has given thought to lead up provocation > War on Terror > Bush emergency defence Contracts...
It seems Jews may have originally simply planned to stack then direct US policy against their enemies.
Basically just a one off stacking job to ink 10 year defence buy a stop gap!

Reason tbb thinks such...
Is the astounding fact that Trump was re-rubber stamping Bush Defence contracts...10 years on.
tbb was reading just how many Big Deals can be re stamped during "Emergency or as Interim Prez"

Thinking the idea was to Stamp Contracts then revisit or Maintain rage through balance of Senate.
Back to original play was on Reps...but they saw it more easy & beneficial to stack the Senate > Laws...
tbb checked & here's how it went down...
1998 The Jews first easily stacked Clinton's Senate to lock in Contractual Law Balance of Power.
Like that's their God given right & none would question that as suss...everything else in the world..Yes!
2000 The Jews then pooled & hit the Hustings to ramp as many rep seats & did this so easily...
Bush wins > The Dem Jews simply feed fellow Republican Jews their Shopping list.
See! It don't matter which Jew drafts bill as Jews pass it > Up to Jew's Stamp Shop...LAW!
It's just another day in politics...every day the same with usual horse trading but Jews win each time!

It became all too easy to simply pool Rep votes to run a pro Israeli agenda then auto stamp it...Yawn!
tbb tuned into their wavelength & thinks it was just a War on Terror Mash up that opened the Vault!

Once it opened the Vault...These Elected Jews couldn't believe they just click their fingers...that easy!
Like what's the catch...can't be evil even if we need to hide docs secret handshakes...
Just rock up each day & keep signing US over to the Holy Land with full backing of both parties!

Both Parties only know survival, so only know they gotta give 'Middle' wot they want to secure power.
Middle can be Headless's just a boring day in day out numbers game...All Say Aye! [Gavel]
Only each party never sees that one day they wake up & all the power lies in the hands of Israel...WTF!
They look at each other & shrug shoulders but only know they can't upset the "Middle" Say Nothing!
Anyone who does is....OMG...One of those...Antisemitic! End of their career! Easier to nod for yer supa!

Neither organic, clever nor sinister it was just a one off War on Terror power raid that hit pay dirt.
Reckon the Jews fell off their that's it...We are now the Kings of USA...OMG!

That's the trick why none see the obvious as it plays out...
tbb can only see this in retrospect thru online timelines...none had access to this data in 2000.
Now we got 20 years back catalogue + Wiki "Jew" Lists to mix & match...
Yes tbb was boring enough to tally & timeline to each election to share the back story power grab.

Perhaps seemingly perceptive from tbb just checking on immediate Jewish Voting powers...
Thought...why not chart this & see just when it starts & if it's locked in...that's what tbb shares.

Perception in backpedaling against what we all know & believe to be true...Money buys power!
(Double sided Coin)
Perception as in organic pure commonsense logic...nothing is hidden as there is nothing to hide!

All crew can clearly examine every detail and tick off everything they never dreamed possible!
The weakest link is as wide as a canyon for any make of weirdos to freely run the World or end it!
Yet even after we all see it...we laugh it off as being a fairytale...Nope! Can't be that stupidly simple?

Like You me the whole world goes back to blaming each other or some X man...but wot if?
Hollywood just signed rights to burn then bin tbb's most boring ever White House Diary!
Hollywood Ai Writers go on strike ... [Boo! This Boring Human is taking our Jobs!]
Sorry sounds too nice...can't sell the movie rights...and...and... 'Ok! Alright already...tbb Apologizes!'

san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 7:51am
frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 8:33am

Blinken: He aint heavy, he's my President...

Blinken's face says it all in the close up in the tweet - totally squirming as Joe blunders again and Blinken thinks back to the long "soften him up" ear bashings on US policy mistakes he had by minor Chinese officials, no toilet breaks in 8 hour meetings and smelly crows feet Xi fed him on his last China visit. More to come he thinks. Pack absorbant pull up pants next time?

Anyone who has seen ageing cognitive decline close up knows that every year is just a step down the ladder into the basement. That Biden and the Democrats can pretend that another term is good for the country shows they care not.

Somehow he won't be POTUS in 2025. Plan B?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 10:15am


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 12:16pm

Kicker for Frog...{ Tracking China's Control of Overseas Ports }
Crew can set anchor in any Port & plot their fav' End of World scenario.
Just dial in yer diabolical Dr No evil plans...Ai computa [Yes] [Please] Don't trust them!

Click [Filter]
eg : Port of Melbourne
[YES] Potential for Chinese Naval Port
[YES] Physical Potential....
[YES] Agenda for Naval Use
[Yeah/Nah/Maybe] Belt / Road
[YES] Joint Venture
[YES] Lease

(Just click on each Port)
[YES] Map
[50yrs] Lease
[$6b] Investment
[2016] Construction Start

Essential New World Order Stinky Click Bait Pack...Salute shit hot Junk Trafficker ZZL.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 3:29pm
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 4:03pm



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 17 Nov 2023 at 6:05pm

… a tribute to sleepy joe ;)



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 18 Nov 2023 at 10:02am

… obey your master ;);)
- and make america lift again ;)



basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 18 Nov 2023 at 11:38am
wax24 wrote:

Tomales Bay is where i get in any paddle exercise i might've talked myself into, so am there year round. Pt Reyes is a year round fave, too. In the winter, i'll go to Tahoe and avail myself of a sister's getaway cabin or hit up the Yosemite high country. For coastal, i'll head north more frequently.... up towards the Lost Coast. I am always excited for winter this time of year.... and just as excited when it goes away, lol.

You're a lucky man, @wax24. Beautiful. The clip below illustrates how highly Yosemite rates as an undisputed great American thing. (the writer of this show, Aaron Sorkin is a centre-right guy, and the Jeff Daniels character is an old-school conservative, for context).

In terms of the post-everything world we live in, we are rooting for our US mates, and we have similar struggles ourselves. the US has been such a long-time friend, and as a newer global citizen, we have learned many lessons from US, (Aus Conservatives spearheading a bi-partisan gun-amnesty buy-back being one). Hope you get some good Tahoe/Lost Coast time mate.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 18 Nov 2023 at 3:15pm

- commander in thief ;)

‘… a step down the ladder into the basement. ‘ ;);)


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 22 Nov 2023 at 11:15pm

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 28 Nov 2023 at 8:08pm


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 3 Dec 2023 at 12:58am

no hope...

and some long suppressed truths

(good to see some democrats now dealing in reality... belatedly...)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 3 Dec 2023 at 12:56am


some hope...

and some long suppressed truths

(good to see some democrats now dealing in reality... belatedly...)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 3 Dec 2023 at 1:12am


never heard oft his dude before, but it is nice to see a democrat not lying through their teeth...

a good assesment of the middle east too, and biden's war machine... (19 min)

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 6:59am

Texas, The Daily Wire, & The Federalist Sue US State Dept For Conspiring With Newsguard To Censor American Media Companies

The goal? Starve news outlets of ad revenue who don't toe the "official" narrative.

The truth and free speech is very important except when they don't like it - which seems to be increasingly the case in the US.

"Critics note that such ratings are entirely subjective – the New York Times, for example, which repeatedly carried false and partisan information from anonymous sources during the Russiagate hoax, gets a 100% rating."

Truth and critical analysis are the guard rails that keep government somewhat functional and in the interests of the people.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 12:39pm

Hunter Biden has decided to take on Elon Musk .

"Elon Musk doesn’t care about the goddamn First Amendment.. all of this idea that he is a champion for the First Amendment and blah blah," he said.

To which Musk replied on X: "Exactly what "misinformation" is he talking about? The dude made so many videos of himself doing crime that he should get an award for cinematography!"

LOL - and I thought I might have not enough entertainment when retired .

This will be .

edit - Maybe Elon will fight Hunter in the Octagon as well ?

I still want Musk and Zucker as the Main Bout .

Guessing Musk ( if he gets his shoulder right ) will agree to take them BOTH on , on the same night .

He won't work up a sweat taking care of Hunter lol .( he looks so piss weak imho )

edit - Hunter's family has dog's that protect them . They bite anyone who gets near them , even the Presidents security team , for some strange reason haha.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 at 2:58pm

… freedumb ;);)


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 11:27pm

House moves to Impeach Biden .

Have read on a site I rate highly that Republicans now have 35000 pages of the Bidens' personal financial records , 36 hours of witness interviews and 2000 pages of records from the Treasury Dept .

If this is right ( the site usually is ) , Biden will Never be impeached .

It will take Republicans too long to consider the evidence :)

Hunter , I read , often gets downgraded on his travel , surprisingly imho .

Apparently , he is sometimes , shoved onto Air Force 2 .

400 times , since dad was in office , Flight Records show .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 16 Dec 2023 at 8:56am

"A former top FBI official who led the agency's New York counterintelligence division, and played a key role in the Trump-Russia collusion probe, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for colluding with Russia ." - Zerohedge .

In the US atm , interesting stuff is being revealed .

Not surprising , interesting !

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 12:52pm


this looks like a suitable place to put this...

(still rattling on about 'conspiracy theories' ... geez, these people have zero self awareness or shame...)

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 1:17pm

I do find this interesting Sypkan. You are obviously disillusioned about your political or social tendency. Or maybe just the Labor Party. Do you think you’ll vote Liberal soon? Do you hope for a restoration of the Labor principles? Or other? Sad that some people mentioned in the article are considered to have changed for personal benefit. But isn’t that the ethos of the conservative right? I’d rather live in a state of quandary than capitulate.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 1:51pm
sypkan wrote:


this looks like a suitable place to put this...

(still rattling on about 'conspiracy theories' ... geez, these people have zero self awareness or shame...)

This is a poor article but there are some truths to it. The reason for this is clear, the left in the US got completely derailed from its core function - protection of common people from greedy corporate interests. They got so occupied with social changes that true economic issues often fell off the radar. Corporations (and military) are doing whatever they want and it's quite often supported by these so-called progressives. It's no wonder that they're losing people in the process.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 2:14pm

seeds, I will never ever ever vote liberal, that would be against my self interest and everythimg I believe in...

whilst I appreciate indod's contributions on here, I think he's being taken for ride by the liberal machine

I will probably never ever ever ever vote labor again either...

they are broken beyomd repair.... aside from the occasional glimmer of hope and lip service from the likes of jim chalmers and sally mcmanus... on every opportunity in their present term, they have proven themselves to be disappointing and just as bought as the lnp... (see vj's mw link in house prices)

as to self interest... the propaganda piece from nyt conveniently overlooks the fact russell brandt was asking big questions about big pharma, covid, and the democrat's outrageous behaviour and hypocrisy regarding donald trump 12-24 months BEFORE his current troubles and supposed self interest...

hence his current troubles?

and matt taibbi, that 'journalist' has got nothing on him ...NOTHING... in every sense of the term...

taibbi's only self interest would be in parrotting the same propaganda that that journalist continues to so

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 2:23pm

yep flollo

only an interesting article due to its shamelessness and general cluelessness...

can they really be that clueless?

its hard to believe, hence my call on propaganda

and yes to their loss of core values... and ironically off the charts... identity...

the death blow was obama buying wall street in 2008... ever since then they have been clearly compromised and reduced to a one trick pony

its not just me that makes these observations ...many crew of the old left have been spelling it out for years... decades even...

but the blind faith crew get all butt hurt and take it personal...

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 2:37pm

Thanks for the reply. It’s getting harder and harder to vote Labor. The other options are deplorable. Quandary! Some slight relief in my local shire we and I go local and independent. Majority. I hope with some sway in QLD politics.
We’re very politically aligned believe it or not.
As for that other stuff. Do you really believe that it’s a stitch up? Russell Brand is a letch, no doubt. Ego! Fuck he makes my skin crawl when he smarmily smiles. His political bent is secondary.
I don’t follow celebrity political comment.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 2:45pm

I heard someone say that the poor are living in anarcho-capitalism while the rich enjoy life in enlightened socialism. Although that is a generalisation it describes the sentiment. It is this connection between the left and rich capitalists (especially in the tech industry) that is pushing people away. And of course, the never-ending list of social issues one needs to declare a position on to be part of the gang.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 2:52pm

well i think there's some great options out there...

way better than labor anyway!

(not hard...)

re. russell, i couldn't stand him as a comedian, but i believe his recent political commentary is spot on, and as he declares... just because you're willing to ask questions about the glaringly obvious... doesn't mean you support trump!

re. a stitch up, the dude is a self admitted drug and sex addict...

surrounded by groupies... I've no doubt there's some form of 'there' there... if you look hard enough...

how many rockstars and celebrities wouldn't have... in the grey areas of celebrity, groupy, and ever changing rules regarding 'consent'?

the dude was also the darling of the left...

once, way back when he conformed to 'right' form of groupthink...

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 3:05pm

Will those options ever be effective? Ever? In the two party system.
I really haven’t watched Russell’s anything. Has he really gone right wing? Or is he in a quandary and has the platform? Is he just questioning the status quo? Either way ego is gunna get him. Woke world or not if you’re up to no good it’ll bite you in the arse these days

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 3:13pm

Garners an impressive income no doubt. Nothing I could do. I’ve well and truly missed that boat.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 4:05pm

"Has he really gone right wing?"


what the fuck does that even mean anymore?

'far right' used to mean white supremacist nazi...

now its anyone who doesn't conform

fuck, it even gets thrown around on here

the dude leads a simple life, believes in enviromental concerns, seems to believe in respect and live and let live...

is a vegan, riles at the ills of capitalism, war, big pharma, and excesses of power

dude's a fucken newage hippie...

yeh, he's 'right wing'!

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 4:03pm

You forgot a C bomb. That’s when I started liking you.
I’m as confused as you. Right wing left wing.
He’s basically a much more influential Pete Evans. Pete does crazy. Russell does smarmy twat. Both odious individuals. Who can you vote for when this is all you’re presented with.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 4:09pm

nah, pete evans is a wanker

brandt's a good cunt

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 4:08pm

but a bit smarmy twat too

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023 at 4:21pm

Russell may well be a touch smarter for sure. None the less let’s agree I’d much rather punch Russell’s teeth down his throat.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 7:36am

The big switch for many commentators was all the covid overreach and narrative control. It all became too obvious that we were being told lies and that up to date facts that should have shifted policy much faster than what occurred were considered too dangerous to the official narrative to discuss.

Even mainstream local ABC journo Leigh Sales had a recently revealed secret epiphany during covid and found she could no longer ask the breathless sycophantic questions to Lockdown Dan on the latest panic over 1 new case in Bendigo that the press gallery group think produced as the standard daily fare. Nor could she stand the coffee chat at her own workplace with her young naïve activist colleagues pushing their latest agenda on the public as an alternative new age journalism.

I am sure the NYT could find some reason to demonise Leigh as shifting to the far right if it mattered to them.

Note that all the covid Premiers have left office. Deep down they know they went too far and the worm of guilt eats away at their sense of self and they dread attending functions and potentially getting bailed up over coffee by some someone who suffered harm (often major financial, mental health, health, education, career, family etc.) through lockdown policies.